95-982Council File # ���� ,�, - Ordinance # Green Sheet # ✓�U �"� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Comm.ittee: Date �1 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #72458) for a Recycling Processing Center License Z applied for by Como Lube 5 Supplies, Inc. at 2148 Myrtle Avenue be and the 3 same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Cauncil By: App= By: Office of License. Insnections and Environmental Protection By : ����' ` ' �— Form Approved by City Attorney $ �. 7-1�-�is Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: LIEP Bill Gunther For Hearing: � ��y ��� SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9� y�y GREEN SHEET �° _30864 INRIAVDATE INRIAVDAIE O DEPARTMENT DIpECTOR � CITY CAU43CIL � CITYATTORNEY Q dNCLERK � BUDGEf DIAECTO � FIN. & MGT. SERVlCES OIR. � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Como Lube & Supplies, Inc. (Denis Swanson, President) requests Council apgroval of its application for a Recycling Processing Center License at 2148 Myrtle Avenue (I.D. �F72458). (A)or Reject __ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE GQMMISSION _ CB COMMITfEE _ _ SiAFF __ ,_ OISTRICTG�URT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? - YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis personflirm possess a ski11 not normaliy possessetl by arry curreM ciry empioyee? YES NO Explain a11 yes nnswers on separete sheet end attach to green sheet ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who, What, WM1en, Where. Why�� If APPROVED: �i�'��� � �a"�3 o-�� J(!i. 21 1995 iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDIRG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER 'INANCIAL INFORMAiION. (EXPUIIN) ClTY OF S�if�T P :,� qs- �� y llEP-LICENSE ADM«.lSTrk71CN - 350 ST F�ER STREET �300 SA!h!T P:,�L, MN SSTJ2 ?wCYCLiIvG GOLli.CTIO?�I CEtiTE�/R�CYCi,i\G P�CGESSiVG CE!v?B& LICENSE APPLICATIO*I P?ease answer all questior.s fss11y and eosc'_e,e�y. :his appl"zcation is thotougnly checked. Ar.y falsiiieatian will �e cause for der.is?. T?i?S FOR'; MliST BF ?ILLED OU2 BY EVERY ?E�SCN ?iAV21�G EXC3S5 CF 108 GF':3E,RSHIP. 1) :,ppl*_caticn for <cyge of Zicense) Recycling Processi C 2) Naae i:^.c'er whictt this business wi23 �s conducte3: Como lube & Suoolies. Inc. ausZaess 3) ?aeaced ae <Dusiness address) 2148 ' Myrtle Avenue 551 14 ST?tEET: Nusber Direct:on Neme T}�pe Zip Code � L) Eusiness telephone �.:mber 612-646-0830 S) :iail to address (if differens than busir.ess address): Same as #3 Dizect City T}'DB Zzp Code � 6) x�e of appiican� Swanson Ronald Denis N1A Last rixsz tiiddla Haidea 7} Applicant's titie (corporate office:, sole owr.e:, par ^�ez, other) PY'eSid2nt & CEO a) Eone address 2404 Logan Avenue STREET: Tt.�bcY Dizection Name Type ior WI �2:/ 9) Date oi birth 03-03-41 �zace zip pge 54 715/392 xome Phor.e 'riace of birzh Minneapolis MN IO} Lisa a11 oPfzcezs o£ =he corporatioa, gi�ir,g 2heic names, ofPice he1d, complete hcme address, date of birch, and heme and ��u?ness �e1e?aone r.wabers. '� Zane Swanson, Vice-President, 2728 W. Superior St., Duluth MN 55806, 01-10-63 218/722-2920 ✓Bob Hall,Chairn�an of the Board, 2824 Jean Duluth Rd., Duluth MJ55Sti4 , 07-23-53 218/722-6666 ✓Mark Oestreich, Secretarv/Treasurer 2716 W. Superior St. Duluth NN 55 03-07-64 278/722-6666 11) If zbe business is a partnership, i'_sc �azt:er(s) complete addresa, telephoae, and d-4,e of bizih. N!A 12) Aze you goir.g to operate this b-a.siness personally? n0 Z£ no�, wko Wi2Z cperate it? GSve tze_Y r,sme, tomplete hoae adciz;ess, date of birth, aad telephuae numbeY. �. Paul Gri�e12, i637 J=�i Dr., 4.bodbury NN 55125, Born t2-74-55, 612/578-1595 13) Are you goir.g ta have a sar;ager ar assistant in t^is business? Yes Zf answer is "yes", give name, cospieta hone addzess, 3a�e of birth, aad tele�hor,e nuaber, Same as #12) 24) Zf Recycling Y:ocess3ng Cer.tar, is the pYOasssong indoors or outdoors indoors Ts storage irdoors ar outdcazs? spent solvent-indoor tank Cl2di1, recycled-soivent- outdoor tank IS) Attach s capy herec�s oi a lsase agree�er.t or pzcof o£ ownership for the preaises at which a licerse vill 3e held. I5) Attac'� to this sgplica�zon tne exacc address ar.d praperty �escript€o;� of the premises in Sair._ ?su2 �;he:e aay part Cf the busi.ess is ts ba carried oa, togetner ai�h a diag:aa of the gzeaises s::o«:ng, vith e�actness, ti�e loca:ion of the abutting zeads, praperties, baild,ngs, and uses, and t.e locazioa, materials a:�d design of alI buildings to be used ia the liceasad bt:s?ness, inciud`_ng etructuzes xequired herenade:. A2so, iadicate stotage area for rec�cling mare:i�i. 177 � R4.ndld D2111S $wdfi50i1 ua�ersrand thfs greaises ma3 be inspeeted by the Pol�ce, Pire, �?ea2t;a, and otre- city cffi�:als st any and a11 :i�es ;rhea "'�e bus;^ess is in opezat�oy. State of :Sinnesots j C ,� y � � �/ `� ` /`/�Lr.��J � /.f-`�c5' -�-`�"% r County of ,�axsey ) Sigr.ature ef Applicant / Da:a � l�Gon)Att� I�. Sw,A-�t1SVn� Ex,ir.g dvly swo�, de?oses ar.3 say upon oaih t?�at he has read ,he _°o:egoing st�.exezt aaaring tnis s`_g;ature .nd knous the cantents t'�erec€, and ehat cha saaa is .zce oz his oo-n kr.osrledge except as to �'r.ose �atters taerein stated ugon ir.°c�zzt_o.^. a^d ba2iaz ar.d as to C�osa cacters :se be2ier•es C:129 :o be tn:e. Subscribed and suarn ro bePore We th'_s � da - af .�c.t;vc% 1�r� '� �� ���� A*otary B �Yi , 'SYLo��s Co My cv�ission er.?ires �- 3/-OG� � MARK O.OESTREICH � : N07ARYPUBI�C ' �, �m, Expi�es Jan. 31.2000 e � 2/°.1 Cl7Y OF S:i�v'T PAUL llEP-UCE�'SE AOM��:lS i nk i iCt�! 350 S7 P��R S'f"ir EE7 #300 $A!t�(TPA��MN 55f02 - q.s-s�s" P,FCYCLiNG GOLL-:CTSON CEh"IFa2/R�C°Ci:tiG P�GCESSI'�G CSA'2£eZ LICF.AISE APPLZC,�,TTON Please ansver all questior.s fu11y and co2�?ately. This applieation is �hozougnly checked. Any falsifieation will �e cause fo: denia?. ?H?5 ?ORM *n:ST 3E ?ILLED 0'v'T BY EVERY ?5�2SC;� ?�.?VILiG EXCESS CF 108 GS.':�£.4SHiP. 1) Application Por (cype cf iice�sa) Recycling Processing Center 27 Naae une�er uhich this busiaess wi21 �e conducte3: Como Lube & Su�plies, Inc. Appi'_cant / CcIDpaay Name Business ATama 3) Loeated at <business addzess} 2148 STREET: Number Direc 4) Business telephone z.uaber 612-646-0830 5) Maf1 to addYess (if differer.: than busir.ess address): le 55114 City Staze Zi.p Code b) Name of applicant Hdll Robert Myles N/A Last First riiddle Haiderc 7) Applicant's title (corporate office:, sola ovna:, partr.er, other) Chd1Y'mdn Of th2 BoBY'd 8) Hone add;ess 2824 Jedn Du1Uth Rodd S'FR.EE'I: N�ber Direction Naa�e Type Duluth MN 55804 218/525-2269 Ciey State Zip Ccde Aome Phor.e 3) vaae oP birth 07-23-53 ?ge 4 g 'rlace of birth 6uluth MN 10) List all o£ficers of the corporation, givlr.g thei•r ^ames, offite he1d, complete heme address, date of birth, and home and �.:sir,ess :ele?!