95-962r . � ORIGINAL , Presented By: � ` b Referred To: / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �'S--�ca+.� Green Sheet #� ao Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has entered into an Agreement with the Department of Pianning and Economic Developmeni, and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has been designated by the City of Saint Paul to administer and manage funds available through the State of Minnesota, Minnesota City Grants in order to provide prevention, intervention and law eriforcement programs for at-risk youth, and WHEREAS, PED wishes to provide increased juvenile truancy and curfew enforcement services within the Minnesota City Grants program, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Departmeni desires to increase the City's truancy and curfew enforcement capabilities, WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to establish a 1995 spending budget in accordance with the agreement, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those est+mated in the 1995 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1995 budget: FINANCING PLAN 001 - General Fund 04314 - Research & Development 73�5 - Transfer from Special Revenue Fund All Other Police General Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN 001 - General Fund 04314 - Research & Development 0111 - Full Time Permanent 0141 - Overtime All Other Police General Fund Spending CURRENT BUDGEf CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 0 2,483,294 2,483,294 60,193 0 35,528,174 30,871 0 30,871 30,871 2,483,294 2,514,165 20,871 10,000 0 81,064 10,000 35,528,174 34 35,588,367 30,871 35,619,238 35 36 NOW 7HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City CounCil adopts the above changes to the 37 i 995 budget. Adopted by Council: Date�, �� � �q�jS Adopii Certified by Council Secretary: Appro� M y . Date�� � BY� ���r���i � Requested by Department of: Police Sy: Approva ecommended by 6 BY� i'Y19�! Form ppr by Ci By: Appro,.�� ayorf mi By: /I � � Direcior: to Council: CQ62395A �� �S-9G � DEPAATMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET N_ 3338D INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE CONTqCT PERSON & PHO E DEPARTMENT DIRE CRV COUNCIL Chief WilliamFinne 292-3588 ASSIGN pfTYATfORNEV CITYCLERK NUNBEAFOH MUSi BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pOUTING UDGE( �IREGTOR FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. ONOEq MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REDUESTED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to establish a spending and financing plan for the Agreeme� beiween the Saint Paul Police Deparlmern and the Department of P�a� and Economic Develapmern, with regards to the fimd from the State of Minnesota, Minnesota City Crrant Prograiu. fiECdMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or pe�ect (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: _ PLANNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Ynis persoNfirm ever worketl under a contract for this department� _ CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this peison/S{rm ever been a CfTj employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOURT _ 3. DoCSthis rSWVfrtrc1 pe possess a skill noi normalfy possesud by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH fAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Euplain all yes artswets on sepatate sheet and attaoh tc graen sheet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, Whe�. Whe�e, Why): The Saint Paul Police Department has been named subcontractors by the Department of P] nino and Economic Developmeirt with regazds to the funds from the State of Mnmesota. Therefore, a financing and spending plan is necessary for compliance with the agreement. ��C����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPPOVED: ��� �� ���� 3��h'i C��r ��� This resolution establishes a spending and financing plan to elcpend the funds. DISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVED� None. C[� &?'f�l �lfb'� � � � � � � � � JUL 2� 1995 ��� 2 � ryg �� 4. __ _ _�� ����� �.� ������" DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. The Saint Paul Police Depariment will be unable to participate in the State of Miimesota, Minnesota Ciry Grant Program. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3O,$�II.00 COS7/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHCa SOURCE General Fund (001) qCTIVITY NUMBER 04314 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)