96-111Council File � - 1 � — � � � o !-f � ! -, � � \ � )1 f Green Sheet 3 e� � � � t \ t lJ t ° /�r !_ �OLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESO��A �� �� r' � �� �� ��a � P a , - \�C` resente By rinF✓ � Referred To � � ,,� 1 z 3 4 5 6 � a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents t and approves of the appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of Luci Botzek to erve on the BUSINESS �V�W C��C�. Luci Botzek shall fill the vacancy created by the and fill the remainder of this unexpired term. This term shall expire April i, 1998. of Mary Ann Dunham Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified by, By: Approved by MayqY: By: 1 Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney BY= C / _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bp�✓��_(��"'� °I�-��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INfiIATED O Mayor Norm Goleman's 0£fice 1-26-96 GREEN SHEE N_ 32661 COMACTPERSONB PHONE INfilAVOATE INflIAL/OATE ODEPApTMENTDIRE �CfTYCOUNCiL Roger Curtis (266-8531) nss�cx �cmarroaNev �cmc�aK , MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DAT� NUYBER FOR � BUDGET OIqECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. BOUi1NG ORUER yqypp (OR ASSISTAPli) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 51GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEP. --------- — Approval of resolution appointing LUCI BOTZER to:serve on the Business Review Council. She shall fill vacancy c=eated by resignation of Mary Ann Dunham. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approva{q) or Rejeet (f3) PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING GOMMlSS10N _ CNIL SERYICE GOMMISSION 1. Has Nis person/firm ever worketl u�der a coritract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO ` 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city amployee? — �� — VES NO _ DISTRICTCOUaT _ 3. Do85 this pBfsoMrtm possess a Skill nOt nOrmall y possessetl by any curre�[ city employee? SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Exptain all yes answers on separete sheet and atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whet. Whan. Whaea. Why�: ADVANTA6ES IFAPPROVED: DISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED 3�� W' G 4�{ Sf�a �j �" �, � �J �% TOTAL AMOUNT OF iflANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FNJANGAL INFOpMATION: (E%PLAIN) SAINT ewuL � A11AA ,. � r �,� , � � Interdepartmental Memorandum � , �_., __ _ __ ___ - _ - _ _ ___ '_ ._ _ ._ __ __ _ _ CTi'Y OF SAINT PAUT. TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember 7anice Rettman FROM: Q:��S1 � Boger Curtis �C� Darlyne Morrow January 29, 1996 BUSINESS REVIEW COIJNCII. -- Appointment 9 �-��� %== ---_ : Mayoz Coleman has recommended the appointment of Luci Botzek to serve on the Business Review Council. Mary Ann Dunham resigned November 27, 1995. Luci will fill the remainder of this unexpired term. Her term will expire on April 1, 1998. A copy of Luci Botzek's appiication is attached and a copy of the nominating resolution. If you have questions, please call me at 266-8531, or Darlyne Morrow at 266-8525. Thank you in advance for your consideration and review of this appointment. RCC:drm Attachments cc: Bob Kessler, Director, LIEP .-. ; " � �- Hame: ��r�� , � Home Addzess: - ��� � Street --�-elephone I�hYmlieY: — Planning District Coimcil: Preferred 2�ailing Address: 9 `- �\� Zip o� % � �� ����, Ahat is yovr occupati Place�of Emgloyment: Co�ittee(s; Applied For: ,�//!/��� ice/�i�/_.-C� `�l/d7��✓/� Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess £or the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? I`�%C�o� GJiZ�Cr' �°,�J'��e�' �- !/�r=L fi �`.�..�C�'�CG'G��°���i� � J /��v� /-'�����.c2�-c.��. 1�.��,�'�� t-c>>�r /_'i�la� A,— �' /�2/l /Jn f /?'L!I �J2� .�Ydt� i1�v� Q.��o� T�r� /e'������ . f��c� /�.�,� �-��ft�C l-C,�'��✓ - � �2�1�'�`7r» - z'�.G C-CcP�� �11.�� ��>?'I �JL�'✓ ,0�.� _ • {'�h-?� ��/=L-i /.lJ��-1G-L t4 Gr�<)`''/) �� f'�`� /� -� (=,�/:�2 �Y'�.-«-�'('_ L� G � . �'C�//L-J'./��/ i /7�/,//Ji/L�+.�7-P� //'��.G�--� �-/fi'�ZCi?�"�� .l� /J , , ''it .� �L?�/ (,? .(/1. . r r /�t�� ����r�_��� � ,�%���� ° ����r� � �'�� /1 /i ., . , •The infoxmation included in this application is considered pr.z'vate'data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoxmation is not released to the gene=a1 public, OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SASNT PABL, MS232IESOTA 55102 26s-ssz6' '_� %L ✓�. �U�.ei� .