95-94�RIGINAL Council File � "� Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION �TT PAUL, D�IINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ■I Committee: Date 1 �,_� 2 a RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council does hereby consent to and 4 s approve of the following reappointment and appointment, made by the Mayor, 6 � of the following people to the SAINT PAUL HiJMAN RIGHTS COMIVIISSION: a 9 io REAPPOIN'I'MEN'I' TERM EXPIRING ii ia Roberta Taylor Booker 10/9/97 13 ia APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING is i6 Nelly Rios 10/9/96 i� (Ms. Rios will fill the unexpired term of Pao Lee, who resigned) is 19 20 Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: By: Byrm A�ved b�ty Attorney � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By= ��1��-� ` v r Adopted by Council: Date --�;.�;, , ,�,,��(�f � 1' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary qs�� oE Mayor's Office �i%i`%9s GREEN SHEET N � o � CONTALT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT�IFE GTYCOUNCIL Alberto Quintela, 266-8529 ASSIGN CITVATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCfL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROOTINGFOR O BUDGEi DIAECiOR O FIN. 8 MG2 SERVIGES OIR. OROER � MAYOR (OA ASSI5fAf� O TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL �OCAT1013S FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RE�UESTED: Reappointment and appointment to the SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) ot peject (R) pEfiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSi ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for ihis tlepartment? _ LIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTaICT GoURT _ 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why) None. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING Nelly Rios 10/9/96 (Ms. Rios will £ill the unexpired term of Pao Lee, who resigned) REAPPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRING Roberta Taylor Booker 10/9/97 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ���s��g� h .�.`'�-.�s4+�d6,v43 6+a'std�.ca� Ja�a � � ��s� DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. —� TO7AL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATIOW (EXPLAIN) � � � i �, -, OFRICE OF TSE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAI2�IT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 26b-8526 R[CEIVED AUG 3 i i994 95�� MAYOR'S OFFIL'� Name: ���`\1 c`�. `�iOS Home Add=ess: j�oLjO �oA(7'±C� �J'7• �}�T �oZI i ST- {��t�� N,U S�I)�- Street City Zy Telephone 2lumber: Planning District Caimcil: Citp Council Aard: Prefexxed Hailing Address: �Q(�� Ahat is your occupation? A�Hi ut5'TRA`tiUc �S ��R� Place�o£ Employment: �JlJ�U�P_Si�1V �F Hi,U,UiSO7A ` Co�mittee(s) Applied For: S/1y GOV£2UANC£ CoHti+�Tf-EF, A�i��-rRYiv� }�c7+�. �I�� �Y �LC���� �'c R Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess for the courmittee(s) £or vhicfi you seek appointment? S�� A`tnc�{�b �£s�H£ ' The in£ormation included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a=esult, this in£ormation is not released to the gene=a1 public. (OVER) Rev.a�?1/93 pERSONAI, REFERENCES q�-�� Hame: !�i£V£2� ��ST w,4fLT Address Yhone• CHome) CAork) Ziame : Address• �A72rC+'R �F.��S WN�T£ — Phone Name: �i£� ��' S—Ct�2iSTt'Fl1J5£/J Addzess Phone: Reasons £or your interest in this particular cot�ittee: S`t�t5lrs+� �Olr cr�s �orz D�'��,u'teu->/� — Have pou had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circvmstances? In an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volnntazy. White (Caucasian) _� Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 24a1e _ < Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did gou hear about this opening? (-1 ! f'1 P i � fl W L.1 � q5��� RESLR�IE NELLY E. RIOS 1640 Galtier Street #204 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 (612} 488-625b Job Objective To obtain a challenqing positien with Future Force- Saint Paul. E�lucation �usiness Experience Present 1991 to 1994 1983 to 1991 University of Minnesota: Graduate Stud�nt, Latin American Literature. Bachelor oi Arts, College of Liberal Psts Unive=sity of t3innesota Administrative Fe11oaT: General Colle Reportin� to Di�ectar af Advising and Counseliny. Responsibilities include academic/financial advising ar,d coun5eling fo� high risk students, economically disa�vantaged, student-parents and Eaglish-as-a-Second-Language students. Orientation and registration of freshman students. Liaison between General College and the community. USA Fitness S.L./Deportes US� S.L., Saville, Spain USA Fitness S.L./Deportes LiSA S.L. is Importer, Distributor and Re"tailer of and accessories from the USA in Spain company