94-1605 i' � � Y� � � c� -' t � ` ° i I `' Council File � q �-t '
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PreseMed By
Referred To Comm�tee: Date
NOV 14 1994
�'1���Er�� �i�t^F;��,!�:
WHEREAS, there ar' currently outstanding bonds of the
City of Saint Paul, Minneso' (the "City"), payable from Net
Revenues of the City's Water',Utility, specifically the City's
(a) $5,375,000 Water Revenue',Bonds, Series 1985A (the "1985
Bonds"), issued pursuant to solutions adopted by this Council
on August 27, 1985, and Septe er 17, 1985, of which $1,925,000
remain outstanding; (b) $8,00 ,,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Series
1988A (the "1988 Bonds"), issu d pursuant to a resolution adopted
by this Council on December 3,',1987, which have been fully
refunded with the proceeds of e 1993 Bonds (defined below) and
are therefore not treated as ou standing; (c) $5,545,000 Water
Revenue Bonds, Series 1990C (th "1990 Bonds"), issued pursuant
to a resolution adopted by this ouncil on March 13, 1990, which
have been fully refunded with th proceeds of the 1993 Bonds
(defined below) and are therefor not treated as outstanding; and
(d) $11,175,000 Water Revenue Ref nding Bonds, Series 1993E (the
"1993 Bonds"), issued pursuant to'a resolution adopted by this
Council on June 15, 1993, of whic ,$10,280,000 remain outstand-
ing; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary 'nd desirable to provide for
the issuance of $10,000,000 Variabl Rate Demand Water Revenue
Bonds, Series 1994D (the "Bonds" or',°1994 Bonds"), on a parity of
lien with the 1985 Bonds and 1993 Bo ds (except as to certain
interest on the 1994 Bonds), to fina ce various improvements to
the City's municipal water utility ( e"Water Utility"), which
has since its acquisition in 1885 bee' under the jurisdiction of
the Board of Water Commissioners (the'"Board"); and
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WHEREAS, th Board and this Council deem it necessary
and expedient to impr' e the Water Utility by making improvements
to water treatment wor s, including filtration basins, solids
handling and disposal,,process hydraulics, and chemical handling,
and replacing water ma" s, and utilizing any excess proceeds for
any other purpose permi ted by law (the "Improvements" or
"Project"); and
WHEREAS, parag aph 17 of the resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of the'1985 Bonds provides for the issuance of
parity lien bonds as foll'ws:
"17. ar't o' s. The revenue bonds issued
hereunder shall be a irst charge and lien upon the Net
Revenues of the Water'Utility, and no part of such Net
Revenues shall ever b',pledged to the payment of any
general obligation bon s issued by the City while any
bonds of this issue or'bonds issued on a parity there-
with remain outstandin ',and undischarged. No
additional revenue obli ations payable from the Revenue
Bond Debt Service Accou't shall be hereafter issued
unless the same are expr'ssly made a second and
subsequent lien upon the'Net Revenues of the Water
Utility, provided howeve', that additional obligations
may be issued on a parity',of lien with the bonds herein
authori2ed, provided that',the annual Net Revenues of
said Water Utility for ea of the two completed fiscal
years immediately precedin the issuance of such
additional obligations sha'1 have been one and one-half
times the maximum annual pr'ncipal and interest coming
due thereafter on all outst nding revenue obligations
payable from and having a p ity of lien upon the Net
Revenues of the Water Utilit' Fund, including the
additional obligations so to be issued; provided
further however that if the a nual Net Revenues in
either or both of the aforesa d two completed fiscal
years shall be insufficient t' meet this test then any
reasonably projected increase 'n Net Revenues for the
fiscal year immediately follow ng such second completed
fiscal year may be added to th'',Net Revenues for such
completed fiscal years or eithe of them (but the total
of such projected increase in N t Revenues may be added
only once) in applying the fore 'ing test. Such facts
shall be shown by the Certificat' of the General
Manager of the Board of Water Co issioners and shall
be a finding of and recited in th' resolution of the
City authorizing any such additio al series. In
addition, the following condition' shall be met:
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"(a) he payments required to be made (at
the time of'the issuance of such parity lien
bonds) into he various funds and accounts
provided for'in this resolution have been made.
"(b) A1'� such parity lien bonds shall have a
December 1 ma urity or maturities and shall have
semiannual in erest payments on June 1 and
December 1 in' ach year.
"(c) The',proceeds of such parity lien bonds
shall be used 'nly for the purpose of making
improvements, a ditions, extensions, renewals or
replacements to'the Water Utility, and capital-
izing interest 'r establishing Reserves and paying
the costs of su financing."; and
WHEREAS, paragra h 18 of the resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of the 1 93 Bonds is substantively identical to
said paragraph 17 relating ',o the 1985 Bonds; and
WHEREAS, the Boar and this Council deem it necessary
and expedient to undertake e Project; and
WHEREAS, herein th' City amends certain of the
conditions for parity bonds oted above and makes various
findings demonstrating the p priety of the issuance of the Bonds
on a parity with the 1985 Bon s and 1993 Bonds (excep.t as to
certain interest); and
WHEREAS, in accordan'e with advice received from the
Board, this Council finds, det rmines and declares that it is
necessary and expedient to pro ,ide moneys to finance the Project,
continue a Reserve previously e tablished, and provide for the
costs of the issuance of the Bo ds from the proceeds of bonds
payable solely from the Net Rev nues of the Water Utility; and
WHEREAS, the City wish s to issue the Bonds pursuant to
an Indenture of Trust dated as o November 1, 1994 (the
"Indenture"), by and between the ity and First Trust National
Association (the "Trustee", which''term includes any successor
trustee or co-trustee under the I denture) as variable rate
demand bonds, and the Holders of e Bonds may on seven (7) days'
notice cause the Bonds to be purch'sed by, or for the benefit of,
the City pursuant to the Indenture and
WHEREAS, the obligation purchase the Bonds will be
secured by a Standby Bond Purchase greement (the "Standby Bond
Purchase Aqreement"), by and betwee the City and Norwest Bank
Minnesota, National Association (th "Bank", which term includes
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any successor liquidi y support provider for the Bonds), and the
re-sale of the Bonds 'fter their purchase will be pursuant to a
Remarketing Agreement ' ated as of November 1, 1994 (the
"Remarketing Agreement,'), by and between the City and Miller &
Schroeder Financial, I c. (the "Remarketing Agent", which term
includes any successor'remarketing agent for the Bonds); and
WHEREAS, the equirements as to public sale of
Minnesota Statutes, Sec ion 475.60, shall not apply to the Bonds,
because the City has re ained an independent financial advisor
and this Council has de ermined to sell the Bonds by private
NOW, THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
City of Saint Paul, Minn'sota, as follows:
1. Acce ta c' Of e• Bond Purchase A re ment. The
offer of Piper Jaffray In ., and Miller & Schroeder Financial,
Inc. (jointly, the "Purch ser"), to purchase $10,000,000 Variable
Rate Demand Water Revenue',Bonds, Series 1994D, of the City (the
"Bonds" or "1994 Bonds", r individually a"Bond" or "1994
Bond"), in accordance wit'' the Bond Purchase Agreement to be
dated the date this resolu ion is adopted (the "Bond Purchase
Agreement"), at the rates f interest set forth in the Indenture,
and to pay for the Bonds t e sum of $9,957,500, is hereby
accepted. The Mayor and D rector, Department of Finance and
Management Services, are a',horized and directed to execute and
deliver the Bond Purchase A reement in substantially the form
submitted to this Council, ith such changes, modifications,
additions and deletions as hall be necessary and appropriate and
approved by the City Attorn Execution by such officers of the
Bond Purchase Agreement shal �be conclusive evidence as to the
necessity and propriety of c anges and their approval by the City
2. v e n xecut' • c s'
Forms ARtiroved. Forms of the'Indenture, Standby Bond Purchase
Agreement and Remarketing Agr ement have been submitted to this
Council for approval. Subjec to the approval of the City
Attorney, the Indenture, Stan y Bond Purchase Agreement and
Remarketing Agreement and exh' its thereto are approved in
substantially the fornas submit ed, and shall be executed in the
name of, and on behalf of, the City by the Mayor and Director,
Department of Finance and Mana ement Services. Any other
documents and certificates nec ssary to the issuance of the Bonds
shall be executed by the appro 'iate City officers.
The approval hereby g ven to the various documents
referred to above includes appr val of such additional details
therein as may be necessary and' ppropriate and such
�� - �����
modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions thereto
as may be necessary a appropriate and approved by the City
Attorney prior to the xecution of the documents. The execution
of any instrument by t e appropriate officer or officers of the
City herein authorized'shall be conclusive evidence of the
approval of such docum nts in accordance with the terms hereof.
In the absen e of the Mayor or Director, Department of
Finance and Management'Services, any of the documents authorized
by this resolution to executed may be executed by the Acting
Mayor or acting Direct , Department of Finance and Management
Services, respectively, or by any other officer of the City
deemed appropriate by t e City Attorney.
3. 't e• ' i a su te• e m'n io s•
Maturities. The Bonds hall be titled "Variable Rate Demand
Water Revenue Bonds, Se'ies 1994D", shall be dated as provided in
the Indenture, and shal be issued forthwith as fully registered
bonds. The Bonds shall e numbered, shall be in denominations,
and shall mature on the ates and in the amounts set forth in the
4. �pose. '�The Bonds (together with other available
funds appropriated) shal' provide funds for the construction of
various improvements to e Water Utility of the City,
specifically making impr ements to water treatment works,
including filtration basi s, solids handling and disposal,
process hydraulics, and c emical handling, and replacing water
mains, with excess moneys�'�,devoted to any other purpose permitted
by law (the "Improvements or "Project"), and the funding of the
Reserve Account with resp ct to the Bonds. The proceeds of the
Bonds shall be deposited nd used as provided in paragraph 12.
The total cost of the Pro ect, which shall include all costs
enumerated in Minnesota S'tutes, Section 475.65, is estimated to
be at least equal to the a ount of the Bonds. Work on the
Project shall proceed with'due diligence to completion.
5. Interest. he Bonds shall bear interest which
varies and is paid on the ates provided in the Indenture. The
City has fixed and determi ed the interest rates borne by the
Bonds by setting the stand'rds for the interest rates in the
Indenture, and by appointi the Remarketing Agent and selecting
the Bank. Interest on a Ba k Bond (as defined in the Indenture)
which is in excess of the M�ximum Rate (as defined in the
Indenture) on other Bonds, ncluding, to the extent permitted by
law, interest on overdue Su ordinate Interest, is referred to
herein as "Subordinate Inte est".
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6. e • Bo s. The Bonds shall be
subject to redemption nd prepayment prior to their maturity as
provided in the Indent re. When under Section 3-4 of the
Indenture the City is irectly responsible for the payment of the
Purchase Price of Bond , funds of the Water Utility are hereby
pledged for such purpo e, but only funds of the Water Utility are
pledged for such purch'se and then only to the extent consistent
with other provisions f this resolution.
7. Trustee. The Trustee is appointed to act as bond
registrar and transfer gent, paying agent and tender agent with
respect to the Bonds, a provided in the Indenture.
8. o s f' o d. The Bonds shall be in the form set
forth as Exhibit A to t e Indenture.
9. Exe ut'o '�. The Bonds shall be executed on behalf
of the City as provided 'n the Indenture.
10. Authentic tion. The Bonds shall be authenticated
as provided in the Inden ure.
11. De 'v • A licat'on of P oceeds. The Bonds when
so prepared and executed�,shall be delivered by the Trustee to the
Purchaser upon receipt o the purchase price, and the Purchaser
shall not be obliged to e to the proper application thereof.
