96-113Council File # `�G � 1t3 ^ j v � � � K �� � � .�. .?'� !j�"„ � Presented By Referred To 1 z 3 4 5 6 Committee: Date � RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the HERITAGE PRESERVATION COD�IlVII5SION. APPOIN'I'MENTS 7 a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is Barbara Larson Charies Skrief REAPPOINTMENTS Rick Hauser Robert M. Frame, III TERM EXPIRES 12-31-98 12-31-98 TERM EXPIRES 12-31-98 12-31-98 19 20 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Byc Approved by M r: Date �7 �� By: � ���'-i Green Sheet # J 1 � S G RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA By: Form Approved by City Attorney sy: � ` !—Z 3�9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $Y:�'��,�� Adopted by Council: Date � � . �y �t � 1 Roger Curtis -- 266-8531 FOR 9�-1t3 GREEN SHEET N_ 32656 �Nmnwnre iNmauon� — DEPARTMENiDIflECfOR �CITYCOUNCIL CRV ATTORNEV � CT' CLERK HUDGEf DIRECTpA � FIN. & MGL SEFiVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR PSSISi0.tdf) � TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Agpr-ova�-af�-resv}at=6n�ppointing _ ar es Skrief, Barbara Larson and reappointing Robert M. Frame, III and Rick Hauser to the HERITAGE PRESERVATI6N COMMISSION. Terms shall expire December 31, 1998. (A) w Rai� (R) _ PLANNMG GQMNISSION _ f _ C1B COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTflICTCWRT _ _ SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? (Who, �F PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE fOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has Nis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? - YES NO 2. Has Nis personHirtn ever been a ctity employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis personMrm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on Separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet r?r.,.3✓�4.w "���;, . _. o,,.,...,.. i'5, o� . .-: n �- <n�n;� .if".i��? � :J . , _ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ON� YES NO FUMDIfiG SOURCE ACTIV{TY NUMBER FINANCIAL ItJFOFMATION. (EXPIAfN) �� �° Name: ✓VC.�f ��f'CL � Home Address�: :� ,� OFFICE OR THE MAYOR d`�13 390 CITY HALL. � SAINfi PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA': '.�. 55102 --:-: =. '�'�'\{ � 8 �9g� 2b6-8525= FAX 266-8513 -' . ' . ` „�v �.,.� f���9r= so/I � � � � Z , .'- � l'-� �- .t -../ - _= - . . , -�A.J - . !� in Z . � Straet . City ZiP------ ---_ -- - ` _ _ _ _ - -- — -- =- - - - 7 /� / � i /� � (, [� - Telap�hone Niffiber: fHome) / 7d'! y�9_ � CAork) 7�l"���J /_ -���) � Planning District Couacil: r Citp Council Aard: � Preferred 2Sailing Address: Ahat is yonr occupati Place�of Employment:� Committee(s) Applied For: i Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? � a The infozmation included in this application is considered private data according to the 2linnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor,nation is not released to the general public. (��TF3t) . Rev.�/ ■ / / j • n�� / / //pL Ly � i � �/,r � ,�an7 ;; �!?aN l/ JJi,";f io C �" uT cUL'/'L fJ; / f :n l �rJ / �.'1 �J % ? /�c�(Q PIILSDNAL RFFP.RFN(:FC Name Addr� Phone- �CHome) (STork) 77� !o ��S Name : - - � - — - - � . n - _ L Phone • (Home) � (iTork) �� �[� �Q Name Address Phone: (Home1 ✓ �!� h3�� (Aork) d7/ � �5(,� Reasons £ox your interest in this particular co�nittee: _ � //1:,.0 h nN..� �., / si-f- ,� �ntn r-t� �_ l5-� . �._ / ..-�F. �_ _ _ // r � < $ave you had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? -' � I � r�� /_ w � ,_ . �� 7 1"' � T . l"'�� � / i%) C(�. in. .. _� T � � _ � � _ _ / //// n ' /1 � G � ID ^ L.�' . R. � 1 11q�� �Ee� �� ��L' OA AvsiE./G+���OCCa�Tid.1S pn 62�2c�C- ��.,(f�.-�' ~ Tn an a tempt to ensure that co�ittee representation re£lects trie �akeup o£ ovr commn*+;ty, please check the Ziae apglicable to pon. This ix�formation is strictly vol.uitarp. - � Ahite (Caucasian) Bispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic IsZander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 2fale ✓ Female Date of Bixth: _ r ��,5-� �j DisaBled: Yes go � 2£ special acco�odations aze needed, please speci£y. Hov di.d you hear about ttxis opening2 .