96-1001L� �itY cf st. ?aul RES4LUTIf3A7 fiPPR65TIlRG ASSESSt�AiT ADS F2X1N6 T3ME OF I3EARING TfiEREfRi :'ile kssessa�ent No. a� lio�ee� : —' — Ward ir. the a±$trer �+f the nssessment �f t�nefits, aost snd ex��enaes for 5 -r jr�ryi� 'rrelimir.ary Craer_�a Iistad spproved as liate� Finral C?rder as 1i�ted aPprc�ved as liste�l 34 ihe rstsessme .t cf bexiefits, cost ex.� expexises for �ne� in c�nn�ction with the el��ts impravemenG having beer_ suhmitted t� the Counoil, �nd the C�uncii r�iia� var.sidere� �sme and found tre said a�sessmer.t aati�factory, thsrefcrre, be it lcE36LVED, T:net tlxa sai� sssessment be snd =:�e same i� n2rebv ixi �il respecis a�prvved. R�S4L•�dJ �'�.7AT��2. T:�at a p ti�aring 1�a ha� cr_ ��i� avRYssRi2at c=. tre �ti day c,f Octuber,, 2996, at tha hour of Four Lhir�y �rclock P,M., in the Council Ch�mt�er of the Cenrt Aouse and City Hall Buiidins�, in ttie City of St. Faul; that ths `Taluation an�3 Assessment En�ineer g_ve nc,t_ce of �ai� meetiszg�, aa required t+y t_r,� Charter, stating in said notice the time and plaoe of he�ring, the aature of the improvement, and the amoun*_ assessed against the 3c,t ;,r l�t� of the partic��lar ;,�n� t� cvhom the no�ice is directed. couNC=LFSas�a �cprc� uy r_pn rou�c�1: T��=�� ,� 1,`�c�� Yess Nsys -='� n} sx�.GY ^ I��LSer�E' G'er*ifi�u' Pnrs9d �'iy C< u�s:a��.a3']r ✓�strcrm ✓f �'arir: �Y _k--j=-�_���-^-� ��.rris �?n Fa��r � ✓l�gara � ���mar. ', ngaii.s* Ata � nne {71Iq1 IC�tn :_� :. I :���P The operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting Projects for the months of January thru December 1996 for the following projects: 18390 Ford-Cleveland Area Above Standard Street Lighting System ����� a' 0072 Preliminary Order No. 95-909 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1225 Approved October 11, 1995 18336 0071 18321 0070 18392 0073 18430 0076 18423 0074 18425 0075 18434 0077 18510 0078 18525 0079 18550 oioo Selby-Western Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-908 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1224 Approved October 11, 1995 Lowertown Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-907 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1223 Approved October 11, 1995 Grand-East 1 Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-967 Approved August 16, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1226 Approved October 11, 1995 N. Wabasha Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-910 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1229 Approved October il, 1995 Grand-WeSt Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-969 Approved August 16, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1227 Approved October 11, 1995 Grand-East SI Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-968 Approved August 16, 1995 Fina1 Order No. 95-1228 Approved October 11, 1995 Smith Avenue Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-911 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1230 Approved October 11, 1995 Wabasha-Fifth-Sixth Axea Above 8tandard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-912 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1231 AppTOVed October 11, 1995 Selby Avenue Revitalization No. 1 Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminazy Order No. 95-914 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1232 Approved October il, 1995 Concord Phase 1 Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-913 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1233 Approved OctobeY 11, 1995 �'G-�@°� 18607 0101 18590 0104 18588 4103 18612 0105 18626 0106 18634 0107 18709 0108 18778 0109 PIIRircu�n SEP 211996 Department of Revenue Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-917 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1236 Approved October 11, 1995 St. Peter Street Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-916 Final Order No. 95-1235 Selby Avenue Revitalization Area No Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-915 Final Order No. 95-1234 Approved August 09, 1995 Approved October 11, 1995 2 Above Standard Street Approved August 09, 1995 Approved October 11, 1995 University-Western-Mackubin Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-918 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1237 Approved October 11, 1995 Snelling-Randolph Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-919 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1238 Approved October 11, 1995 East Seventh/Arcade Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-920 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1239 Approved October 11, 1995 City Hall/Court House Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 95-921 Approved August 09, 1995 Final Order No. 95-1240 Approved October 11, 1995 United/Children's Hospital Area Above Standard Street Lighting System Preliminary Order No. 96-772 Final Order No. Approved July 10, 1996 Approved Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7_22_96 Green Sheet Number; 34234 EPAR7T�TT D7RECTOR CITY COUNCII, + O ' ontact Person and Pboae Num er: ITY ATTORt�'EY Ci.q[K Roxanna Flink � 266-8859 ��. Dmec�.ox �. a� nicx. svc. nut tAYOR (OR ASSLSTAN'n 1 uncll ResearcL ust be on Council A enda by: 8-21-96 Musf be in Council Research Of�ce by noon on Friday 8-9-96 OTAL J/ OF SIGNATURE PAGES �_ (CLTP pLL IACATIQIQS FQR SIG�ATUAE) C1'ION REQCIESIED: efting date of public hearing. Approving the operating costs for the 14 above standard street lighting ysfems for various areas for the months of January thru Aecember, 1996. Files 18321, 18336, 18390, 18392, 18423, 18425, 18430, 18434, 18510, 18525, 18550, 18588, 18590, 18607, 28612, 18626, 18634, 18709 nd 18778. COMDtENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETECf (A) ERSONAL SERVICE CONT'RACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLONING: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract tor tbis department? YES NO PIw11A'NGC0�4d6510N A STAFF . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? 1'ES NO crva seevue conutus�oN � . Aoes this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cis cont�.trrree current City employee? Ex !at¢ all YES answers on a se arate s6eet and attach. UPPORTS K'HICH WUNCII.OBJECTIVE? Neighborhoods covnicn.wnxncs� 1,2,3,4,7 DIS'fRICTPLANNINGCOUNCII, 17,8,15,16 14,3,7,4,9 N[TIAITNG PAOBLEM, ISS(JE� OPPORTVNITY (1i'ho, What, When, Where, Y�'hy?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owmers and staff, the Council approved both the consfruction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is equired that a pubiic hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual perating costs. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These stems have increased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANI'pGES IF APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct enefitting parties to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance o€�the stem. � �,":,:�.r .� � ;;ii (JL c, ' r � � ISADVAN'I'AGESIFAPPROVED: F,,u �� ,�y�j one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� he City as a whoIe, would bear the added expense to operate these systems insYead t1f'tfie dirQct benefitting arties that re uested them. ` OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �j C}��l��Q oO COST/REVEryUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO� uac souxce: Assessments Only AcTInTr m�n�sEA: t . FWANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� 1583 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.