12. Fund and A counts. For the convenience and proper
administration of the pro eeds from the sale of the 1994 Bonds
and for the payment of pr,ncipal of and interest on the 1994
Bonds, the Board of Water',Commissioners Water Utility Enterprise
Fund (the "Water Utility und", heretofore in resolutions
relating to the 1985 Bond and 1993 Bonds also referred to as the
"Water Utility Fund") her ofore created shall continue in force
and effect as a separate f nd of the City and of the Board until
all of the 1994 Bonds are �ully paid and retired. In the Water
Utility Fund there are, an there shall continue to be, the
following accounts:
(a) A" a't 1'cco nt", into which there shall be
paid the proceeds fro the sale of the 1994 Bonds. From the
Capital Account shall e paid all costs of the Improvements
to be financed by the 994 Bonds, including legal, engineer-
ing, financinq and oth r such expenses incidental thereto as
are enumerated in Minn sota Statutes, Section 475.65. Fees
due to the Bank, Remar'eting Agent and Trustee during the
construction of the Im rovements may be paid from the
Capital Account. Any �alance remaining in said account
after the payment of s' h costs, or after the payment of the
costs of any other imp �vements to the extent permitted by
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law or use for a,y other purpose permitted by law, shall be
transferred to t e Revenue Bond Debt Service Account herein
established. No ing in this resolution shall reverse or
detract from any eposits made into said account, or
payments made fr said account, with respect to the 1985
Bonds, 1988 Bonds,and 1990 Bonds.
(b) An "O e a' e a ce Account", into which
shall be paid all',gross revenues and earnings derived from
the operation of e Water Utility system including any
assessments which' ay from time to time be levied with
respect to the Wa 'r Utility. From this account there shall
be paid all, but o ly, current expenses of said system.
Current expenses s all include the reasonable and necessary
costs of administe ing, operating, maintaining and insuring
the system, salari s, wages, costs of materials and
supplies, costs of'water production and distribution,
necessary legal, e'gineering and auditing services, and all
other items which, y sound accounting practices, constitute
normal, reasonable 'nd current costs of operation and
maintenance, but ex'luding any allowance for depreciation,
extraordinary repai s and payments into the Revenue Bond
Debt Service Accoun , Subordinate Interest Account and
Reserve Account. T ere shall at all times be maintained in
said account a rese e in an amount sufficient to cover the
operation and maint ance costs of the Water Utility system
for the ensuing fif �en (15) day period; neither said
reserve nor any annu l addition thereto shall constitute
"Net Revenues" as de ined below. The balance from time to
time remaining in th Operation and Maintenance Account,
including interest o' other earnings received from the
investment of any mo eys in the Water Utility Fund, after
paying or providing or the foregoing items, shall
constitute, and are ferred to in this resolution as, "Net
Revenues.�� Payments �f fees to the Trustee, Bank and
Remarketing Agent arelcurrent expenses.
(c) A" ve o d bt ervi e A u t", into which
there shall be credit d and to which there is hereby
irrevocably pledged f�om the Net Revenues of the operation
of the Water Utility stem monthly commencing in December,
1994, a sum equal to (') interest accrued on, or payable on,
the 1994 Bonds that mo th (provided that Subordinate
Interest shall be depo ited in the Subordinate Interest
Account), (ii) at leas' 1/12 of the total principal on the
1994 Bonds payable (by'�maturity or mandatory sinking fund
redemption) during the'ensuing twelve (12) months, and (iii)
at least 1/12 of the t� al principal and interest on any
other bonds issued on alparity therewith during the ensuing
twelve (12) months;`pro ided, however, that no further
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payments need be ade to said account when the moneys held
therein are suffi ient for the payment of all principal and
interest due on s id bonds on and prior to the next maturity
date. No money s all be paid out of said account except to
pay principal, pr mium, if any, and interest (exclusive of
Subordinate Inter'st) on the 1994 Bonds and any other bonds
which are issued a parity with the 1994 Bonds.
(d) A"Res e Accoun ", which was heretofore created,
and is hereby cont'nued, to be used only when and if moneys
in the Revenue Bon Debt Service Account or other moneys
available therefor (including moneys in the Subordinate
Interest Account) re insufficient to pay principal,
premiwn, if any, a d interest (exclusive of Subordinate
Interest) on the b' ds payable from the Revenue Bond Debt
Service Account; p vided, however, that the moneys in the
Reserve Account ma Ibe used to prepay said bonds, when such
prepayment will ret're all of the bonds then outstanding.
There shall be depo ited in the Reserve Account on the date
the 1994 Bonds are ssued $1,499,988, all of which shall be
from funds of the B ard on hand. Amounts already in the
Reserve Account, pu suant to the resolutions authorizing the
issuance of the 198 Bonds and 1993 Bonds, shall be
maintained therein on the issuance of the 1994 Bonds to
the extent necessa �to equal the maximum principal and
interest (exclusive f Subordinate Interest) due in any year
on the bonds payable��from the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account, being initi lly the 1985 Bonds, 1993 Bonds and 1994
Bonds. Whenever the�',moneys in the Reserve Account exceed an
amount equal to the aximum annual principal and interest
(exclusive of Subord'' ate Interest) coming due thereafter on
all outstanding reve e obligations payable from the Net
Revenues of the Wate '��Utility Fund on a parity of lien with
the 1985 Bonds, such �xcess may be transferred to the
Revenue Bond Debt Se ice Account; and whenever the moneys
in the Reserve Accoun shall be less than said amount, the
Reserve Account shall'�,be restored to said amount from the
next available Net Re enues. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
after the payment and' ischarge of the 1985 Bonds the amount
required to be mainta' ed in the Reserve Account shall be an
amount equal to the le ser of: (1) ten percent (10�) of the
original principal amo nt of the 1993 Bonds and other bonds
payable from the Reven e Bond Debt Service Account issued
after the 1993 Bonds o a parity of lien therewith, or (2)
the maximum principal nd interest (exclusive of Subordinate
Interest) due in any y'ar on the bonds payable from the
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Revenue Bond Deb IService Account; and whenever the moneys
in the Reserve Ac ount exceed such amount required to be
maintained therei , such excess may be transferred to the
Rev�nue Bond Debt Service Account. When only the 1994 Bonds
and.bonds issued iter the 1994 Bonds are outstanding, the
"maximum principa� and interest due in any year" on variable
rate bonds shall e calculated at such time (for the 1994
Bonds and any oth r variable rate bonds issued prior to such
time) or in conne ion with their issuance (for variable
rate bonds issued iter such time) assuming the variable
rate bonds bear fi'ed interest for the remainder of their
terms or for their'terms, as appropriate, at the rates
prevailing at such'time (for the 1994 Bonds and any other
variable rate bond issued prior to such time) or at the
time of their issu'nce (for variable rate bonds issued after
such time) for uti'�ity revenue bonds of comparable quality,
maturity and taxab or tax-exempt status, provided that
other or different 'ssumptions may be used if necessary to
obtain an investmen grade credit rating for the variable
rate bonds or to ma ntain the credit rating(s) then in
effect for the bond then outstanding.
(e) A"Subo 'n e n e es ccou ", into which there
shall be credited a d to which there is hereby irrevocably
(except as provided elow) pledged from the Net Revenues of
the operation of the'Water Utility system monthly commencing
in December, 1994, a,sum equal to Subordinate Interest
accrued on, or payab e on, Bank Bonds of the 1994 Bonds that
month, and other amo nts relating to bonds issued on a
parity of lien with he Subordinate Interest. No money
shall be paid out of,said account except to (1) transfer
such amounts instead to the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account if in the pe 'od ending June 1 or December 1, as
applicable, Net Reven es are insufficient without such
transfer to fully fun the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account, which transf r shall have priority over all other
uses of the Subordina e Interest Account, or (2) to pay
Subordinate Interest n the Bank Bonds of the 1994 Bonds and
to pay principal, pre ium, if any, and interest on any other
bonds which are issue on a parity of lien with the
Subordinate Interest.
(f) Net Revenues'��in excess of those required for the
foreqoing purposes may��be used for any proper purpose.
(g) The money in'�the Water Utility Fund shall be
allotted and paid to t e various accounts herein established
in the order in which id accounts are listed on a
cumulative basis, and ' in any month the money in said
accounts is insufficien to place the required amount in any
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accounts, the de ''ciency shall be made up in the following
month or months a'ter payment into all other accounts having
a prior claim on aid Net Revenues have been made in full.
(h) All mon,y held in the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account, Reserve ccount and Subordinate Interest Account
created by this r solution shall be kept separate and apart
from all other mu icipal funds and accounts.
(i) Notwiths anding anything to the contrary herein,
moneys in the Wate Utility Fund and any account thereof may
be used to pay any'rebate of excess arbitrage earnings on
gross proceeds of he 1988 Bonds, 1990 Bonds, 1993 Bonds and
1994 Bonds to be p'id to the United States in order to
maintain the exclu ion from gross income under Section 103
of the Code (as he'einafter defined) of the interest on the
1988 Bonds, 1990 B ds, 1993 Bonds and 1994 Bonds.
(j) No portio of the proceeds of the 1994 Bonds shall
be used directly or,indirectly to acquire higher yielding
investments or to r place funds which were used directly or
indirectly to acqui e higher yielding investments, except
(1) for a reasonabl' temporary period until such proceeds
are needed for the urpose for which the 1994 Bonds were
issued, (2) as part'of a reasonably required reserve or
replacement fund no '�in excess of ten percent (10�) of the
proceeds of the 1994,Bonds (or in a higher amount which the
City establishes is ecessary to the satisfaction of the
Secretary of the Tre�sury of the United States), and (3) in
addition to the abov in an amount not greater than the
lesser of five perce t(5�) of the proceeds of the 1994
Bonds or $100,000. o this effect, any proceeds of the 1994
Bonds and any sums f om time to time held in the Capital
Account, Operation a� Maintenance Account, Reserve Account,
Revenue Bond Debt Se ice Account or Subordinate Interest
Account (or any other',City or Board account which will be
used to pay principal'��,or interest to become due on the bonds
payable therefrom) in'�,excess of amounts which under the
federal arbitrage reg lations may be invested without regard
to yield shall not be'�invested at a yield in excess of the
applicable yield rest'ictions imposed by said arbitrage
regulations on such i estments after taking into account
any applicable "tempo ry periods", minor portion or reserve
made available under t e federal arbitrage regulations.
Money in the Water Uti ity Fund shall not be invested in
obliqations or deposit� issued by, guaranteed by or insured
by the United States o any agency or instrumentality
thereof if and to the xtent that such investment would
cause the 1994 Bonds t be "federally guaranteed" within the
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meaning of Secti 149(b) of the federal Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as mended (the "Code").
13. Pa ' o s. The 1994 Bonds shall be a first
charge and lien upon t e Net Revenues of the Water Utility, but
only as to principal a d as to interest which at the time accrued
is not in excess of th' Maximum Rate of twelve percent (12g) (the
"First Lien"j; interes'��which accrues on Bank Bonds in excess of
the Maximum Rate is S rdinate Interest and shall be a second,
junior, subordinate and'subsequent lien upon the Net Revenues of
the Water Utility (the Second Lien"). For purposes of parity of
lien with the 1985 Bond' and 1993 Bonds, the 1994 Bonds consist
of their principal and he component of the interest thereon
which at the time accru d is not in excess of the Maximum Rate of
twelve percent (12�) (b ing the First Lien interest component),
and Subordinate Interes��,is not a part thereof (being the Second
Lien component). No pa of such Net Revenues shall be pledged
to the payment of any ge eral obligation bonds issued by the City
while any 1994 Bonds or onds issued on a parity therewith remain
outstandinq and undischa ged, unless the pledge of Net Revenues
to such general obligati n bonds is expressly made a second and
subsequent lien to the F'rst Lien and the City and Board covenant
to make the rates and ch rges of the Water Utility sufficient to
timely pay such general ligation bonds.
No additional revenu obligations payable from the Revenue
Bond Debt Service Account��shall be hereafter issued unless the
same are expressly made a'��second and subsequent lien to the First
Lien upon the Net Revenue of the Water Utility; provided,
however, that additional �bligations may be issued on a parity of
lien with the First Lien the 1994 Bonds, provided that the
annual Net Revenues of sa' Water Utility for each of the two (2)
completed fiscal years imm'diately preceding the issuance of such
additional obligations sha 1 have been one and one-half (1.5)
times the maximum annual p incipal and interest coming due
thereafter on all outstand ng revenue obligations payable from
and having a parity of lie with the First Lien upon the Net
Revenues of the Water Util ty Fund, including the additional
obligations so to be issue ,; provided further, however, that if
the annual Net Revenues in ither or both of the aforesaid two
(2) completed fiscal years hall be insufficient to meet this
test then any reasonably pr jected increase in Net Revenues for
the fiscal year immediately�following such second completed
fiscal year may be added to�',the Net Revenues for such completed
fiscal years or either of t'em (but the total of such projected
increase in Net Revenues ma � be added only once) in applying the
foregoing test. For purpos of the foregoing limitations, when
only the 1994 Bonds and bond� issued after the 1994 Bonds are
outstanding, the "maximum an ual principal and interest coming
due thereafter" on variable ate bonds shall be calculated
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assuminq the variable ate bonds bear interest at the rates
prevailing at the time',of the calculation for utility revenue
bonds of comparable qu'lity, maturity (or remaining maturity) and
taxable or tax-exempt tatus, provided that other or different
assumptions may be use if necessary to obtain an investment
grade credit rating fo, the variable rate bonds or to maintain
the credit rating(s) t' n in effect for the bonds then
outstanding. Such fac shall be shown by the Certificate of the
General Manager of the oard of Water Commissioners and shall be
a finding of and recite in the resolution of the City
authorizing any such ad itional series.
