96-129�L � � P f P. F I f City of St. Paul Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of liearing Thereon of Damages 9�-/Z9 3a In t � - � � \ � VOTING �mmencing at t6e intersection of the center lines of Wabasha and Fourth �'�D Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the City of St Pau1, Ramsey County, 2 Mianesota, said intersection more specifically desrnbed u being the following point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System u published by the Ramsey County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division, 5na1 adjustment December 17, 1991, bued upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.9�3 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021 feet); ttence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds Eact (all bearings herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along tLe center line of said WabazLa Street, 351,44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate = 575203314 feet); ttence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0.49 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be described; theace South 34 degees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence Soutb 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating. under Administcative Order Preliminary Final Order F:r.� 95-726 95-1013 approved xx 5, 1995 approved August 23, 1995 The Director of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking oY the land or easements therein appropriated for the abQVe improvemeqt and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to pcopexty from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Flnance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the Z$th day of February, 1996 at 3:30 P.M. ,�g�p� and that the Director of Finapce be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescrfbed by the Charter. PI�Rneuen COUNCILMEN Ye�/ Nays B1� key I�ostrom � erin �rris �� ard �Rettman �ne FE� 171gg6 Adopted by the Council: Date �� � t� �� � Cei6fied Passed by Counpil Secietary � In Favor By - � 'v a Against Mayox _ �� � t Z�1 Acquiring a permanent bridge easement over that part of Government I.ou i and 2, Section 6, Townslrip 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, desrnbed as follows: That portion of Water Street lying nonh of the southerly proposed retaining wall to support the elevated approach tracks, and extending from a line drawn from the southeasteriy corner of Block Thirty-nine (39) in St Paul Proper, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and at rigLt angles to ihe southerly line of said block, to the center of Wabasha Street; A�e southerly line of said retaining wall being more pazticulazly descnbed as follows: Beginaing at a point on a ]ine drawn at right angles to tl�e soutSer]y line of B3ock thirty-nine (39) in said St Paul Proper, and forty-five and fourteen hundredths (45.14) feet souther7y from the soutt�eastezly comer of said block; tfience continuing said line wluch bears Soutli twenty-nine (29) degrees and fifty (50) minutes Fast, thirty and sixty-eight bundredths (30.68) feet; thence South fifty-seven degrees and hvo minutes West, three hundred nineteen and sixty-eigl�t hundredtiss (319.68) feet; thence North thirty-two (32) degrees and fifty-eigJ�t (58) minutes West, twelve and ninety-5ve hundredfhs (12.95) feet; thence South fifiy-seven (57) degrees and two (2) minutes West, eighty-six and ninety-eight bundredtbs (86.98) feet; thence on a cuxve to the right with a radius of three thousand four bundred tluee and six tenths (3403.6) feet and tangent to tbe lazt memioned course eight hundred fifiy-nine and eighty-nine hundredths (859.89) feet; thence South seventy-one (71) degees and thirty-one (31) minutes West, hvo hundred fifty-five and eighteen hundredths (255.18) feet, which line passes north of and fouz and fifty-eight hundredths (4S8} feet from tLe center of tte easterly pedestal of tLe Wabuha Sueet bridge pier standing neaz tLe river ban15 thence on a ca�xve w the lefr with a radius of five thousand seven hundred nineteen and sixty-five hundredths (5719.65) feet and tangent to the last mentioned course rivelve and five-tenths (125) feet to an intersection with the center line of Wabasha Street excepting iLezefrom the following