96-107Council File # 9 L -1.0�1 ordinance � Green Sheet � S S � Presented Bp � Referred To Committee: Date 30 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #45165) for an Entertainment-A, Restaurant-C, Sunday On 2 Sale Liquor, Gambling Location-C, Liquor On Sale-C and Cigarette License 3 applied for by T L& N Corporation DBA Diamond Lynn's Sa�loon (Linda Natus, 4 President) at 755 Jackson Street be and the same is hereby approved. Ye Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a ev �� � Office of License, Insnections and Guer2n —�� arr� Environmental Protection —�' Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cou By: Appr Hy: RESOLUTtOW OF IN�AUL, MINNESOTA Secretary By: � �--<J �- V(�L�>�� — Form Approved by City Attorney gy; �' 0 ��'�' 7S Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 266-9132 � � � GREEN SHEET N � 7 � DEPAHTMENT DIPECfOF FOP O CRYATTOflNEY � BUOGET DIiiEC70R � O MAYOR (OR AS$ISTANn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� `�c.-1o� 35545 — INRIAL1DqTE � �dTYCAUNqL _ O CRV CLEPK __ O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ❑ _. & N Corporation DBA Diamond Lynn's Saloon requests Council appproval of its application an Entertainment-A, Restaurant-C, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Gambling Location-C, Liquor On -C and Cigarette License at 755 Jackson Street (ID �I45165). _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIV�L SERVICE COMMISSION ,CIBCOMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DI5TRICTCOUflT _ SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST 4NSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rtn ever worketl under a conhact for this deparknent? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not notmally possessed by any curtent city emplqree? VES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet anA attach to green sheet �.._..�.. u.�.. " . _. .. , 4-�. , ,.,p' ��� � � ���� IFAPPROVED: AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUD6E7ED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION, (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35545 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 11/22/95 �� " � d� In Trdcket? App'n Rec:eived / App'n Processed License ID # 45165 License Type: various 1; censes `_` Cott�pany Nam2: T L& N Corporation QBA: Diamond Lvnn's Salooa BusinesS Addresss: 7�5 Jacksos Street; d�-7- --. - Business Phone: 222-2265 - - -_-- - — - — - Contact Name/Address:Linda Natus, 2225 Bossard Dr. , Rosevil.�@me Phone: 488-9684 55113 Date to Council Research: Public Hear+ng Date: - �' J ` Notice Sent to Applicant: � Notice Sent to Public: 1�/�/��� �� Department/ Attorney Environmental Health Fire License Date Inspections /2-7-9�5' l�_�� -gs `2-�-9.5' ��-i� �s Labels Ordered: 11/28/95 District Council #: 6 Ward Comments D� �/ �'v��'A ,�s' �o�.b � � Po�ice � / 2_ f S- 4 S ! cs�, �z - � - �s b� f��t.ld/n/� �7 FL+7 ��iv�L /N�`. Site Plan Received: 1./4. L/A , �� a��yBa: — �i (� - ��'� November 22, 1995 Mr. Robert Kessler City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 350 St. Peter Str. St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 RE: Liquor - On Sale License Dear Mr. Kessler: The Pollowing correspondence is reqarding the transfer of the liquor license to T.L. & N. Corporation, D.B.A. Diamond Lynn's Saloon, 755 Jackson Str., St. Paul, MN 55117, from Kelico, Inc. and Joseph Cain, D.B.A. Buddies Bar, the same address applies. It is our intent to run a clean, saPe and enjoyable establishment so the public can come and socialize with friends and family. Since we have taken over ownership of the building we have been in contact with the CentraZ Police Tea�a and have asked for any suggestions on how to accomplish our goal. One suggestion was io install new exterior lights for greater safety and we followed up on that immediately. We intend on being an asset to the neighborhood by getting involved in the community and by being aware of their concerns. We will do our part in making this an enjoyable working relationship between neighbors and our business. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any further questions, pZease feel free to aontact me. Siacerely, 4 ,�/ �� Linda Natus President, T.L. & N. Corporation 755 Jackson Str. St. Paul, MN 551I7 ' ,, � - . ,. - ..'. _ -.�e.� . •._ . .. ., a��'� + �.e" q � -�o� sa�xt PAUL � IIAAII CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offece of Licrnse, Inspecaons • and Eavironmerttei Ptoicaion 330 A Ye¢ R Sune J00 c•:-�Pv4Kmnma SSloi (64) :669090 fn 163i) 266912t 'i'f$S APgLIC�ITON IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY TF� PUBLIC 7� !�� - _ - --------- ------ - - PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN iNK Type of License being appIied for. � i ouer -- 0� �a I e Company Name: T I 8 y C'�r�<^ra= � nn Cotpoa5on / 1£�vieii5iP / Sm1(�i6'pifr�islii',4 If business is incorpowted, give date of incoipotarion: �Q/�R/95 DoingBusinessAs: Diamond �vnn's Saloon BusinessPhone: (612)222-2265 Business Address: 755 Jackson Sireefi S �. Pau 1 �.N 551 17 Street Addiue City Sram Zp Benveen what cross meeu is the business locaYed? Jac'�son and ac:t2r Which side of the meet? Northwest Are the premises aow occupied? Yes What Type of Business? Bar Mail To Address: 755 Jacksen S=r2et S=. Pau I MN �5117 SCCec Addxess Ciry Stau Zip .. Applicant Information: � Name and Tide; � i n a o� i � r�c-k i Natu s Pres i den �_ Fust ivfiddle (Maidrn) l.as[ TiUe_ _ Home Address: '7��5 8ossard Dr i ve Rosev i I I e i�1N 55113 $tmct Addmss Gry State Zip DateofBirt6: nt/iQ/aa _ P:acec;Ri�.i: _et Panl ric.r.ie?hone: �4!?)eg8-9684 Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? Yes Natwa'izei? If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have work authorization from the U.S. Immigration & Natnrslization Servica Aave you evet been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than uaffic? YES � NO X Date of azrest: Charge: _ Convittion: Where? Sentence: List the names and residences of three persoas of good moral characcer, liviag within the Twin Cifies Metro Area, not relazed to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be refetred to az to the applicant's character. NAME Gloria Struntz ADDRESS PHONE 2690 N. Oxtord. #209. Rosevil(e, MN 55113 __ 483-4125 Jody Larson 2147 E. Burke, �22, NorTh St. Paul MN 55109 770-2836 John Dullea 1330 Warner Ave, Mahtomedi, MN 55115-1955 426-2766 List liceases which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: None Have aay of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES ,_ NO If yes list the daus and reazons for revocation: N/A Are you going to operate this business personally? �_ YES _ NO If not, who will opemte it? Fusi Name , bLddle Inidal (Maiden) Las[ . Dare of Hirth . Homc Addcess: Strcet Name Gry Srn.^ � Z'ip Phone Numbcr a a _ . . ��; r� y �, . _ . _ ... .. -,'", `I c. -1 o`l Are you going to have a mana�er or assisrant in this business? _ YES X Nd if the manager is not the same as the aperntor, pleaze complete the following infoimation_ Fuss Yame tiiddlc Inirial (�+�) � D � - Homc-Addrus:-.-SUecc.Na_me . __ ' Cirv S[aze Zip PhoncNumbec — - - - Please list your employment history foz the provious 5ve (5) yeu period: Business/Emalovment List all other office:s of the corporntion: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS Ted A. Na;us V.P. 2225 Bossard Dr e, Address HOME PHONE (612)488 BUSINESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH 4 (6t2J�87-"s211 ; If business is a parmership, please include the fol]owing infoimation for each parmer (use addirionat pages if necessary): First Namc Middle (Maidcn) tast Daze of Bicch Home Aridrss: Sum hiame Ciry Scc Zip ?honc Number Fust Nazne M'idNe [nitia( (Maidrn) Lssc Uare of Binh Homc Addras: Steet Name Ciry Starc Tsp . Phonc Number MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIf'iCATION NUMBER - Purntant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2 (270.72j (Tax Clearaace; Issuance of Licenses), licensing autkoriba are mquired to provide to ffie State of Minaesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identi5cation numbet and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Mianesota Governtaent Data Practices Ad and the Federal Privacy Aa of 1974, we are requued to advise you of th� following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identificarion Number. - This information may 6e used to deny the issuance or rtnewai of your licease in the event you owe Minnesora sales employer's tvithhold'mg or mocor vekicle excise taxes; - Upon teceiving xhis information, the licensing aushority wiA supply it only to the Minnewta Department of Revenu� However, undez the Federai Exchange of Information Ag'eement, the Deparmient of Revenue may suppiy this informacio to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minaesota Tax Identificarion Numbers (Sales & Use Ta�c Number) may be obtained from the State of Ivfinnesota, Business Reco*+ Deparm�ent, ] 0 Rivu Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Sociai Sec�uityNumber: 4b9-58-4489 Minnesota Tax Idrnrificarion Number. 22468 i 2 tf a Minaesota Tax Identificarion Nivaber is not required for the business beiag operated, indicate so by piacing an"X� she box. a4 io� CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPEl`1SATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STANTE 176.182 I hemby.certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workeis' compensation �n���++ce coverage requiremenu of NiinnesotaStatute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I a]so unden[andthu provision of false information in this cemficarion constimtes sufficient �ounds for adverse action against all licenses held, including revxation and suspension of said licenses. Nazne of Insurance Company: Ber Re I v Adm i n i s � ra � ors Policy N�ber; 0407594800 ' Coyerage from 0�/06I95 to nd /nF io� I have no employees covered under workers' compensarion in�..a ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WII,L RESULT IN DENL�L OF TFIIS APPLICATION I hezeby state thaz I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is uve and correct to the best of my Imowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other considemtion, by way of loan, giR, conffibution, or otherwise, other than aiready disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. �� n��B J � �cl �!/�,d /t - 3v' % S� Signature (REQUIItED for all applicarions) Date Attach to this application: 1) A detailed description of the design, location aad square footage of the premises to be liceased (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (pnferably on an 8 1/Z" z 11" or 8 1!Z" z 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone nnmber. - The scsle should be sffited such as 1" = 20'. ^N shoald be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as searing areas, kitcheas, ofTica, repair area, parking, rat rooms, etc. _ If a reqnest is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current area and t6e proposed ezpansion. 2) A copy of your lease agreemeat or proof of ownership of the property.