Hansen, Zachary RECEIVED I �_j: � - MAR 1 � Zp 12 NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City o��Sain��aul, Minnesota i Minnesota State Statute 466.05.rtates that "...every person...who claims damages from crny municipaliry...sha//cause to be presented ro the � goi�erning body of the municipnlity within 180 days nfter�he alfeged[oss or rnjurv is ctiscoi�ered ct nolice stnting the trme,pince,crnd circumstnnces thereof,and the nmount of compens�tion or othei•reliejdemcrnded." Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You will receive a written acknowledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the � nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N/A'. . i I SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, � 1� i�ST KELLOGG BL�'D, 310 CITj'HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � First Name r—�"�-�"��L, Middle Initial � Last Name C�U{�S�'� Company or Business Name , Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/Do If Yes, Claim Number? � Street Address �.�5 b �.�{,�..�t �- f�V Q M..2 b'tu�ti�i`�t`�� �.��V e����� �j+, �t�,�� �1 ,�,��� ���C0� � City State r �SO'�fi� Zip Code Daytime Phone(���7)�O?_ C� 0 Cell Phone(1 6 5)�0�_�Evening Telephone(7�3 )�C`�.�- f3 70% Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered �l� � �Z Time 3% 5� am/�m ��`�` �� � ►�,ZZ 1�.(!�. Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim. Please indicate why or how you �el the City of Saint Paul or its e ployees are involved and/or r sponsible for your damages. ������ ' l vJ c� ��, �e�- t,� � '1�-1R S�. Qc�.�,,.\ �\��� $� �t c r� �� `..l 2 �e� c�c re 5 I �- 1,�c., e� ' �(u�._���.,� � �-� (`.�5ti� ov�� S 1ve� � t� c�C �; � ��5, .e \.,a�-� °. n�- �-�e.� Z e�.'�- �4-0 {�,:Ci� �.� f��; \J:L1n.�L�'e ��- �0�- d.:3�tti� �vec� 1nwv� Y)e'v.�t�P f e�,rS���` ;r ��e ��,'reM �- L,.r.� �v c�� '' �s,. n� C-o c !� V eL.<c.�� � . i� � � � � ('2 ;,.� �: �o� MM ����. Cd� 5 �t� °�v lc�.1.S � Z 1 H `e`�'u� �+�:L. .�5�� zc-��ti'�c, �--� �'1 � �,� , �-� (.J e L1 �+� �+^� �f cke} �e�,�� �e �� ���`3apv Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: ❑My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑My v�hic:e w•as damaaed by a poti-�oie or condition of the street G i:�iy vehicie was damaged by a piow �A�Iy vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured on City property ❑Other type of property damage–please specify �i ❑Other type of injury–please specify j ' In order to process your claim you need to include copies of all anplicable documents � � i For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. , O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs �owing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt I O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items , O Injury claims: medical bills,receipts i O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. ', Page 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form I� Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim. All Claims–nlease comnlete this section Were there witnesses to the incident? Yes � Unknown (circle) Provide their names, addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes � Unknown (circle) If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report# Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street, intersection,name of park or facility, clgsest landmazk,etc.�ease be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. 1 L-J�^� �GC1c 4n �v `'G`v.::.�.1 5�i- , �t,..6� Q�F �}ei,JSt-1 �UeT..,,� . Qr� r_�r^P,,,S �st �4r�c^.eD,e Please indicate the amount you are seeking i�i compensation or what you wuu;;:::i;�the City to do to resolve this claim ��r� to our sadsfaction. �- G r.. 5`Q��� �-�,�ty C � e�, c.� p c1� �,�Q ��„7 r� J 1���� ���1 � + .� t-�.Q � �.f�r., e� �r1,�e �ttcicei- IveC-o�� e �}�c,� 3.cx�� �,� �,, 40�.�, p�� � Vehicle Claims–ulease comolete this section ❑check box if this sect�on rl�P�n�r a„�K.2�G'� ! Your Vehicle. Year 1��_ q S M�e i�L Model S:e�fc, License Plate Number O Y 3 5 3 r; State �U,1U Color M�CU t� Registered Owner_ �c.�c��,�t�, W,��;�en j;��� Driver of Vehicle ZUc.1rc� t ,Z�;.,,.