95-975Council File # �� r �� V $ \�'a�f 1`3��_. Green Sheet # 29356 RESOLUTIt?N SAINT PAUL, MINNES(37A Presented By Referred To �a Committee: Date RESOLVED That application, ZD #B-03180, for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Friends of Animal Adogtions, Inc. at The New Frontier, 230 Front Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. � Yeas� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Adopted by Conncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: �ppx y: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: �'�-^�o 't'"'*� � ��-' Form Agproved by City Attorney By; � • �' 2 -yS Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** LIEP Christine Rozek - 266-9108 TOTAI # OF Sf6NATURE PAGES �-- Marlene Foote on behalf of Friends of Animal Adoptions, Inc. requests Council approval of Cheir application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �fB-03180, at The New Frontier, 230 Front Avenue. o� _ PLANNiNG COMMISSVOM __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �_ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI O&IECTIVE� INITIATING PROBLEM, �fld�6+�S� �S3l4��'S� '�.���C AE1G � ���5 GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INITIAV�ATE � OEPARTMENT OIRECTOP O G(TY COUNCII. O CINATTORNEV O CITY CLERK FOp � BUD6ET DIRECiOR � FiN & MGL SERVICES DIR. � O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE} PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has this RersoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract for this deparVnent� YES NO 2. Hfls this persOn/tirm ever been a c+ty employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski{i rwt norma6y possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet y� y7s N_ 29356 DTAL AMOUNt OF SRANSACTION $ COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO JNUING SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER JANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 9�-y7 Greensheet # 29356 L.I.E.P. REVIEIN CHECKUST Date: ( In Tracke�? App'n Received / aPP�n procassed LicensetD # B-03180 New State Class B Gambling Premise Permit COmpany Name: Friends of Animal Adovtions, Inc. QBA: Friends of 9nimal Adontions, Inc. BusinesS Addresss: 230 Front Avenue (The New Frontier) Business Phone: 739-8512 Contact Name/Address: Marlene FootelCEO Home Phone: 739-8512 2785 Robinwood L3ay Woodbury, MN 55125 Date to Councii Research: Public Hearing Date: �� t �e ��ry S Labeis Ordered: Notice Serrt to Appiicant: Notice Sent to Pu61ic: Department/ � Date inspections City Attorney Environmental Health ' `�-�j) � � ��=' � %�- ��e �'��- anse � �� � �� �� .�,��� District Council Ward #: OS Comments Site Plan Received: Lease Received: �eevi�l �2�c�- ��5�°S' �� , � _ �� LG214 - ��72sr3tl . Mittrzesota Law,fut Gambting ,° .: Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 FOfl BOARD USE ONLY �I SASE # ' PP # ;._ , .. ' � n.•:-.- .�c,_.:.:•.r�n:.�:+.+:..t:v . .�:).�?a:xrri_y.r:.��c: . Ar.%::�:.'-�SSF:Sirli:$ . ;..h:" >ry�' ...._k�.f . .. /.. .�� qc.. ...<�: .�..Ole.. M.N.,-!• �...s:: � �.r.°: �:� �fi:Y: n:�iu::. a... ,.,, _ . . .... .. ...w.� i.i.::.:•..•: ....i:.... qy. . ' ., _.e.�:�".........:.i:i...� -n :::.:.:...:.....:.:.......:_.., .�.,_.".,,_,r:.: .il�S;:q.:'.;I%e..l..'o:.��.e^.:: . . _ .. ,.✓ .. . ....., . ...a ...... ......... v :e<:. . s.v.,..; . _ . . „:,.,.n,:,.n .,-._. f zv,�.