In addition, the f llowing conditions shall be met:
(a) The payme s required to be made (at the time of
the issuance of su parity lien bonds) into the various
funds and accounts rovided for in this resolution have been
(b) All such p rity lien bonds shall have a December 1
maturity or maturit es and shall have semiannual interest
payments on June 1 nd December 1 in each year; provided
that interest payme ts may be more frequent than
semiannually or on tes other than June 1 and December 1 if
such interest is pai� in full only if at the time of payment
the interest deposit into the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account for interest��,payments on June 1 or December 1, as
appropriate, on othe bonds are current, and any
insufficiency in int rest on all parity bonds is allocated
proportionately in e ch six-month period ending June 1 or
December 1, as appro riate.
(c) The proceed ',of such parity lien bonds shall be
used only for the pu ose of (1) making improvements,
additions, extensions renewals or replacements to the Water
Utility, and capitali ing interest or establishing Reserves
and paying the costs f such financing, or (2) refunding
parity lien bonds (pr�vided that bonds which refund parity
lien bonds may instea derive their parity lien status from
paragraphs 14 or 20 a,applied in paragraph 15).
Any bonds, whether pay ble solely from Net Revenues or
payable from other resource of the City (including general
obligation bonds), or porti ns or components thereof, such as
interest or portions of int rest, may be issued on a parity of
lien with the Second Lien o made payable from the Subordinate
Interest Account.
14. R un 'n a r' onds. The City also reserves
the riqht and privilege of i suing additional revenue bonds if
274528.6 1 2
� � ���-I��S
and to the extent need d to refund maturing bonds payable from
the moneys in the Wate Utility Fund in case the moneys in the
Revenue Bond Debt Serv�ce Account are insufficient to pay the
same at maturity, whic' refunding revenue bonds may be on a
parity with this issue' s to interest payments even if such
interest is in excess the Maximum Rate, but shall mature
subsequent to all the r venue obligations which are payable from
the Net Revenues of the��Water Utility Fund and which are still
outstanding upon comple ion of such refunding.
15. t e O t'ons. Except as authorized
in paraqraphs 13, 14 an 20 of this resolution, the City
covenants and agrees th t it will issue or incur no obligations
payable from the Net Re nues of all or a part of said Water
Utility or constituting "n any manner a lien thereon, unless such
obligations are expressl made junior and subordinate to the
First Lien of the lien a d charge of the 1994 Bonds on said Net
Revenues. If bonds whic refund the 1994 Bonds are parity lien
bonds to the First Lien,'�they shall enjoy complete equality of
lien with the First Lien'for any portion of the 1994 Bonds not
refunded and any other t'en-outstanding bonds payable from the
Revenue Bond Debt Servic ,Account, if any there be, and such
refunding bonds shall co inue to have whatever priority of lien
over subsequent issues an Subordinate Interest that the refunded
bonds may have had. If o ly a portion of the outstanding 1994
Bonds shall be refunded a d if such 1994 Bonds shall be refunded
in such manner that the i terest rate of any refunding bond shall
be greater than the Maxim m Rate of twelve percent (12�) of the
corresponding refunded 19 4 Bond (or the average net interest
rate of the refunding bon s shall be, or shall be reasonably
estimated to be, higher t' n the Maximum Rate of twelve percent
(12�) of the refunded 1994��Bonds), or that the maturity date of
any refunding bond shall b earlier than the maturity date or
scheduled mandatory sinkin' fund redemption date of the
corresponding refunded 199 Bond (or the average maturity of the
refundinq bonds shall be e rlier than the average maturity of the
refunded 1994 Bonds, takin' into account scheduled mandatory
sinkinq fund redemptions),�,then such 1994 Bonds may not be
refunded without the conse t of the holders of the unrefunded
portion of the 1994 Bonds d any other bonds then outstanding
payable from the Revenue Bo d Debt Service Account.
16. u 'e ts. In the event that the
moneys in the Revenue Bond ebt Service Account shall be
insufficient at any particu ar time to pay the principal then due
and interest (excluding Sub�rdinate Interest) then accrued on all
bonds payable therefrom, sa"d moneys shall first be applied to
the payment pro rata of the�� ccrued interest on all such bonds,
payable over a period endin ',on June 1 or December 1, as
appropriate, and any baiance��shall be applied in payment pro rata
274528.6 1 3
�� � 4
of the principal on al such bonds, provided further that if it
shall ev�r be deternain d by a court of competent jurisdiction
while any such bonds r main outstanding that the sums available
and to become availabl for the payment of the principal thereof
and interest thereon a e insufficient whether or not then due,
then the moneys in the'�,Revenue Bond Debt Service Account shall be
applied in payment of ll principal then outstanding whether or
not then due and the i erest accrued thereon to the date of
payment ratably accordi g to the aggregate amount thereof without
any preference or prior'ty.
In the event hat the moneys in the Subordinate
Interest Account shall e insufficient at any particular time to
pay the Subordinate Int rest then due or principal then due and
interest then accrued o' all bonds payable therefrom, said moneys
shall first be applied the payment pro rata of the Subordinate
Interest and the accrue '�,interest on all such bonds, and any
balance shall be applied��in payment pro rata of the principal of
all such bonds, provided'�,further that if it shall ever be
determined by a court oflcompetent jurisdiction while such
Subordinate Interest rem ins unpaid or any such bonds remain
outstanding that the sum' available and to become available for
the payment of the princ'pal thereof and interest thereon are
insufficient whether or ot then due, then the moneys in the
Subordinate Interest Acc nt shall be applied in payment of the
Subordinate Interest and 'll principal then outstanding whether
or not then due and the i terest accrued thereon to the date of
payment ratably according'��to the aggregate amount thereof without
any preference or priorit .
17. Sui o d de s. The Trustee or Holders of
twenty percent (20�) or m re in aggregate principal amount of
bonds issued under this r olution and at any time outstanding
may, either at law or in ity, by suit, action, or other
proceedings, protect and e'force the rights of all Holders of the
1994 Bonds then outstandin or enforce or compel the performance
of any and all of the cove ants and duties specified in this
resolution to be performed',by the City or Board or their officers
and agents, including the ixing and maintaining of rates and
charges and the collection'�,and proper segregation of revenues and
the application and use th reof.
18. Covenants. or the protection of the Fiolders of
the 1994 Bonds, the City he ein covenants and agrees to and with
the holders thereof from ti e to time as follows:
(a) It will at a 1 times through its Board adequately
maintain and efficient��y operate the Water Utility as a City
utility. It will from'�time to time make all needful and
proper repairs, replac ents, additions and betterments to
274525.6 1 4
� �I�-f - I(�C��
the equipment and'facilities of said Water Utility so that
they may at all t mes be operated properly and advanta-
geously, and when�ver any equipment of said system shall
have been worn ou , destroyed or otherwise become
insufficient for roper use, it shall be promptly replaced
or repaired so th t the value and efficiency of the
facilities shall e at all times fully maintained and its
revenues unencumb ed by reason thereof.
(b) The rate for all water service and the charges
for all water supp,ied by the Water Utility to the City and
its residents and o all other consumers shall be reasonable
and just, taking i to account the cost and value of the
Water Utility, the',cost of maintaining and operating the
Water Utility and e proper and necessary allowances for
depreciation, the ounts required for the payment of
principal and inte 'st on the bonds payable from the Net
Revenues of the Wat�r Utility, and all other sums
customarily paid fr m the revenues of the Water Utility.
(c) It will a required by Section 10.11.2 of the City
Charter (and it wil�� continue to do so whether or not
required by said Ch rter) establish, maintain and collect
such charges and ra' s as will produce revenues sufficient
to pay the reasonabl cost of operation, repair and
maintenance of the ter Utility and to pay the interest on
and principal of the'1994 Bonds as and when they become due
as well as to provid sufficient money to make the required
appropriations to th various funds and accounts established
herein. The City wi l review the schedule of rates and
charges for the Wate Utility at least annually when the
Board budget is revi ed.
(d) It will not'sell, lease, mortgage, or in any
manner dispose of thelWater Utility or any part thereof
(including any and al extensions and additions that may be
made thereto) until a 1 revenue bonds payable from the Net
Revenues of the Water,Utility or any part thereof have been
paid in full; provide , however, that the City may sell the
Water Utility or any art thereof if simultaneously with or
prior to said sale al �of the outstanding bonds are
discharqed in accordan�e with paragraph 20 of this
resolution. This cove�ant shall not be construed to prevent
the sale by the City a fair market value of real estate,
equipment or other non�revenue-producing properties which in
the judgment of the Ci y have become unnecessary, uneconomi-
cal or inexpedient to se in connection with the Water
Utility provided that uitable facilities are obtained in
place thereof and prov" ed further that nothing herein is
intended to prevent the'�,City or Board from terminating or
274528.6 1 5
. �� ���
otherwise prevent'ng the termination of contracts for the
furnishing of wat r.
(e) It shal cause to be kept proper books, records
and accounts adap ed to the Water Utility separate from
other accounts to'�be audited at the end of each fiscal year.
A copy of said au it shall be furnished, without cost, to
the Purchaser of e 1994 Bonds and to the Trustee and Bank.
If the City fails o provide such audit within a reasonable
time after the endlof said fiscal year, the Trustee, Bank or
holders of twenty ercent (20�) or more of the outstanding
bonds may cause su'h audit to be made at the expense of the
City. The expense�'of preparing such audit shall be paid as
current operating xpenses of the Water Utility. The
Purchaser of the 1 94 Bonds and the Holders thereof, and the
Trustee and Bank, their duly appointed representatives,
from time to time s all have the right, at all reasonable
times, to inspect t e Water Utility system and to inspect
and copy the books,lrecords, accounts and data relating
thereto. The City grees to furnish copies of such audit,
without cost, to an Holder or Holders of the 1994 Bonds at
their request withi a reasonable time after the end of each
fiscal year.
(f) It will fa'thfully and punctually perform all
duties with referenc to the Water Utility required by the
City Charter, the Co stitution and laws of the State of
Minnesota and this r�solution.
(g) It will gr nt no franchise to any competing
19. Amendments. No change, amendment, modification or
alteration shall be made i the covenants made with Holders of
the 1994 Bonds in this res�lution without the consent of the
Holders of not less than s xty percent (60�) in principal amount
of such 1994 Bonds then ou standing except for changes,
amendments, modifications nd alterations (a) made to cure any
ambiguity or formal defect',or omission, or (b) which would not
materially prejudice the H' ders of such outstanding 1994 Bonds;
provided, however, that no �ing herein contained shall permit or
be construed as permitting 1) an extension of the maturity of
the principal of or the int rest on any such 1994 Bonds, or (2) a
reduction in the principal mount of any such 1994 Bond or the
rate of interest thereon, o' (3) a privilege or priority of any
such 1994 Bond or 1994 Bond over any other bond or bonds except
as otherwise provided herei , or (4) a reduction in the aggregate
principal amount of such 19 Bonds required for consent to any
change, amendment, modificat�'on or alteration, or (5) the
creation of any lien ranking'�prior to or on a parity with the
274528.6 1 6
� `''I�`��'i��
lien of such 1994 Bond , except as hereinbefore expressly
permitted, or (6) a mo ification of any of the provisions of this
paragraph without the onsent of the Holders of one hundred
percent (100$) of the rincipal amount of such 1994 Bonds
20. i c . When all 1994 Bonds have been
discharged as provided 'n this paraqraph, all pledges, covenants
and other rights grante� by this resolution to the Holders of the
1994 Bonds shall cease.' The City may discharge all 1994 Bonds
which are due on any da e by depositing with the Trustee, the
paying aqent (but not i a City officer is the paying agent) or
an escrow agent for suc' 1994 Bonds on or before that date a sum
sufficient for the paym nt thereof in full; or if any 1994 Bond
should not be paid when';due, it may nevertheless be discharged by
depositing with the Tru ee, the paying agent (but not if a City
officer is the paying a nt) or an escrow agent a sum sufficient
for the payment thereof 'n full. The City may also discharge any
prepayable 1994 Bonds wh'ch are called for redemption on any date
when they are prepayable',according to their terms, by depositing
with the Trustee, the pa'ing agent (but not if a City officer is
the paying agent) or an scrow agent on or before that date an
amount equal to the prin ipal, interest and redemption premium,
if any, which are then d e, provided that notice of such
redemption has been duly' iven as provided in this resolution or
the Indenture. The City ay also at any time discharge the issue
of the 1994 Bonds in whol' or in part by complying with the
applicable provisions of innesota Statutes, Section 475.67, and
any amendments thereto, e cept that the funds deposited in escrow
in accordance with said p ovisions may but need not be in whole
or part proceeds of advan e refunding bonds. The City may
discharge 1994 Bonds as p ovided herein or in the Indenture
without the consent of an Bondholders.
