94-1606 ��� � � `� • � �� � Council File — g� M � � � � 0 R 1 G 1 N� L � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �11 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION DIRE PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN 2 CONJUNCT'ION PUBLIC WORK'S AND THE POLICE 3 DEPARTMENT TO S Y TI� FEASIBILITY OF MAKING ABOVE- 4 STANDARD STREET GHTING LEVELS AVAILABLE TO HIGH CRIME 5 ARE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 WHEREAS, a reduction in street c'� e is of major importance to the citizens of The City of Saint 7 Paul and the City Council; and 8 VVHEREAS, increased levels of stree I li tin has been shown to reduce the level of criminal activi � g �Y 9 on city streets; and ', 10 WHEREAS, the City's present policy lows for the installation of street lights with above-standard 11 lighting levels; and 12 WHEREAS, some residents of Saint I aul cannot afford the additional costs associated with above- 13 standard street lighting levels. Now, erefore be it 14 RESOLVED that the City Council of aint Paul does direct a"study" of the issue, by the City's �,�; �:� 15 Planning and Economic Development epartment in conjunction with e Cit�'� blic Work s'�� �� � r � 16 Police Departments, whereby street li ts th a�iove-sta�dard lightin�l , be made 17 available to residents of high crime ar '�o< «� � study, who may not be able to cover the 18 entire costs associated with increased 1 vels of street lighting. This study is to be concluded within 19 three months of Council's approval of 's Resolution. Y� Navs sent Requested by Department of: a e rimm uerin arris e ar e ma ane BY� � Adopted by Council: Date � �'orm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secr ary gy; By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved y M . Dat � '1j Council By: By' , a�-.1� : N Il IN IATEQ N� � � v�. c�► c�t u-�- v� CREEN SMEE ACT 8 E � DERM�ITMENT D�RE ITIAUDATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL ITI r TEr . ^'�i7 ��� Aq10N � G7Y ATT'ORNEY � CITV CLERK MUST N. DA BY ( 1 � � � BUDQET DIRECTOR � flN. 8 MfiT. SERVICES - �R � MA70N (OR A3318TANn � TOTAL # OF SKiNATtJRE PA3E8 {CLIP ALL LOCATtON8 FOR SH3NATUAE) � ACTION REOLlESTED: ` a .� T�C Atl HE1C Ft'�.' 5�04► CA�E++C �' t0 d0 t t� pl Cp�1Q�� 1M� �C WOf�"i ��0 Ptf�QC D�ffi; �'i O� �1C fO�i�I�06 0� ��OCt � � Cili�C. I ��' �� �� °� �� � PERSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTS MNST Af(:WER TMH FOLlOWi1�Hi QUESTIONS: _ PLANNn�I((i CAIM�AISSION � Crvll 9ERViCE COMMISB 1. Ha8 thia per8onJflrm ever worked undsr e COntretCt for Mb dapartmsnt? � i` _ CiB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis peraon/Hrm ever besn a c�ty ampioyee7 � - — �� — YES NO _ DISTR�CT COURT _ 3. Does tAis psrsoMfirm poseess e ekNl not norrneN�r P��sed bY ar+Y curcent dqr srr�lo�ss? BUPP�ITB wHiCH COUNCII �BJECTIVE? YES NO � EzplNn sll yN an�wets on s�p�ral� aM�t arW �tt�ch to OnM� MNt u�mn7nac� PAOS�en�. �s�ue. oPamaruNm lwno. wna�. wn.n. . wny►: � +. T6e Ad Hoc P�W'rc S��aty Cflmmittee du�g af curr�t CSty' � poiic� ro�od t�e aetion. � `� • 4 � i � � � . . . . . �._��R ADVANTAOE8 � APPR411HD: I ` '� � � i � Fii�iw�iil � Y�i� � � �r � . . � � j � 1 � � ; � a DISAGVANTAQES IF APPiIOVED: NOOC � - . i I i i � { � ��s�av�rr�s � Nor �P�a � � C�r Fol�+ �mtiaw� at � { i t � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACt10N = COSTIREYENUE BUDGETL�D{CIRCLE