D94-059Whrte — City Clerk Pink — Finane� OsDt. G�ary — ppt. _ > GITY OF SAI1\'T PAITL OkFIGF OF TFIE MAYOR � b ADMINISIRATIV E ORDER Hl'I7GEi' ItEl7S[O� No: ��1 05q Date: `' -' _ • � ���ZS�.��� �)�ER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.W.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of—o. •�.�� to amend the 79_� budget of the Gen�-r�l fund, the Director of the Department of Finance anc� Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: �7nALi? Gni7nRAi, u0i-032Gi-"v2di unaLi6 ni,DG. ei'aIi3?. - P�INii}+G vUl-UJGUI-�LLI iei:Ah�T !i0&isI,iTY - PuSTAGB P61-Q3iQ6-0368 FqBLii, ASeLTH eDeIN - 6eFiCfi nUPPLinH Current Amended Budget Change Budget 9u,00 $u,"vG $li,%64.�i0 s6�ia $875.00 ii0,vai,i5 $ii,3o�,0u $ii,364,P0 . aAB@fiAS, 9PfiNDINC aUiHORiTY IS N&fi�a�i Oa202 AAu 032Gi FuB PHIiJPiH� 'ahu P�3T9GE, AeiD 3o.i5 $8i5.b0 i9nei.iaj �0."uu a'aB�Ba"s, T&S�� iS S�'ENDitiG AUTHG&iiY iN �1326G-63&8 PHAi C'sN 8fi P&ePi8F3"u&fi� i0 i3OVBS TABS� 3%PfiN3ES. ifiB&BFOR& BS Bn80iJ8D, TBkT TB"n �(AYG& ePPB0YE5 iBfi Gi[ANGn i6 THfi 19"r3 HliDGST. I` � � Approved by: Mayor �� .� ��•g� �Qy - 05Q DEPAfiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N° _ 13 9 9 9 P blic Heal h 2 14 94 GREEN SHEE CANTACT PEFSON & PHONE IN171AL/DATE 7NffIAUOATE � DEPARTMEMDIFiECTOR � CffYCOUNCIL h M hrlan Z 2� �2 A�IGN �CRYATfORNEV �CITYCLERK 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTINGFOR U�GET DIRECTOR m FIN. & MGT. SEqVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Signatures on Administative Order transferring spending authority between various Health General fund Activities. RECOhiMENDA710NS: Approva (A) or Fiejact (R) pERSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personNirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB CoMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/5rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DiSTRlC7 COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWNfCHCOUNCILO&IECTNH2 YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, Wtren, Whare, Why): , Spending authority is veing transferred between various object codes in 03202, 03207 and 03200 to cover deficit spending authorzty. ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Deficits will be covered. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NONE RECEiVE� ��R - 1 1994 CPi'Y CLERK DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Activities will have negative balance. RECEIVED FE8 f 4 �99# Bi��G�i' DfF10E TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ $�5.25 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE rPY1PP8� ACTIVITYNUMBER n���n� n��n R n32n� FINANGIAL INFORMATIOM (EXPLAIN) ��� I W