21. 'sc As used in this resolution the words
"fiscal year" shall mean t�e twelve (12) month period beginning
on January 1 of each year nd endinq on December 31 of the same
year. Should it be deemed'�,advisable at some later date to change
the fiscal yearly basis, t'e same may be done by proper actions
to that effect, which chan�e shall not constitute an amendment or
modification of this resol tion.
22. t 'st t'on. The Director,
Department of Finance and nagement Services, is hereby directed
to file a certified copy of'this resolution with the officer of
Ramsey County, Minnesota, p rforming the functions of the county
auditor (the "County Audito "), together with such other
information as the County A'ditor shall require, and to obtain
the County Auditor's certif cate that the Bonds have been entered
in the County Auditor's Bon Register.
274528.6 1 7
� � q�-i����
23. o te . The officers of the
City are hereby author zed and directed to prepare and furnish to
the Purchaser, and to he attorneys approving the legality of the
issuance of the Bonds,,certified copies of all proceedings and r
records of the City re'ating to the Bonds and to the financial
condition and affairs f the City, and such other affidavits,
certificates and info � tion as are required to show the facts
relating to the legali and marketability of the Bonds as the
same appear from the bo ks and records under their custody and
control or as otherwise'�known to them, and all such certified
copies, certificates an affidavits, including any heretofore
furnished, shall be dee ed representations of the City as to the
facts recited therein.
24. e t'v nant to Use cee
Improvements. The City ereby covenants not to use the proceeds
of the Bonds or to use e Improvements, or to cause or permit
them to be used, or to e�ter into any deferred payment arrange-
ments for the cost of th Improvements, in such a manner as to
cause the Bonds to be "p ivate activity bonds" within the meaning
of Sections 103 and 141 'hrough 150 of the Code. The City hereby
covenants not to use the'�proceeds of the Bonds in such a manner
as to cause the Bonds to'�,be "hedge bonds" within the meaning of
Section 149(g) of the Co e.
25. Tax-Exem Status of the Bonds• Rebate• lections.
The City shall comply wit requirements necessary under the Code
to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income under
Section 103 of the Code o the interest on the Bonds, including
without limitation requir ments relating to temporary periods for
investments, limitations n amounts invested at a yield greater
than the yield on the Bon s, and the rebate of excess investment
earnings to the United St�tes.
The City expect '�the two-year expenditure exception to
the rebate requirements to��,apply to the construction proceeds of
the Bonds.
If any elections�are available now or hereafter with
respect to arbitrage or re�ate matters relating to the Bonds, the
Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer an Director, Department of Finance and
Management Services, or an, of them, are hereby authorized and
directed to make such elec �''ons as they deem necessary,
appropriate or desirable in',connection with the Bonds, and all
such elections shall be, an shall be deemed and treated as,
elections of the City.
26. No es' na i n o ua 'fie Tax-Exem t b'
t'ons. The Bonds, together�with other obligations issued by the
City in 1994, exceed in amo nt those which may be qualified as
274528.6 1 8
� � a�- ���
"qualified tax-exempt bligations" within the meaning of Section
265(b)(3) of the Code, and hence are not designated for such
27. P It is hereby found, determined
and declared that:
(a) Neither he City nor the Board has any outstanding
bonds, warrants, c rtificates, or other obligations or
evidences of indeb edness, or money borrowed for or on
account of the Wat r Utility or indebtedness for which any
of the Net Revenue of all or a part of the Water Utility
have been pledged �r which are a prior lien on such Net
Revenues, except t e 1985 Bonds and 1993 Bonds.
(b) All paym' ts required to be made prior to the date
hereof into the va 'ous funds and accounts of the "Water
Utility Fund" estab ished pursuant to the resolutions of
this City Council w ich authorized the issuance of the 1985
Bonds and 1993 Bond have been made.
(c) For purpo es of these parity findings, the 1994
Bonds consist of th principal thereof and interest accrued
in any period which�is not in excess of the Maximum Rate of
twelve percent (12�)'�,, and not Subordinate Interest.
(d) The annual'�Net Revenues for each of the two (2)
completed fiscal yea�s immediately preceding the issuance of
the 1994 Bonds have een more than one and one-half (1.5)
times, specifically .91 and 1.60 times, respectively, the
maximum annual princ pal and interest coming due hereafter
on all outstanding r venue obligations payable from and
havinq a parity of 1'en upon the Net Revenues, being the
1985 Bonds, 1993 Bon and 1994 Bonds (exclusive of
Subordinate Interest)� to wit:
Net Revenues 199 $6,661,196
Net Revenues 199 $5,584,525
Maximum Annual P incipal and
Interest on the '985 Bonds $ 965,000
Maximum Principal'�,and Interest
on the 1993 Bonds'�, $1,989,432
Maximum Annual Pr ncipal and
Interest on the 1 94 Bonds (assuming
the Maximum Rate f twelve
percent, 12�, and'��exclusive of
Subordinate Inter�st) $1,788,000
274528.6 1 9
� � - I��`��
Maximum Annu 1 Principal and
Interest on he 1985 Bonds,
1993 Bonds, nd 1994 Bonds
(COMBINED) $3,489,420
One and One- alf (1.5) Times
Total Maxim Annual Principal
and Interest equirements $5,234 130
This City Council as been furnished with the Certificate of
the General Manage' of the Water Utility attesting to the
foreqoinq facts.
(e) This Cit Council pursuant to advice from the
Board hereby finds, determines and declares that the
estimated revenues o be derived from the operation of the
Water Utility durin the term of the 1994 Bonds will be more
than sufficient to rovide Net Revenues adequate to pay
principal and inter st when due on the 1994 Bonds (including
Subordinate Interes ) and on those other bonds which are now
outstanding and to aintain the Reserves required therefor.
(f) The 1994 onds have a December 1 maturity or
maturities and have 'nterest payments on dates other than
June 1 and December , but are in compliance with the
requirements for par'ty bonds as amended by paragraph 29 of
this resolution.
(g) The procee s of the 1994 Bonds shall only be used
for the purpose of m king improvements, additions,
extensions, renewals'�or replacements to the Water Utility,
and capitalizing int rest or establishing Reserves and
paying the costs of ch financing.
Interest payment (excluding payments of Subordinate
Interest, which are subord nated to the payments addressed in
this paragraph) on the 199 Bonds shall be paid in full only if
at the time of payment the'interest deposits into the Revenue
Bond Debt Service Account or interest payments on the 1985 Bonds
and 1993 Bonds on June 1 o December 1, as appropriate, are
current, and any insuffici cy in interest on all parity bonds
shall be allocated proport' nately in each six-month period
ending June 1 or December 1'� as appropriate.
28. C v s. Each and all of the terms
and provisions of this reso ution shall be and constitute a
covenant on the part of the'��City to and with each and every
Holder from time to time of���the Bonds.
274528.6 2 0
� � q� -� ���5
29. e s s. (a) The first
sentence of paragraph 7 of the resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of t e 1985 Bonds, and the first sentence of
paragraph 18 of the re olution authorizing the issuance and sale
of the 1993 Bonds, are each amended to read as the following two
(2) sentences, interpr ted in accordance with definitions set
forth in this resoluti .
"The 1985 Bonds an' 1993 Bonds shall be a first charge
and lien upon the et Revenues of the Water Utility.
No part of such Ne Revenues shall be pledged to the
payment of any qen ral obligation bonds issued by the
City while any 198 Bonds or 1993 Bonds or bonds issued
on a parity therew th remain outstandinq and
undischarged, unle s the pledge of Net Revenues to such
general obligation onds is expressly made a second and
subsequent lien an '�,the City and Board covenant to make
the rates and char s of the Water Utility sufficient
to timely pay such eneral obligation bonds."
(b) Paragraph 7, clause (b), of the resolution
authorizing the issuance'�and sale of the 1985 Bonds, and
paragraph 18, clause (b)'� of the resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of the'�,1993 Bonds, are each amended to read as
"(b) All such arity lien bonds shall have a
December 1 maturity r maturities and shall have semiannual
interest payments on'�June 1 and December 1 in each year;
provided that intere t payments may be more frequent than
semiannually or on d tes other than June 1 and December 1 if
such interest is pai in full only if at the time of payment
the interest deposit' into the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account for interest,�payments on June 1 or December 1, as
appropriate, on othe bonds are current, and any
insufficiency in int est on all parity bonds is allocated
proportionately in ea h six-month period ending June 1 or
December 1, as approp iate."
(c) The City her by finds, determines and declares that
the above amendments may b made without the consent of the
Holders of the 1985 Bonds 'nd 1993 Bonds because they do not
materially prejudice the H�lders of outstanding 1985 Bonds and
1993 Bonds, all within the� eaning of paragraph 23 of the
resolution authorizing the ''ssuance and sale of the 1985 Bonds
and paragraph 24 of the res lution authorizing the issuance and
sale of the 1993 Bonds.
274528.6 2 1
q �4 -1 ��5
30. t' . The City has retained Springsted
Incorporated as an ind,pendent financial advisor, and this
Council has heretofore�determined, and does hereby determine, to
sell the Bonds by priv te negotiation to the Purchaser, all as
provided by Minnesota tatutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9).
31. Sev 't . If any section, paragraph or
provision of this reso tion shall be held to be invalid or
unenforceable for any �ason, the invalidity or unenforceability
of such section, paragr ph or provision shall not affect any of
the remaining provision� of this resolution.
32. Headinas Headings in this resolution are
included for convenienc� of reference only and are not a part
hereof, and shall not 1 mit or define the meaning of any
provision hereof.
Yeas Na s Abse � Requested by DepartmeM of:
Guerin Finance Management Services
Harris �
Me ard � �2�
Rettman BY�
Adopted by Councii: Date C Form Appr ed by Ciry Atto
Adoption Certified Council Secreta B �
bY ►Y y•
By � I ' G�'�/ / .`� �
Approved by M or: Dat t� r T Ap�6ved� Mayor r Submiss' il ;:
� .� -
By: gy;
_ ._ � � ��
� x:.� .'� kr : b r i a.�C..�-;: .. . - . �Lj, y� � ,
..* {
Finance. and Mairaqemerit Services 10'-31 CiREEN �HEE � N � ��� 3 7�/ {',
� ;,� ;.�, . �1 c�w.urr�rrr a� ��� � cm couiaci� ', INITIAUDATE
Ma�tha _Kantoroxlc�''�' 26b�8836 � � � Cmr,�rr�NEr � Cmr c�RK: '
November 9, .1994 _ , onoEn � �►voR (op �ss�� ❑ �
To agprove the issuance of $10,000,0U0 V able Rate Demand Water Revcmue Bonds negotiated rith the undexxiitinq ,' #��
firms of Miller and Schroeder Fiaan�lal, c. and Piper Jaffray, Inc. , "
t , ° .
