96-126Council File # 96_/16 Green sneet # ,jj5//8' SAINT PtktJI., MINNFSOTA Presented By; Referred To: � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded a grant from the State of 2 Minnesota, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention far the purpose of hiring school liaison 3 officers, in the amount of $199,769, and 4 5 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department seeks a resolution authorizing William K_ Finney, Cluef of 6 Police, to enter into a cooperafive agreement with the State of Minnesota, and 7 8 NOW THERF,FORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes Clrief William g. Finney, to 9 enter into the above mentioned grant agreement, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Requested by � of: by Budget Director: ! _..._ /) --. C� Adopted by Council: Date '�� 1T g q� Adopti� ifled by Council Secretary: By: Approved by M,�,y6� � � , /�' /�'� � L� L-.� Approved by Mayorfor to Council: C0103966 Saint Paul Police Depar�ent Carrie Aasley 292-3513 9�- iz6 12/27/95 GREEN SHEET _N_ 33418 INRIAUDATE INITIAVDATE DEPAHiMENT DIAE CiTY COI]NCtI SSIGN CT'ATfOFNEY �CRYGLEflK IUYBFA FOR IOIRING � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVIC DIP. IPDEFl �MpYOfl(ORASSISTANi) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS fOR SIGNATURE) ACI70N REQUESTED: c:ounc5l acceptance of State of Minnesota, OfficE of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention grant in the �ount of �199,769 for the purpose of hir;�4 school liaison offieers. w Rejec[ (R) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION _ CIVILSFAVICE _ CIB COMMffTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOUFT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl unde� a conVact for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this pereon/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirtn possess a skill no[ normally possessed 6y any curteM ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet antl attach to green sheet The City of Saint Paul via the Saint Paul Police Depariment has been awarded a"P�I" grant in the amount of $199,769. for the purpose of hring school liaison officers assigned to secndary schools in the Saint Paul School District 625. __�_:a�_ L�;R� zz �gg� IFAPPROVE�: �199,769 would be received to pay for school liaison officer salaries. none � �-� � . '' s., 2 ,:��. .���� a�r�,� 1 � 1��� . . - �;t 'e;`�;�': �?;:�,��°�sY� � .i +,-z. �1 � �1..� i1t.:`'.N' c . *`o.e....._.$j +�:.,� °_ �199,769 wonld not be received for school liaison officer salarie�,;v.�, __ ___. __._.. c: � E v �: e: . � . ,,,. 199,769 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ State of Minnesota FUNDIHG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETE� (CIpCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER 9G-iz� MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OfFice of Dmg Policy and Violence Prevention ��!`F! ���� December 19, 1995 Williaim Finney, Chief St Paul Police Department 10011th Street E St Paul, MN 55101 Dear Applicant: i�c� L � l�95 �i�'3iii �J �r��f Congratulations on behalf of Commissioner Michael Jordan. Your organization has been selected for a Local Law Enforcement OfPicers Assiqned to Schools grant award through the Prevention & Intervention Funding process. Your award is $199,769.00 for 1996-97. This award is contingent upon �egotiation of your work plan and budget. A member of our staff will contact you soon to discuss the necessary revisions to your application so that a grant can be prepaxed. You will not be compensated for any expenses related to this grant that are incurred prior to the grant award period. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, �2ll,� ��%��y. Mary Ellison, Assistant Commissioner Office of Drug Policy and �olence Prevention Minnesota Department of Public Safety cc: Sgt John Harrington 444 Cedar Street• Suite 100.D Town Square • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2156 • Phone (672)297-7311 • FAX (612)297-7373 • TDD (672)297-2100 EQ UAL OPPOR l'pNf7Y EMPLOYER