96-122. ; a �.: f � � ., . , . _ . i , . _ .� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 RESOLUTION iAII�FiC P9.UI., MII�TNFSOTA � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department seeks a resolution autltorizing William g. Finney, Cluef of Police, to collaborabe with the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation in the Ounce of Prevention Grant for the Frogtown Youth Information System Project, and NOW, '�� R � �ORE BE IT RESLOVED, that the City Council authorizes Chief William g, Finney, to enter into a grant agreement, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, and approve the Resolution Autharizing pazticipation with Amherst H. Wilder Foundation which would allow the Police Department to receive computer hardware and softwaze to participate in the implementation of a computer inforn►ation network. Requested by De rt?Rent of: � Poli By: . w+ary Approval � Adopted by Council: Date "'S, „�, _'1 , 1`�q (, ; Adoption�Certified by Council Secretary: B � � Approved by � Wiider96 � Couocil File # �`../Z,2 Green Sheet # ,���Bj Budget Director: l ��`� / 7�-' " Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: "'"" "_ ✓C_� Br' i ub� 7' ` � FOR TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9G �z Z GREEN SHEET �° 3 60 01 rc�maware INRIAL/pATE DEPARTMENT DIRE CIT' COUNCIL CfTVATfORNEY CMCLERK BUOGET DIRECiOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVIC OIR. MAYOP (OP ASSISTANT) O {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUREy Approval to collaborate with the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation in the Ounce of Prevention grant for the Frogtown Youth Information System Project _PLANNINGCAMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORT$ WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worketl untler a contracl for this CepartmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm posseu a skill not normally possessetl by any current crty emD�oyee? YES NO Ezptain a11 yea enswen on separate sheet antl ettach to green�sheat 22 1996 This grant, if approved, would allow the Police Department to receive com, uter hard ware �, :,;�n,'^o� . „r��;�r. and soft ware to participate in the implementation of a computer informa�zox� xretwork. IFAPPflOVEO: If approved, program initiatives, for youth, by the Police Departmnet will be enhanced. NONE �Q�� � a�t�� � � ?��b � - �'��`� ����' ��� � We wi11 not be able to effectively communicate with youth serving organization through the Frogtown Youth Information System Project. � �.,�,.;'.` ___�,_.� __: �':u.. _„ �: AMOUN70FTRANSAC710N $ S.00O COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) �:;-��; � � ..�...., YES NO FUNDIfdG SOVRCE ACTIYI7Y NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATlON: (EXPLAIN) �G-i1a pAlFi PAUL� A� ( Interdepartmentai Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PADL TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: Councilmember 7anice Rettman Chair, Finance Committee CMef W illiam Finney � Grant Application December 14, 1995 We received the attached grant opportunity yesterday and had untii noon to confirm our interest. Participation in tttis grant will award us computer equipment worth $5,000 as outlined on the attachment, with only a$500 match. I am sorry for the last minute nouce but I did not want to pass up the opportunity for additional funds. I have signed the attached agreement with the stipulation that we receive Council approval prior to our official "participarion" with Wdder. A green sheet and resolution will be processed immediately requesting appmval. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. WKF/AMB/sw Attachment 12/14i1945 88:41 6596927 ry- PAGE 03 ?�''G - /2 2 FAOGTO WtY COORDINATfON G&4`PL' LEITER OF AGR£E.'�SFM Onb�halfo! ST. PAUL POLICE FORCR rtalj'tr ---{or;yn(sadpnname) GRAFFITI IYC I uademm�d tts� pnrPme snd suvcmn of tht Coardlaatlaa Gcant caasardum, iga oo PtcdaPsttx a-mfm� ut c4e coawrsinm and qera a arr� ous s6c re+pa�stbiliifa of n member u sei forth In d�tf sQreemsnt 21u Coord[mtlon Grant It s eomemmEt� rnxaoctlum atabLLwhsd w prnmote rhe rnmunladon, rnordlnattoa aad [nts�ntlun o[ the many •arfatt a�svieu Car chtidna aad yonch in the Froptorn aelghborhaad o[ Sc Paul. 