_ PLANNarO COMMISSION ` ` CIVII. sERV�CE 1. Has thla pe►SOnAkm ever vrorked undsr a 0011haCt fa tllis depertment7
_ � �� _ YES NO
_ 8TAFF _ 2. Has this person/tUm ever besn a c�ty employss?
_ DI8TRiCT COURr � 3. Doea thla persoNfirm poue�s a akill �ot nonn�tlY P� bY �Y �+� �Y emPbYe�?
EzplNn all y�s answen on ap�nls �hNt a�d I�ttach to Onaf shNt
n�m�rux� �M, �. orPOaTUNm lwno. vn�n. wn.�. vw,me, ):
These bonds are for the purpose of fundinq i rovemei►ts to McCarrons Water Treatment Plant ,
810,000,000 water Revernie Bonds Rt �`"' ��� k
m ;
Funds Wil] be on hand for Phase I of the impro at plan for the Water"Treatment Plant.
�� `�
� � � � � � I 't
NONE � _ � � � � �
Fuads rrill not be av�ilable for needed improvement
r! � �
�b�Ow are correct rouUnps for the five most frequent types of documeMs:
i° �NTRACTS (assumsa euthorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Axept. (irants)
� t Outside Agency 1. Department Director
� Department Director 2. City Attorney
�� CRy Attorney 3. Budget Director
� Mayor (for eoMracts over $15,000) 4. Mayor/Asslstant
fi�c Human Rights (for c�nntracta over $50,000) 5. City Council
;�. Ffnance and Manegement Services Dfroctor 8. Chief Acxountant, Finance and Managsment 3ervices
+ ' �7. Finance Acxounting
; :.�
� ��►DMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revisbn) GOUNCIL RE30WTION (sll othera, and Ordinances)
� ''1. Activity Manaper 1. Department Director
"�2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
� �' 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant
; 4. Budget Directbr 4. City Council .
` 5. Gty Clerk
� 6. Chief /lccounta�t, Ffnance and Management Services
_' � 1. Department Director
; � 2. City Attorne�r
;' 3. Finance and Management Services Director
, . 4. City Clerk
?� Indicate the �of pages on which signatures are required and p�p�rclip or flsg
<' ; �ech of thss� pay�s.
Deacribe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi-
"' cal order or order of importence, whichever is most appropriate fw the
�> issue. Do not wrfte complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with
�; f a verb.
:;> �
Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public
�? or prfvete.
Indicate wh�h Council objective(s) your projecUrequest supports by listing
� This information will be used to determine the city's liability for workers compensation cialms, taxes and proper civil ssrv�e hiring rules.
Explain the situetion or condiNons that created a need for your project
, or request.
indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by lawl
charter or whether there ere specHic ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul
and its citizens will benefit from thfs projecVaction.
What negative effects or major changes W existing or past processes might ?
thfs projecUrequest produce ff it is passed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, _
tax (ncreases or assessmenta)? To Whom? When? For how long?
What wfil be the negative consequences if the promised action is not ��
approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, ' a
r '
accident rate? Loss of revenue? '�:`�
a: ,
Aithough you must taibr the information you provide here to the issue you r� ,
are,addressi�g, in general you must answar two questions: How much is R ��`
going to cost? Who is going to pey? ��� '°
�;; ;
�� �
�� ;� �
November 9, 1994
TO: Mayor Nor Coleman
Council Pres dent Dave Thune
Council Vice'�,President Janice Rettman
Councilmem er Jerry Blakey
Councilmem r Marie Grimm
Councilmemb r Dino Guerin
Councilmemb r Michael Harris
Councilmemb ' �oberta Megard
FROM: Shirley Da , ivision
RE: 1994 Water Bo d Resolution Replacement Pages
The 1994 Water Bond Pricin took place this morning. The initial rate is 3.44%
which is excellent news.
Attached are replacement pa s for the body of the 1994 Water Bond Sale
Resolution that will come bef e you this afternoon. The first and last pages of the
resolution remain the same, e changes include last minute information such as
final numbers for the reserve a' count and parity issues.
If you have any questions pleas do not hesitate to call me or Martha Kantorowicz
at 266-8836.
cc: Bernie Bullert
Bill Carroll
Peter Hames
Martha Kantorowicz
Jerry Segal
Jim Snyder
�.. �� '
q� -��v�
WHEREAS, t Board and this Council deem it necessary
and expedient to imp ve the Water Utility by making improvements
to water treatment wo ks, including filtration basins, sol'ds
handling and disposal process hydraulics, and chemical h dling,
and replacing water m ins, and utilizing any excess proc eds for
any other purpose pe itted by law (the "Improvements" r
"Project"); and
WHEREAS, pa qraph 17 of the resolution a horizing the
issuance and sale of t e 1985 Bonds provides for t e issuance of
parity lien bonds as f llows:
"17. Pari Bonds. The revenue bon issued
hereunder shall b a first charge and li upon the Net
Revenues of the W ter Utility, and no p t of such Net
Revenues shall ev � be pledged to the yment of any
general obligation',bonds issued by th City while any
bonds of this issu or bonds issued a parity there-
with remain outsta ding and undisch ged. No
additional revenue',obligations pay le from the Revenue
Bond Debt Service ccount shall b hereafter issued
unless the same ar expressly ma a second and
subsequent lien up the Net Re nues of the Water
Utility, provided wever, tha additional obligations
may be issued on a arity of en with the bonds herein
authorized, provide that th annual Net Revenues of
said Water Utility or each f the two completed fiscal
years immediately p ecedin the issuance of such
additional obligati ns sh 1 have been one and one-half
times the maximum a ual rincipal and interest coming
due thereafter on al' o standing revenue obligations
payable from and ha 'n a parity of lien upon the Net
Revenues of the Wate tility Fund, including the
additional obligatio so to be issued; provided
further however tha �if the annual Net Revenues in
either or both of t aforesaid two completed fiscal
years shall be ins f icient to meet this test then any
reasonably projec ed ''ncrease in Net Revenues for the
fiscal year imme iate y following such second completed
fiscal year may e ad ed to the Net Revenues for such
completed fisc 1 year� or either of them (but the total
of such proje ed inc ease in Net Revenues may be added
only once) i applyin the foregoing test. Such facts
shall be sh n by the,Certificate of the General
Manager of he Board �f Water Commissioners and shall
be a findi q of and r ited in the resolution of the
City auth rizing any s ch additional series. In
addition the followin� conditions shall be met:
274528.4 2
"( a) he payments requ i red to be made ( at �`
the time of the issuance of such parity lien
bonds) into�the various funds and accounts
provided fo in this resolution have been ma�e.
"(b) 11 such parity lien bonds shal have a
December 1 aturity or maturities and sha 1 have
semiannual "nterest payments on June 1 d
December 1 ' each year.
"(c) T e proceeds of such pari lien bonds
shall be use only for the purpose making
improvements additions, extension , renewals or
replacements to the Water Utility and capital-
izing intere t or establishing R serves and paying
the costs oflsuch financing."; nd
WHEREAS, par raph 18 of the esolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of t 1993 Bonds is substantively identical to
said paragraph 17 relat'ng to the 198 Bonds; and
WHEREAS, the oard and th s Council deem it necessary
and expedient to undert ke the Pro ect; and
WHEREAS, here'n the Ci y amends certain of the
conditions for parity b ds quo ed above and makes various
findings demonstratinq e pro riety of the issuance of the Bonds
on a parity with the 198 Bon s and 1993 Bonds (except as to
certain interest); and
WHEREAS, in ac o dance with advice received from the
Board, this Council find determines and declares that it is
necessary and expedient provide moneys to finance the Project,
continue a Reserve prev' usly established, and provide for the
costs of the issuance o he Bonds from the proceeds of bonds
payable solely from th� t Revenues of the Water Utility; and
WHEREAS, the Ci�y wishes to issue the Bonds pursuant to
an Indenture of Trust dat d as of November 1, 1994 (the
"Indenture"), by arrd betw en the City and First Trust National
Association (the "Trustee , which term includes any successor
trustee or co-tru�tee und r the Indenture) as variable rate
demand bonds, and the Hol rs of the Bonds may on seven (7) days'
notice cause the Bonds to e purchased by, or for the benefit of,
the City pursuant to the I denture; and
WHEREAS, the obl gation to purchase the Bonds will be
secured by S Standby Bond rehase Agreement dated as of November
1, 1994 (t e"Standby Bond Purchase Agreement"), by and between
the City nd Norwest Bank innesota, National Association (the
274528.4 3
"Bank", which term in ludes any successor liquidity support,
provider for the Bond ), and the re-sale of the Bonds afte� their
purchase will be purs ant to a Remarketing Agreement date� as of
November 1, 1994 (the�"Remarketing Agreement") by and be�ween the
City and Miller & Sch eder Financial, Inc. (the "Remarketing
Agent", which term in �udes any successor remarketing;aqent for
the Bonds); and
WHEREAS, the requirements as to public s�fle of
Minnesota Statutes, Se tion 475.60, shall not appYy to the Bonds,
because the City has r tained an independent fin�ncial advisor
and this Council has d termined to sell the Bon�s by private
NOW, THEREFO , BE IT RESOLVED by��he Council of the
City of Saint Paul, Mi esota, as follows:�'
1. a e O e• nd re se e The
offer of Piper Jaffray,'Inc., and Miller & Schroeder Financial,
Inc. (jointly, the "Pur haser"), to pur hase $10,000,000 Variable
Rate Demand Water Reven e Bonds, Serie 1994D, of the City (the
"Bonds" or "1994 Bonds"'� or individua ly a"Bond" or "1994
Bond"), in accordance w'� h the Bond rehase Agreement to be
dated the date this res ution is a opted (the "Bond Purchase
Agreement"), at the rate of inter st set forth in the Indenture,
and to pay for the Bonds'�,the sum q`f $9,957,500, is hereby
accepted. The Mayor and'�Directo�, Department of Finance and
Management Services, areiauthor zed and directed to execute and
deliver the Bond Purchas Agre ent in substantially the fona
submitted to this Counci , wi such changes, modifications,
additions and deletions 's s 11 be necessary and appropriate and
approved by the City Att�rne . Execution by such officers of the
Bond Purchase Agreement a 1 be conclusive evidence as to the
necessity and propriety changes and their approval by the City
2. o nt • ec s'
Forms Approved. Forms of'�the Indenture, Standby Bond Purchase
Agreement and Remarke ng�,Agreement have been submitted to this
Council for approval. Su ject to the approval of the City
Attorney, the Inden re, tandby Bond Purchase Agreement and
Remarketing Agreeme t and � xhibits thereto are approved in
substantially the orms s mitted, and shall be executed in the
name of, and on b half of,'��the City by the Mayor and Director,
Department of Fi ance and anagement Services. Any other
documents and c rtificates'�,necessary to the issuance of the Bonds
shall be execu ed by the a propriate City officers.
Th approval her�by given to the various documents
referred to bove includes� pproval of such additional details
274528.4 4
Q�4 -1�5
therein as may be ne essary and appropriate and such '
modifications thereo , deletions therefrom and additions thereto
as may be necessary nd appropriate and approved by the Ci�y
Attorney prior to th execution of the documents. The execution
of any instrument byjthe appropriate officer or officers of the
City herein authoriz ' shall be conclusive evidence o�.�'the
approval of such doc ents in accordance with the ter�as hereof.
In the abse ce of the Mayor or Director, Department of
Finance and Manaqemen Services, any of the documents authorized
by this resolution to'be executed may be executed by the Acting
Mayor or acting Direc or, Department of Finance and Management
Services, respectivel ',, or by any other officQr of the City
deemed appropriate by he City Attorney.
3. 't • •
Maturities. The Bonds shall be titled "V,�riable Rate Demand
Water Revenue Bonds, S ries 1994D", shalt be dated as provided in
the Indenture, and sha'1 be issued fort,�with as fully registered
bonds. The Bonds shal l be numbered, s�t`iall be in denominations,
and shall mature on th dates and in �he amounts set forth in the
Indenture. ��
4. ��ose. The Bond��(together with other available
funds appropriated) sha l provid funds for the construction of
various improvements tolthe Wat Utility of the City,
specifically making imp ovemen to water treatment works,
includinq filtration ba 'ns, lids handling and disposal,
process hydraulics, and hem' al handling, and replacing water
mains, with excess money d oted to any other purpose permitted
by law (the "Improvement " r"Project"), and the funding of the
Reserve Account with res t to the Bonds. The proceeds of the
Bonds shall be deposited' nd used as provided in paragraph 12.
