95-973'-J . .. � .. a.�.� Council File # � ��� Green Sheet # 29351 RESOLUT{ON �tNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Iv Committee: Date RESOLVED: That applications for a new Gambling Manager's License by Sheri J. Zigan DBA Neighborhood House Association at Herges, 981 University Ave. W. (ID #58941), Willards, 738 Thomas Ave. (ID #75494) and at Schwietz's Bar, 956 Payne Ave. (ID #72913), be and the same are hereby approved. �����----, Requested by Department of: Hy: Appr By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection $y ��iryi.� � "��L� J Form Approved by City Attorney B - 2�-95 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9�y�3 DEPARiMENT/pFFICFJCOUNCIL DAiEINITIATE� GREEN SHEE �O 29351 p INRIAL/OATE INRIAUDATE CONTACi PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CIN COUNQL � 0 k- 26 - 108 Au1GN OCINATfOBNEY OCITYCLEflK NUNBERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATEj ROUTING � BU�GET DIRECTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SEfiVICES OIR. ���� � /�S ORDEF � �,�pyOR (OR ASSISTAN� � 7 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: . Sheri J. Zigan DBA Neighborhood House Association requests Gouncil approval of her applications for a Gambling Manager's license at Herges, 981 University Ave. W. (ID II58 4 Willards, 738 Thomas Ave. (ID ��75494) and at Schwietz's Bar,, 956 Payne Ave. (ID 4�72913). RECOMMEN�A7iONS npprove (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSfOH _ C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever wocked under a conkact tor this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO — 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciiy employee? ^ STAFF —_ YES NO _ DiSTRiC7 COURT _ 3. Does this person/fvm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anE attacfi to qreen sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. ;C� .�.���..C�', t�+'�#�¢ AUG � 1995 ----- ---_-^ DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. " �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOiAL AMOUNTOFTpANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) Greensheet # 29352 L.(.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST tn Tracker? License ID # 58941, 75494, & 72913 Date: � �� ��� APP'n �ceived / APP'n Pracessed Company Name: q Sheri J. Zigan DBA: Neiehborhood House Association BusinessAddresss: 73� ��iomas 8usinessPhon2: 450-1424 ConiacT Name/Address'.56 Payne Ave. {Schwietz's) Home Phone: 450-1424 179 E. Robie St. 55107 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: ��(�� Q'� Labeis Ordered: Notice Sent to ApplicaM: District Councii #: Q� 07 OS Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: O1 01 06 Department/ City Attomey Environmental Healfh Date Inspections f --����r (� �!� Fire License Police Zoning �� 1,�' t" ��� � ��, �� ���t( �� ����7 Comments �� Site Plan Received: Lease Received: � � _� f i l.G212 (Rev. 7l292) 0 Minnesota Lawfui Gambling Gambling Manager Application t . _ � New Give date that ihe two-day gambting manager seminar vras completad. �..1 14 !� LocaconottraininQ-9,05�1F�-1�1,E �) G [] Re�awal Give date of training receivad within Uiree years prior b the dete ot the applicabon fu rer�ewal. _/ l .. Location o4 tra�nm9 ..,.,.., . ...,. ..,:......,.,. ....:::.... . .......,,.......__.,...,,.(ph1._,<_.�:,�.,,.,.M..�.;<.,....;w..�.�...,...;�:.,,.„.:,.,...,,».-,.�..�,�,...,:,,.,..,,......:... .... Gumblin' Mana er In ormation LAS7 NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME MAtDEN Dats of &rih Sx• ��Y.S �� c 'JG' ' / ZIGRt! SHERI JEAiJ MULLER 10-14-59 76- 4511 1633 EVANS SOUTN ST. PAUL H!J 55075 �;�12) 450-1424 PvIEMBERSHIP: Oate gamblirn� manager bewme a member of the organizafion 10 P 1 l� Sex : � A�ale � Femala DUE TO ,COMPU7ER PRQ8LEM5 RECORDS 0"�LY DATE BAGK,.TO tig90 .. — `---.,__ ._a_�...:,... . . . . � __ Name of Organization � ucir.uanaunnn uni�cF ASSfictATiOfJ ,4ddress 179 EAST RQ81E STREET ST. PAUL City/State MN L'aense NumbeP 6 Z / Phone �612 7 450-1424 .._............';�: .� . . . . •- A 570,000 fidelity bond in tava of the orpanizabon must be obtained lor Ihe qambfirq manaqer. Name of insuranca eompany (do notuse ayency name)AI I I Ft1 ffl(1i�P 1'•'CnaoN�F Bond NumberBD74005520Q) E dedare 1fiat: FOH OFFICE USE ONLY BASE L1C s SC-0 i FEE CHK DATE INIT • I have texd this applieaCOn and all inlortnation submitted to the board: • alt informaco� is true, acwrate and compfete; • ap olher raquired infortnation has been (ully d'isdosed; ° • I am the only gambling manager of the organiza6on; • t wiA tamiiiarize myself with tl+e Iaws of Minnesola poveming lawlui gambling and rules of Ihe board and agrae, il I'�censed, ro abide by ihose laws and rules, indutling amendments m them; • any changes in appOcation inFOrmation vrill be submitted lo lhe board and bea! unit ol govemment within 10 days of ihe change; • An aKdavic tor gambling manager has been mmpleted and anached, and • 1 understand thac failure to p�ovide required intortnaoon a providi�g faise intama6on msy resuh tn the denial ot rewca6on of d�e 1 08� 3-15 the mmpleted appi'�cation and all requirad attachments to: Gambling Control Board Sutte 300 S. 9717 W. County Road B �iosevtile, MN 55113 .� � "J�0 % `f� _ V