�� \tc�r�cn Area Damaged — " City Vehicle: Year Make Model I! License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) Area Damaged In'u Claims– lease com lete this section How were you injured? heck box if this section does not a 1 �, What part(s)of your body were injured� Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment� Name of Medical Provider(s): (provide date(s)) Address Did you miss work as a result of your injury? I,eS Telephone When did yoi.miss work'? NQ Name of your Employer: (provide date(s)j , Address Telephone �heck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages ` � By signing this form,yoie are stating that all information you have provided is tn�e and correet to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be processed. Submitting a false claim can result in Prosecution. Date form was completed � I � Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Form: G��� I�]�r'`�'`�1 Signature of Person Making the Claim: � �� � Revised F�bruary 2011 March 1 St, 2012 Dear St. Paul City Clerk, I, Zach Hansen, am a full time student at Hamline University here in St. Paul, Minnesota. This is currently my third year at this school, and I love the city of St. Paul. According to the city of St. Paul's website, the city declared a Snow Emergency at 12 p.m. central time. I, as a proactive citizen of St. Paul, have been registered to your Snow Alert system that is supposed to notify you in the event of a Snow Emergency. I have been registered to this system for at least 1 whole year to receive both email and text message warnings. In this instance, I received neither a text message nor an emai: warning myself of a Snew Eme�:�envy. Tne reason I registered far this system is because I have a very busy schedule and I always have access to my email and cell phone. In the past two years, I have had no changes to my email, or my cell phone. Your Alert system failed to notify me in both ways I registered for it to do. It is to my understanding that I am not the only person to have that same problem, as a number of people have approached me saying they weren't notified either. As a student at Hamline University, the University offers its own services to students regarding emergencies. This includes Snow Emergencies. The University in the past has always emailed students in the event a Snow Emergency is "called". In addition to the email the University sends, they also have their own system for text message notifications regarding emergencies. This includes Snow Emergencies. I also received neither a text message nor email from the University regarding Snow Emergencies. I understand this is not under your control, but the University seemed to have no warning of this Snow Emergency either. This brings me to my issue. The city of St. Paul failed to notify almost everyone in the vicinity of St. Paul of the Snow Emergency. It is to my understanding that your website projected this, but that is the only way I have seen a warning issued. My issues is this: How can you reasonably expect a citizen to be informed of a Sr.ou�Emergency if your warning system fails and you only post a notice on your website?How does 1 inch of Snow accumulation constitute a Snow"Emergency"? I have lived in Minnesota for over 17 years, and I can recall numerous times in which we have received a lot more than 1 inch of snow and it's not been called a Snow Emergency. I have lived in St. Paul for three years and have never been towed before. Never. Especially in terms of a Snow Emergency. I have always acted diligently to make sure I am following St. Paul's parking and moving laws. I would have not been towed if your Snow Emergency System had been working. I find it interesting that Minneapolis received around the same amount of snow as St. Paul did and they did not issue a"Snow Emergency". This brings me to my next issue. My $272.50 issue. Upon realizing that my vehicle had been towed, as I wouldn't even think there was a possibility for a Snow Emergency to be declared, because there was hardly any snow anywhere, I attempted to call the lot that my vehicle supposedly was taken to. The number I called was (651-603-6895). The line was busy, and I received no help over the phone. The lot my truck was supposedly at was the lot across from the State fair, 1129 Cathlin. I arrived at the lot at approximately 4:45 p.m. on March 1 St, 2012. After about an hour of waiting in line, I began a brief conversation with an off duty St. Paul police employee, who was working for the impound lot. I asked him why a Snow ' Emergency was declared, and he responded by saying that the city needed money, so they declared a Snow Emergency. He