-: y.:;..._,.i.n � ,... :..:. �:.. .. . . ,.. :.,,r. _,. - ':rr<" e:: ;�1 iieu or�:-�°?:: � �� PP # �:�_ .:, Ciass of premfses permit , . . , '. � - �Fienewal �- [check onej . . . � Orgariization base 4icense number_�� ❑ A($ADO) Pull-ta6s, tipboards. Paddiewheels, raffles, bingo �. .. Pramises permd number jv � B($250) Pufl-habs. tipboards. Paddlewheels. raffles I� New ❑ C($200j Bingo oniy Y+ ❑ �($i50) Rafllesrnly r � � 95-91� to to _ If bingo will aot be conducted, check here � use a -. Is the premises tocated within city limits? C�] Yes O No If no, is township � organized � unorganized C� unincorporated " City and County whe^gambting p�emises is locaied Ofl Township and County whera gambling premises is bcated if outside of ciry limits ', Does your ""Addres ��: � _ _ owner ion own tlie buiidng where the gambling will be conducted? Q YES � NO If na, attach the following: ` a wpy oi the lease {form LG202) with terms tos at Ieast one year. � • a copy of a sketch of tfie floor plan with dimensions, showing what porton is being Ieased. A lease and sketch are not required for Cfass D applications. r � II I�I If apptying for a class A or C peimit, flll in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasions: No more than seven bingo occasions may be condueted by your or¢anization per week. Day Beg[nntagJEnding Hours Day Beg{nntngfEnding Hours Day Be�nning jEnding Hours Mirutesota Lawfici Gambiing Premise Permit Apglication - Part 2 of 2 - , vuuuaaux w�c �aaawwa..naavu = -`_- 1 hereby conseM that bcal law enlorcemerit ofificers, the `P board or agants of the board, or the commissioner of .. _.__`_ revenue or public safety, or agents of fhe commissioners, - ; may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Iuformatioa - The board is authorized to inspec[ the bank records of the _ gambting accauM whenever necessaty to tutfill , _.,'requirements of current gambling tufes and (aw. - Oath --�-' t deciare that: � ° •1 have read this applicafion and al! information submitted fo the board is frue, accurate and complete; - ' •ali other required information h as b fully �sdased; , _ _ ���" �,8fdc9ature of chief axecutive officer � `,1. The city'm�st sign this appiication 'rf the gambting prem- -�"�es is Iccated wRhirt ss�ty limhs. :; % 2 The courrty "ANO township" musf sign 2his application it `�� the gambling premises is bcated within a township. '::<�' 3:� Tfie Iocaf unB goverriment (ciry or cQUnty} must pass a �-"�'iesoiution specificalty approving or denying this applica6on. , . �ex'>: : - �:° �'F:. . - •! am The chiaf executive o�cer of ifie organization; •1 assume full responsibil'�t}r for the fai� and lawFul opera- tion of afl activities to be conduded; •1 will familiarize myseH with the laws of Minnesota goveming IawFul gambfing and niles of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, includi�g amendments to them; •any chartges in app(icaYwn information wilf be submifted to the board and bcal unit of govamment within 10 days oi ihe change; and •1 understand that faiJure to provide requ'ued information or providing lalse or misleading infocmation may rasvlt in the denial or revocation of tha license. 4. A 4qpy of the toca! unit of aovernmerrt's resolution ao- ���p ��c annCrafinn must be attached to this aoot+cation 5. ii+.nis appiication is oenied'oy iha iocai uniF of government, R should not be submitted to the Gambling Contrat Board. Township: 8y signature bebw, the township acknowledges that tha organizatron is applyiog ior a premises permit within township Iimits. co��ry N�� D , ( Date �1 � +� ie i�trvctions fw required attachments. :'GaT6ling Coatrot Board � �� " - ` Rosawood Ptaza South, 3rd Floor �;�� 1711 W. Counry fload 8— ` Rasevllie, MN 55113 � _; ' Township Name ' i„ _ � SignaWre of person ceceiving applieation d - Title - � - - - Date Received " - � � ! '. _ -. - : -- � i ._ _- ., . .. _ - � . . ._ �-- �'-��'= LG2t4(Part2j . . ,.. . - - . � (Rev72891L ' . -