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95-938� ,V N Q C � Council File $ �� / � � � � ` � S Ordinance # � � � � � �� � � Green Sheet ¥ �� RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i6"� ��� Coffinittee: Date RESOLVED: That applicaUon (I.D. #24688) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle and Auto Repair Garage License applled for by Blong Kong/Chi Som Kong DBA K's Auto Sa1es at 1445 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the-feHea�g conditions= as stated in Council File 95-906. �assed Aueust 9. 1995. (See attachedl -sp�ac�es-s�r�'}�e-grovi�e�-�t�s�ne-s}�1-t�eEet��rtx�kie�d'�ekkeleso�-#��det -3nehx��ng-Etiose-a�t�ng-regair� f eextpleted-��-foF-sate,-ef }�1�3g-e�� &--- —'Fkeagp�iea�s3za��ebEei�-aseeea�kea�-x��efvel�iifrle�flea�er-keer3se-ax�-ag€a�tal- auEo-repair-}ieease�etrr�eiEy�efer�E�e+zse-is�sEab�iske�- 3c---- AsgkalE�be3afefevert3ie�por�ieasvf-t�ie-si�e�st�tr�e���g-t�r�FC�eval:-�'�#� -sira3i-` - vc-avac`voi.riz-asuseisestafi�is�tee� 4.----�rro-t�xie-s�raH-ve�xieles�garkcd-#ir�Eke�ee���ie-grxbke�#glit e€-u� �s.-----AFe3ig#tEE�-EkxE-adverse� s�eets-adjac.•etiE-reside�t��FOper{�s�is$-kie�xd#e�- G----"Preef s�'sl� �e-g3a�e�-� #�e�o�le�ex�-eleag �fleelce#-�svag+�der�iree�tea- @f-�he-eilp-€eresEer: 7-.----'Fke='gas'�c,'e'sigrxs�e �ex�oveF1—'�te sigi��olesska}l��a�at� Pr.----'Fhe exist#�g �ttzpsisEec�e�bs�rt3� �egeFty�ktel��e-}�i�xEed.- 9----=Phe wesEerrrbeas�a���e-� s�3t4xbs-a�d-gropef�3y+-�ai�t�� Requested by Department of: Office of License. Znsnections and Environmental Protection B ( �,�.`.'.� �°,�� By: Appz By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: / 7�1� - 7 a Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Q� �.�\qc�s Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �s=9.�� DEPARTMEM/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 30848 LIEP (Licensing INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR O CIiY CAUNCIL Bill Gunther/266-9132 ^���N �CIiYATfORNEY �CITYCLEFK MUSTBE ON CAUNCII AGENDA BY ( ATE) ROUTINGFOR O gUDGE� DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. FOT H08T1IIg: � ORDEN OMpyOR(ORASSISTANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGN0.TURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Blong Kong/Chi Som Kong DBA K`s Auto Sales requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Body Repair Garage and Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License at 1445 Arcade Street (I.D. 1124688) RECOMMENDA7IONS: Approve (a) or Reject (R) PEFiSONAL SERVICE CON7RACT'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Ha5 this personflirm ever worked under a COntraCt for this department? _ C�B GoMMI7TEE _ YES NO — STAFF Z. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? — YES NO _ otSTftICT COUR7 — 3. Does this parsanttirm possess a skill not normalry possessetl by any corrent ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WM, Whet. When, Where, Why): AOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: j� e$nn:4 g`;`s�m����3 ��'.fj 1HbYUL±$ V�fZ�iV� JUN 3 Q 1995 -��. �� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. I DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEfi FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPL4IN) � . Council File � �� � Ordir.ance „ h ' `l - 2 Green Sheet r � RESOLLfTfOtV ?� CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA A/9�3' J Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date Whereas, K's AUTO SALES made application to the Planning Commission for a Special Condition Use Permit pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for property located at 1445 Azcade Street, legally described as the south 100' of Lots 11 and 12, Block 4; Lake Phalen Addition #2; and Whereas, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Comznission �onducted a public hearing on May 18, 1995, after having provided notice to affected property owners, and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The Commission, by its Resolution, decided to grant the application subject to the followingCOnditions: �'�„ /; Aea/:catlo-�. Z D s`�a•/G88��-'F 95 -93p � 1. The number of "For Sale" cars on the lot shail not exceed 11 and 9 off-street parking spaces shall be provided. At no tune shall the total number of vehicies on the lot, including those awaiting repairs/completed repairs, for sale, or parking exceed 20. 7 3 The applicant shall obtain a secondhand motor vehicle dealer license and a general auto repair license from the city before the use is established. Asphalt shall be laid over the portions of the site disturbed during tank removal. This shail be done before the use is established. 4. The driveways on Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway closest to the Arcade & Wheelock intersection are removed to prevent the driveways from being used and wheel-stops or sunilar devices are installed to prevent vehicles from hanging into the right-of-way. This shall be done before the use is established. The driveways must be removed according to City standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under permit from Public Works Sidewalk Section. 5 6 7 - $ 9 At no time shall vehicles be parked in the driveway or in the public right-of-way. No lighting that adversely affects adjacent residential proper[y shall be permitted. Tree(s) shalI be planted in the boulevard along Wheelock Parkway under the direction of the city forester. The "gas price" signs shall be removed. The sign poles shall be painted. The existing unpainted curbs on the property shall be painted. _ 20. The buffer area along the western boundary of the property shall be �S 9� �'. landscaped with shrubs and properly maintained. Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.206, K's Auto Sales, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and _ Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on July 26, 1945, where atl interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statemen'.s made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Councii of the City of Saint Paui does hereby: (i) Deny the appeal relating to removal the driveway and; (2) Modify condition #4 so as to state that the driveways on Arcade Street and V�heelock Pazkway closest to the Arcade & Wheelock intersection are to be removed on or before JuIv 31. 1996 to _p_revent the driveways from being used and wheel-stops or similar devices aze installed to prevent vehicles from hanging into the right-of-way. �is '^ "'� u„u� �_r,,._ '�_ ...,_ _., =�:='�'_��'�=a. The driveways must be removed according to City standazds by a ficensed and bonded contractor under permit from Public «'orks Sidewalk Section; and (3) Grant the appeal so as to delete condition #7 that "Tree(s) shall be planted in the boulevard along Wheelock Parkway under the direction of the city forester". Finatly Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to K's Auto Sales, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by council; Date Form Appro�d by Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Hy: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Mayor for Submission to Byc " o Council File � �� / � � . � ° S ' `�� o f(�ps Ordinance $ oR����A� � �j Green Sheet # ✓� RESOLUTtON CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1� 20 21 22 Presented By � i � - "c Referred To Comm.ittee: Date RESOLVED: That appllcation (I.D. #24688) for a Second Aand Dealer Motor Vehlcle and Auto Repair Garage License applled for by Blong Kong/Chi Som Kong DBA K's Auto Sales at 1445 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: as s,�afcd ;n C.t. 9S-9oG, Pa:r:d t/9�9s. (se� ��GGr�P� 1. The number o"For Sale" cars on the lot s not exceed 11 and 9 off-street pazking spaces shall be p vided. At no time sh the total number of vehicles on the lot, including those a g repairs/com ted repa3rs, for sale, or parking eacceed 20. 