employs 12 pe�ple. the c;omina, t American .fitness wear and Portugcl. Th2 International Aiarketing Ditectox: 1992 to 1994. Reporting to Chief Executive Officer. Total responsibility for planning and arganizing new product introductions. Creating and managing ad campai�ns for current pro�u�ts in catalogs, magazines, special sales and fashion shows. Attending and participating in na*ianal and international trade sho=,as. Ef.fect translations bet�reen English, S�anish and Portuguese including outside agencies on a car.sultin� b�sis, International Sales Directox: 1991 to 1992. Rep�rtiny to General Manager. Resp�nsible for hirin� and maintaining a professi�r,al sales forc�. Created a;id implemer.ted sales strategies and supervised trainin� of sales personnel. Manage�l stock 1AV?�S threugh rigid supervisior. of inventory turns. Developed str�ng client base. University of �3innesota Aaademic and Professional kdvisor, Department ei Latir. Am2rican Studies: 1991. Graduate/Undergraduate a�ademic advising, advocacy, brokering, credit evaluation, progress review, financial aid, orientati�n and registraticn. Liaison bet�reen student parent and Federal assistance office. International Students academic advisor. Latin P.merican Studies IIepartment �ob Fair representative. Lztin f�.I?i8I'1CiR .`Lt:C11F�iliU�@1'L H. riLEIC:p ir�L1L.ULS Y: :S Lv�C:LiI'� Series organizer. Instructor Library Research Methods. q J' 1� Volunteer Experience Languages 1 Z1L?Y'PSLS &=aduate Teaching Assistant, General College: 1988 to 1990. Responsibllities included: Instructor Spanish, Becoming a Master Student and English-as-a-Second-Language. Academic advisor for minority students, Commanding English students and student-parents. Advoca��, brokering, recruiting, Cr'�Cllt BVdlll�ut.? ORS� progress revietirs. Implemented d.^.d evaluated retention programs, financial aid assista�ce, orientation and registration assistance. Acted as liaison between student-parents and fe�eral assistance offices. Genexal College NIinority Fair representative. Gxaduate Teaahing Assistant Office of Minority and Special Student Affa�rs (ONISSA): 1987 to 1988. Plann�d and organized educa*_ional proqrams fer minorit}r students. �arate Summer Institute handbook. Liaison bettaeen the OMSS?� and the Chicano/Latino, Asian/Faci.fic, American Indian and African American Student Centers. Instructer: Spanish, English-as-a-Sec�nd-Language. Commnnity Prog=am Develogez ONISSA: 1985 to 1587. Supervise� the GMSSA Summer Institutes' S peer advisers. Aca�emic and personal advis�r for minoritJ studznts. Liaison between OMSSA and Chicano/Latino, Asian/Pacific, American Indian, African American Resource Centers and the Summ=r Institute. Tutor English-as-a-Second-Language, Span?sh, Math, Communications and Study Skills. �rote ti�reekly "Chall�ng�" ne�rsletter; organized and implemented social and cultural activities. Assistant Sec==_ta=y and Tuto=, RAZH Student Cultural Center and ChicanoJLatino Resource Center: 1983 to 1985. �rr�te proposals £er the RAZP. newsletter. Liaison 6etureen the NIinnesota Ir.t�! Student Assaci?tion, thz Spani�h Department and RP:ZA Student Center. Tutor English-as-a- Second-Language, Spanish, Math, Communications and Study 5kills. Spanish and Portuguese translatar. Planning ar.d orqanizing social and cultural activities. Healthshare Pe=u, St Paul, Y3N HEalthshare Peru is a small n�n-profit organization dedicated to bringing quality medical and dental care to smaZl, neUa villages in Peru. t3embe=, Board of Directors 1989 to present. Allocating funds .for all aspects of the program, including clinic fur.ding� doCtO!'S and clinic personnel salaries an� equipment purchasing/procurement. Established monetary logistics (US;� to Peru). Key role in organizing fundraisers and editing multiple media. ieaching English to young adults in Spain: 1991 to 1G94. Spanish, Partuauese, Quechua. �arkina knowlecige of French ana Italian. L2CLUi1P.� C)Il Y�St,I. .71R+�171�J SOr SL1;1C. raisers, L=!l° M1R^?SOLd Hispanic graduation and other cultural events. References �iill be furnished upon request. q��� Interdepartmerrtal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Miohael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Alberto QuintQ.la �� Jean Karpe � January 17, 1995 SAINT PAIIL HDMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the reappointment and appointment of the following people to the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission: REAPPOINTMENT Roberta Taylor Booker APPOINTMENT TERM E%PIRING 12/9f97 TERM ERPIRING Nelly Rios 12J9/96 (Ms. Rios will fill the unexpired term of Pao Lee, who resigned) Attached is a copy of Ms. Rios application. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thank you. �