Qwest-1203 Victoria Curve 615 N Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City OK 73106 (800)421-2153(405)606-8200 fax(405�290-2015 www cmrclaims com C I��=�,_ R :�"�:x:<�.��'�'fCE �F �'I�AIM R�C�li�EC� MFIJfiGEMENT �����'� RESOUFCES � Date:o�-26-zo:2 JA N 3 1 2 012 CEFtTIFIE�U MAiL, RC'�,_�;��� REC�IPT REQL'E�'TED ���.,� �,��;�� To: CtTY Or S�'PAUL CITY CLF.'RI< 3l0 CITY HALL ]5 W.KELLOGG BLV� ST PAUL,MN 55102 �'ERTIF'iF.D l0!�IT� 9171 9690 0935 00?2 6747 60 RE: llamage tfl Q�v��est Propert,y Q�vest Ciaim Num: 52U3i�d Dama�e/Discovery Date: 01��'14-2012 Bamage Location: 1203 VICTQRIA CURVE,ST.PAUL,MN Damage County: RAMSF.Y Damage Amount: �.i?�DE'I'ERMINED Dear Sir/Madam: P,zase be advised that Qwest Faciliti?s sust�±ined damage as a result of the negligent acts or c�missions by employees or a;ents af CITY OF 5T P.SUL. lnvesti�;�ti.�n has revenl.°d tnat o�i or abouc�1-24-2�1� employees or agents of CITY OF ST PAUL, CITY OF ST. PAUL �AI�1AGEfl A 40� PAIR BL'RIED QWEST CABLI: DURING �VATER EXCAVA'TION in the area of:2U3 VICTOR[?�CURVE, S7'. PALTI,,MN. This letter is the writteo presentment of Qwest's claim pursuant to Minnesota Statute 466.05 . I2EQUEST FOR GOVERi`IME�T�'AL NUTICE FORM If your Governmental Entity requires the compietion of its o�vn form to complete proner notice, please forwaru a copy to the ad;�ress ?istsd zbove. Every go�d iaitn effort has heen made to identify the proper ofiice and ad�ress to perfec# our notice. Please �orwa:d te your attorn�y, if misdirected, to contact us. :3u1. .:� :;;:�i:� ;tat�� are w��egcu �ri :�jfa-r.atio.r, ��;� ��;ief;hi: �ica{zr �ji�i:es tU �8 iru�, if t},�ie ;s insurancz to cover this matter,kindly advise as to the name of the insurance company, its address and the claim number�:ssigned. If�ou have any questions, ar need additional informatifln, please contact me at 1-800-321-�1 S� ext 82_32. �������������=�r�t,,,�%�i �� ��,`_ �;� •� `����`-''.�j�,iTq�y,F�j.�'�' Sincerely, = ' Holly�'inle5� _ _ C ��3011463 ` _ _ =X�'. 1 ii2R/14 ; _ — tn , ; ,a :� _ t � ' �:� '� AVBI_1L.•�����: � .. � . � ��� °� � / ,,��� Cy.�.P'`��`� ti.l' . ��ii�;;�i�1������� � `�` I�lOTARY CMR CLaipns DEI'T Commissioa�Expires _ i �U�S-� �20�(� :�(�.}rl,Ri„T�: +C3�` �Lr�[:�f� �'Cl�tl� #�� �he �:"it�� ,nf�aint �'xu�, �inne�t�ta i.' C�i:.tr_S't.iJt77dJ'(> lilftt dit� ttmtYl.f.°t liltl'...,�r7��CiCN.i'7�(,t�'rn.:9�r'��tl�I lci.i:.' ��ltltfS(tltl�.�1cY1i? `.�1f(;:tilt"��fi.!!,�5'I�I!£'S":�ltt!! � . i'S�tY'b-fX'i.1�('ixi...1i%�tr� ��'•� �' hs.".�`.' 1 t � } k:� �i ��:n�'rn�.rr;�l�ff:li�vj llre:n:�ttrrr�ijnal�t� nit'eit�J,R()r!�s:c rsf�s•t!h�^i;it,'.r�<d%,<,�.r i�tjtrr�y=rs rti.x�,��-k'r'rtt'!a irt,tiCi=,�#�xtltrg tic�-li,nr,��.,;z;'e.�trrtl fit�r`ti'�7�7Yt53i7fll.'i:a 1JlE'rET7�;[a�:,�3 tJu'��,w�ztrt.t>�x r n;f;�:�r;c,�Fir.rz�,r�7.tl�e�r•rc�J1l��Ui��rfUl7tlt'il-.. Pl�ase cd�t�ieie ii�+�;f�rr�t itt ifa�ni:i�etc bj elearly cwpi�ar prir�#irr�;���ur an.ss��er ta e�c1x guestiou. Tf nurre�pac��c �r�eded,atta.eh�ctdi.cir�nat s�taeets. f*ie����tn#�tl�ai��a�tn��►�or�rtay'�sot be cont�rti�ti b}1+elephune#o di�rtass w�er�I�r:iitt Ctl`fi[i£11b�Lii13CES�Sb�?i'ip�'tt��!tS t33itC�!�l'Ift71'IIIAt�tlJt�S�'i�'CCS+�►'1�to ex�i�tin ti•r�ur elaim,�n�i tb�amoax�f nf com}�nsatiux�brirr� rcque.,rfecl. Tlits lor.m�y�nst be�i�ned�a�i�bath �a�ei�ci:��p(�feil. tf usmelhin�;�M�not.a�►�rlv,wrife`;�fA'. �1�.1�'� �:'t�J����I:�E:TC19 �C��'�� A?��3 �JT�i��t�U�"C1i4iEtYTS TC): l.��f! .3J 1...�.a.i'�Ji,[l� 7�.7 Y�r�_�i'f��` ���.,L:k.�7��X1,71'1?l.e�"I�� 6r,7A1 4.�1•� lr ��.�.:.1,� ,7��5'!� ��.�.�i.t�.ii{L�I :7�.lVZ �'itsi ;�i�Iitlti- r • ���.,.��„����.5;VC��i,�ic, Initial ' L:t,*;t l�a�n:t� — C:'c�n�t}�.;�n�'txr f3us�t��ss ?�i��tr3t�, if��pptic:��bl�., . . . ..,. ---.___... . _ . . .._._____ _ _. _.._.... � �.. , _ �r���:� a��-�.�� �5 G�l.ss�� Ud . �.o.. ._ �?_._ .. . . ____......__.� .. �, M_ ........_.�. __.__---__�,..._...,_.�._.....__..��._....._..._......_....u�..-.._�.�LL..._..._.�...... . �t,� � � , � _ ___ .._.. �r����: _,,� c°��a� �_ _._ __.__��_____ ..,_....___.__.,_...�..__ _.:. __, �..._w.....Mr�_F_�.,.:._._..____--. ��I ..._._._. �")aylir��e 'C'i�l�:�t�c?nc. 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