95-964Q R I G 1 f�l A L Council File # �� � � RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 26038 CITY OF SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA n_ 2� o?a2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date P.1�2 WNEREAS, the Department of Publtic Works has awarded a contract for construciion of street I�ghting in the BateslMclean area, and WHEREAS, economies and etficiencies are gained by doing ail this work under one contract, and WHEREAS, this work was originatty adopted by City Counci! Resolution 94-1843, known as Log #SU-04257, and Log # SU-66246, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counal of the City of Samt Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amendad by this Council is hereby tur[her amended m Following particular: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN COMBINEDSEWERSEP PVG C95-2T528 1995 CfB 1,5$7,400.16 1,587,d00.76 SPEC ASMT BONDS 373,865.84 313,865 84 1995 MSA 207,000 00 111,025 69 312,025 69 SEW SERV REV BNDS-1986 401.476.38 401,476 38 2,503,74236 111,02569 2,614,76807 SPENDING PLAN COMBINED SEWER SEP PVG C942T527 CONST PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCWG PLAN MOUNDS BLVD-PLUM TO EARI C95-2D010 7995 MSA 1995 CIB 251,06419 16,936.72 268,000.31 2,252,67819 94,089.57 2,346,76776 2,503,742.38 711,025.69 2,614,�68.0� 233,000 00 -111,025 69 121,974 31 50,000 00 50,000.00 283,000.00 -N 1,025 69 777,974 31 ��1����:� Phe $Y. Paul LonB • Range Capitallmprovomonf Budggt Cornmittee zeceived this requesf on ,aa.e) � 1 95 and zerom�en'ds -.�..._�nro Ua � s�gA�t: � �,Q ,� p. 2��2 SPENDING PLAN MOUN�S BIVD-PIUM TO EARL C95-2D070 CONST PLAN CONSTRUCTION 5�,0��.0� 50,000.00 233,000 00 -111,�25 69 121,974.31 283,000.00 -17t 025.69 171,97431 RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council adopts the above changes to the Caprtal budget .. gs �� �' rv� �a.�.�Q By Appx Sy: R2quested by Departmenc oi: MJE/jb pUbIIC tiVOf1:S 6-6-95 �r�fr ��� �%� By: Form Hy: by City At�orney by Mayor for Submission to Cour.cil � B ��ti � ���� Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Sec�etary )EPARTM'cN / FICE/WUNCIL DATE INITIATED � PublicWorks 616/95 GREEN SHEE7 NO, 26Q38��� :ONTAC7PERSONBPHONE �NITI VOATE WIi1AU0ATE DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR � CITYCOUNQL MIC}730II.EggQI(1 2(7()-()IA3 ASSIGN �CiTYA7TORNEV CIT'CLEflK NuMBERFOR � dIJSTBEDNCOUNCILAGENDA6YiDATE7 ROUTING BUDGE70PFIGE �p PINANCE-ACCOUMING OROER O MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn t Mdce Eggum COTAL # OF SlGNATURE PAGES � ❑ CAi' PRDJ M C oECnriT�nErr, axcurar �IC �CL1P ALL LOCAT10N5 FOR SIGNATURE) 3 2; ACT10N REQUESiEO Approval of Council Resoluuon amending the 1995 Capital Improvement Program by uansferring spending and financing from the Mounds Blvd-Plum to Earl project to the Combined Sewer Separapon Paving Program RECAMMENDATIONSApprwe(Aj o� Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GViL SERVIC£ COMMISSiON CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICTGOUNCII. , _ SUPPORiS WHICHGOUNCll08JECTiVE? PERSONAI SERVICE CAMRACTS MUSt ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t Hat th�s perSOnlfirm ever worked under a con[ract for this department? YES NO 2 Has [his perSONfvm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does in�s persontfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ary employee� YES NO Explai� all yes answers on sepa2te sheei and attach to graen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV)� i The Depaztment of Public Works has awarded a convact for construction of'street lighting in the Bates/McLean area. Economies and I efficiencies ue gained by doing all this work under one contracC. This work was originally adopted by the City Council under separat� log � numbeTS SU-04257& SU-66246, this resolution vansfers the spending and financing for the Monnds Blvd - Plum to Eau7 portion of th�s � project w che Combined Sewer Sepuation Paving program Eor award of con�racc. � ADVAN7AGE5IF APPfi0VE0: � J � ^ ��� � The Department of Publie Warks wi11 be able to award one cantract for alt the steeet lighting work, ihus taldng ad��antage oF the economics and efficiencies gained by doing the work under one contract. R�C�iv�� AUG 0 7 1995 • . .:; DISADVANTAGES IF qPpftOVEO: Noae. � ��� t14 1995 REC�;V�D '""°� n 9 i995 `".:iiC! Q.'�tL'E C�TY A�� �Y � i 3ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: J he sm et ligh6ng cons�raction work for the Bates(McLean uea would have to he rebid 2s sepuate conrracts. This wc�uld cause a delap in the � iseC and compledon of construction in [his azea and ultimately would cost the C3ty moie mo�ey. � !� �,, p Yra�'vA 3 .-v-;e=s.:.t s.e. '�W': � At16 � 1995 L AMOUNT OF TRANSAC71OfV $ MGSOURCE 19JJ MS :IAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) fers = $117,025.69 ^ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No ^ ACTIVITYNUMSER C95-2T528, C95-2D070