95-978d ( � � � � � � � Council File # � �� �` Green Sheet # 29354 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � ,, _ _ � il ` '�.! Presented By ReferYed To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID Pending, for a new State C1ass B Gambling Premise Permit by St. Pau1 East Athletic Association at Arcade Ba�932 Arcade St., be and the same is hereby approved with the condition that this license not become effective until 9/1/95. ��� Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: O£fice of License. Ins�ections and EnviYOnmental Protection By �� v "_ _ �C�y.�._ (J"t k �� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �����•�,� 7-29-�5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adop�ed by Council: Date + �' v� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 95-97� ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** N� 2 9 3 5 4 �EPAfiTMENTIOFFICEICqUNGL DATEINITIATED �REEN SHEE LIEP INITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O pEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR O CITV fAUNCIL Christine Rozek - 266-9108 ��GN �CfTVATTORNEV QCITVCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCI�AGENDA BY ( ATE) µ �� Ep � � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGi SERVICES DIR. � FOUTING O `� OFDEN � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANT) � Hearin : o r TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED. Jaclyn Pearson on behalf o£ St. Paul East Athletic Association requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Arcade Bar, 932 Arcade Street (ID pending with State). RECOMMENDATIONS' ApProve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has thi5 per5olVfirm ever WOfked under a ContlaCt fOr [hi5 tlepadm2M� _CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO _ S7aFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISiRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personttrtm possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� VES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, H'hat, When, Where, Why) COilFi��1 ''r3�S�d'Cpl ��11&C RUG � 1995 FDVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED. OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 29354 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: / 9s� g In Tracker? App'n Received / .opp�n �rocessed LicenselD # Pending with State — State Class B Gambling Premise Permit Company Name: St. Paul East Athletic Association DBA: St. Pa„1 EaGr arhlPr;r Accnriatinn BusinessAddresss: 932 Arcade St. fArcade Bar) BusinessPhone: ��R—R�St Contact Name/Address: .Taclvn Pearson/CEO Home Phone: ��st_tt�si 1551 Sherwood Ave. 55106 Date to Counci! Research: Pubiic Hearing Notice Sent to Notice Se�4 to Public: Labeis Ordered: District Council #: 05 Ward #: 06 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �- Z �?'-� Environmental Health �,� �ire ���� License Site Plan Received: ^" lease Received: ��, q 5 b 1� Police ��� ��`� � � Zoning � � � ,� � C � qs- y��' Minnesota Lau�ficl Gambiing Organization License Application, LGZ00 A- Part 2 ..: . , •,<, - - • , <-:: <.: , Latvful Purpose Expend�fiires jMinn St<ztute 349:Z2 Subd.I2) < ' Please list the lawful purpose expenditures for which your or9anization wili expend gambling tunds. (Refer to Minn. Staiute 349.12 Subd25.) Give specific examples. �;o�.}h � Zecw �_�es� -t-ce �t�td-cL Uni��rm�,� t�fk[-��<< Y��.i Gairibling Mariager _ ame o organ¢ation's gam ing manager ress �ty tate ip e �'4me s RLS�� YY� �Dar�a �<h g� S E� I'rto ra S�t.�`iuL rn�V 3 SJ ,._ ..... .. . Organi2ationat Income dnd Activities (arraon add;r;ona� sneers �tnecessa.yl your �¢ri,c4(���-�io� F��'s YU✓�h `"I�a�r/lr.cm-�n'�S in comparison with funds you raise as a nonprofit organization, what is the percen2 of funds you will raise through law(ui gambling? ,�G % Wbat other activities does your organization engage in (not fundraising activitiesJ? E�+ � 7^ � ��; �� � k � h c-c�, l-?wau�d5 /�o/�"v'c �4,TSl,. (J�,rd-�i`t_ ..._ . .., _.. _.- I declare 2hat: • t have read this application and all information submitted to the board; • All information is true, accurate and complete; • AI! other required information has been fuliy disciosed; • 1 am the chief executive officer of the organization; • i assume full responsibility for the fair and lawtui operation of aIl activities to be conduded; • I wiil familiarize myseif with the laws of Minnesota governing lawfui gambling and rules of the board and agree, it licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; • A membership list of the organization is attached to this application; • Any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local government within 10 days of the change; and � A termination pian will be submitted to the board within 15 days of termination of all premises permit(s). • I certify that the gambling manager is bonded and licensed as required per Minnesota Statute. • Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may resuk in the denial or eevocation of of Chief Exesutive Officer Dafe tvlaii to: �ambiing Control Board Suite 300 S. 1711 W. Counly Road B Roseville, MN 55713 LG200A Rev. Ql28�92) t I Last Name FOR BOARD USE ONLY hiinnesota Law, fut GambIing Organization License Application - Part 1 i'Inforrriatiort .: :ation Other names used F�s1 Ath 1-e-�,'c �ssco. N � h�2 irganization - Street or P. O. Box (Do not use address oF gambGng manager) euunass I� Nunter(Mirv� Sa�es a Use Taz Perrzit) .�.-������.� - �a a �-r �t3 � � Name Maiden Narne se c�rz� �i�s•xssi Date of birth Business phone number t-zo-S�S � � �Z�r3--a��� GambGng Manager Seminar ' �f/I f�i�t� 4'v�SE y' Ctc Rrst Name Middle Name Maiden Name ur� + ��IO�S:j.t t6lt) 7 ?i - Z�,SS Type of Nonprofit Organization: ❑ Fratemal ❑ Veterans ❑ ReGgious �cOiher rronprofit Number of years organization has been in ebstercce as a nonprafit organizaUon � 9 �! 9 Attach a copy ot a certificate o£ good standu�g as a nonpro6i organizauon lrom the NGnnesota Secretary o! Srate's office ancUora leffer from the IRS dedarirg income tarz exemption. (Do not send a sales taz permit or Fede21 empioyer id�5fication informavon) - Number of Aclive Members �_ (must be age 18 and older). Attach a membership list to this application. When dces your organization hold regular meebngs? Day (s) �) f h Fv! c�,r4 Hours �•� O P• 1y1. Class of Organizat3on License � Class A— Bingo, Raflles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, Puli-Sabs � C�ass B— Raffies, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, Pull-tabs ❑ Ciass C— Bingo only ❑ C(ass D— Raffles onty Check the boz that most accnzately summarizes the gambliag at ali of yonr premises. Tfie organization Iicense mvst zeflect all forms of gambling canducted by qour organization, Stafus of License _ check one. � c�rgan¢afion has never been licensed, ❑ Previously expired license — Fiil in comolete license number Reter to the instructtons for the required attachments. REM(NDER: The organtzation's chlef executive officer and treasurer must complete the Organizatfon Officer Affidavit, form LG2006_