06-617Council File # � Green Sheet # 3031007 Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee Date WHEREAS, on April 19, 2006, the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #06-383, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessments of benefiu, cost, and expenses for providing weekly gazbage hauling services during December 2005 (File No. JOST4Q2, Assessment No. 8176); and WHEREAS, the property at 93 Sycamore Street West, being described as: Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 31, Block 3, with the property identification number of 30-29-22-33-0090 was assessed an amount of $170; and WHEREAS, the new owner indicated he would get a private garbage hauler and had cleaned up the initial problem; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Heazing Officer recommends deletion of the assessment because the new owner made a good faith effort to address the problems at the property; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of the assessment for 93 Sycamore Street West be deleted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $170 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bosh�om ,/ Harris � Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery � Thune ` � Requested by DeparhnentoE � Form Approved by City Attorney � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date ,�.,d/ �f/fl Adoption Certified by Council�Secretary By ' BY: ��//.�/� �n. `[.l��c2z Approved by Mayeq � �/y��O(, BY� ��� -fi .� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � bb �/ 7 CO �ouncil Contact Person & Phone: Marcia Maertnond 266-8560 Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Datey: Total # of Signature Pages 12JUN-06 y Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet N4: 3031007 Deoardne�t Sen[ To Person D i o rtment i 2 r 3 4 5 (Clip AII Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Deleting the assessment for providing gubage hauling services at 93 Sycamare Street West. Recommendaiions: Approve (A} or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee � Civil Service Cammission Wuesuons: t. Has this perso�rm ever worketl under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Facplain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheef initiating P�oblem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantaqeslfApproved: Ju� � � zoas Disadvanta9es If Approved: � ��._. ..:��.,�,_ . �a� Disadvanta9es If Not Approved: Transactlon: PundinA Source: Pinancial Information: (F�cplaini CosURevenue Budgeted:� Activity Number; D6-//� LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINiJTES OF MARCH 28, 2006 93 Svcamore Street West (JOST4Q}, $170 Page 2 John Betz reported that there aze two assessments here: a cleanup and a hauling. Orders were issued tc the property owner on i 1-30-OS about the lack of trash service at this property and to provide information by 12-5-05. The reinspection was conducted on 12-13-OS. There was no proof of service. There was a one week situation. They charge $50 to bring out the container and another $50 to bring it back. As for the Summary Abatement Order: it was issued on 11-30-OS for an accumulation of garbage on the ground. It was also reinspected on 12-9-OS and work was not completed, Parks cleaned it on 12-13-05. Rod A. Klindworth, P.O. Boa 592, South Saint Paul, appeared and stated he purchased this apartment building a few months ago. The inspector called and Mr. Klindworth said he would get someone to clean it up that day ar the next day. He had someone clean it up and then he had a service come. This bill should not be there. He didn't get all the notices because they went to the former owner. Mr. Betz stated that the inspector's noted that the new owner called on 1-3-06 and stated that he would get a hauler and get the garbage removed today. He had aiready cleaned up the initial problem. Mr. Kiindworth stated that he talked to someone who said he would stop the pickup. He asked is there a lot going on at this property. Mr. BeYz responded not a lot. Services were provided for a week in December 2005. The service was stopped after contact with the new otivner. Ms. Moermond stated she would like a better idea of when she purchased the property. (Recommendation is forthcoming.) 