himself couldn't believe a Snow Emergency was declared due to the minimal snow accumulation. At approximately 7:20 p.m. I finally reached the impound clerk. I gave the lady my information and to my surprise, my vehicle couldn't be found in their '� computers impound database, meaning they didn't have record of my vehicle being there. I had to physically go and look around the massive impound lot for my vehicle. I eventually found my vehicle, and went back to tl�e counter. I requested th� signature of one of the supervisors of the lot(I have a copy of his signature and statement on my receipt) because my truck wasn't registered in their system. I was told it wasn't in the system because they didn't have time to enter it because they were taking vehicles too fast that they couldn't keep up with the entries. I 'I told them that this was highly unprofessional and simply unacceptable. The city of St. Paul � moved my property and didn't even provide proper documentation. I paid my $219.50 fine, picked up the parking ticket that came with it, and left. i I am requesting full compensation(refund) for the towing ticket I paid and for the I paxking ticket I currently have in my possession. I feel I should not have to pay (literally) for the f city's mistakes regarding this Snow Emergency. I was being pro-active by registering for your Snow Alert system and your system failed to deliver its warning. It was also highly unacceptable for your impound lot to have no documentation in their system regarding my vehicle! I had to � physically look for it in your massive lot to find it! I spent a lot of unnecessary time, effort, and money because your system failed to alert me. I am shocked at the way the city has handled this issue. The unprofessionalism shown by your alert system and your impound lot employees is very upsetting. I Enclosed in th:s envelope are all the do�u:r.�nis y�cu should need. I have included copies ` of my impound receipt, vehicle release form, parking ticket, and an article from the Pioneer Press regarding your Snow Alert system. Also enclosed in this envelope is the "Notice of Claim Form" to the city of St. Paul. If you should need anything else, please contact me anytime at(763)-202- 0707. I hope you sincerely review these documents and this letter. I hope you will understand my ' concerns as well as my frustration regarding this situation. Thank you for your time. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Zachary Hansen �aini rdui ronce impouna �ot, ��u �sarge Vnannei rsoaa, venicie rteiease rorm s � Make: GMC License#: UYJ539 CN: 12047044 Invoice #: 16457 � � �, � � � Date/Time Released: 03/01/2012 19:33 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 � � � s v Released to: TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 �� � � Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 � T T � � �L Released b : ELIZABETH � �' Y Tax: (7.625%) $ 15.55 � — � � � C7 �I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicie described above. Subtotal: $ 219.50 � � I will check the vehicie for damage or any other problems that 5G -±, may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 C� �.,'' v� Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowledge I will report � � damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 � � ;j on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. � p� rt �� ,� � Damage and/or other problem:_ ��-°) I�'� 4 ������� �/"�`t\ �- � � �,� \ �r � �j�,� ` � � �' ,— • � l C1"nf� 1�c e, U�PJ� � C��,� � �� � `� v"L ��T' �, v� � Police Report made: Yes_No_IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? � � .c " � rJ TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT � � Signature �i� - • 5i2000 � Saint Paul Police Impound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicie Release Form Make: GMC License#: UYJ539 CN: 12047044 Invoice#: 16457 DatelTime Released: 03/01/2012 19:33 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 Released to:TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 � � i Released by: ELIZABETH Tax: (7.625%) $ 15.55 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 219.50 I will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowledge I will report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. ��J e�;�Ci:.1.e �..I�S �a� , � ; Damage and/or other problem: f�1��"���� �� \ ��'�� _� '���-i cn; � \�,�: 1�'j ���S��t,,�\� �(� �L ��• � i� '�\ ��,�.