95-9409s '3"�b � Public Hearing Date - July 19, 1995 RE 5-12-95 FlSS - Real Sstate Division Date: 5-8-95 Green Shcet Nnmber: 34375 EPAR'IMFNP DIAECI�DR (Tl'Y COUN(II. act Pesou and Phoae N�ber. � Cl1Y ATPORNf?Y QER% �l�R PeterWhite 266-8850 � ETDIRECi'OR &MGL.SVGDIIL YOR(ORAS4S1AN1) 1 Reseazch ������by:5-31-95 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 5-19-9 # OF S[GNATURL PAGES 1 (C[8 AiI.IACAT[ONS FOR SIGNAITJRL) cnorr xr.�veszrn: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessment for storm sewer onnection in conjunction with the Larpenteur/Jackson CSSP Project. No. 1ffi69-9 A�ent No. 07A1 RF�OMIvII�d�76A1SONS: APPROVE {A) OR RETECP (R) PFRSONAi. SSRVICE CONCRACiS MUST ANSWL'RTf� FOIIAWINCr- PIANNING COMhIISSiON A Sl'AFP L Has the peson/fnm ever wo�ed mdu a wntract far this dcpartment? YES N tvu. sexvcce coaaK _ z� rn� �� /Cum ever bcen a(5ty employec? YES. N c:� coamuriEe _ no� ���/s� p� a smu �c m�nrr� br�r Cwrrent Gty empioyee? YES N POR1S WHICEI COLiNCII. OBJF.CIIVE? Nei�boxhoods lain ail YES aatiweis oa a separate sheet and attach. COUNCII. WARD(S�: 5 District Planning Counci(: 6 A'ITTAT'ING PRO LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPi1 (Who, What, When, Where, Why): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the roject. A PR . � 'i`i �"t"�.°.�,c�,''u.°'a'�9 d.r°l'3.��i(� ame as above. ( � i��a ISADVAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: Benefitted property owners have assessments payable via property taYes. ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 154.37 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 0.00 Misc Aid $ 154.37 Assessments unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Elcplain) '1 property owner will be notified of the public hearing and charges. Council File # � ���������� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINN Presented By Referred To Ordinance # Green Sheet � c�OD � � �s Coimnittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. Ik34876) for an Auto Repair Garage License applied for 2 by RAS Services, Inc. DBA Auto Max (Reith Saxowsky) at 1015 Rice Street be 3 and the same is hereby approved. ����� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By: i`� By: Office of License, Insnections and_ _ Environmental Protection By: ��/Y`�l^.c'iW � ""'!N Form Approved by City Attorney B �/,,AO���c /s-/S ��15 zipproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 95-9�i) DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIA7ED GREEN SHEE � � 6 � O � LIEP/Lic ens in �NITIAWATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERS�N 8 P410NE O DEPAATMENT DIRECTOR O CITV COUNCIL ASSIGN G�TVATTORNEY CRYCIERK Bi11 Gunther, 266-9132 NWIBEFFOfl � � MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE qOUi1NG O BUDGET DIRECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. F' OY Hearin : � � � � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANT� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL4P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: KAS Services, Inc. DBA Auto Max requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License at 1015 Rice Street (ID 1i34876). AECOMMENDATIONS: Apprrne (A) or Reiect (R) pEflSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepariment? _ C76 COMMRTEE _ YES NO _ STqFF 2. Has this personflirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. DoeS this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current cify employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTiVE� YES NO Explain ell yes answers on seperete sheet and attaeh to green sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM,155UE, OPPORTUNI'TV (W�o, Wliet, Wl�en. Wliare, Why): at��ri� fi`����i ��� o���i �i �3 ��.� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVE�: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTNIri NUMBER FINANCtAL INFORMATION� (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 3080o L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST In Tracker? Date: 6/7/95 / �� ��� P.pp'n Received / App'n Processetl License ID # 34876 License Type: Auto Repair Garage Company Name: �S Services Inc. DBA: Auto Max Business Addresss: 1015 Rice Street 55117 Business Phone: 487-1104 ContactName/Address:Keith Saxowsky, 23661 Fontaine St. Home Phone: 462-5498 Stacy, 55079 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: �/ '� � l r'95 Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Annlican� 7���f I�� _ District Council #: 6 Notice Seni to Date inspections '!!