694 Sims Avenue (J05T4Q), $220 John Betz reported that orders were issued on 12-5-OS to the registered property owner by 12-8-05. There was a reinspection and the work had not beeu done. P�u•ks was told to provide a container service on 12-21-OS and 12-27-05. Ms. Moermond stated that she knows the appeilant talked to some people. Natasha Bessonov, appeliant, appeared and stated that she never received that letter. The inspector called to reduce it to one week. Ms. Bessonov received a letter dated 12-15-OS about providing garbage service. Her tenants aze responsible for providing their own service. They didn't Y.now it �vas not paid. She works in the office and does not recall that letter. They got in on the 19` which is Monday. That was the day the container got there. It was separate for two months. It was never picked up and there was no garbage hauling. BFI always had their confainer and never picked them up Ms. Moerniond asked how long American Park Investments has owned ihe property. Ms. Bessonov responded she does nat know. � Racquei Naylor - NewOpticai - COUNCIL - 06-383.tif Page 6 �c� "� � � ➢] 6 :s Q � �f N�O 'n�N K�� W1N b�N 0.�N �q �N �(000xo �000no 6 �OOOYO O�NNNM1N R 1Ny{pbN �m am u � ; n n n n m� o %�600 [r � 000 IOOp .2 ; 000 , iOeYN O F � N U � K� w� w�oao Q�000 q . . • F � �u�N .h� ,o ;o ,o •M IM �N +N �N �N � r! i00090� �OOOtlO� I 0 �00000� • „N tV q C � �+n��bHr n 0 0 v a �000 �000 �000 �000 i O'i rt �O �N � OG 3�3 K � a � ri m # F S m Q O r .f 0 n P � � � O a W a e+m p v� j �UU wkm � OKm z O H � � 4 Fi a' a w �O tv ru YH U❑ N � $ % �� ° �C�� 8O'.Gr]NN�.ri xm�aa�o�o �+ m .x min fi>t� wt�o 0 .�+,'{HN .yN m �`� �NKF.] ao �� n O � h N • �iHaQO o 4 � QS� H � P. 0.' 7�.tnT. � �c' a �K2ttw¢� � �� �� n � �a�u 1006 1000 �000 � ei90 � Y)N ° zwm � I+ g NO yyq VV �VV � F N U L5 K �n �O �F �n i � p � � � �, �H H� 1 M 1'1 ry � 00011 O �o x��' 000uo � � .�[� NNMrt� � Vla f NVL IIN �O��Yry) 0 ��xE%o�vi� n �ama o� n u m c a N p W m u U +n �u � n � a v� a � � � H Vl (� tl 4 N ml �0�0 X 30� �Wtu� �UUU W a o� w�wua o � KW >e0 �++XVFi�Zi �C�nN a � mu� m ;�°��p; �� [p � . � [pr :� �"a �CGwnri �FHna �v .RacqueiNaylor-NewOpticai COUNCIL 06-383.tif � "'� ✓. _ _ , _._,,.__ _ ,_._ _Page1 b� �/7 City o£ St. ?au2 COUNCIL FIL NO. ✓ RBSDLDTZON RATZFYING ASSESShffiNT By /� _ File No. SEE BELOW •� Assessment No. SEE BELOW votzng (rS J03���� Ward in the matter o£ the assessment o£ benefits, cost aad expenses for JOSOSA4 (61787 SLwmiazy abatement (property clean-up} during the month of Septemher 2Q05 at 145fi £eronia Ave. JOST4Q2 (8176} Providing weekly garbage hauling service for the £ovrth quartez o£ 2005. J0506A1 (8174) Sununasy abatements (property clean-up} during the month of December 2005. 50505A9 - LAID OVSR BY COUNCIL ON 2-25-06 TO 4-19-D6 LASD OVEA BY C4t}liCIT, O!S 3^35-05 TO 4-19-96 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment £or the above improvement, and said assessmenC having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered £inally satis£actory, theze£oze, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTRER, That the said assessment be and it is herehy determined to be payable in One equal instal2ments. Yeas Nays Absent 8enanav �/ Bostram y �.- Haxris "/ Flelgen ,i-^ Lantcv �i Montgomery ./ Thune f' (/ Adopted by Council: Date /�jzq�� /�j,aOOG i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 8y: __� Approved yor: p Date � Z ` y - �`"' 8y: � f / / � l��""'-""^r"�-,rl � . , _. _ � Racquei Naylor - NewOpticai COUNCIL - 06-383.tif " � __ . ,_ _ Page 2 t.