�i! �/l�d/� City ___ -- -L--f Q�-�--�!/-. - -- --- - _.. _ _ „ r����l�l �� pCT 06 1995 City Council GTa=d: � i (OVER) Rev.4(21/93 PERSONAL Ri?u�umvCES a � � ` Address Phone Name: �Q�'7 �GLJ/f1/! � �fC/��,� � ��9 �-t�/�� Qj9/ _�// � Address; ✓7 7� �- i Yhone: (flome) (Aork) a� � ' 7 �� � � Name: �/L�(�eG��f'�y7 //C�l�c)dL��G`L.y Address Fhone: CHome) (Ao-k) :� �— '��.`> t/ . -� Reasons for your interest in this paxticular committee: ��,����'� fG �P_ � nl/,L� � a� `��f.�t'� ���" i/� f� � 5C,%L'�G�-.� /�-/ ��-Z. I � ��--�L`�' r%-�`�-y �%1 �'Z-Q. �� !� �'L7�L--G�� �L�L/' G �-�/�'(:�'`� Have you had pzevious contact with the committee for vhich you aze making application. � I£ so, when, and circumstances? �1� 1/`�'�v�'- In aa attempt to ensure tfiat co�ittee represeatation refZects the makeup of our � co�manity, please check the line applicable to qou. This i.n£ormation is strictlp .� voluntarq. I� Ahite {Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale l Female Date of Bisth: Disabled: Yes No Y Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander ��' �� If special accommodations ase needed, please specify. ��j/IC�_ Hov did you hear about this opening? ���:�9b�±) BOTZEK °s ��� °� � + ��, o1^�Yt3�''� �"r�ty� A 5 S O C I A T E S Association Management • Business Consulting • Government Relatians • Mediation Senices - -_ _ - - ---- ----- ----- -- - - - - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - - PROFILE �F LUCI RADDE BOTZEK Luci Radde Botzek, an attorney for fifteen years is a partner in BOTZEK ASSOCIATES, a business consulting, governmentai relarions, mediation services and associauon management company located in St Paul, MN, but with clients in outstate Minnesota. Botzek has twenty-four yeazs of experience in the public sector at top management positions. She has served as Grants Administrator for the City of St. Paul and as a Special Assisk�nt to the t;hiei oz roiice, with responsioiiiries inciudina fundraising for the SL Paul D.A.R.E. program. Botzek has worked as a researcher foz the Minnesota State 5enate, staffed a Governor's Task Force on Highways for Economic Vitality while wozldng at the Minnesota Deparunent of Transportation, managed the Department of Revenue's real property legisiarive pmgram, and was a member of a Govemor's Tas Study Committee on Propezty and Mineral Taxadon laws as a representative of the Department of Natural Resources Minerals Division. As the former owner of Radde Botzek and Associates, Luci managed her own business providing contract legislative representation services to Washinaton County, executive director services to a communiry human services organization and serving as project manager for several special projects. During her tenure as Assistant Commissioner for Human Resources and Legal Affairs at the iVl�nnesota Department of Nauual Resources, she insrituted regular labor/management meetings, coordinated the Mille Lacs Treaty negotiations, oversaw a major administrative rules redrafting project, and represented the depaztment in a variety of forums. Luci's experience covers a wide range of topics and issues, which provides her valuable insight into the operations of Minnesota government at ail levels. Her career includes serving as the fust civilian planner hired by the SL Paul Police Deparnnent, serving as grants administrator for the newly formed St. Paul Youth 5ervice Bureau and the St. Paul D.A.R.E. program, managing the Revenue Department's Enterprise Zones Program, drafring the first statewide transportation plan into rule form, and supervising the only Ethics Office in state government. Luci is a registered lobbyist and has represented a variety of clients both at the legislature and before state agencies, including the Minnesota Associarion of County Officers and Northwest Airlines. Luci graduated from Haniluie University and William Mitchell College of Law. She has served on two Citizen L.eague study groups and was selected to represent the St. Paul Police Department in the 1989-90 St. Paul Chaznber of Commerce Leadership Program. She is married to Gary Botzek and lives in Shoreview, where she serves on the Planning Commission and helped organize the City of Shoreview's Sister City Association. 