Fleming Ap r, 9, 2012 7: 16AM Law Of f i ces No, 6701 P, 1 TRIAI l44VYERS Fo��USTICE 421 West Water St.,Ffoor 3 PO eax 228 Decorah,lowa 52201 Phone:563-382-5071 fex.56&382-5076 �ECEI�ED APR 0 5 2012 �I�`Y'i�L�R� T0� Clty qerk,Uty af St.Paul,MN PROM; Nlcho�a9 Rowiey FAX: 651-266-B57a PqGES: 3 PHdNE; QATEt APRIL9,2Q32 RE� 466,05 NO7iCE OF CLAIM-MICMAEL KLEMMING CC: Dear City Clerk of 5t.Paul,MN, Please f�nd attached a Notice of Claim undor MN States 466.05 piven on behalt of Mr,Mlchael Flemming. � .... ...�.. ._. .... .._ .._. . _.._......__. .. .................. ._..... ......._ ...._. I CON�IDENTIALITY NOTICE;This communicatron is covered by the Eiectronic Communications Pr(vacy AcE, 18 U.S.C. Sectian#2510-2521, ft is fegally priv�ieged (including &ttaohments) end (s Intended only�or the use of the Individuaf(s)or entlty(ies)to whlch it is addressad. !t may contaln information that Is privileged,confidential and eXempt from disclosure und�r applicable law. If you are not the fntended reclpient,you are notlf�ed fhat any use,dlssemination, distribut)on or copy�ng of this communicafion and attachments Is strictly prohibited. Apr, 9. 2012 7: 16A ,Law Offices No. 6701 P, 2 . � ��� � / ! � ��r 1�� ,��Vr.� Nicholas C,liuwley(IA,MN,ga CA) A Professtonal Co7'�toratton Rodney G,Ritrter(MN&CA) Trta!l.awyers for)usktce Rebekah N.Krtieger(MN&ND) Jose h L Krue r 422 W Water��,3rd Fioar P � �� PO Box 22$ Andrew S.Lind(CA) Decorah,IA 52;01 AIejandro D.Hlanco(CA) P:(888)811-0@44 g�(888)801-3616 ' Apri19, 2012 ' Shari Moore VIA FAX,MA�L AND HAND DfiLIVERY I City Clerk City of St�Paul,MN 310 City Hall � 15 Keliog Blvd.,'West Saint Paul,MN 55102 Fa�c: 651-266-8574 RE: IyIN Statues 466.OS.Notice of Daim-Michael Flemfng Dear Ms,Moore: This letter is to serve as notice of a claim against tfte City of St Paul pursuar�t to Minnespta Statutes 4b6.05. Mr.Mic�ael Flemming was brutallq injured by�mployees of the St Paul Police Departme�it and other governmental agen�es on October 13,2011 a�or near 993 � _ Edgerton St,St Paul,MN 55106. (See Arrest Record Attached . . . ._.. .._.._._.....__._.- - --.._. ._ _.__..._.-....- _..__.._�_ - �--. .. Merz�bers of the East District FORCE tlnit executed�search warrant a�993 �degerton Upper Unit.Mr. Flemming was a visitor to the address aad was not a threat to polic�.Tt is unla�ovv�to claimant at this time which members of th�East District ForCe Unit committed the acts upon which 1M1�Sich�el Flemming zs filing a claim be�ause records have been redacted.During the�xecution of�Che search warrant,Mr.Michael F�emming was tas�red and bratally beaten using excessive force and hit with a blunt object to the face and head by � members of the Eas�Distri�For��Unft Michael saffered severe and perm�anent xnjurfes to his body,face and head. Michael was required to have emergency surgery to repair a shattered orbital bane,rnultiple faclaI fr�ctures and lac�ra�ons.He was pl�ced on a bre�thing