�-�17 City of St. Paul Rea2 &state DivisiOn Dept. of Technolagp fi Managemant Serv.COUNCZL £ILE N0. RBPORT OF COMPLETZON OF ASSSSSDffiNT File No, SEE BELOW 6�-- �83 Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward Zn the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost ar.d expenses Por JOSOSA4 (6178) Sutmnary abatement (property clean-Up) during the month of September 2005 at 1956 Feronia Ave. JOST4Q2 �8176) Providing weekly gazbage hauling se=vice for the fourth quarter of 2005. 50506A1 (8174) Swnmary abatements (property clean-up} dusing the mon�h of December 2005. J0505A4 - I,AID OVSR SY COUNCIL 025 2-15-06 TO 4-Y9-O6 I,AZD OVER BY COt3NCIL Ox 3-15-05 TO 4-19-06 To the Council o£ the City Of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement oP the expenditures necessarily incurred £or and in connecti.on with the making of the above improvement, viz: Tota1 costs S2,57?.72 Charge-COde En£orcement S 300.OQ Real Estate Service Charge $ 120.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 52�997.72 Charge To Net Assessment 52,997.72 Said valuation and Assessment Engineez £urther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wiC: the svm of 52,997.92 upon each and every lot, part oz paxcel of land deemed benefitted by the said impxovement, and in the case oP each lot, pazt oz parcel oE land in accordance with the benefits con£erred thereon; that the said assessment has been CompleCed, and that hexeto attached, identified by the siqnature of ihe said Valuation aad Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by hin, and which is herewith submitte to the Council £or such action m r be considered proper. Dated ✓ � p � /1,_yaluatioi and ssessment Engineer .�Y" `, Racquel Naylor - NewOptical - COUNCIL - 06-383.tif � _ . . , _ Page 3 ; - i/4o `to � 7 � `�t,�'�C �� — �-- 1`� ��o GG-�8.� � Greett Shee# Green Sheef Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet �o�: ��a,�,: �E a �-o(� PW - �=wore �� Green Sheet NO: 3030430 �' ConFaetPenon $ PMre: Jian dtfz 2 8 6 8flfi 4 'dus! Be on Courxd Anen� GorrtrectTyPe' OT-0iF�EFt (D6ESt7T FRANY C4TEGORI� _�� Deeanrt�ent semtorarsen 6 Ast�o t Numbet z Far RouBng Ordar At Coimcil's tequeat an Z-l5-06 Bc 3-IS-06 these items weae 4tid over ta 419-06. 3��mary abatwnent (pmperty desn-up) dnring the month of Septan6et 2005 at 1956 Feronia Ave, Providing weekty gax�ge hvuling fm fowifr quzAer of 2065, Sennmazy abatemrnt dm D�ember 2065. File No. IOSOSA4, 705T4Q2, 70506At. � PlarNigCommtssiqn Ce Cammtlttee ` f;�.Q SaMCe t;amnis.^.ip� 5.1fls lltl5l��flrtn esvxM�2duXhf & caitrxl bftHS depaz4»eN7 Ye9 No Z Has lltis F��� e.er bem a cNY e+�7bYee? . Yas No 3. Ocea iHa Persur`firm P�ess a sktA M npme�' F�asseed M am' narent c�Y emP'q'ea4 Yes No E�Iain ail yes an¢wars an eaparate aheetand aNach W green aheet Initiatlng Pfnbkm, 6suea.Opportuniry (�YYIro. Wiwtm+en, Where, Why): PcopeKy owaeis or icamcs Creaze a heatth 6aaacd atvaziaus kimes thmugfiout the City o£Saint Paul when theic property is not kept ug TGe City is ra�uiredby City code io clean rtp Ure pcoperty a� cLarge thc property owoer for Eae cost oFthe ckan up. Adwaniaaas NNwrovad: Cost recovery pmgrnms to movcr e�.yenses for snmtuary abatementa, gtsss cutting, towutg af flbandoatd vehicles, demotitions, garbage Hauliag snd boazdin b isaMantaAes H Approved: None D'isadvartqsres MNOtADV�ved: If Council dces not approve these chsrges, geaeral fimd would be tequired to pay fhc assessment. �ew�nmounxor ��.� CoshRev¢nueBUdgeted: T}ansactlon: Funaing Source; RcOvi7y Number: Finanefattr�formaHOn: f�'P��^) 6 pmperty owne�s wit! be notlfied of the public heazing aad cbarges. C�i 6?85a'�r'' C�^"b�7 , � " I!'f� March 23, 2C0610: }5 AM Page t _ Racguel Nayior - NewOpticai - COUNCIC- 06383.tif _ _ _ _ , _, __ _,_ _ _ ,. __ Page 4 ; ., a U� 4 F W � O 0. K p 4 � � e{ m S F R � N Q a � 0 N .y N m N O O O o 0 O e noant- �C VIN 0 th ci w�n o m N OW � � 0 U w H � � F V a 5. 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