descn'bed Exception 1: Fx ri n All that part of Lou 1 tivough 6, indusive, Block 36 and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 37, of the GSty of St Paul and of vacated Cedaz Sueet and Water Street adjacent to said Blocks that is encompassed by a]ine desrn'bed as follows: Beginning at tbe Southwesterly comer of said Block 36; tbence Nortb 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along the Westeriy line of said Block 36, for 69.71 feet to a point tl�at is 40.0 feet Souflieasterly of the Northwest mrner of said Block 36; theace North 38 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds East for 23.09 feet to a point that is 25.07 fset Soutberly of the Northerly line of Block 36, when measured at right angles to said Northerly ]ine of Block 36; tbence North 72 degrees 57 minutes 57 seconds East, parallel to the Northerly line of Block 36, for 150.85 feet; tbence North 64 degrees 30 minutes 18 �Co - Cz� seconds Eut for 16212 feet to ' � eatension of tbe Northwesterly line of Block 37; thence North 60 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds East, along said exten4on and said Northwesterly line, for 186.96 feet to a point that is 17.60 feet Northeasterly of the Nortberly comer of said Lot 2, Block 37; thence South 29 degrees 46 minutes 04 seconds East for 10535 feet to a point tl�at is l0A feet, wben measured at right angles, from the centerline of the Clvcago and North Westem Transportation Company Track ICC No. 3; thence South 60 degrees 18 minutes West, pazallel to said track, for 10333 feet; thence to the right on a curve tt�at has a radius of 771.84 feet for 5.25 feet to a point on tLe Southwesterly line of Block 37 tt�at is 6.52 feet Northwesterly of the Southerly comer of said Block 37; thence continuing Southwesterly on said curne for 9352 feet to a point on 2Le Easterly line of Block 36 that is 4.12 feet Nortt�westerly of thhe Southerly comer of Block 36; thence continuing Southwesterly on said curve for 48.73 feet to the end of said curve; tbence South 71 degees 15 minutes West, on tangent to said curve, for 1.37 feet to a point on the Westeriy line of Lot 6, Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Northerly of the Southwest comer of said Lot 6; tLence continuing South 71 degees 15 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Lot 5 that is 13.47 feet Easterly of tLe Southwest comer, tLence contiauing South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 229.47 feet to the intersection of the Southeasterly eactension of the Westerly line of Block 3b; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along said eatension, for 7.53 feet to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof, and simate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. wlvch lies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of land, the center line of wluch is described u follows: Commencing at t6e intersection of tUe center lines of Wabazha and Fourth Sueets u sbown on tLe recorded plat of the Ciiy of St Paul, Ramsey County Minnesota, said intersection more specifically descnbed as being the following point in the Ramsey Coumy Coordinate System az published by the Ramsey County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division, final adjustment Aecember 17, 1991, bued upon tbe North American Datum of 1983 (1986 ad}'ustment)(Y-coordinate = 156192.903feetand X-coordinate = 5�5004.021 feet); tbence South 34 degees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinatc System) along the center ]ine of said Wabasha Stree; 351.44 feet to tbe following point in said Ramsey County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X•coordinate = 5757A3314 feet); thence Nortb 55 degrees 41 minutes il seconds East, 0.49 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be described; thence South 34 degees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds Fast 547.49 feet and there terminating; -- -- - - ��, - �Z�! — Along with that part of Government Lot 2, Section 6, Township 2g Nort6, Range 22 West, RaTnseY CountY, Minnesota, descn'bed a5 follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of Wabasha Street in the City of St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, north of and nineteen feet distant from the cenier