machit�e in a drug-induc�d coma and fncapacitated for several days. Michael now suf�ers permanentiy from hfs injuri�s. He saffers fram a permanent traumatic brain injury which limits his ability to funccion ' norm�Ily including diminished m�mory and cognitive skills. His life wfli never be the same, Mr.Flemming wfll be seeking damages in excess of i0 Mi�Iion doltars due to the i�juries he sustained from the excessive force. However,hfs condition is deteriorating and is under constant review by his physlc�ans so this number could climb. � .......... . ,.. , .,�.� ., , .. ..,..,. Ap r, 9; 2012 7; 16AM Law Of f i c e s No, 6701 P, 3 Trial Lawyers for justice,more specifically attorney Nicholas Rowley has been retained to � handle this claim on behaEf of Mr, Fiemming. Please direct all correspondence to Mr. Rowley and Trial Lawyers for Justice. Sinc�rely Nlcholas C, Rowley ', � I i I i i I � 4Z1 W.Water Street,3�Floor Decarah,IA 52101 101�ast Fifth 5treet,Suite 2626 5t.Paul,MN 551Q1�8827 West Olympic Blvd BeverEv Hills.CA 90211 Ap r, 9. 2012 7 : 16AM Law Off i ces No, 6701 P, 4 � � . Saint Paul Police Depar#ment pa9� ' °f3 PUBLIC �RIC��A,� O�'F�NSE / t�CIDENT R�PORT Complslnt Nurirbsr Reference C N. Dete anof T7me at Repart � �2�556� �11215546 1 Q/#3/20�1 23:30.00 Primery attense SEARCH WARRANT�EXECUTION OF SEARCH WARRANT Prlmary Report/ng�fttoer. Neme of(ocaHcNbuslnees: P�tmary squQdY�. �g�����r. 993 EDQ�RTON 8T Apt upper 5eopnda IVIN 551�� ry��g��' DlstrfoL� Ea3t8f71 Date&Nme of accerrrenc�:14/#3/2011 19;4$:00 to�OM 3/�011 23:35;04 erra: sec�ona�sryatfense: W�Ai'ONS-P4SS FINEAf�M BY Arrestmads? Y8B FELON DISTUABANCE-4PERATING,VISITINQ A pISORDER�.Y WOUSE aB3TRUCTIlVG-OBSTRUG'!"ING L�GAL PROC�SB DRUGS-POSS OF MARIJUANA WARRANT ARR�ST-Wh16RE NO CN IS R��ON WARRANT � ' Pursuft engeged Reslstance encountensd Yss , ' Weapons U�ed by Po11ce Weaporra Uaed by Suspeaf�1t T/ata of Jl�st II . I ARR�STS Neme Flemming,Michea! t�ate�tlme at arresl: 10M 3/2011 23:36 aoatdn9 dsre 10/i 3�2011 Arr�sr star�s �oaked sookWie tlme�3;3fi Arrast mede ai vlew: Yes Bookir�g# A�rest mede on warranf or,vrevloua CN.� Warrs�numbar Ortglneting agenoS' , - Nema (JWENILE) Dafe�tlme ofarreat 10/13�I201 i 23:44 aook�n�date i 0/13/2011 ,amast srstr� ,luvenile detentton � Baaklrtg Nme 23:44 Arreat msde aR vlow: i �ORk�'9�" . Arrest made on warrani or prs�vkus CN: Y88 Wa►�rn numbar O�IglrtaNng a�er�ay Ap r, 9. 2012 7: 16AM Law Of f i ces No. 6701 P, 5 Pafle 2 ot 3 . • Saint paul Police Department PUR�.IC O�MG�NAL OFFENSE ,/ ING�DENT REPORT � 4bmpl$�nt Number Refererrce C.N. t�?at6�nd r�irre of Report 112�556� 112�5546 10/13/2011 23;3�:00 Prlmsry affense SEARCN� 1NARRANT�EXECU7(ON QF SEARCM WA(�I�ANT Nerr�e (JUVENILE) D�te�tlme otarrest: �p/13/2Q11 23:gq, B�k/ng date '�d/'�3/�O'I 1 Arrest 8fetus J�enlle detentton floaking tim�23:54 , , Arrest mede on vfew: ���9� `_ Arres!msde on rretrartt or pr�vioue CN: Warr�nt number Qdglrrating