� �� ° � . C JMJ�i". .: -. '� 2Iame: �-`r�,.,_1,;,.� ir� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL _ . � 2 �1 `�� SA=NT PAUI„ MINTIESOTA 55,102 _. °'. _: ' 266-8525. _- FAX: 266-8513 - .:. - Q (� � �� 3 Home Address_ ' 773 Goodrich Avenue St. Pau1 � 165 Street _ City . Zip. _� _ - — --- --- ----- — fielephone Number: (Home) 9ZQDD3------ --- ----- (GorYt) "79�=0O03 .(�AX) _ __ Planning District Grnmci2c ""'16 - Citp Cotmcil Aard• 2- Preferred 2failing Address: 773 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul 55105 Ahat is povr occupation? �iter/lawyer _ P1ace�of Employsent: self-employed Co�ittee(s) Applied Fox: _ Heritage Presexvation Commission � What skills/traini.ng or esperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? EDUCATION: B.A., Wesleyan University S.D. Universitv of Vir¢inia WORK EXPERIENCE: 1975-81: Minnesota Historical Society. Assistant State Historic Preservation Officer 1981-86: Minneapolis Societg of Fine Arts (parent p£ the Minneapolis . Lnstitute of Arts and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design). Counsel to the President. 1986-presenC: Writer. Historian of a landmark environmental battle (1925-34) for Minnesota's boundary waters. SELECTED COMMIINITY EXPERIENCE: Ramsey Hill Association, Presidenz. Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, President. Minneapolis Arts Commission, Executive Cammittee. COMMENT: I would bring to the commission extensive and successful experience in his or' preservation. I understand city government and neighborhood concerns I approach issues fairly and thoughtfully, 2 am committed to the future of St. Paul. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not releaszd to the general public. (OVER) Rev.`�J21/93 rL�KSONAL RT�AFRFNCES - � ° gyme•. . Mr_ Dacid Thune . President, St: Paul City Council �� `=_ �, : -=� :=, _.�.'.:- - - - - - - - - _ � . ... . -i OMC.Fw-_ y • . . • i . � - .:' - :. , +:. -- _ - .�.._. - -. ._ . ' i -SS ,�.., . .. . ..� °Address.'-`St.�P�aul'City�Aa �-.- -. � � - ° � __ .-�, .. Rhane -(Home) - _ .' .- . _ .�.. --. - �,. (Aork) `266-8620 = _ -' ` - .- _ , - .� _ - - • _ Name: Ms.,;�'Nina M: Archabal,-Director �` Minnesota Historical Society Address:'140 Boulevard St. Paul.'M[Q "SSIOZ Phone: ` (Home) ' - - - - -" (Aorkl 296-2747 .. . Name: Mr Sam Grabarski Director Minnesota State Arts Board Address: 432' Summit Avenue St. Pae�7 Miv 55702 Phone: (Home) CWork) 296-2603 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: r b l; v r pa,l' pasr ;c important to its successful futuze. I wish to participate in St. Paul's development. I would brinQ useful skills and experience to the co�ission. Have you had previous contact vi,th the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? (see attached letterl In an attempt to ensUxe that co�ittee representation reElects the makeup of ovr co�unity, please check the Iine applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. ' �_ Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskaa Eskimo s _� Ma2e Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No �_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islandez If special accommodations aze needed, please speci£y. $ow did you hear about this openingT `��-it3 -: = �;:;t �EC 0 7 i99� ��.;���� ��a�� --- —__—_ — -- --- — --" -- 773 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 November 29, 1995 Mayor Norsnan B. Coleman 390 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55105 Dear Mayor Coleman: I wish to be considered for membership on the City of St. Paul's Heritage Preservation Commission. I am attaching a completed application form. I wish in this letter to emphasize and supplement the in£ormation on that form. I am encouraged in my application by your letter to me of June 14, 1994, in which, in reply to my application for a position on the Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, you wrote, "I look forward to finding ways to utilize your talents and commitment to Saint Paul. You come highly recommended by a number of folks whose opinion i value." 