line of the main track of the St Paul and Sioux Qty Railroad constructed and shown on a map Lereto appended;thence westwazdly and parallel to said center line of said railroad Vack to a point in tt�e prolongation soufLwazdly of the east line of Block'Iliirry-five in t6e Original Town of St Paul, as platted and on 51e in ihe office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, which point is nineteen feet from the said center line of said railroad track and twenty feet southerly from the souiheast cornes of said Block Thirty-five (35); thence wesrivazdly, parallel to aad twenty feet distant from the south line of said Block Thirty-frne (35), one hundred feet, more or less, to the west line of land owned by said Elizabeth Vd. Whitacre; thence southwazdly on t6e said last named iine prolonged to tbe ceater of tLe channel of the Mississippi River, thence down the centet of said cha�el eastwazdly to the center line of WabasLa Sueet pro]onged; thence northwestwardly along the said center line of WabasLa Street, to the place of beginning. excepting therefrom ti�e following descnbed Exceptions i and 2: �zcenri�n 1 All that part of Water Stree; St Peter Street and Wabasha Street and of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeazt Quarter (aLco 1�own as Govemment Lot 2) of Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 22 Wes; Ramsey County, Minnesota, that is encompassed by a line described as follows: Commencing at tl�e Southwesierly corner of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 25; 2hence South 34° 09' East, along the Easterly line of St Peter Street, for 22.05 feet to a point that is 20.0 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of Lou 1 through 6, of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, wben measured at right angles to said Southerly line; thence South 80° 45' West, pazallel to said Southerly line of Lots 1 through 6, for 33.0? feet to the centerline of St. Peter Sueet, also being the point of beginning of the line to be described• thence Soutb 34° 09' Es�st, along said centerline, for 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet from the centerline of Chicago and North Westem Transportation Company ICC Track No. l, when measured at right angles to said centerline; thence North 71° 15' Eas; parallel to said track, for 328.08 feet; tbence North ?b° 06' West for 6.72 feet; thence South 71° 02' S4' West for 37.86 feet to a poim that is 7A.0 feet from the Southerly line of L.ots 1 through 6 of said Auditor's Subdivisioa No. 25, when measused at right angles to said Southerly line; thence South 8il° 45' West, pazallel to said Southerly line of Iou 1 tLrough 6, for 309.47 feet io the poiat of beginning, Yublic �Iearing Date February 28, 1996 M.S.jREAL ESTATE DfViSlON Date 1-2b-96 rt Pegoa aud PLone Nmob�c ,�„ .aesiu er Wfute or Jnan Qrtiz 266-8850 � on coanal Ageada by RE 1-26-96 GST Green She� Nnmber: $4072 `R11�1dT DIRECIY)R QTY COUN((�.. ATPORT�Y Ql'Y QERS iEf DIILF,CTOR & M�GT. SVG DIR. DR(ORAS9SIAND 1 Resqah of Febrnary 28, 1996. OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (QJp �J, y{)CAITONS POR S[GNA"IURL� condemnation and award of damages for a permanent bridge easement taken as part of the iction of the Wabasha Street Bridge. k�nanee File #18744 E � /��i��� •• .� .� �v � � � tia• r• •• .� .� �.7 . YY i� .1.1 J' WfIIQi COUNC�.OS7P.C11VE? ^�• ��� tvnt s�xvi� ooxrxncis a�[�srnNSwex� Fou.owu�� srnFP Has rn� p�n/sm. c�er wortea unaer a mn�t tor this acpa�men�� YES NO Has tLis peson/5ffi evec 6een a Gty employec? YPS NO Does this peisonJb� po�ess a sm71 nar no�alh' P�d bY �Y Q�eneCatyemptoyec? YFS NO " a111ES aesvca w a separatc shxt and atiach. COIJN(�. WARD(S7 2 nisriucr rinra�m�rG wuivcu, 3, 9, 17 TfATING PROBIFM, LSS[7F., OPPQRT[7PIITY (Who, What, Whev, Whece, Why?); bridge easement is needed over railroad groperly to construct the Wabasha Street Bridge. IFAPPROVFD: The project will proceed as planned. ��nvnxraGas �nrrxovr�: :ncumbrance to the property owner. .��,� .:,_ _ LSADVANI'AGFS )F NOTAPPROVPJk ridge pians would have to be revised at a major cost to the �ity. r�u,nMOUrrrorr�rrsncuon $10,500.00 'IDSrG S°uxc�; C96-2S107-0788-00000 •� ' 'J � " J 1' .' 1 1' AcZivriy ��tz .. '� c'nikNR,:F �~: . . � YL'S NO 9xcan[, u�oxMa�aox: �Sir