2. The applicant shall ob " a second d motor vehicle dealer license and a general auto repair license from city b ore the use is establisheSl:' 3. Asphalt shall be laid over th ons of the site disturbed during tank removal. This shall be done before the use bHshed. ?' � 4. At no time shall vehlc7es b arke the driveway, or in the publlc rlght-of-way. 5. No lighting that.adverse3 affects adja nt reslde�Yla1 property shall be permitted. 6. 'IY�ee(s) shall be plante the boulevar ong,�heelock Parkway under the direction of the city forester. Z The "gas prlce" si shall be removed. TI�e si oles shall be painted. 8. The existing un ted curbs on the prrn'perty sh e painted. 9. The buffer ar along the western botafidary of the pro erty shall be landscaped wtth shrubs an ronerlv maintalned. ; Yeas Requested by Department of: Of£ice of License Insoections and Environmental Protection Ey: \ i�� � X'" � � Adogted by Council: Dat Adoption Certified by ou By: Approved by Mayo ; Date Form Approved by City Attorney gy: �� ?'(0 -`/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council j� : A � � V , \ ' v�.� M. ���.� � � G�, � m r� Secretary Greensheet # 30848 in Tracker? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/14/95 L App'n Received j App'n Processed Q�`�38 License lD # Z46$$ License Type: Auto Repair Garage & Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle Company Name: Blong Kong/Chi Som Kong pgp K's Auto Sales Business Addresss: 1445 Arcade Street Business Phone: C730-0293) Contact Name/Address: B1ong Kong, 1858 E. Magnolia, �/101 Home Phone: C730-0293) Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: 9u,�, 12� !q� Notice Sent to Applicant: ���g� _ � ��,� f�� 35 `�rt-i, �1� Notice Sent to Public:_ l/I/dt�/ Labeis Ordered: N/A District Council #:. Ward Departmeni/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � �C� -�j� �� Environmental Health � � �— Fire (9'� � 612 cco��i) � (L .� � sK cc�cu� �f License �' '`{� Site Poan aeceived:_ Lease peceived: Police S�S�S� 1Va F�'COr�C �e Zoning (� - ��—g8 � l� a, a�� ��y 'v��°`c� 1�s�=, � 9s-938' From: Marie K. Grimm (MARIEG) To: MARYE Date: Wednesday, July 12, 1995 9:30 pm Subject: Resolution for K's Auto Sales, 1445 Arc. thank you �or being sharp on this one. NO, it should NOT be placed on next week's agenda. Please ask Kris or Christine (whichever was on the green sheet for this one) to comment whether it should be placed on the agenda for THREE weeks from now, to follow the same timeline as they intended (one week AFTER the final decision) And then, you'll still need to double-check with me to see if it should go on for the week following or not..... Again, THANKS for being so alert on this one!!! :..marie CC: vickis, nancya i ,-.. - - - _ ; - ' "_ ,- _ : �,' --; ._" - - _ - _ �- . � �..; > : ; � _ _ - _ .-�_. w__-:_ ......... ::: . . �-= .. . � ,_.v. � , _ _ �_ _, : _ .. _ - - _ __ _ � _._ -... -- " - - - � - - -- - - - � _ _ _ _ • " - ` ��=„ �. - z� ` - s- " - ' , v . � " � 7rR i � �z . 4 c ; ,1„ ; ; t - '�� _.m� ' . .. , - '" � - : - - . , ..- - . .. , . -. . ,... s' , . �` , -. , . _. � . . - _ ' . _ ' . ' � 9s- � � tADi � /) /C� � �'�� �� T}pe ef Liceie being Co�pzny i.�� _ CLASS � II cin o� s��'r P��r. LICENSE A.PP � ICATION Ci: ;t of Littr.cq �,��,r:;o-s z E-,t::oar„ea:zl ?�:utioa 15t. ir.�r 9. Su�c �0 � // �� 7/ �/ � � L"� Ii'�V:�[S?i ��i:2 � � l� IL/ �L/l / l L(� / V �/ - �/� CE::) ^�=:N ix :E::) 2'd?!.