agency i Neme Stewart, Daryl Date&dme ol arr�at• 10/14/2011 OQ:p2 eook�ng dete 10/1�/201 i An�est 5tatus Book�d BooktRg rlme pp;QQ Arrestroade an vlew; i �ooking# Arresi rr�de c�»warr�t ar prsylous CN; Y@g � w�rranrnum�r g2cr114300 o�grnatrng�genoy N�me Wilflams,TerCeii Aate&tlmeofam9st: �0/13/2011 19:A�8 Booking dafe �4/14/201'� Airest Status C�B� E3oaking tlme 00:19 Arrestm�de nn Ylaw: Ye8 Bookln9# Arrest msde an werrent or preylous CIV; Warrertt number Orlgrnating ege�ncy gp� � ►v�me Van F'e1#, flashaad i.amont aate�t�me o�arrest: 10/13/2011 19:46 aoor�ne aata i 0/13/2011 arresr srerus Booked � Baoktr?g tlme pp;22 Arr�t made on vlew: Yes BaoA�nq�# ---..—. -.__ ...._. _ . . ._ .._..._. .__.. .........��str►�da•on�w�r�arrtorp�vlaus CN;— ._- — — _.. _. ..._. .__ ..._ ... ._. .... ... ... --- .— Warrant number Ortglnadng egency Neme W��te, Denlse Chsnal Qafa 8 tlme ofarresr 10/13/2011 19:�8 Bookln9 dafe 10/14/2011 Arrest 8t�fus (;jtsd Booking tlme Q0:29 Arrest meda on vlew; Y98 B�king# Rrrest mede on wemsrtt or prevlous GIV; War�arrt rtumbar Orlql�t!»g sgeqcy g�p�j NAM�S � Arrestee KNQWN Requ�ste non-publ#Q due to sabty oonoerns ' A�'r�stee (Restr�crerl} KNOWAI Arrestee RestNc�ed I ( ) KN�WN Arrestee Stewart, Daryi KNOWN MN 55408 Ap r, 9. 2012 7 ; 17AM Law Of f i c e s No. 6701 P, 6 - ° Sa.int Pau1 Pofice Deparfiment Page 3 4t 3 PUBLIC OR[GfNAL QFFENSE / I�1CID�IV7' �EPORT , Complalnt IVumber Aefenenoe C.lV, Dete and Tftne at Report 1�215561 1121554f �0/13/2�� � 23:30:00 PrUrtary offense SEARCH WARRANT-�X�CUT�QN OF S�ARCH WARRANT Arr��tee Van Pe[t, Rashaad l,am�nt KNOWN MN 56101 Arrestee Wh{te, Denise Chane! KNtaWN ST PAUI, MN 55i06 A��$t9e W1111ams,Terrell KN�WN ST PAUL 1UiN 55104 PArellt/Guqt'didrt (Roatrletad) PsrentlGuardlan (Raatr�ct�d) I PUBf�lC lVARRATtVE ' The �ast Dfstric� �ORCE Unit executed a 5earc�► warrant at 993 Edgerton upper unit. Micheal Flemming was '� arrested for possessfan of a handguri by a felon, Raryl Stewart was arrested for a traffic w�rfant, a 16 ye�r ofd ; male and a 17 year old male were arrested for robbery warrants, R�shaad Lamont Van Pelfi was c(ted for ' p�ossessian.of_a_small..amouainf..martjuana and..vlsltln�-a-disor-�eKly.houseTT-exrel�-IAl�iar�s aras-ci#adfo� _.. .. . ... ._ ! vESfting a disorderly house and possesslon �f a smali amount af mari�uana. The ter�artt, Denisa Chanel Whlte � was cfted for oper�ting a dlsorderfy house, Matijuar�a �nd a handgun were recovered pursuant to the search warrar+t. Warrant type (none) Charge/Citatfon/gatl Amounr poes p(stol by febn,grr,olpo Warlant type Juv secured warrant Char�eiCftatlor�el/Amount robbery � Werrant type Juv s�ured warrent Gri�tga/CltattoNBSFI Amounf agg topbery Warrant type Warrent Che�ge/Cltetfonl�eU Amount das bond 70D Warram;ype {none) Char�7e/Cltetf�/Bef�Amount poss amalt amourit msrijuana,v�slilrtg a disordedy Warrar►f type (none) Chalge/Cftatlon/BsllAmaunt cifatlon I�9111358961 possmeslon amall amount ot mart}ua�a,v[eftlng s Werrattt ty�s(none) Charge�Lltetton/8all Mtaunf aparating a dtsordarly flouse cit�tlat�181 t 13Se53 Apr, 9. 