The total cost of the Pr ject, which shall include all costs
enumerated in Minnesot atutes, Section 475.65, is estimated to
be at least equal to e mount of the Bonds. Work on the
Project shall procee wit due diligence to completion.
5. n e '�The Bonds shall bear interest which
varies and is pai on the�dates provided in the Indenture. The
City has fixed a determ ned the interest rates borne by the
Bonds by settin the stan rds for the interest rates in the
Indenture, and y appointi g the Remarketing Agent and selecting
the Bank. Int rest on a B nk Bond (as defined in the Zndenture)
which is in e cess of the aximum Rate (as defined in the
Indenture) o other Bonds s referred to herein as "Subordinate
274528.4 5
�I� -1 tvv5
6. e t' The Bonds shall be subject to redemp-
tion and prepayment rior�to their maturity as provided in th�
7. The Trustee is appointed to act bond
registrar and transfe �agent, payinq agent and tender agent with
respect to the Bonds, as provided in the Indenture. �''�
8. F on . The Bonds shall be iri�the forms
set forth as Exhibits A and B to the Indenture.
9. cu '. The Bonds shall be e�ecuted on behalf
of the City as provid in the Indenture.
10. '� n. The Bonds skr`all be authenticated
as provided in the Ind nture. ,�'�
11. 'v � . The Bonds when
so prepared and execut d shall be deliv red by the Trustee to the
Purchaser upon receipt'of the purchas price, and the Purchaser
shall not be obliged t'see to the p per application thereof.
12. F and'�Accounts. or the convenience and proper
administration of the p oceeds fr m the sale of the 1994 Bonds
and for the payment of rincipal�of and interest on the 1994
Bonds, the Board of Wat'r Commi sioners Water Utility Enterprise
Fund (the "Water Utilit� Fund", heretofore in resolutions
relating to the 1985 Bo s a 1993 Bonds also referred to as the
"Water Utility Fund") h eto ore created shall continue in force
and effect as a separate'�f d of the City and of the Board until
all of the 1994 Bonds ar ully paid and retired. In the Water
Utility Fund there are, d there shall continue to be, the
following accounts:
(a) A" cou ", into which there shall be
paid the procee f om the sale of the 1994 Bonds, less the
amount capital' ed r the "Reserve Account" herein
established. rom t e Capital Account shall be paid all
costs of the mprove ents to be financed by the 1994 Bonds,
including l�al, eng neering, financing and other such
expenses i idental hereto as are enumerated in Minnesota
Statutes, ection 47 .65. Fees due to the Bank, Remarketing
Agent an Trustee du�ing the construction of the
Improve nts may be id from the Capital Account. Any
balanc remaining in aid account after the payment of such
costs or after the p�yment of the costs of any other
impr ements to the e'tent permitted by law or use for any
oth purpose permitt d by law, shall be transferred to the
Re nue Bond Debt Se ice Account herein established.
N hing in this resol tion shall reverse or detract from any
2745 .4 6
q� — Ic.o�S
deposits made i o said account, or payments made f�bm said
account, with re pect to the 1985 Bonds, 1988 Bond�'and 1990
(b) An " a ou ", into which
shall be paid al gross revenues and earnings derived from
the operation of the Water Utility system i luding any
asse�sments whic may from time to time be evied with
respect to the W er Utility. From this ccount there shall
be paid all, but nly, current expenses f said system.
Current expenses hall include the rea nable and necessary
costs of administ ring, operating, ma' taining and insuring
the system, salar es, wages, costs o materials and
supplies, costs o water production nd distribution,
necessary legal, ngineerinq and a ditinq services, and all
other items which by sound accou inq practices, constitute
normal, reasonabl and current c sts of operation and
maintenance, but cludinq any lowance for depreciation,
extraordinary repa'rs and paym ts into the Revenue Bond
Debt Service Accou t and Rese e Account. There shall at
all times be maint ined in s id account a reserve in an
amount sufficient o cover e operation and maintenance
costs of the Water'�,Utility ystem for the ensuing fifteen
(15) day period; n ither id reserve nor any annual
addition thereto s all c stitute "Net Revenues" as defined
below. The balanc fro time to time remaining in the
Operation and Main � na e Account, including interest or
other earnings rec 've from the investment of any moneys in
the Water Utility , after paying or providing for the
foreqoing items, sh 1 constitute, and are referred to in
this resolution as,,"Net Revenues." Payments of fees to the
Trustee, Bank and marketing Agent are current expenses.
(c) A" v e'ce c u t", into which
there shall be ed' ed and to which there is hereby
irrevocably pl qed rom the Net Revenues of the operation
of the Water U ilit �'�,system monthly commencing in December,
1994, a sum e al to'�,(i) interest accrued on, or payable on,
the 1994 Bon s that onth (provided that Subordinate
Interest sh 11 be de osited in the Subordinate Interest
Account), ii) at le st 1/12 of the total principal on the
1994 Bond payable ( y maturity or mandatory sinking fund
redempti ) during t e ensuing twelve (12j months, and (iii)
at leas 1/12 of the otal principal and interest on any
other b nds issued o'�a parity therewith during the ensuing
twelve (12) months; p ovided, however, that no further
payme ts need be made��to said account when the moneys held
ther in are sufficien� for the payment of all principal and
int est due on said onds on and prior to the next maturity
da . No money shall'��be paid out of said account except to
274528. 7
q�! -11vo5
pay principal, emium, if any, and interest (exclusive of
Subordinate Int est) on the 1994 Bonds and any other bonds
which are issued'�on a parity with the 1994 Bonds.
(d) A" ", which was heretofore created,
and is hereby co tinued, to be used only when and if moneys
in the Revenue nd Debt Service Account or other moneys
available theref r(including moneys in the Subordinate
Interest Account),are insufficient to pay principal,
premium, if any, nd interest (exclusive of Subordinate
Interest) on the onds payable from the Revenue-Bond Debt
Service Account; rovided, however, that the moneys in the
Reserve Account m y be used to prepay said bonds, when such
prepayment will r tire all of the bonds then outstanding.
There shall be de osited in the Reserve Account on the date
the 1994 Bonds ar issued $ , of which $
shall be from fun ' of the Board on hand and $
shall be from the �roceeds of the 1994 Bonds. Amounts
already in the Res rve Account, pursuant to the resolutions
authorizing the is uance of the �."985 Bonds and 1993 Bonds,
shall be maintaine therein upo the issuance of the 1994
Bonds to the exten necessary o equal the maximum principal
and interest (excl sive of Su ordinate Interest) due in any
year on the bonds � yable fr m the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account, beinq ini 'ally th 1985 Bonds, 1993 Bonds and 1994
Bonds. Whenever th money in the Reserve Account exceed an
amount equal to the'�maxim m annual principal and interest
(exclusive of Subor inat Interest) coming due thereafter on
all outstanding rev nue obligations payable from the Net
Revenues of the Wat'r tility Fund on a parity of lien with
the 1985 Bonds, suc xcess may be transferred to the
Revenue Bond Debt S ice Account; and whenever the moneys
in the Reserve Acco t shall be less than said amount, the
Reserve Account sh 1 be restored to said amount from the
next available Ne R venues. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
after the paymen an discharge of the 1985 Bonds the amount
required to be aint ined in the Reserve Account shall be an
amount equal t the esser of: (1) ten percent (10�) of the
original prin ipal a�ount of the 1993 Bonds and other bonds
payable from the Rev ue Bond Debt Service Account issued
after the 1 93 Bonds n a parity of lien therewith, or (2)
the maximu principal�,and interest (exclusive of Subordinate
Interest) due in any ear on the bonds payable from the
274528. 8
q� - ��05
Revenue Bond De Service Account; and whenever the �o'neys
in the Reserve A count exceed such amount required �o be
maintained there n, such excess may be transferrec� to the
Revenue Bond Deb Service Account. When only thg'1994 Bonds
and bonds issued'�,after the 1994 Bonds are outsta�nding, the
"maximum princip'1 and interest due in any yea�" on variable
rate bonds shall'�,be calculated at such time (for the 1994
Bonds and any ot' r variable rate bonds issu�d prior to such
time) or in conn tion with their issuance�{for variable
rate bonds issued��,after such time) assumir�g the variable
rate bonds bear f xed interest for their �erms at the rates
prevailinq at the'time of their issuance,�for utility revenue
bond� of comparab e quality, maturity d taxable or tax-
exempt status, pr vided that other or ifferent assumptions
may be used if ne essary to obtain a investment qrade
credit rating forithe variable rate onds or to maintain the
credit rating(s) en in effect fo the bonds then
(e) A" e nt re Acc u", into which there
shall be credited nd to which there is hereby irrevocably
(except as provide below) pl dged from the Net Revenues of
the operation of t e Water U ility system monthly commencing
in December, 1994,'a sum e al to Subordinate Interest
accrued on, or pay le on, ank Bonds of the 1994 Bonds that
month, and other a unts elating to bonds issued on a
parity of lien with'the bordinate Interest. No money
shall be paid out s id ccount except to (1) transfer such
amounts instead to he evenue Bond Debt Service Account if
in the period endin ne 1 or December 1, as applicable,
Net Revenues are in ficient without such transfer to fully
fund the Revenue Bo Debt.Service Account, which transfer
shall have priorit 'ver all other uses of the Subordinate
Interest Account, �(2) to pay Subordinate Interest on the
Bank Bonds of th 19 4 Bonds and to pay principal, premium,
if any, and int est��on any other bonds which are issued on
a parity of li wit� the Subordinate Interest.
(f) Ne Revenu s in excess of those required for the
foregoing p oses m be used for any proper purpose.
(g) he money i the Water Utility Fund shall be
allotted nd paid to he various accounts herein established
in the o der in which�said accounts are listed on a
cumulat ve basis, and�,if in any month the money in said
accoun s is insuffici�nt to place the required amount in any
accou ts, the deficie'cy shall be made up in the following
mont or months after' ayment into all other accounts having
a p ior claim on said et Revenues have been made in full.
r '"
274528,�`4 9
q�1- t l005
(h) All m ey held in the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account, Reserve'Account and Subordinate Interest Account
created by this esolution shall be kept separate and apart
from all other m nicipal funds and accounts.
(i) Notwit standing anything to the contrary herein,
moneys in the Wa er Utility Fund and any account thereof may
be used-to pay a y rebate of excess arbitrage earnings on
groes proceeds o the 1988 Bonds, 1990 Bands, 1993 Bonds and
1994 Bonds to be aid to the United States in order to
maintain the excl sion from gross income under Section 103
of the Code (as h reinafter defined) of the interest on the
1988 Bonds, 1990 nds, 1993 Bonds ar�Ei 1994 Bonds.
(j) No port on of the procee s of the 1994 Bonds shall
be used directly 'r indirectly to acquire higher yielding
investments or to',replace funds ich were used directly or
ir�directly to ac �ire higher yi ding investments, except
(1) for a reasona e temporary eriod until such proceeds
are needed for the',purpose fo which the 1994 Bonds were
issued, (2) as par of a rea onably required reserve or
replacement fund n t in exc s of ten percent (10�) of the
proceeds of the 19 4 Bonds (or in a higher amount which the
City e�tablishes i neces ry to the satisfaction of the
Secretary of the T'easur of the United States), and (3) in
addition to the ab� e i an amount not greater than the
lesser of five per nt 5�) of the proceeds of the 1994
Bonds or $100,000. �'To this effect, any proceeds of the 1994
Bonds and any sums r m time to time held in the Capital
Account, Operation � d Maintenance Account, Reserve Account
or Revenue Bond Deb Service Account (or any other City or
Board account whic ��will be used to pay principal or
interest to becom ue on the bonds payable therefrom) in
excess of amount w�ich under the federal arbitrage
regulations may e' vested without regard to yield shall
not be investe at �'�,yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions ' posed'by said arbitrage regulations on such
investments ter ta ing into account any applicable
"temporary p riods",�minor portion or reserve made available
under the f deral ar itrage regulations. Money in the Water
Utility Fu d shall n t be invested in obligations or
deposits 'ssued by, 'uaranteed by or insured by the United
States o ahy agency',or instrumentality thereof if and to
the ext t that such'��investment would cause the 1994 Bonds
to be " ederally gua �nteed" within the meaning of Section
149(b) of the federal��Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amend d (the "Code").'
