95-981� .,_, � � � � � � Council File # � 70 t 1 Green Sheet # 29349 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA tf� Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID #B-09067, £or a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Minnesota Licensed Beverage Assn/Children's Fund at Northern Lites Steakhouse, 1975 University Avenue W., be and the same is hereby approved. r,-���� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: Appz By: Office of License, Inspectione and Environmental Protection � ) j � g�. ; �; �u-�, �'t-.,," �T �-�� C � Form�oved by City Attorney By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ey: ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** q� yY� DEPARTMENTIOFFICE(COUNCIl DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 2 9 3 4 9 LIEP CONTACT PEASON & PHONE iNPnAUDA7E INITIAVDA7E �OEPARTMENTOIREGTOR �CITYCOUNCII Christine Rozek - 266-9108 ASSiGN �CfTYATfORNEY �q7YCLERK NUYBEI7 FOR RAUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Hearing: g` �(p �� ORDER O MAVOfl (OR ASSISTAN� O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: . Reith Poppenhagen on behalf of Minnesota Licensed Beverage Assn./Children's F`und requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Northern Lites Steakhouse, 1975 University Avenue W. (ID 1tB-04067) RECOMMENDATIONS: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SEpVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has [nis person/firm ever worked untler a contrac[ tor ihis department? _ CIB COMMIttEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/tirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURr � 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skilf not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPOATS W�'1�CM COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Expiain aii yes answers on separate aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNffY (Who, W�at, lMien. Wlrere, Why). ADVANTAGES �FAPPflOVED' � �� y . �� At�G 3 3995 DISApVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVE�: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI{dG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANpAI INFOFMATIOM (EXPLAM) Greensheet # 29349 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: j gs yfr {n Tr2ck0(? APP'n Received 1 +�PP'n Processed LiCenselD # B-09067 New State Class B Gambling Premise Permit Company Name: MN Licensed Bevera�e AssnlChildrens Fund DBAMN Licensed Bevera¢e Assn/Ghildrens BUSiness Addresss: 1975 Universitv Ave. W. 55104 Business Phone: 588-3953 Fund Contact NameiAddress: ��Orthern Lites Steakhouse) }{ome Phone: 588-3953 Keith Poppenhagen/CEO 800 42nd Ave, N. Mp1s, MN 55412 Date to Councii Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: g 110 Q� Notice Sent to Applicant: Labels Ordered: District Council #: i2 Notice Serrt to Pubiic: Ward #: fl4 Department/ Date Inspections Commer�ts City Attorney �� Environmental Health � �� Fire �.11 !-�- License �� 1 1� S ` f Site Plan Received:_ � � � Lease Received: Police Q � " J /��/�� � Zoning ; ��� ,e� �J LG214 r�+� 3finne...ota Lau�fut Gamblirtg Preauses Fermit Agplication - Fart 1 af 2 CHECK iNiTIALS DA7E :, �.P� Df 1i�3p�iCLitIOTE `" . ` z ..: ;, � - - � �� - Class of psemises permit " . . ,.... , . � _. Renewal (check onej . Om�anizztfon bxse license number U�5400) Pu(I-kbs, tip6�ards, �ddlewfieels, rifles, bingo Premises pertnit number � B($250j Pull-tabs, 6pbcards, pzddiewheels, raf�es � h�' {�-Og°�P� ❑ C(5200) Bingoonly ❑ � (5150) Patftes «,y �L� �siness Acf�ress � �W 4a � (41� n�c,Dc.S ame ot Ghief �n � �. (.rin���rcn 5 �'cnr�r� �ganiz - Street a P. O Box (Do vt „c ✓✓ use tne aaaress oi your Mw S} 4�3 (cannat be your gam6ling manager) -� 1 c��� s���- 3� ��?- ) If applying for a class A or C pennit, flll in days and beginnin�a & ending hours of bingo occasions: hTo more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your�r�anization per week. Day Be�nning(Ending Hou:s Day BeginningfEnding Hours Day Beguuung /Ending Hours tA _ tn _ to to � to _ to in If bingo �rill not be coaducYcd, cfieck fiere �-- Is ihe premises located wiihin c'f.y fimi7s? (� Yes CJ ho if no, is township � aganized � unorganized � unincarpwated Giry and County where gambGng premises is Iocated OR Township and Counry where gambling premises is bpted if outside of ciry limits owner of premises FOR BOAR� USE BASE # PP � your orgarnzanon own �e nunarg wnere me gamwing v,an oe conauctee�t p yt� p No If ra, attach the folbwing: • a eapy of the Ieaze (tam LG202) with terms for at Iezst one year. • a apy oi a sketch of U'�e floor pian with �mensions, showing what porcon is being teased. A iease and skefch are rwt raq�"ved far Ciass D appIIatons. cz� �E�"�' ll��c �v , !� z s c,c�� �.,s � ti� �.� u., -c�oi�>_ Vhw S .s'4�1 Sa- (✓�.��. cMr✓ S5��9� / T-�ay' Minnesofa Lau�,{ut Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 � 9s �/ J; r� , 'lGr�cz (`L�b lt�� �� i�� (yy7�� ffl N Ss�c 5 — � ^ c-,G� - ff Scr �c< /��f �QC�,r.i� MN �S�?£fP - (�cr����M (Y1cn��.r �1.� � ti^n. t lncc2 4'" �u_ lJ _ Md5 mIv SS4�a - �Ktt4 .c.t �<c�✓ I heraby consent that focal law enforcement oificers, the board or zgents of the board, or the com:nissioner of revenue or public safery, or agents of ihe commissioners, may en;er the premises to enforce the law. Bank R¢cords Informat£on The b�ard is authorized to insped the bank records of ^„5e gambling 2xount whenever necesszry to tulfiN reGuirements ot current gambling tules and law. Oath ! dedare th�t: •1 have read this zppl'�tion and all iniormafwn submi�ted ta ihe board is true, accurate and complete; •all olher required iniormation has been fuily disclased; Signafure of chief exewtive otfiicer � . _ �9 n n 1. Tha city'must sign this application if the gambling prem- ises is bcafed wfthin city limrts. _ 2. The county "AND township'• must sign this applica"on rf the gambiing premises is bcated within a townsfiip. 3. The bcal unit government (city or countyJ must pass a • resoluYion spec'rficaliy approving or denying this z�piication. C�� O� CAI city�ry Nam L = Si a of person � "_ T ���i n i ` Daie �� to ihe insiructions fG required ariachmaMs. Mait W; Gamblt�y Controi 6oxrd Rosowood Plars ^xuth, 3td Fioor �711 W. County Road 8 Roaevllte, MN 55173 •I am the chief executive oflicer ot the organization; •I assume fuli responsi5ility for the fair and law(ul opera- iion o! �� ac:litis�s to ba conduded; •I will familiarize myself with the Izws ot Minnesota governing IawEul gambling and rules oi the board and agree, 'rf licensed, to abide by those laws >nd ruies, incSuding amendments to tham; •any changes in ap�lica:ion information will ba submittad io the board and bca( unit ot government within t 0 days ot the change; and �1 understand that tailura to provide required inlorma2ion or providing false or misfesding iniormaSbn may resuft in the denial or revocation ot ihe Iicense. � Date i � L •� 4. A coo� ot the local unft of oovernmeM's resotution ao- h' h i + 5. it this aQplication is denied by the bcal unit of government, R should not be submittsd 2o the Gambling Control Bcard. Townshtp: 8y signature below, tha township 2cknowledges that the organizatwn is applying ior a premises permitwiihin township limits. Township Name SignaWre of person receiving appl'ication Tide � Date Received LG274(Part 2) ��r72ssi)