2012 7: 22AM Law Offices No, 6702 P, 1 TRIAL LAtNY�itS FOR JU5'rICE 421 Wrst Water St.,Floor 3 PO Box 228 Decorah,lawa 52101 Phone;563-382-5071 fax:563-382-5Q76 7D; Clty qgrk,Clty of St.Peul,MN FROM; Nlchales Rawley FqX; 651-266-8574 PAGes; � PHONE: DATE: APRIL9.2012 RE: 466.U5 NOTICE OF CLAIM-MICHAEL FLEMMING CC: Deor City Glerk of 5�,Paul,MN, P}ease flnd attached a Notice of Gaim under MN States 46s.p5 glven on behalf of Mr.Michael Flemming. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTIC�;This communicafion Is covered by the Electronic Communicatlans Prlvacy Acf, 18 U.S.C.Section #2510-2521, It!s legally privileged (lncluding at�achments) and is (ntended onfy for the use of the Individual(s)or ernitypes)to whlch it is addressed. It may contafn � information that is privileged,confidentlal and exempt from disclosure under appllcable law. If you � are not the fntended recfpfent,you are notlfled that any use, dissemfnation,distribution or copying � af this communicetion and �ttachments is strictly prohlbited. . Ap r, 9. 2012 7: 22A ,Law Of f i ces No, 6702 P, 2 • - l�l��, �! 114���� � Ntcholas C.Aowl$y(I�,MN,&CA) �p�'o,fesslorurl Col'poration Rodney G,Rjtner(MN&C.9) Trtal Iawyers for Justice Rehekah N.Krueger(MN&ND) 421 W WatEr St,3�Floor Joseph L,I{rueger(MN] i'0 Hox 2Z8 Andrew S.Lind(CA) Decorah,]A 52101 AEejandro D.Blanco(CA) P:(888)811-0844 F;(888)801-3616 Aprf19,201z Shari Moore VIA FAX,MAIL AND HAND DELIVERY City Clerk City of St Paul,MN 310 Cfty Hall 15 Keilog Blvd.,West Saint PauI,MN 55�02 Fax: 651-266-8574 RE: MN Statues 4b6,05.Nottce of Claim-Mfchael F�e�tting D�ar Ms.Moore: This letter is to serve as notice of a claim against the City of St, Pat�l pursuant to Minne I Statutes 466.05. Mr.,Mich�el Flemming was brutally inj�red by employees of the S�Pa�� Police DeparCxnent and other governmental agenci�s on Octaber 1.3,2Q11 at or t�ear 993 Edgerton S�,St.Paul,MN 55106. (See Arrest Record Att�ched)., . ,_ _. . . .... _ M�mbers of the Sast District FORCE Unit executed a search warrant at 993 Edegerton Upper Uni�Mr,Flemzning was a visitor to the address and was not a threat to poiice. It fs unl�own to claimant at thts time which members of the�ast Dlstrict Force Unft committed the acts upon which Michael Ftemmfng is filing a ciaim because records have been I redacted.During the executzaa of the search warrant,Mr.Michael Flemming w�s tasered and brutaily beaten using excessive farce and h�t wfth a blunt object to the face and head b members of the East Distrfct Faxce Unf� Y , Michael suffered sev�re and permanent injurtes to his body,face and head. Michael was � required to have�mergency surgery to repair a shattez�ed orbita] bone,multipl�facf�l fcactures and lacerations. He was p]aced on a breathirtg machine in a dz'ug-induced cpma and