� �� Ward #: 5 Department/ City Attorney Environmental Heaith �ei���° (' � Fire license `]—�� _1,-ig-�� Comments c �Z 0�' os� eG� � i�- �.. �°�""� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Police �j �' �� /e"v /�G�� �� ���''���-� G -7.��� b! ����' � S Swtxi PAUL � A� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION — � � THIS APPLICATION IS SU$JECT TO REVIE�TJ BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRII�'T IN L\'K Type o£ License being applied for: Company Nane: �� / PzY.ncxship � So3c P;oprieto:sLip If business is Doing Buziness As: Business Address: give date of incorporation: Street Address Between what cross streets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied? Mail To Address: S:reet Addrest Applican[ Informa[ion: I�Tame and Title: _�Q, Fxst .'.liddlc CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of liccnu, Inspenions and En�4mnmental Protcc[ion 350 St. Pe:v 4. Stiie 3J0 c�;^•Pau7,Mi-mcda 55702 (617j Z569i00 fu (612) Xd91iA Licebse I.D. � � � �ro� orr« ,� a Busmess PSone: � City Statt Zip 6Lt�( �.4�� i�iC'P.�S'�ch side of tl�e street? �{dzC'�?.�.J VJhat T�pe of Business? _,Q��1 'rC��GIiV' City (Maiden) state Izst Home Address: O( - 1 �n \ �1�1�4 V� 'S � -��f(\J NI � J �U �J L�Z [ S:reet Address I' City Statc Zip Date of Birth: � 1�� 1— �n�� Place of Bir[S: �if�1Gd Ch4)� �.� ). Home Pbone: (�y1.7 V`i�7� Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? A'aturalized? If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must ha��e work autho:' ation from the U.S. Immigration & Natunlization Senice. Have you ever been com�cted of any felony, aime or �5ol�tion of any city ordinance otfier than tr�c? YES � NO �, Date of arrest: Charge: Conviction• I� •��� ADDRESS Tit1e PHOl�'E L'ut licenses which you currently ho]d, formerly held, oc mzy have an interest in: Aave any of il�e above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES..�NO If yes, list ihe dates and reasons for revocation R'here? �Seatence: (over) List the aames and residences of three persons of good moral tharacter, li�ing wi[hin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ihe applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, wbo may be referred to as to the applicanPs cbaracter: w � Are you going to operate this business personally? � Y�S _ NO If not, who will operate it? Fia[ 1�`ame Middle Initizl (`�fzidcn) Iast Datc of Binh Home Addxcss Strcct S.ame Gty State ZSp Phone lumbez Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? _ YES � NO If the manager is no[ the same as tbe operator, please complete ihe followiag informatioa: ' First A*zme Middle Initial Homc Addtcec Stact Name (Maden) G.q Last State Zip AdA dress Date of Birth Phone !�'umber Please list your empIoyment history for the pre�ious five (�) yeaz period: Business/Emplovment • � List all other officers of the corporaGoa: OPFICER TITLE HOME ATAME (Office Held) ADDRtSS HOME BUSII�'ESS DATE OF PHOI3E PHOI�'E BIRTH If business is a parmership, p2ease indude the following information for each par(ner (use additional pages if necessary): Frst I�ame Middlc Initiat (1.:aiden) Ias[ Date of Birth T,ip Phone A`umbcz Datc of Hinh AQdxe�e Stmei Nazae Fasi Nane Middlc Initiat Gry (3Szidcn) Statc Lasi Home Addres� Street Name 6ty Statc tip Phone 1.'umlxr Attach to this application: � 1) A detailed descripfion of the design, tocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A cropy of your tease agmement or proof oC or+aership of t6e propert}: ANY FAISIFICATION OF AI�'SF�'ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAG SUBb4ITI'ED WILL RESULT IN DEr'tAL OF THIS APPLICATTON I hezeby state under oath that I bave answued all of the above qvestioas, and that the iaformation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby sfate further under oath IhaY I have received no moaey or other consideraGon, by way of loan, gifr, contribuGoa, or otherniue, other than already disdosed in the application which I herewith svbmitted. � > Subsm ed and swom to before me ihis ..�,� day o 11`� i9rt� N Public t County, ommusioa exp'ves• � �