1. Emblo�ment Ex�erience. I directed Minnesota's statewide historic preservation program from 1975-1981. In that position, identified sites of historic significance throughout the state. coardinated city, state, and federal preservation initiatives. I persuaded governmant and private property owners of the benefits of preservation. I worked to resolve conflicts between development and preservation. In St. Paul I helped to draft the ordinance establishinq the Heritage Preservation Commission. I supervised the nomination of many St. Paul sites and districts to the National Register of Aistoric Places. I appeared numerous times before the City Council in support of preservation. I worked closely with many St. Paul neighborhoods, community organizations, and individuals. 2. Community Involvement. As a longtime member oP the Ramsey Hill Association, and, for several years, as its president, I worked hard to revitalize that neighborhood by emphasizing its historic and architectural heritage. I continued that activity as a member of the Summit Hill Association's Land Use Committee. 3. As author of a history of a landmark environmental battle, I have evaluated the merits of preservation and development in a balanced way. I believe that same measured approach would be useful to the commission when it confronts controversy. 4. As a fundraiser, paid and unpaid, I have extensive experience identifying and securing public and private funds, experience that may we�1 prove asefal to the commission. 5. As a lacv�er (University of Virgznia '75), I would bring to the commission an understanding of the laws regulating historic preservation, as well as refined analytical skills. 6. I am committed to St. Paul. I have lived in St. Paul since completinq my education. My wife and I own a home in St. Pau1 and are educating our two children in St. Paul schools. I believe that for St. Paul to remain strong, its neighborhoods must be strong, and that strong neighborhoods require a keen and active awareness of their history. I hope you will act favorably on my application. Sincerely, ����� Charles W. Skrief i� m LAW OFFICES BI�IC�CTS AND MOBCTAN PHOF£SSZONAL 95SOCI.ATIOFI 2200 FIHST NATIONAL BANH BIIILDI�i6 SALV'T PAIII.� MLV��SOTA 55101 T£ZSPHON£ (B121 223-8600 . _--- ---r-acsi*i� raizl z2s � easo .�EBS n�$E� D�. ��E$ pecember 1, 1995 (612) 223-6553 Mayor Norman B. Coleman 390 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 Dear Norm: q�-113 MLl'.�'£AP(>LIS OF'FIC£ 2W0 2D5 CE.NfEB ` i �� �E�ry xvwaerous, asv`�-ssace ssaoa xei.sraova �aa� 3an-aaoo FACSIL[LLE 19121 334-8960 ��r � 4 1995 -:,���P I endorse the application of Charles Slffief for membership on the City of St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. I have been personally acquainted with Charles for over 15 years. His education, interests, and qualification are exactly what you and the City are looking for on this important Commission. Charles' interests in his community and neaghborhood are well lrnown to many of St. Paulites. He would make an outstanding member of the Commission. Sincerely, ����� M. 3. Galvin, Jr. M3G:sm 307189.1 q t,-1�3 � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL --- -- --- - --------- ��„ TO: Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: DATE: � Roger Curtis �C - Dazlyne Monow January 25, 1996 HERITAGE PRESERVATTON CONIlVIISSTON (HPC) [Appointments/Reappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the following indviduais be appointed and reappointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission. APPOINTMENTS Barbara Larson Charles Skrief REAPPOINTMENTS Rick Aauser Robert M. Frame, III 12-31-98 12-31-98 12-31-9$ 12-31-98 Attached, for your review, are copies of Barbara Larson and Chazles Skriefls applications. Also attached is a copy of the Council Resolution reflecting these appointments and reappointments. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531, or Dazlyne Morrow at 26b-8525 if you have any questions. RCC:drm Attachments cc: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff