96-101Public Works .roMACT PERSON 8 pHONE Michael J. Egeum 266-6143 TOTAL # OF SIGNpTUFE PAGES ..._........,�., �zisi9s GREEN SHEET ___ ____ __ _______ INITIAUDAT�F ASSiGN N O. 34464 `� -, �' CITYCAUNCIL _ CI7V CLEAK FINANCE-ACCOUNTING (CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR SIGNATUflE) �3 CAP PROJ MCip��� � Q L!O/7 Approval of attached Council Resolution transferring 199�MSA funding from the 1994 MSA Contingency and uansfeiring prior year CIB RECOMMENDATIONSAp�xove (a w RejaC (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION qBCAMMITTEE _ A STAFr' _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE? PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSINUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING 7. Has Mis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for ihis deparunent?, VES NO 2. Has tliis person/firm ever been a dry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skili not normaity possessed by ari � w YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and attach to grean sh'; INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: . Additional MSA funding is needed for the Howell/Montreal lighang project and adequate surplus of MSA financing is available in the 1994 MSA Contingency project to cover. Prior yeaz CIB funds were placed in a Specified Contingency Account in 1994 to be transfeired to the 1995 CSSP Paving project at a]ater date. The attached Council Resolution is intended to make these changes to the 1995 Capital Projects Fund. Adequate spending and financing budget will be available to complete the 1995 CSSP program. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. $ � l. �:���� � � �'� �UHIY � ` lJJL7 � � ; .�: w ;Fl -� ,��. �����Y ,;�� � � .� � Bg 1'i5� � �e?arvG±�� dno-: vsv�:",^�':�.a .Ld'n ,?��i � -, ��; � � � ��u-x DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Spending and financing budgets for the 1995 CSSP program will be inaccurate. Contractor payments will be delayed. AMWM OF TRANSACTION $ � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) yES No PUNDING SOURCE 1987. 1989. 1990 CIB & 1994 MSA ACTIVffY NUMBER C95-2T528, C94-2T540 & C94-2T017 FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $504,406.70 (� i' � Council File # � � � ,� 1 `•.� E '; � � 1 �*� !�? � Green Sheet � "���+hG ` RESOLUTION C�'Y OF SAft�T PAllL, MINNESOTA I9 Presented By Referred 'Fo Committee Da�e -- - -- __ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i3 14 75 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 WHEREAS, the Departrnent of Public Works has awarded a contract for construction of ornamenhal lighting in the Howell/Montreal area, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for addibonal MSA funding and $430,000 in prior year CIB funding was to be transferred into the 1995 CSSP Paving program from 7994 CSSP Contingency, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resolufion 94-1843, known as Log #SU-66218, & l.og #SU-66246, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by ihe Cou�cil of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Rarge Capital Improvement Budget Committee, ihat the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Council is hereby further amended in following parficular: FINANCING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 Current Amended Budget Change Budget 1995CI6 1,323,594.03 430,00025 1,753,59428 1999.MSA 203,043.62 74,406.45 277,450.07 SPEC ASMT BONDS 275,865.84 215,865.84 SEW SERV REV BNDS7988 192,407.51 192,407.57 1,934,971.00 504,406.70 2,439,317.70 SPENDING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP. PVG C95-2T528 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN SPEC CONTGCY-CSSP PAVWG C94-2T540 290,744.33 17,633.62 308,377.95 7,644,766.67 486,773.08 2,130,939.75 - 1,934,911.00 504,40670 2,439,37770 CIB 7987 202,584.00 -202,584.00 0.00 CIS 1989 128,77025 -728,77025 0.00 CI81990 98,646.00 -98,646.00 0.00 430,00025 -430,00025 0.00 SPENDING PLAN SPEC CONTGCY-CSSP PAVMG C94-2T540 CONSTRUCTION 430,00025 -430,00025 0.00 430,00025 -430,00025 0.00 °lc.-le1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 19 18 FINANCING PLAN MSA CANTINGENCY C94-2T077 MSA 7991 MSA - Other SPENDING PLAN MSA CONTINGENCY C94-2T017 [�Z�P. C 9 L' l R� l Y C� 7. I 454,715.07 -74,406.45 380,308.56 166.674.06 166.674.06 621.389.07 -74.406.45 546,982.62 621,389.07 -74.406.45 546.982.62 621,389.07 -74,406.45 546,982.62 RESOLVED, that the City Counal adopts the above changes to the Capital budget. ThB $i. FQIl IAag ` *'�••�+e ��t�l I��'letR@�s1 Budget GAm�it� x�c�iv� �$� Eegue�t a� ,date) --.- 11 a�xd r��z+���d� s���.... �,��— Budget Director Yv. S�� [taqaasted by Department „�. MJE/jb j�UbI1C WOC�S 12-5-95 �1�� g „�,Uw '�--�— By �o-m Ppproved by City Atc � BY: //' '` <�d�� pp �L/l ��ti���'��e�%�� �l � Approved May r: Da e By BY: 2 ��v d by Mayor for .,���:cissior to Cc°.:.^.:^'_'_ ___�.__-__ _. / __ .__--_—_—__�_ v Adopted by Council: Date �� �{..p Adopti�on Certi£ied bv Council Secrecary