274528,:4 10
q�. - I�oo�
13. . The 1994 Bonds shall be a f}�st
charge and lien upon he Net Revenues of the Water Utili�<`y, but
only as to principal nd as to interest which at the ti�e accrued
is not in excess of t�e Maximum Rate of twelve percent (the
"First Lien"); intere t which accrues on Bank Bonds i,ri excess of
the Maximum Rate is S ordinate Interest and shall b� a second,
junior, subordinate a subsequent lien upon the N�� Revenues of
the Water Utility (th '"Second Lien"). For purpos�es of parity of
lien with the 1985 Bo s and 1993 Bonds, the 199�'Bonds consist
of their principal and the component of the int�est thereon
which at the time acc ed is not in excess of ��e Maximum Rate of
twelve percent (12�) ( eing the First Lien in rest component),
and Subordinate Intere t is not a part there�(being the Second
Lien component). No p rt of such Net Reven�s shall be pledged
to the payment of any eneral obligation b ds issued by the City
while any 199� Bonds o �bonds issued on a arity therewith remain
outstandinq and undisc rged, unless the ledge of Net Revenues
to such general obligat'on bonds is expr ssly made a second and
subsequent lien and the'�City and Board ovenant to make the rates
and charges of the Wate Utility suff' ient to timely pay such
general obligation bond�. !
No additional reve ue obligati�ns payable from the Revenue
Bond Debt Service Accou t shall be�hereafter issued unless the
same are expressly made second�nd subsequent lien to the First
Lien upon the Net Reven s of th Water Utility; provided,
however, that additional'obliga ions may be issued on a parity of
lien with the First Lien'�,on th 1994 Bonds, provided that the
annual Net Revenues of s id W ter Utility for each of the two (2)
completed fiscal years i ed��ately preceding the issuance of such
additional obligations s al have been one and one-half (1.5)
times the m�ximum annual p�ncipal and interest coming due
thereafter on all outsta ing revenue obligations payable from
and having a parity of 1' n with the First Lien upon the Net
Revenues of the Water U�i ity Fund, including the additional
obligations so to be i u�d; provided further, however, that if
the annual Net Revenu i either or both of the aforesaid two
(2) completed fiscal ear shall be insufficient to meet this
test then any reaso bly rojected increase in Net Revenues for
the fiscal year i diate y following such second completed
fiscal year may b added o�the Net Revenues for such completed
fiscal�years or ther of hem (but the total of such projected
increase in Net evenues y be added only once) in applying the
foregoing test. For purpo es of the foregoing limitations, when
only the 1994 onds and bo ds.issued after the 1994 Bonds are
outstanding, he "maximum nnual principal and interest coming
due thereaft r" on variabl rate bonds shall be calculated
assuming th variable rate�bonds bear interest at the rates
prevailing at the time of �heir issuance for utility revenue
bonds of omparable qualit �, maturity and taxable or tax-exempt
274528.4 1 1
status, p"rovided that other or different asswaptions may be used
if necessary to obtai an investment qrade credit rati#�q for the
variable rate bonds o to maintain the credit rating(s) then in
effect for the bonds hen outstanding. Such facts sl�iall be shown
by the Certificate of the General Manager of the Bo,ard of Water
Commissioners and sha�l be a finding of and recited in the
resolution of the Cit, authorizing any such additional series.
In addition, the ollowing conditions shal� be met:
(a) The paym nts required to be made (at the time of
the issuance of s ch parity lien bondsj'` into the various
funds and account provided for in th�s resolution have been
(b) All such' arity lien bond� shall have a December 1
maturity or matur' ies and shall �ave semiannual interest
payments on June i��and December � in each year; provided
that interest paym nts may be ms�re frequent than
semiannually or on,dates other;'than June 1 and December 1 if
such interest is p id in full,only if at the time of payment
the interest depos ts into tl�e Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account for intere't paymen�s on June 1 or December 1, as
appropriate, on ot� r bond� are current, and any
insufficiency in i erest,%on all parity bonds is allocated
proportionately in 'ach �ix-month period ending June 1 or
December 1, as appr pri�rte.
(c) The procee s;�of such parity lien bonds shall be
used only for the p�'pose of (1) making improvements,
additions, extensio s, renewals or replacements to the Water
Utility, and capit� izing interest or establishing Reserves
and payinq the co�t '�of such financing, or (2) refunding
parity lien bond�'( �ovided that bonds which refund parity
lien bonds may �.�ste d derive their parity lien status from
paragraphs 14 q"r 20 s applied in paragraph 15).
Any bonds, wl�ether p yable solely from net revenues or
payable from oth�r resour es of the City (including general
obliqation bonds�'�, or por ions or components thereof, such as
interest or po ions of i erest, may be issued on a parit of
lien with the, econd Lien � made payable from the Subordinate
Interest, Accq�int .
�t4. efun ' ur' o ds. The City also reserves
the right��`and privilege of',issuing additional revenue bonds if
and to tY�e extent needed t refund maturing bonds payable from
the mon�ys in the Water Ut'lity Fund in case the moneys in the
Revenu�'Bond Debt Service count are insufficient to pay the
same a,� maturity, which re nding revenue bonds may be on a
27i828.4 � 1 2
q� -1 too5
parity with this iss ' as to interest payments even if such
interest is in excess,of the Maximum Rate, but shall mat re
subsequent to all the'revenue obligations which are pay ble from
the Net Revenues of t e Water Utility Fund and which e still
outstandinq upon comp etion of such refunding.
15. O e v Except s authorized
in paragraphs 13, 14 d 20 of this resolution, t e City
covenants and agrees at it will issue or incur no obligations
payable from the Net venues of all or a part f said Water
Utility or constitutin in any manner a lien ereon, unless such
obligations are expres ly made junior and s rdinate to the
First Lien of the lien'and charge of the 19 4 Bonds on said Net
Revenues: If bonds wh ch refund the 1994 onds are parity lien
bonds to the First Lie , they shall enjoy complete equality of
lien with the First Li'n for any portion of the 1994 Bonds not
refunded and any other ,hen outstandin bonds payable from the
Revenue Bond Debt Servi'e Account, if ny there be, and such
refunding bonds s�all c ntinue to hav whatever priority of lien
over subsequent issues nd Subordin e Interest that the refunded
bonds may have had. If only a por on of the outstandinq 1994
Bonds shall be refunded and if su 1994 Bonds shall be refunded
in such manner that thelinterest ate of any refunding bond shall
be greater than the Max�mum Rat of twelve percent (12�) of the
corresponding refunded '994 Bo (or.the average net interest
rate of the refunding b ds s 11 be, or shall be reasonably
estimated to be, higher han he Maximum Rate of twelve percent
(12�) of the refunded 19 4 nds), or that the maturity date of
any refunding bond shall��b earlier than the maturity date or
scheduled mandatory sink fund redemption date of the
correspondinq refunded 1 4 Bond (or the average maturity of the
refunding bonds shall b earlier than the average maturity of the
refunded 1994 Bonds, t'ng into account scheduled mandatory
sinking fund redempti s),; then such 1994 Bonds may not be
refunded without the on nt of the holders of the unrefunded
portion of the 1994 onds�and any other bonds then outstanding
payable from the R enue ond Debt Service Account.
16. 'c'e ou s. In the event that the
moneys in the R enue Bon Debt Service Account shall be
insufficient a any parti ular time to pay the principal then due
and interest xcluding S� ordinate Interest) then accrued on all
bonds payabl therefrom, id moneys shall first be applied to
the payment ro rata of th accrued interest on all such bonds,
payable ov a period endi g on June 1 or December 1, as
appropriat , and any balan e shall be applied in payment pro rata
of the pr ncipal on all su h bonds, provided further that if it
shall ev r be determined b' a court of competent jurisdiction
while a y such bonds remai outstanding that the sums available
and to become available fo the payment of the principal thereof
274 8.4 13
°��4 _ �cvo5
; ,.
and interest thereon�' insufficient whether or not th¢n due,
then the moneys in t' Revenue Bond Debt Service Acco�t shall be
applied in payment o'�,all principal then outstanding, hether or
not then due and the "nterest accrued thereon to th��date of
payment ratably accor ing to the aggregate amount #�fiereof without
any preference or pri rity. �
In the even that the moneys in the S�ordinate
Interest Account shal' be insufficient at any particular time to
pay the Subordinate I erest then due or principal then due and
interest then accrued 'n all bonds payable therefrom, said moneys
shall first be applied',to the payment pro rata of the Subordinate
Interest and the accru'd interest on all such bonds, and any
balance shall be appli d in payment pro r�ta of the principal of
all such bonds, provid�d further that if �it shall ever be
determined by a court f competent juri�diction while such
Subordinate Interest r�mains unpaid or such bonds remain
outstanding that the s' s available ar��d to become available for
the payment of the pri ipal thereof interest thereon are
insufficient whether o'�not then du�, then the moneys in the
Subordinate Interest Ac ount shall;-be applied in payment of the
Subordinate Interest an all prinaipal then outstanding whether
or not then due and the,interest,�accrued thereon to the date of
payment ratably accordi q to be,�aggregate amount thereof without
any preference or prior ty. !
17. Suit d ders. The Trustee or Holders of
twenty percent (20�) or or in aggregate principal amount of
bonds issued under this e�blution and at any time outstanding
may, either at law or in�e�quity, by suit, action, or other
proceedinqs, protect and,�nforce the rights of all Holders of the
1994 Bonds then outstan ng or enforce or compel the performance
of any and all of the enants and duties specified in this
resolution to be perf d by the City or Board or their officers
and agents, includin th fixing and maintaining of rates and
charges and the col cti and proper segregation of revenues and
the application an use t ereof.
18. .�o enants.'� For the protection of the Holders of
the 1994 Bonds,,�he City erein covenants and agrees to and with
the holders the�eof from ime to time as follows:
(a),.� It will at�all times through its Board adequatel
maintai� and efficie ly operate the Water Utility as a City
utilit'. It will fr time to time make all needful and
prope�repairs, repla ements, additions and betterments to
the �quipment and fac lities of said Water Utility so that
the� at all times be operated properly and advanta-
ge�sly, and whenever any equipment of said system s2iall
ha�ve been worn out, d'stroyed or otherwise become
274528.4 � 1 4
q�4 —��oo+�
insufficient fo proper use, it shall be promptly rep�.�aced
or repaired so at the value and efficiency of the �
facilities shall,be at all times fully maintained and its
revenues unenc ered by reason thereof.
(b) The ra es for all water service and tl�e charges
for all water su plied by the Water Utility to �the City and
its residents an to all other consumers shal� be reasonable
and just, takinq snto account the cost and v�r ue of the
Water Utility, t cost of maintaining and c�perating the
Water Utility and,the proper and necessary�allowances for
depreciation, the'amounts required for t� payment of
principal and int rest on the bonds paya e from the Net
Revenues of the W ter Utility, and all�ther sums
customarily paid rom the revenues of e Water Utility.
(c) It will'�as required by Sec�ion 10.11.2 of the City
Charter (and it wi�l continue to do/so whether or not
required by said C arter) establis , maintain and collect
such charges and r tes as will pr duce revenues sufficient
to pay the reasona le cost of op ation, repair and
maintenance of thelWater Utilit and to pay the interest on
and principal of t e 1994 Bond as and when they become due
as well as to prov'de suffici t money to make the required
appropriations to e variou funds and accounts established
herein. The City 'll revi � the schedule of rates and
charges for the Wat r Util' y at least annually when the
Board budget is rev ewed.
(d) It will n t se l, lease, mortgage, or in any
manner dispose of t�e W ter Utility or any part thereof
(including any and 'll extensions and additions that may be
made thereto) until' 1 revenue bonds payable from the Net
Revenues of the Wat � Utility or any part thereof have been
paid in full; provi d, however, that the City may sell the
Water�Utility or a y',part thereof if simultaneously with or
prior to said sal a 1 of the outstanding bonds are
discharqed in ac ord nce with paragraph 20 of this
resolution. Th s co enant shall not be construed to prevent
the sale by th Citylat fair market value of real estate,
equipment or ther n-revenue-producing properties which in
the judgment of the ''ty have become unnecessary, uneconomi-
cal or inex edient toluse in connection with the Water
Utility pr vided that',suitable facilities are obtained in
place the eof and pro'ided further that nothing herein is
intended to prevent t e City or Board from terminating or
otherwi e preventing �he termination of contracts for the
furnis ing of water.