O!!B) YES q0 i I FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INEORMATION: (E%FLAIN) a ;;; ii �`� R° - - � � ��� � � � c� � �, ��TE: COMPL.ETE OIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDEb IN TH� t�i� SHEE7 IhISTRUCTIONAL � MANUAL AVAJLABLE IN TME PURGHASING OF�IGE � NO. 298-4225). � � a' , ?; _ UTING (�DER: :; . ,, : � are oo►hct routings for the tive most irequent typss oi doaan�IMi: � ; NTRACTS {aesumes authorized budpet axiats) COUt�IL RESOt.U710N (Amsnd Budpstt/Acc�pt. Cinnis� < p��� qg�y t. Qepar�nent DirecOor `� Department Director 2. Budpet Director Ctly Attorney 3. Ciry Aitomey � Mayor ((or coM�acts over 575,000) 4. Ma�ror/Assistant Human Rlgh� (for contracts over S50,Ob0) 5. Gy Council Flnance and Management Servicea Diroctor 6. Chief Ac�countant, Finanoe ar�d Managert�ent Servioes Finance Accounting � MINISTRATIVE QRDERS (Budget Revisbn) COUt�IL RESOLUTION (efl othvn, and OrdinsnC�s) � � Activity Manager 1. Dspanment Dkector Department Accountant 2. qly Attomey � Oepartment Dfrector 4. C�Council �� � , ` Budge! Qirector nY ,, Ciry Cterk �` Chfef Accountant, Fi�eu►ce end ManagemeM Services � " ` ! � DMINISTRATIVE OROERS (aN others) ;• � ! Deqartment DireotQ► ' � ' . City Attorney i E .. Finance and Ma�agement Services Oirector ,"a . City Clerk �; ' TAl NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES � te the #�d pagss on wMch slgnatures are requirod and p�pKCNp or tlp ot thes� pa�u. CTION REOUESTED scribs what tM proj�e�Arequest seeks to accompliah in either chronolopi- I oMer or oMer of import�oe,.�fiichever is rr►ost appropriete for ths ue. Do not write compiete ssntences. Begin sach item in your Nst wHh verb. ECOMMENpAT10NS plete it the issue M question has been pressnted batore arry bodyr. publ� r privete. UPPORTS VAMIGH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? i icate which CouncN objective(s) Your prolecUroquest supporta by Nstl�g - i key word(s) (MOUSING, RECREATIQN, NEI(iH80RHOODS, ECUNOMIC OEYEWPMENT, UDGET, SEWEA 3EPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUC�'IONAL MANUAL.) • i PERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS. is infom�albn wiH be used to determine the ciyls Nabiliy for wwlcera compsnsatbn claims. taxea and proper clvN s�rvics hkhq n�. ( ' � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY 1� Explain the situatbn or conditions that croated a need ta your projact ! or request. � � ' + ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � j � Mdieete whether thts is simpFy an annual budget procedure requfred by law/ � , charter or whether there are speciNc w�ra in which tM City of Saint Peul . i � and its citizens wlii benent tran thts project/actlon. ;, j i D�SADYANTAGES IF APPROVEO �� What negative eNects or major changes M existing a pa�t p�ocesses might !'' this projed/request produce if it ia pessed (e.g.. traMic dshys, �se. . � 5 tax increases or messunsnts)9 To Whom7 VVMn? For how bng� i r DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPWOVED ' What wili be the negative conaequen�s if tM prombed aclion fs not approved? Inabiliry to deliver servu:e? Contlnued M8h �aMic, noiss, accident rate? Loss o( revenue? - FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailcx the informatian you proylde hsrs to �s issue you ar�.addressinp, in gansral you must answer t�to qus�flona: Haw much is it going to c�st4 Who is going to pay4 . �� �� _