95-960 R I G I N A� Council File � _ ���/ Green Sheet S � I� E t�; �p �'Q � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To —�-��yb �os � Committee: Date 1 REQUESTING A BUDGET PROCESS THAT INC012PORATE5 LONG-RANGE PLANNING 2 WIIEREAS, Chapter 10 of the 5aint Paul City Charter requires that the Mayor recommend a city 3 budget, including an operating budget; and 4 WHEREAS, the City Charter requires the City Council to adopt a city budget, including an operating 5 budget; and 6 WHEREAS, the current budget process, while thorough and thoughtful, is limited by its one year 7 focus; and 8 WHEREAS, incorporating long-range planning into the operating budget process is especially 9 lmportant with mounting fiscai pressures on city government while ta�ayers rightfully continue to 10 demand outstanding city services; and 11 WHEREAS, an operating budget process with a multi-year perspective could be designed to be 12 simpler and encourage a focus more on policy-making, and less on line-by-line detail, could increase 13 staff efficiency, and could allow management and City Council time for comprehensive program 14 evaluation; now therefore 15 BE TT RESOLVED, that the City Counci4re that within sisty� d�s of the passage of this 16 resolution, the Mayo �a� Budget Office� to�ounc�l a new operating budget 17 � incorporating Tong-range planning, w ic wili demonstrate the multi-year impacts of budget 18 choices and focus on policy, and an implementation plan for the recommended process; and 19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the processes to be considered include a one- ZQ year budget with sewnd year projections and a budget with multi-year projection� budget amendments, and quarterly budgeC updates. 21 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �° � .�j� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by By: Bye ���� DEPAfl ,����� °��'sy�s GREEN SHEE N° 2 � 0 5 9 � INRIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE CONiACTpEASONSPH�ON,(Epp�� ODEP.4RTMEMOIflECTOR OCRYCOUNqL � i•}vbW � Z �� UN Y FOR ❑ CITV ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AG6NDA BY (DAT� ��N� � BUDGET OIRECTOq O FIN_ & MGT. SERVICES DI 2/1/95 OPDEN � MpVOR (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION pEQUESTED: . Approval of the resolntion requesting a budget proeess that incorporates long-range planning. RECAMMENDAT70NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AMSWER THE FO�LOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ GIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worked under a contract for ihis department? _ CB COMMIT7EE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D�SipiCl' COUF7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry emploYee'+ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNQL OBJECTNE7 YES NO Explain ali yes answers on separate sheei and attach to green s�eef INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wno, What. When, Where, Why). Current city operating budget process focuses on one year only. Increased fiscal pressures on the city suggests the need for a new process which shoves the multi year impact of budget decisions. AWANTAGES IF APPROVED: A new operating budget process could be chosen which would encourage long-range planning, focus on policy-maldng, increase staff efficiency and allow time for comprehensive program evaluation. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Change is difticult. OISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVED: Budget process would continue on a one year basis only and not plan for the fnture. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTqANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNpING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) CJTY COUfYC/L POUCY DIRECTNES AND REQUESi'S /ti F_� � �.� .J Reauest for Ste�dy or Detailed tnformation Priori� Rankinq_B�r City CounciF Dafe Due: Executive Summarv With Recommendations Requested Assigned to: • _. -_Y �. :, Criticai Ouestions To Be Mswered: Options Requested or To Be Reviewed Financia( Impact to Taxp�yer (Type oi Revenue and Expenditure Identified,� Immediate: Long-Term: Staffing lmpacr Immediate: Long-Term: FinanciaL• Bar, aic� ned: Service Delivery Im�aet Immediate: Long-Term: Cost 8enefit Ana/ysis on AU Options Reviewed Legislative Cfianges Needed: Ordinances./Resolutions: Cnri! Service Change: Other Govemn:ental: Strategies: History of Previous Studies and Reference Materials 7o Be Reviewed .4ttachments: �5�q(� tl1 E p a pf � ai 1� � � [ H i U � H L� � H a � m � G � ? & � M � $ � u l7 �D t0 M t/l t0 F �D tq O1 O� � ei N O CO N tV (V O t'1 fV ri ri �1 'i ri ri e-1 N �-1 <V ei N N � �-/ .-1 N (V fV N Y� H 121 N N N O O CV CV �"1 ei N '4' N n7 CV �[1 .-1 O l`3 <'1 C'i U) Q � �' N O O .� �"� N � •i N .-1 .i .�7 .-i .i O ri N '.�i ri .i .-1 O M .i cV N f7 Nf O O .�i cV ri rl O O N .�1 N O �r7 O .i O .i N .ti O O O .i .i .i cV O .-7 .-/ O .� .� .-� � .-1 N +i a-1 O O rl O O 'i O O O ei O .-1 O � O O O O .-i cV .-i rl v-1 O ri � o ,� m cv � cv � cv c� .-� cv o a c.i .-� o .-� c� o o .i .� a �i � � � C c �.�i ro � a ro s d a�'a E � -•�a m s ut � � i � b� �. O 0 G�1 .-�/ m O rp 7 .0 �.�f � � Q b� m U m C C y m b o� m e a o d -� a m.� � w a� o m..+ > v m a� a a am ar s, � a e m m o x H m a� ro o a-+ o ow a� m m s, > m �, a o w a a w a� ..+ a v v o-.a d a �>. o ro a a 3 �a m m o d w y > a .� m v �O e x� a H m m m � o > m.a o a zr c c m a u a m f+ a� > o.c -.+ m-a � a m a m s� m m i 7. C C +i -.� k i� i1 i� at C G N O+ W R b� 0+ O O W m � y O �tl 10 +i M O O m U C Y H 'Q q M �.t b� N R � rt W A +� .-t C u �.i m C O -.1 C >. d � O � 1� C C G7 S+ +� '6 L J� .-� H —1 1� 3� O L1 1� �tl b+ m � C O! �.i N -.i m � 01 ir -.i b� +d O C A 01 —1 W C i, H +1 Q� Y O s+ X E T+' ?G -.i .-1 -.� C q% M U W 1� O G Gi L' m .�i +1 qf m 11 G1 +i li C O m M �p +1 1 CL .i U G U »I W i) Q1 tA ,6 b� �tl O r-i m ?. ZY F 1+ G fa O 01 'U W C .0 m�C LT1+ F+ O W �d � 3 C m N C 7 O 1� C ro W o S�C G 1C 7. � � O w � '6 ?i O 8 m � O M N a�t Ta G F «i lt H b� W >. .-i i� U O G C 1� M E -.� tt � t U Gu 4f N 01 i� x a m � u a..+ m a s, w o > a i m �2 -.+ s. m m$. r� ..i rn -.+ a o m m u a m u o s� m.-i a u d w �, �- m s� ++ ro a� � o rn a v x a d m m �a a o v, +� .� -.+ o 0 a m m.a m m ro�.� m o >., a w N o a m.Q a a+ o b'� o m-.� .a m o ro w �, w-.{ ❑�, -. a y s, o ..a m m a m d e a a � w �. vi oi � o �> a a f+ m H x�n c� a v z a w x r+ O � • • • • • • • • • O 'i fV � sM N �0 [� OD O� O '1 N iii �-1 (V � V' in t0 !� OD Ot ri ri 'i ri ei .-1 .-1 .i i ei N N fV