255 East Kellogg Boulevard � Suite 102 � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 • Telephone: �612)229 717 i• FAX: �b12)292-8091 �ECElVED JUL - 5 1996 , ZONING CONASITTH$ STAFF RSPOR �fTY CLERK ==6== � == � ____ _______________ FILB # 96-111 _ _ — _ _ - - .. - -�AZ12iiAY-9LYPDOOR kDVERTISTNG � DATB �OF�BBARING: 1. aPP7Tt'aTT'1'_;_ _ _ __ _ — ----- 2. CLASSIFICATION: Sign Variance 3 4 5 6 7 LOC,ATIOP7: 2100 GILBERT AVENUE ibetween Cleveland & Vandalia) PLANNING DISTRICT: 12 LBGAL D85CRIPTION: see file PRSSENT ZONING: I-1 ZONING CODS RSF$RBNCS: §66.214(b) &§66.409 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATE: 5/29/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RSCEIVED: 05/07/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 7f12/96 ___________________ _ .� 5 _S _ C -p + A B C D PURPOSE: A 12'�4 foot sign height variance to allow an existing billboard sign to remain. A sign height of 50 feet requested and 37� maximum allowed. PARCEL SIZE: The property on which the sign is located has more than 336,517 square feet of lot area, about 7.7 acres. EXISTING LAND IISE: The property is occupied by industrial uses. SIIRROVNDING LAND IISH: The sign is surrounded on the north, east, and west by industrial uses in I-1 and I-2 zoning districts and by 2nCerstate 9a to the south in an I-1 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 66.214(b) of the zoning code limits the height of advertising signs in this location to 37� feet and Section 66.3Q1(3) states that should a nonconforming sign or sign structure be moved for any reason for any distance whatsoever, it shall thereafter con£orm to the regulations. F G Section 66.409, Variances, of the zoning code states, "the planning commission sha11 have the authority to grant variances from the strict applications of this chapter for unique signs or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs for a speci£ic building or lot, provided such signs would not be contrary to the general intent of this chapter, would not create a hazard, would not violate Minnesota State Statutes or rules and regulations developed pursuant thereto, would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, would not adversely affect residential property through excessive glare and lighting and provided that the signs would be in keeping with the general character of the surrounding area. The commission may not grant a variance that would permit the sign within a zoning district which is not otherwise permitted in that zoning district vnder the provisions of this chapter. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. DISTRICT COIINCIL RECOiQTSNDATION: The St. Anthony Park Community Council supports the sign variance application. Zoning File #96-111 Page Two H. FINDINGS• 1_ The applicant leases a portion of the property on which an advertising sign was located. The advertising sign was legal nonconforming because it was 50 £eet in height when the maximum allowed is 37� feet. Recently, it was discovered that the foundation of the sign was weakening, causing the sign to Iean and sway. The applicant states that immediate action was taken to remove the sign to prevent the sign from falling and causing injury and damage. Once the sign was retnoved, and to ensure sts'uctural integrity, the applicant relocated it on new footings in the same area. The applicant now requests a variance to allow the sign with nonconforming height to remain. The applicant states that if the sign were rebuilt to the maximum height of 37� the readability of the sign from I-94 would be signi£icantly reduced due to trees in the area and the fact that the sign already sits farther back from the I-94 right-of-way than normal due to the Cretin-Vandalia exit ramp. The appZicant adds that the cost to rebuild the sign to 37�4 feet would be approximately $26,500. The removal of the sign and new installation were done without building permits or zoning approval. Had the applicant applied for a building permit for the sign prior to installation he would have been informed that the sign height was nonconforming and that when a nonconforming sign is moved for any reason for any distance whatsoever, it must be brought into aonformance the regulations. The applicant now requests a variance to allow the sign with nonconforming height to remain. The sign, when it was built in 1983 was legal as to haight. However, the zoning regulations have changed since then and the sign is now legal nonconforming as to height. The ability of the applicant•s request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows: The