�( ����U�- �O�- , � Police Report made: Yes_No_ IF Yes, CN , If NO, Why? TO PR TECT YOUR RIGHT REPORT ANY PROBLEMS DAMA E B AE LEAVING THE LOT ' Signature�D,VV� � 5�2000 I • � � ST. PAUL Citation# 8 8 8 ����7� The uEde s gned,Ebei�ng duR SM�SEY DI�STRs heCoa hRdeposes and says I(I�III III��IIII)IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII * 8 & 8 7 4 4 1 7 1 * Date of Offense � rt% � °� ' � � r Time of Offense �'' � • x�= L,*.� � � � Plate ' '" ,� �•; � •. Veh. License No. Year � ""'"State �`'"�''a P.4ake � ��'�' Style �` ''i ' Color � � r, Location of Offense: �--=� � : .; �. �'�t �• �-`°._' +� _ d',..� VIOLATION: � SNUW EMERGENCY St. Paul Ordinance 161.03 FINE $53.�� i -�7 (Amount includes mandatory state surcharges of$13.00) CN f ��.� `',' F ;.� 9 ` "� ....s Officer r"�' Officer d :�, l;,; Citing ;r,' Number Dept. ❑P sted Night Plow ❑Day Plow �Plowed in (Windrow) ❑Tagged Before Plow ❑Drove Off OFFICER'S NOTES D NO PLATE VIN: Citation can be paid at the Impound Lot.Please r�ad the back of the citation for payment instructions. CITATION I � i i i 3/1/12 Watchdog:St.Paul snow emergency?City didn't text me,ticketed resident complains-TwinCities.com � ■ ■ ■ win � � i e� �a r� Watchdog: St. Paul to get a total of$106 in tickets but waved otFthe tow truck waitmg behind snow emergency? City the traffic police. Later he found out his didn't text me friends across the street didn't get their � texts either, and there was the same ticketed resident complaint on the city's Facebook page. complains St. Paul Public Works spokesman Dave Hunt was sympathetic, but e�lained to the Watchdog that the resident's own By Debra O'Connor phone is usually to blame �these w atchdog@pionee rpre s s.com instances. Fbsted:03/01/2012 12:01:00 AM CST 'There's likety n�o causes:One, the}�ve Updated:03l01/2012 07:19:56 PM CST switched wireless carriers and they Last winter, Merriam Park resident Brian haven't updated their subscriptions (or) Je�'rey was pleased with the te�alerts people have sec;urity filters to the point he got from the City of St. Paul whenever where the carrier is blocking their a snow emergency was called. It was an message from gettmg to them" easy way to be notified that he had to get his car offthe street outside his He recommends that ifresidents home. registered at stpaul.gov/snowalert for text � A$er the mix of rain and snow fell Tuesday and Wednesday, he looked for ar email alerts have tlie slightest doubt, an alert on his phone but didn't find one, they should doublecheck at stpaul. � and his wife Maria didn't get one either. ' I He noriced blades of grass sticking � through the snow, fi�ured that meant less than the requisite 3 inches of snow ����� � ��` � �'�. +G�T�/I+C1R�. had fallen, and assumed there was no emergency. So he and his wife bofh ��� � parked their cars on the street. ,�.�. �� 'Z actually heard the tow truck pulling � �' up,"Jeffi�ey said. "I ran out there m rrry ; socks." He was just m tnne LEARN t�tC3f�E AT FIP�.�4AA / �..� . � �...v._ �,. �. Print Pawered By �. _ ` _...... i��n�rv°���� www.twi ncities.com/stpaul/ci_20082830 1/: 3/1/12 , Watchdog:St.Paul snow emergency?City didn't text me,ticketed resident complains-TwinCities.com ■ ■ ■ + �� � � ��� � �� � gov/snow, or call 651-266-PLOW (7569). That's a good way to avoid gettmg one of the 1,900 cars tickets given in St. Pat�l during this snow emergency or havmg one of the 795 vehicles that are towed to the impound lot, as of 9:30 a.m. today. Up until about three years ago, the city used to call everybody in town when there was a snow emergency, but quit d omg that when it couldn't show�hat the calls pushed up the compliance rate, which is around 98 percent, Hunt said. St. PauPs snow etr�rgency, the frst of this winter, is over now. Minneapolis, counting on warn�er-than-usual weather in the f�recast meltir�the 2 to 3 inches of snow received, put 30 plows out but did not call a snow emergency. Editor's note:Feel like an underdog because of a problem with a business, government agency or schaol? To ask the Watchdog for help, go to TwinCities. com/watchdog, call 651-228-5419 or e- mail watchdog�a,pioneerpress.com Follow her at twitter.com/pioneerwatchdog. ���������� 3�� �i��C�, {a�T 14�+C�R�. � � �,■ , : a�= �o�. � 4 _ .M � L,r LE�1F�N fvtC�RE,4T I�II�.C�J�IA � Print Powered By �# � C�yn�rrt��iic�` ' www.twincities.com/stpaul/ci_20082830 2�I