�one r.vabers. Zane Swanson, Uic�President, 2728 W. Superior St„ Duluth NN 55&16, Born 01-70-63 218/7?2-2926 Ronald D. Swanson, President & CEO, 2404 Loaan Ave., Superior WI 5A£�0 Born 07-23-53 7151392 Mark O�streich Secretarv/Treasurer 2716 W Suoerior St Duluth MV 55&l6 Born 03-07 64 218f722 6666 11) Zf ahe �usiness is a partnership of bizth. i'_sc �azt,er(s) complete addzsss, zelephone, and �te �:1 I2) Are pau goir.g to opera.e this b•.�siness pexsonaliy? �o I£ na" who will cp�raie it? Give their nrme, complete haae ad.'.,ress, dace of birth, and ¢eiephone number. Paul (�izzell, 7637 Je,�l Dr., k�bury NN 55125, Bom 72-14-55 612/578-1595 13) are you gnir.g to hsve a aana3er or assistant in t?:is bus:asss? Y� If ansver is "yes', give na�ae, compieta noQe �dd.ess, 3atx of Sirth, aad teiephcr,e number. Same as #i2) IL) I£ Recyc2ing Pzocess3ng Centar, is t�e �zocess:ng �ndoors or autdoors? 1�do0T'S zs storage inaoors or ouzaoars? spent solvent-indoo�r £ank; clea�, recycled solvent- outdoor tank IS) Attach a capy hezet� oi a lease agreemzr.t or �zoof o€ ou�ezship foz the preaises a� vhich a Iicense vill 3e held. ib) Accach �o �'�is applfcaiion ihe exact address and prepezty Zescr3�t:on oP t4e premises ir Sair,t Pau2 ::h�ze aay par. of ehe Eusir.ess is to oa carried oa, ,ogether wi:.h a diag:aa oF the preaises s;:ewizg, vit�x exactness, t2:e loca:?on of the sbuteing roads, propezties, buildings, aad ues, and �:;e loeatioa, matezials aad design of ali bui3dir.gs to be usad in the Iicetssed bt:s-aess, inci�:ding struc�ures required he�en�de:. Alse, ?ndicate szarage area :ar recyciing marerisl. 17} T ROb21"t Hdll :m�erstand this pze�ises may be inspeeted 'oy �he ?olice, rire, �iea2tS, and other ciry officia2s at any aad a21 ti�es whea �.�� bus:aess is in opezation. Stata of Yinnesota ) j� � �ll� ��� ) !J t� County of Zamsey ) Signatu�e oP App2icanc / Date R c�ic�'T Y✓�- 1'�J�ZL �e:r.g duly swoza, deposes ar.d say upon oazh tza� h¢ has zead the _oregoing statesezc bearing this s:grature and S�ows the coments t4ereof, aad Chaz tha sa:na is :zLe ot :�is o�n knowledge excapt as to Li:ose aatcezs :Sereia st.ated upon info-ua�_oa ar.d be2ia� a*:d as to �::osa mactets ha be2ieves c4am �o be tr.:e. Subscribed and sworn to befare We sh:s � aay of �ti•c ` 1s �1s" � ?doca �b2 .�5 . G rs Councy, M�V My co�mission expires �- 3�"�O • • AAARK O.OESTREiCH • NOTARYPUBLIC-MtNNE50TA � " My Camm. Expires Jan. 31. 2000 ■ s 2/?1 Greensheet # 30864 L.1.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 7!5(95 ��S' ��� In Tracke�? NpP'n Ftecaived ! apP'n arocessed licenselD # �245$ Lice�se Type: Recycling Processing Center CompanylVame: Como Lube & Supplies, Inc DBA: Buslness Addresss: z148 Myrtle Avenue, 55114 Susiness Phone: 646-0830 Contact Name/Address: Denis Swanson, 2404 Logan Ave HOme Phone: 715-392-1292 Date to Councii Research: Superior, WI 54880 Pubfic Hearing Date: 19�, `- Notice Sent to Appiicant: � �d� y� 3'f �� Notice Sent to Public: 7 `d � yd Labels Ordered: District Council #� ____ Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � lL � 1t�}�� � Environmental Health ) �d� Pire r--f � ( {-�'`r � ` a �z. �- �� $�"��'i License � Site Plan Reeetved: , 7—{ �' 7 � Ql�- � '�`"� �� aa�»�vea: J Police ��5� �� ��- Zoning � � � � � � �" �" ��-^'� .�'a°".F� °