'f7u organiz��innat scruemrt and mperotbiIIfla ot the ca�ordum ate dturibad ixtaw: 71te Amh+rs! H. W Adlr Fo+mdaden hat agrecd w be t!u rpooaor and fesC agtney !or the rn'aors{um. Sped6atly tpi� respo6dLtltb iadudes: . Recr�vinQ aad adminS#artnQ fanda • ManaQir� th� bud;at, iertndlni Pq�i �aaa at the Praenm + 7rovtdtc{ muuecmant aod tppeopttau ovctaighc aC tltc Ptogcstm • PreMdlnt le�pl mp'port,ltatndt( fudit nud if�bi$tY insunnee • Contrqeda( wlth dter entltW at identlIIed . AadptnQ a rtprarsnqtlre of tlm Facndsdon as [hs kty <oauct persoa snd xr+tna on Ne Conia'dwa Cawdl • NtoNana moam�7 na.,fclA suc�menxa:o m� c�u�ctfnm couaai • Aetln¢ a� llalun w t6e DepuRment ot Howlne ¢�d Urban Dcvelopment nr other yvnNee imtltn8oru 15e Fuundatlon expecs� ths eomortlum �o ab(de by tha �oats and [nuu[ at the proErum. Zl+c Foundatlon espcecs oll wnwttlum memSem m �otlry We Fonndatlon o( aay major proge'am deveiopmcnta, to meet re�lsriY witli tha Poundttlon coemct persoc aad ta eotlly the Foundadoa o! ¢ny cmJor pcoblems or d3ttieultln »ith eoordltutton acdv(tf�s or Ne workinE reta�foneAlD wlih the Foundadon The e«uorKum Mitl eanalt+h a Comnrtlum Coundi so b< the plandap nnd conrdinadn; body for sh+ eonwrdum. Eaeh consordum member ts expecsed co asstgn a reprume�d+e �o:he Coeendi. Ths rnponylbpttln o! tA! Couacil iaclude: • .udvitlaQ oa Pco��m derebpmm� . Rertewi� Proptam tmplemmndan and pra�rw . 6ewlopini P�R'� �=•w. � Sq{dat[en Ideetltyla` aeed fx uaWa� aed tor eontnctad xr�isn . Ensurtn� that pro�am apMmeat fnd er�lvtdaa be tompleud . Repeesentla{ Wa diK�emt ta�mana aad taue� ot rb� eommuntt!'. mmmunfesriai vttL �od aapodatlnt amoee dlRsreat Inttr'ab ritll{D sbt Cemmedh' . ?he Comoestam Membarz Oaw qmd to P�dpan 4a the Pro;tam.SpedHa�17 �dte tesPaWbNh IoetWa: • ConAiDUttn2 SS00 aa th�tr emtdbutloa to the reqaired �ateh • Parddpatlat 6+ rtQuGsd aaldnt . Cooperadn[ wlra my e�qd�eb at the pvnR �. doemmenuHom evataatloe • Ser+fo{ oo e�e Caewrfitm Counetl u+d there6Y d�4 seeouaablt for tbest rapomfbtUtla �f weli . pro�idlue atLer �tehla� mctrlhDt[om aa nbk. Ltst bdow: I. i }. . p ` -�} � 12J14/95 AutboetsedataM � Date S-� f�a �. l p «� P �: ����/� � ��,� �s �.��%��G-� U�G� C�j�y �,c/C� I a�P�'Jd�a1.. %Gf_4�`G�/�G D�� �����a � S �JJC�vG�%vs (.,t,v�`� C.liGc.��C� � CLC�J��� .� r�2�' �`�.c''�' • 12(14l1995 08:41 659b027 W1LLci2 QUNCE OB PREVENITON GRANT P`ROGxOWN YOUTA INFORl►SATION SYSTEM PRO,IECT COYER PAG� & SUMMARY The Amherst H. Witder cammuniry consortium from ihe Frogtown rN�ac. dt '`'1G - ��: — -- — — neighbnrhood of 5t. Paui, submit this proposal, "Frogtown Yoath Informstion Systcm Project;' - __ __ for the Ounca of Preventian Grants. The gzoup proposes co improve coordination and integrncion of provenrion services for ehildren and youth by compiementing commuoity development plans and curnnt service delivery systems chroagh the impfementation of a compnter information systems network. Thero ere many initiatives end projects within the neighbor600d that ttais proposal intends to connect ta ¢rovide for better, more immediate and mare effective Tinkage� acr�as individual service providers, youth coalitions and service collaboratives. Specifically, the proposat intends to purchase computers, faxes, modems and networking softwaze for 20 eommunisy sites and to provide applications deveJopmenc, training and uchnical support. Expected Accamplishments: • All youth pro�ams wzll have compacible, up-to-date computer systems • AII youch programs witt be networked togecher • Prognm staff wili be trained on use of compater aad network • Direccory of yoush programs and acdvities will be an &ne . Directory of volunteer services and needs wiU be on line • Community caieadar of youch evencs wili 6e on liue • Common data base of child and youth invoivement will be developed Expected Outcoma: • increazed coordiaation of servicts and activides among the youth serving agencies • improved informatiott on youth activities, evenu, program opporcunities and invatvement • improved sysum of volunteer recruitment, referral and utilization • enhsnced collaborative relationships and increased coilaborative pl3nning • increaze iq tbe participation af youth in the activities offered by yoath serving organirations • expansion of existing programs to meet the demand • reductian in the percens of youth involved in ciune or delinquent activides in Frogtown • increase in appropriate refcrrals to famiIies for supportive services.