95-951Council F:le ,� � � — � � � RESOLUTION Green Sheet � Z6043 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ; Presented By r R2fer=ed So V Committee: Date t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 77 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has tet bids for the grading, paving, lighting, signals and right-of-way acquislion of Prosperity Ave Realignment-Rose to Maryland, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by Ciry Council 93-1898, known as Log #SU-XXXXX, Prosperity Avenue Realignment and amentled by Council File 94-789, and ' WHEREAS, a larger portion of this project is eligible for County Aid funding than originally budgeted, and WHEREAS, there are Counry Aid monies available in the 7994 County Aid Contingency project, so THEFEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by ihe Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, thai ihe Capitai Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Councii is hereby further amended in following particular� FINANCING PLAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 Counry Aid SPENDING PLAN County Aid Coniingency C94-2T026 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 Current � Amended Budget Change Budget 371,023.46 -322,778.58 48,904.88 371,023.46 -322,178.58 48,904.88 371,023.46 322,11858 G8,90488 371,023.46 -322,118.58 48,904.88 MSA 1994 715,000.00 715,000 00 CounlyAid 63,000.00 � 322,778.58 385,11858 CDBG 25,000.00 25,000 00 803,000.00 322,118.58 1,725,118.58 �s-�ls\ 7 2 3 4 �5 6 7 8 9 10 71 SPENDING PLAN Prosperiry Ave Realignment C94-2B079 Plans&Construction 803,000.00 322,718.58 7,125,118.58 803,000.00 322,118.58 7,125,778.58 RESOLVED, that the Ciry CounGl adopts the above changes to the Capiial budget. The St. Paul Long - Range Capital ImprovQmeaf Budget Committee teceived this request on �dat2) __ � / (��% and zecomm@ads _ �n/ir0�d � Siqa�d: '�� � a� - �'Y� V�-{� Rzauested by Departme.^.c of: MJE /jb Public Works 7-7-95 �9'J y ���a ���-�" ��: � Form ADDLy�C by CiCy At pzney By: By Approved b�'�Ofayor By l� .�! Aoprove�l I�v Mayor for Submission to Council S � \ t �� ,'r « ,s ' By: — 2 Adopted by Council: Date �"--_ �– �� � Adootion Certified by Council Sec=etary vEPARRAEyTIOFFICE/COVNCIL DATE INITIATED ' l �� —� S' ' Pub�«works 7/7/95 GREEN SHEET NO. 26043 COMACTPERSONBPHONE INITIAUDA� INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � ❑g CITV CAUNCIL Michael J. Eggum 2(JO-0143 NUMBFR WR CITY ATTORNEV O qiV CLERK I MUSTBEONCOUNGLAGENDABY(DAT� ROU7ING BUDGETOFFICE ��_ �p FINANCE-ACCOU � ��� ❑j MAVOR(OR ASSISTAN'� O1 Mke Eggum '��/�(f I TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (GIJP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNATURE) O CAP PROJ MG��/ O DEPAR UNT . X� iV�il ACTION PEQUESTED Approval of Council Resoludon amending the 1994 Capital Improvement Program by �ransfeiring spending and financ' from Counry ` Aid Contingency to the Prosperity Avenue Realignment project RECOMMENDATIONSApprwa (A) or Rajact (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEFi THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCAMMISSION_CNILSERVICECAMMISSION �, HasthispersoNfirmeverworkedunderaconVactFOrNisdepartment? _ CIB COMMITiEE _ YES NO STAFP 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DiSiAiCT CoUNaL _ 3. Does [his perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain ail yes answere on separate sheet and adach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WNAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHV): The DeparVnent of Public Works has let bids for conswction of the grading, paving, ligh[ing, signals and right-of-way acquisition of the Prosperity Avenue Realignment approved by Council on Council File 93-1898 and amended by Council File 94-1741. This project was iniUally added to the budget without adequate dme to prepare the project esrimate. The project was underfunded from the start due to lack ot preliminary engineering information. I ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: � The De artment of Public Works will be able to award contract for the Pros erit Ave Reali nmen r' in v il 1 n' P p y g t p o�ect us g a a ab e co angencies. RECE9VED suL � � �s95 FICE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. �f ���'��D 1� AUG 04 1995 ���s��� C ��� ����� � AUG o7 1995 DISA04ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Awazd of contract will be delayed until s�fficient financing is in place. ��'�'�3�� �����ii('�f� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE County Aid _ AC71VI7Y NUMBER C94-2T026 & C94-2B019 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $322,118.58