{ � � � � If business is incorporsied, ,/ cce da,e ef i�co;port;oa: Doiag Eu�,esc p�: (� �� ial,4'f O �(/- ( r l Bus'v^.e>s 'r_one: B��cinessAdLess: 1�l�S Ak ��,�-e S < t r�P� SSl t s::e�cAae:oss cs,y s,�;e Zp Bet1 �:'bst coss streets is t�^.e bL-,e<_5 loca?ed? ��l � n.r � e;� 'r ,�{,' \�1vch side of t�e street? f� L( � a �4 ,p � .�:e the p:esises aow occuried? ��C� \'v'�zt T��� ef Bus'uess? , � f//2-Fr? USe'<;!' (�R S \fzilTo,4dcress: %��r./ �. / �Ct�'�/O! ,Sf. /"/i�.l / S�II � _ S:mei:.tC:,.ss ci.y � • s:a;e Zip A�plit�.t Inform::tioa: ��e�dTiile• �ro�� � � ' �����D� �/���� L/ � � �/X� ��u� I.D. T°Z 7��' ,, �'�./C�� ('/ �G-L�`�� �'� (Icr o: �ce i�c onh�) PLE�SE T� R PRI;vi I.\T L\'K � G, r�st ' '�,ae,o " (,;�;a�,) tz:( r,:,e Ho�eAd'�vess: ��59 �, /'/GG�/lo� 4t^s-.�10/ � .S�' �'�1 Sr�V' S::eetAEdreu � Ciry Siz:e Zp D�te of B'ut5: �� `/ ���� P1zce of Bsi_ G�40 S Home P�o�e��1� ��0 — G�3- c 1 � .�re }'ou a ciiizea of t5e Un:ced Stzte<? �'zti�°e? /�(� Natvalized? ��S If ��ou am not a U.S. citizen, ��ou must 3z�'e w�ork aut5oriz::iion from the US. Immigretion & �atunLzaGon Senice. Have ;ou ever beea cea�;cted cf �*.y ;eleny, cr:�e or ve'.z�ea of any ciry or'u'n�ace ot3er t�an V YES _ 1'O � D�te of �rrest: Cbzrge: _ Coa��ctioa: Sen[ence: List the nziaes and residences of tfree persoas of good -orz] cbzracter, li�ing �,Sthin the Twin Cities D�etro .'�.rea, not relzted io tbe applic�t or fmzncizlly inte:esled ia t3e premises or b.uiaess, v.'bo mzy be referred to 2s to tbe applicant's cb2r2cter: I�'A2.�iE � �l /.t P �i-be: e? ADD�ESS PHONE �7z- I/ 3 � 7a-r List lice�es u•hich you currently Have zny of tbe above naned n re��oke.d? _ YES ]y held, or mzy bzve an interest in: . .' ,. . NO If yes, list tbe dates and reasoas for revocation: Are pou �o'v�g to operzte tfvs bus;ness perscn�ly? �= =S _�O If not, �,ho �:ill operate it? FKt �zr.,e ?�SidGie Ini:izl ('�`.;:�cr.) Lst Dztc oC Binh Ho:;ct,cCress: Stcct\amc Cs S:atc Zip Fhone\c-bcr A:e you going to hzve a msazger or �sit�t :n chis bu-_s<? �YES _ Iv0 If the r�z�zger is not tbe sa�e zs tbe operztor, plezse complete t�e folloui,g'm.`o:iaztioa: /% !/ 7 ,'/.� .�? l,� Frst :�a-e '�Siddie Ir.itisl xo ;e;,ec:�ss: s::c�c ��-e � Please lit you emple;�ent hsfory for the pre��olts fice (� }eu period: Bus+:ness /Eruolo�� er,t L"ut z1I ot�er cnce; s ef t5e cerpor�.ica: GFFlCtR TITLE \.4'.SE (O�ce Held) I:OME HO'�iE DDRESS/ / � FHO�� If b•�siaess is a �:;me:ship, F;sI 1z:; e � :�:icd)e (.'.S"�Ltr,) Cs L.zSS Sta:e Zip BtiSL��SS PHO:�� Ds:c ot n:; �h Pho.-�e \uaS<r DATE OF SIR2H include t3e follo�i^g =_.�:��:ioa for esc4 puiaer (ue zddiiioa�l pzges if necesszrc): ) i�0�'✓G i0�1 �-6<" :_, nr-;��-, �:t ��,� or �:-a ,� � /' $/0/ j%�-u 0 /%In/ 5� i/ 7/ 6�3 ! il� /�ia�ra/�a w� r a � C, S:zte Zp Phoae:��.r.,Scr Ho^end :css: S::eet:��-e 7 Gh; 5 �<�� 3-i5 fist \z.:ie ?✓•iccle Ir.itizi ('.dxidcn) Lzc[ D�te of B...h �Go t.� -�����u-���- ;-� St i �.�,✓ S�'/n; (b�a 3��� EiiO Hor.,e Addrrss: St:cct :�x:ae C.y S:xte 7�? ?bor.e :�i.sber Atfach fo this applicafion: ' 1) A det2iled descriptioa of t6e design, Iortion and square footape of tbe premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your tease zg�emeat or procf ot oHaetship of the pcoperty. ,�.\Y F.4LCIFICAI'ION OR,'�\St�ERS GIVEN OR A'L'�TERIAI. SliBA1ITI'ED 1i7LL RESUZT L*I DE\LiL OF THIS APPLIC.�,TIO:I I bezeby state uadu oath thzt I bave znswered z11 of the a'a�ve q estions, 2nd th2f the iaform22ion contzined bereia is We 2nd correct to the bes[ of my l;nou�ledge �d beBef. I bereby sTat furiher nnder ozth th t I bave received ao money or otber consideration, by w•zy of Jozn, gifr, coatnbutio. oj/ otb� • sq tber than zIr �y dis sed '' tl�e 2pplicavoa which I herex�ith submitted. � l�/s //,v �� , � / / i Subs bed d�sworn be{o e me t„ a� -da i 19 � � °�_ ��OIZIy PI7 �C � . �� / COIIIIiY� MH My Commicsioa ca��res: �-3/ �CFit�lE A. I�AANF�IENS i ; t:J � :4Y PUBIJC•1At�RiElOTA "r. , 7 �-:�an FSpinsJn.