D94-051C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �oved copies to: - City Clerk (Origina� - Rnance Dept.'s Accounting p'rvision - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Na: 7qy - �51 Date: � Whereas the Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Development Institute is Sponsoring a course entitled "Field Training Officer" and, C� Whereas this course is scheduled for February 21-25, 1994 and will be conducted ati the Holiday Inn Express. Be it ordered that pursuant to the 1994 City Budget, the proper City afficials are hereby authorized to remit an amount, not to exceed $3400.00, to the Holiday Inn Express, located at 1010 Bandana Boulevard, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, zip code 55108. This is to cover expenses incurred for providing classzoom space to accommodate this training course. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding Source: Account code 436-24117-0289-40017 � , � ✓� T�Ay-05� - DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL . � � DATE INITIATED *t� . � � O G 9 ' ' _ _ . , . � � � GREEN �SHEE �� �;, CANTACTPERSON&PHONE INRIAVDATE . INfT�AVDATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR CINCOUNdL Chief Finney 292-3588 A���'x �.CfiYATTORNEV' �CINCLEPK NUYBENFOR 8E ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOVIING ���ET DIRECTOfl FIN. & MCaT. SERVICES UIR. 2?i OROEN � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Routing of the attached Administrative Order RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) or qe�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked untler a co�trect for this department? _CIBCAMMfiTEE � �� YES NO � — 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? " — 57aFF — YES NO _ DiSrplCi COUA7 _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIlO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WI�a, Whal. Wh¢n, Where, WMy): The Sa,int Paul Police will be conducting a course on "Field Training Officer" on February 21-25-, 1994. The course will be Held at the Holiday Inn Express at 1010 ' Bandana Blvd West, Saint Paul. The Adminsitrative Order allows for payment for hotel expenses associated with this course. VANTApESIFAPPROVED , Paym�nt of vendor. ���� ' � ��E� � � 1994 CiTY ATTORNEY �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. �ECEIV��' None. FEB 2 g 1g94 CITY CLE�K � DISA�VANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED' � Non payment of vendor. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ 3000.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) '�E NO FUNDILdG SOURCE Chi ef'-s Trai ni ng Budget pCTIVITY NUMBEH 436-34117-0289-400U FlNANCIALMFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ' ' , ���'r W