incapacitated for severai days. Michael now sufFers permar�endy frvnt}lls�n•ur��s. H suffers from a permanent traumatic brain injury which limfts his ability to function e nor�naIly�ncluding diminished memory and cognitive skiils. His life will never be the sanne. Mr,Flemming will be seeiflng damages in exc�ss of 10 Million dollars due to the injurf es he � sustained from the excessive force, However,his condition is deteriorating and is under constar�t revfew by his physfcians so thfs number coald climb, � ..,. ... ... . ... . .,.�,� .. , .. �..�... Ap r, 9. 2012 7: 23AM Law Of f i c e s No, 6702 P, 3 Trtal Lawyers for Justice, more specifically attorney Nicholas Rawley has been retained to handle this claim on behalf of Mr, Flemming, Please direct aIl correspondence ta Mr. Rowley and Trial Lawyers for justice. Sincerely Nicholas C, RowIey ; 4Z1 W.Water SCreet,3��1oor Decorah,IA 52101 � 101 Hast Ftfth Street,Suite 2626 St Paul,MN 55101•8827 West Olymplc Blvd Beverly Hills.CA 90211 ' Ap r, 9. 2012 7: 23AM Law Of f i c e s No. 6702 P, 4 - - . Saint Paul Police bepartment ��g� � °ts PUBLiG ORIG�N,�.1L OF��NSE / INCID�NT REpO�T Camplslnt Nurriber Refersnce C.N. Dete ar�d'T7me af Report 112�5561 11215546 10/13/2Q11 23:30:00 Pr�mery affenss SEARCH WAI�hANT�EXECUTION OF SF�,4RC�! VI(ARRANT Prlmsry Flepnrting Oflker �� IV$ms of laoattivrrl�er�lrresa: I'rimery equadr� �8�Qf�der►r. 893 EDGERTON ST Apt upp�r MN 55106 Secor�dary rep�onl�g offlc�r: o�rrtcr.• Eastern �ate�rrmeotoaaurrencs:#0/13/2011 19:46:00 to 10/i3/2Q11 23:35:00 8�te: seoondsryo�ense: WEAPONS-POSS FIREARM BY arr�srm�de? Yes � FELON DfSTURBANC�-OP�RATiNG,VISITf NG A D1S4RD�RLY FlOUSE Q83TRUCTING-OBSTRUCTINQ t�CA�. PROCESS - DRUGS-POSS OF MARIJUANA WAAFiANT ARREST-WHERE NQ CN IS Fi�F ON WARRANT Pu�sult eRgaged Rasiatarrce er�aounter�d yes we,epons�soq by PoUce W.�pone uaed�y�uepear ar 77�na otar�at ARi�ESTS . Ngm� F(amming, Michea! Qar��rMeofarr� 1o/t3/204# 28:36 Bonktng dete 10/'I 3/2U1# Am9st Status BOOked Booklrry tlme 2g;gg Arn�st made on vlew: �88 �ooktnq A� Arrest meda on w$rran!or prnvfous CN: Warrant num.ber Ortglr�eting agerray . � l�eme (Jl1VENiLE) �I�e&tlmeofam9ar 10113/2fl11 23;4� eoo�ng dere 10h 3/2011 nn�et sretvs �wenl(e detention � Book►ng t�me�g:q.�} Amsst made or�v/ew: � ��S� . Arr�t made on rYQ�'artt or prevlous GN: Y9S ' Wsrrerit number Odgln�aflny sgsncy Ap r, 9. 2012 7: 23AM Law Of f i c e s No, 6702 P. 5 . . Saint Pau1 police pepartment paae 2 af 3 PUBLIC �RM�I�VAL, O��ENSE / INC�D�NT �Ep�RT Camptalnt Number Refan�nce C.N. i �2�55fi 1 11215546 aere snd T�r��ot Re�� 10/13/2011 23:30:Q0 Prlmsry ol(ense . SEAR�H WARRANT�EX�CUT(�N QF S�ARCH WARRA�NT Name (,��VEN1t,E) Dete d�t/me oFe�msat 10/13/2011 23�54 eookrng dste �4/13/2011 a�eet ararus Juvenlle defsntlon Baoking tfine 2S;�c} , , , . Ar�yt msde wr vlew: Booking,� Arrest marle on werrant ar prevtw,ra CN.