�1,200 �✓.,WJ�nNW�N1M��M� Date i� �� �`� 9�� 1_i + rcil File b Ordinance n Green Sheet ,". � � T � / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i3 1! l� i� 17 18 19 20 21 �� ?� 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date Whereas, K's AUTO SALES made application to the Planning Commission for a Special Condition Use Permit pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for property located at 1445 Arcade Street, legally described as the south 100' of Lots 11 and 12, Block 4; Lake Phalen Addition #2; and R'hereas, tl�e Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 18, 1995, after having provided notice to affected property owners, and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The Commission, by its Resolution, decided to grant the application subject to the followin� conditions: L The number of "For Sale" cars on the lot shall not exceed 11 and 9 off-street parking spaces shall be provided. At no time shall the total number of vehicles on the lot, including those awaitin� repairs/completed repairs, for sale, or parkin� exceed 20. �. The appticant sha11 ootain a secondhand motor vehicle dealer license and a�enerai auto rep2i: Iicease from tne city befcre the use is estabiished. �sphatt shali be laid over ine portions of the si[e dismroed during tank removaL Th�s slzaii b° done beiore the use is escablished. 4. The driveways on Arcade Street and Wheelock Packway ciosest to the Arcade 8: Wheeloci� intersection are removed to prevent the driveways from beina used and wheel-scops or simiia� devices are installed to prevent vehicles from han�ing into the right-of-wa}'. This shall be done before the use is established. The driveways must be removed according to Ciry standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under permit from Pubiic Works Sidewalk Section. � 6 7 8 9 At no time shall vehicles be parked in the driveway or in the public ri�ht-of-way. No Ii;hting that adversely affects adjacent residential property shall be permitted. Tree(s) shall be planted in the boulevard alon� Wheelock Parkway under the direction of the city forester. The "gas price" signs shall be removed. The sign poles shall be painted. The existing unpainted curbs on the property shall be painted. 10. The buffer area along the western boundary of the property shall be landscaped with shrubs and properly maintained. ���� �-d?�2 Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.2�6, K's Auto Sales, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on July 26, 1995, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, Tt�e Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby: (1) Deny the appeal relating to removal the driveway and; (2) Modify condztion #4 so as to state that the driveways on Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway closest to the Arcade & Wheelock intersection are to be removed on or before July 31, 1996. to prevent the driveways from being used and wheel-stops or similar devices are installed to prevent vehicles from hanging into the right-of-way. �ris °'�"„'�� a^��'�°`��° �'�° ,.°� :�°��'�,•°'� a. The driveways must be removed according to City standards by a licensed and bonded contractor under permit from Public Works Sidewalk Section; and (3) Grant the appeal so as to delete condition #7 that "Tree(s) sha11 be piar_ted in the boulevard along Wheelock Parkv✓ay under the direction of the city forester". k'inaily Resolve�, 'That the City Clerk shall mui a copy of tnis resolution to F:'s Puto Sales, the Zor,ing Administrator and �h� ?'lanning Commissian. RequesLe3 by Departmenc c£: Adopted by Council: Date �, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � By: � Approved by M brp Date r �/r� �� By: Form Appro r�d by $Y� � �?M Council Attorney � �� Mayor for Submission to g . f�LNt�^"a'K/ �/IF'(/�.('�l'it" `i'�- By.