advertising sign is not unique and there are no unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs for the site. The applicant states: 1) readability of the sign will be reduced with a lower sign; 2) trees in the area would block visibility; and 3) the sign is setback farther from the interstate than normal due to its location near the exit ramp. However, staff does not believe that these circumstances warrant the need for a height variance. The sign, at 37� feet, would have good visibility from both directions on Interstate 94 and from Cretin and Vandalia. The existing sign is significantly higher than any of the trees in the area. b. The advertising sign is not contrary to the general intent of the sign chapter of the zoning code. c. The advertising sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota Statutes or rules and regulations. The Minnesota Department of Transportation issues permits for all signs along the interstate. The state does not have any height restrictions, their pestaits state that all signs must comply with the requirements of the local jurisdiction. d. Allowing a 50 foot sign when no unique circumstances exist for such a sign height would be treating this sign differently from other companies' signs and may open the door for similar requests. a i vr�-rlr Zoning File �`96-111 Page Three e. Since the advertising sign is lighted at night and visible from the residential neighborhood south of the interstate, it may adversel_y_ _.— affsct- r-esi.dex��iaf-- ro � __ p perty thxougtz excess3ve glare and lighting. A lower sign would be less visible to the homes south of 2-94. The advertising sign is in keeping with the general character of the surrounding area which is developed for industrial and transportation purposes. While staff believes the sign variance should not be granted, it cannot ignore the fact that the sign has already been moved and would reguire considerable expense, $26,000, to decrease its height. Therefore, staff suggests developing a reasonable compromise to allow the sign to remain at its current height for a speaified period of time to give the applicant reasonable use and return on the investment, but not to allow the sign height to continue forever. Staff considered three alternative compromises. First staff attempted to ascertain the amount of income the sign generates per month or year in order to estimate a reasonable period of time for return on the investment given that the applicant states it would cost $26,500 to decrease the height of the sign. However, staff was unable to obtain that information from the applicant. secondly, staff considered estimating the life of the sign. The sign at the site was originally constructed in 1983. It lasted 13 years before being replaced. Therefore, 13 years seems to be a reasonable period of time. However, the applicant states that the life of a sign is 20 to 30 years and that the subject sign was probably constructed with faulty bolts and therefore does not represent accurately the life of a sign. The final alternative considered is to allow the sign Co zemain at its current height for the duration of the applicant's current lease, the end of 2003, according to the applicant. STAFF RECOD4IENDATZON: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff rECOmmends approval o£ the sign variance to allow the sign to remain at 50 feet in height until December 31, 2003. Thereafter, the sign height shall be reduced to 37�/ feet. 3 . O� � � A Q� 0 � � � . , �.. - �•� � _� � `__ � � � " � . . _. � _ �; 'h-_ _ _.. _ _� _ .}_ _ _ _._�` ! � . \ . c �j� , � �'�–• __� -� . ' � _ - . - Q O � O \ -^;.; . . o ¢ o _\ : `.,� . o o y . ' o ¢' 0 ._ .�� T �� p o 0 0 0 - � � o �F o' . , -_ o poo o � �-- - I�- ° , -� !°�- r ., \:- - ,�z -.,. ` �� ��1 `_ �\ .� , �� �. � � � � j. ��� � \/•J •` � ���� ��. l � D��l�� �� APPLICAtVT �l�� ��CS'+ ��lt�j�N� LEGEND , PURPOSE � � �' �''� ��� �Lt'+ ��� zoning district boundary � FILE #— � `� � � � � DATE 5 � � �'� ` � subject propeRy n� arthi � PWG. DIST.�.],L__ � MAP # - � � 0 one family •. � commercial � SCALE t" = 400' � � N�o family �.. � industrial ! _ �� 1�¢C� multiplefamily V vacant �`. � '� �� ` � . Qe O� + , �. � ' `� �� ; . ,\ \ � Q 7 � �C , \ , � / , , , , , , , ,: ♦ '� � - :_ � - ., .., ' ��..'a � � �-•i � 1 f ' i- ;} 7 ❑ 11 f � ❑ �; 6 �( � � 74 . � j♦ - � • ,�,�.� ; � _ ,. � -: . �Y � . _� � Ft �� . � � �� � , `: � s � ; '` . � �� �:;. -;� 3 �� �� :.:. �