� ,._.. W�rrant number �rlglnetfnq agency Neme Stewa�t, Dary) Date&tlma oEarrs�ar. �p/�4/2p11 Q0:02 eooklnp deta 10/�,q/�1# Arres#Statue g eo�k�ng tlme p0:02 ooksd Arrest rrrade on vlsw: Booking# Arrest made on wanant or preylous LW.• Yeg Warrent number 62c�11 q.3QQ �rtginsting agency �vame W��i��ms,Terrelt Date&t�ine at�rreer.� 10/13/2D11 19:4� 9ooking data �p/�4/2011 Arreat sl�tus Clted Aaoking 8ma a�;1 g Arrest made on vtew; Y88 ,�oaking#� , Arreat m�de on wananf or prevlous CN: Warrant number oNgfneting ege»nY sppq N�na Var� Pelt+Raeh$ad Lamont �st�&t�ma ot arrest 10/1�/2Q11 19:46 Bo�king date 10/13/20i 1 A�rest sterus Booked Book/ng t/me 00:22 Arr�st rrtede on vlaw.� Y8s �aQklnq� ARSSt made o�►Warrarrt-pr : .. _. _.. .. . - -•. provfous'C:yV:_. __. ..._..._. . ._ Warranr number � j OrlglraeHn�agenoy Neme Whlte, Denlse Chanel Dere�tlmo ot srrssh � Booktrrg da� 10/14/2Q11 10l1312D11 19:46 , eooking tlme 04:2g Arrest 3tatcrs Clted , � Arresr made on vl�w: y�g Baoking# Amsst rnade on werrant or prevloua CN.• Warrent number i OrI�IR&tingegartcY sppd NAMES : � Arrestee � KNOWN Roqueets non-pub11C due to eetery concer�la , ArC6Stee {Rostricte�ij KNOwN Af't'e8t0a (Rsstrlcied) KNOwr� Arrest�e Stewar#, p8ryi KNpWN MN 55408 Apr. 9. 2012 7: 23AM Law Offices No, 6702 P. 6 � Saint F'aul Police bepartment paee 3 of 3 RUSLIC ORlCINA►L OFF�NS� / I�CID�NT R��ORT � Comp/afnt Nurrrber RAfE/�GB C.�V, 11215561 11215546 a�te�na r,�e or Ra�„� PrFmery atfanse 10/13/2011 23:30:00 SEAI�CH WAR�iANT-EXECUTION �� SEARCH 1NARRANT Arre�t� Van Pelt, Rashaad I�amont KNOWf� MPl 5510� Arrestee White, D�nise Charlel KNOWN ST PAUI� MN 55106 Arrestee Williams, Ter�'eIl KNO{A/N S1`PAUL iYifV 551 Q4� Parent/Guarclfan (�testrlcsed) P$renUGuardlan (Restr��ed) PUBLtC NARRATIVE The East Dlstrict �ORC� Unit executed a search warrant at 993 Edgerton upper uNt. Michea! �lemm�ng was arrested for possession of a handgun by a felon, Daryl Stewart was arrested for a traffic warranf, a 16 year oId mafe and a 17 year old maie were arrested for robbery warrants; �tashaad Lamont Van Pelt was clted for possessian of a smal!amount of marijuana and visiting a_disordery hause, Ter_r.e1J V1Ltllia�ns was�cf�d..for... _. visitiflg-a��sorrrfsrfyh�use ar�d-passess�on�of�a small�amount Qf marijuana. The tenartt, Denise Chanel White was cited far oper�#ing a dfsarderly house, Marijuana and a handgu�t were recavered pursuant to the search w$rr$r�t. Warrsnt type (none} ChergaiCitBHort/L�I/Amaunt poea pls#a!by telnq.g�otpo Wsrrant type Juv secUted w�rrant Che�h�tlOn�//Amount robbery , Werrent type Juv seoured warrant C�l'9d�Clt�tlortA9a1/Amount agg robbery �/�Rant lype W��nt Cira�e/Citat/oraB�11 Amount dag bond 7pp , Warrantfype (none) Charge/Cltaflory8$)lAmount pose amall emour�t marlJuana,vielting a dlsorrie�(y Werrsnttl'pe (none) Griaiqra/C1tallon/B�llAmount ckatlal�811136865t p�sseeslor►small emn�t of ma�Juana,vl9tting a Warrartt type(none) Charg�/Cj�Yort/e$p,,qm�,.�t opereting a dlea+cier{y hous���f�#91113�8