. �
274528.4 � 1 5 -
(e) It sha 1 cause to be kept proper books, records
and accounts ada ted to the Water Utility separa�e from
other accounts t be audited at the end of each fiscal year.
A�copy of said a dit shall be furnished, withoy�t cost, to
the Purchaser of'the 1994 Bonds and to the Trua�tee and Bank.
If the City fail to provide such audit within a reasonable
time after the e of said fiscal year, the Trustee, Bank or
holders of twent ,percent (20�) or more of the outstanding
bonds may cause ch audit to be made at the expense of the
C.ity. The expens of preparing such audit shall be paid as
current operating',expenses of the Water Utility. The
Purchaser of the 994 Bonds and the Holders thereof, and the
Trustee and Bank, or their duly appointed representatives,
from time to time'��shall have the riglit, at all reasonable
times, to inspect'�the Water Utility s�stem and to inspect
and copy the book', records, account� and data relating
thereto. The Cit ,agrees to furnisY�`copies of such audit,
without cost, to a y Holder or Holc�ers of the 1994 Bonds at
their request with n a reasonable>time after the end of each
fiscal year.
(f) It will aithfully an�! punctually perform all
duties with refere ce to the W�ter Utility required by the
City Charter, the onstitutior,� and laws of the State of
Minnesota and this esolutiorY'.
(g) It will g ant no-��ranchise to any competing
19. N� change, amendment, modification or
alteration shall be made'�,in ��e covenants made with Holders of
the 1994 Bonds without t e gonsent of the Holders of not less
than sixty percent (60�) 'ir�`principal amount of such 1994 Bonds
then outstanding except changes, amendments, modifications
and alterations (a) made �o cure any ambiquity or formal defect
or omission, or (b) whicYi��would not materially prejudice the
Holders of such outstanali g 1994 Bonds; provided, however, that
nothing herein contain�d hall permit or be construed as
permittinq (1) an ext�nsi n of the maturity of the principal of
or the interest on amy su h 1994 Bonds, or (2) a reduction in the
principal amount of:any s ch 1994 Bond or the rate of interest
thereon, or (3) a privile or priority of any such 1994 Bond or
1994 Bond� over ar�y other ond or bonds except as otherwise
provided herein,,�or (4) a eduction in the aggregate principal
amount of such �94 Bonds equired for consent to any change,
amendment, mod�ication or'alteration, or (5) the creation of any
lien ranking p�ior to or o� a parity with the lien of such 1994
Bonds, except�as hereinbef re expressly permitted, or (6) a
modification any of the� of this paragraph without
. �
i �
274528.4 � 1 6
/ ,
q� -Ic�oS
the consent of the Ho ders of one hundred percent (100�)'of the
principal amount of s ch 1994 Bonds outstanding.
• 20. ' h . When all 1994 Bonds have een
discharqed as provide in this paraqraph, all pledg�, covenants
and other rights gran ed by this resolution to the�Holders of the
1994 Bonds shall ceas'. The City may discharge a 1 1994 Bonds
which are due on any te by depositing with the Trustee, the
paying agent (but not 'f a City officer is the aying agent) or
an escrow agent for su h 1994 Bonds on or befo e that date a sum
sufficient for the pa ent thereof in full; o if any 1994 Bond
should not be paid whe� due, it may neverth ess be discharged by
depositing with the T stee, the paying ag t(but not if a City
officer is the paying gent) or an escrow gent a sum sufficient
for the payment thereo in full. The Ci may also discharge any
prepayable 1994 Bonds ich are called r redemption on any date
when they are prepayab according to eir terms, by depositing
with the Trustee, the ying agent (b not if a City officer is
the paying agent) or an'escrow agent on or before that date an
amount equal to the pri cipal, inte est and redemption premium,
if any, which are then ue, provid d that notice of such
redemption has been dul given as �provided in this resolution or
the Indenture. The Cit may als at any time discharge the issue
of the 1994 Bonds in wh le or i part by complying with the
applicable provisions o �Minne ota Statutes, Section 475.67, and
any amendments thereto, xcep that the funds deposited in escrow
in accordance with said rov'�sions may but need not be in whole
or part proceeds of adva ce efunding bonds. The City may
discharge 1994 Bonds as e ein provided without the consent of
any Bondholders. ��
21. 's r. As used in this resolution the words
"fiscal year" shall me� ,the twelve (12) month period beginning
on January 1 of each�a �and ending on December 31 of the same
year. Should it be eme advisable at some later date to change
the fiscal yearly b is, he same may be done by proper actions
to that effect, wh' h cha ge shall not constitute an amendment or
modification of t s reso ution.
22. 'f'ca of Re 'st t'o . The Director,
Department of F nance and anagement Services, is hereby directed
to file a cert fied copy this resolution with the officer of
Ramsey County Minnesota, erforming the functions of the county
auditor (the "County Audit r"), together with such other
information as the County uditor shall require, and to obtain
the County Auditor's certi icate that the Bonds have been entered
in the Co nty Auditor's Bo d Register.
23. tif'c es. The officers of the
City a hereby authorized nd directed to prepare and furnish to
27452 .� 17
the Purchaser, and to'�the attorneys approving the legality of the
issuance of the Bonds certified copies of all proceedi�s and
records of the City r latinq to the Bonds and to the f} ancial
condition ar�d affairs�of the City, and such other aff�davits,
certificates and info ation as are required to show;�he facts
relating to the legal'ty and marketability of the Bvnds as the
same appear from the oks and records under their�custody and
control or as otherwi ' known to them, and all su�Zh certified
copies, certificates a d affidavits, including a y heretofore
furnished, shall be de med representations of t e City as to the
facts recited therein.
24. Ne v' C v nd
Improvements._ The Cit hereby covenants no to use the proceeds
of the Bonds or to use'�the Improvements, o to cause or permit
them to be used, or to'ienter into any def,erred payment arrange-
ments for the cost of e Improvements, �n such a manner as to
cause the Bonds to be " rivate activityj�bonds" within the meaning
of Sections 103 and 141'through 150 0'the Code. The City hereby
covenants not to use th proceeds of he Bonds in such a manner
as to cause the Bonds t be "hedge nds" within the meaning of
Section 149(g) of the C de.
25. T s< o s• a e 'o
The City shall comply w th requi��ements necessary under the Code�
to establish and mainta' the �tclusion from gross income under
Section 103 of the Code 'f th��interest on the Bonds, including
without limitation requi emer�ts relating to temporary periods for
investments, limitations on�amounts invested at a yield qreater
than the yield on the Bo d�; and the rebate of excess investment
earninqs to the United S ates.
The City expec s the two-year expenditure exception to
the rebate requirements o apply to the construction proceeds of
the Bonds.
If any ele,Ctio are available now or hereafter with
respect to arbitrac�,e or r bate matters relating to the Bonds, the
Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer a d Director, Department of Finance and
Manaqement Servic�es, or a y of them, are hereby authorized and
directed to makersuch ele tions as they deem necessary,
appropriate or �lesirable n connection with the Bonds, and all
such elections:�shall be, nd shall be deemed and treated as,
elections of �he City.
2 �%. N ' u ' ' e
'o s. The Bonds, togethe with other obligations issued by the
City in 19�4, exceed in am unt those which may be qualified as
"qualif�e�$_tax-exempt obli�ations" within the meaning of Section
274528 � 18
� -
q� -1�05
265(b)(3) of the Cod �, and hence are not desiqnated for such
purpose. ,
27. . It is hereby found, determined
and declared that:
(a) Neithe the City nor the Board has any o�atstanding
bonds, warrants,,certificates; or other obligatio�s or
evidences of ind'btedness, or money borrowed for'or on
account of the W'� er Utility or indebtedness f9'�' which any
of the Net Reven s of all or a part of the W�ter Utility
have been pledge 'or which are a prior lien �'n such Net
Revenues, except he 1985 Bonds and 1993 Bo�ds.
b All a ents re �/
() p quired to be mad;� prior to the date
hereof into the v'rious funds and accounts of the "Water
Utility Fund" est'blished pursuant to t,he resolutions of
this City Council which authorized thqr'issuance of the 1985
Bonds and 1993 Bo s have been made.��
(c) For pu ses of these pa ity findings, the 1994
Bonds consist of t e principal th�reof and interest accrued
in any period whic is not in�exCess of the Maximum Rate of
twelve percent (12 ), and not S�rbordinate Interest.
(d) The annu l Net Reve�iues for each of the two (2)
completed fiscal y ars immed�ately preceding the issuance of
the 1994 Bonds hav been more than one and one-half (1.5)
times, specificall� and times, respectively, the
maximum annual pri � ipal �ind interest coming due hereafter
on all outstanding even�e obligations payable from and
having a parity of ien�upon the Net Revenues, being the
1985 Bonds, 1993 Bo ds�`and 1994 Bonds (exclusive of
Subordinate Interes ) wit:
, ,F
Net Revenues 1 92 $
Net Revenues �93 $
Maximum An al rincipal and
Interest o�th 1985 Bonds $
Maximum rincip l and Interest
on the 993 Bon s_ $
Maxi m Annual �rincipal and
Inte est on the'�,1994 Bonds (assuming
th Maximum Rat' of twelve
p cent, 12�, a' exclusive of
ordinate Int est) $
274528.4 1 9
qy - t t��
Maximum An ual Principal and ;
Interest o ',the 1985 Bonds, �
1993 Bonds,' and 1994 Bonds ,,
One and One,half (1.5) Times �
Total Maxim Annual Principal /
and Interes Requirements $
This City Counci has been furnished with th Certificate of
the General Irlana r of the Water Utility at sting to the
foreqoing facts. .
�(e�) This Ci y Council pursuant to dvice from the
Board hereby find , determines and decl res that the
estimated revenue to be derived from e operation of the
Water Utility dur'�ng the term of the 994 Bonds will be more
than su€ficient t,provide Net Reven es adequate to pay
principal and int 'est when due on he 1994 Bonds (including
Subordinate Zntere t) and on those other bonds which are now
outstanding and to'maintain the R serves required therefor.
(f) The 1994 Bonds have a December 1 maturity or
maturities and hav interest p yments on dates other than
June 1 and Decembe 1, but ar in compliance with the
requirements for p rity bond as amended by paragraph 29 of
this resolution.
(g) The proce ds of the 1994 Bonds shall only be used
for the purpose of akin improvements, additions,
extensions, renewal or replacements to the Water Utility,
and capitalizing in er st or establishing Reserves and
paying the.costs of,s ch financing.
Interest payme s(excluding payments of Subordinate
Interest, which are sub inated to the payments addressed in
this paragraph) on the 19 4 Bonds shall be paid in full only if
at the time of payme th interest deposits into the Revenue
Bond Debt Service Ac�ount'for interest payments on the 1985 Bonds
and 1993 Bonds on J ne 1 r DeceYaber 1, as appropriate, are
current, and any i suffic ency in interest on all parity bonds
shall be allocate propor ionately in each six-month period
ending June 1 or December���l, as appropriate.
28. Ho ers. Each and all of the terms
and provision of this res lution shall be and constitute a
covenant on e part of th City to and with each and every
Holder from time to time o the Bonds.
274528.4 / 2 0
� q� _ � t�o5
29. e o P' s lut'o s. (a) T first
sentence of paragrap 17 of the resolution authorizin the
issuance and sale of '�he 1985 Bonds, and the first s tence of
paragraph 18 of the �solution authorizinq the issua� ce and sale
of the 1993 Bonds, a each amended to read as the efollowing two
(2) sentences, interp eted in accordance with definitions set
forth in this resolut on:
"The 1985 Bonds nd 1993 Bonds shall be a irst charge
and lien upon th Net Revenues of the Wa r Utility.
No part of such et Revenues shall be p dged to the
payment of any g neral obligation bonds issued by.the
City while any 1 5 Bonds or 1993 Bond or bonds issued
on a parity ther ith remain outstand ng and
undischarged, unl ss the pledge of N t Revenues to such
general obligatio bonds is express y made a second and
subsequent lien a d the City and B ard covenant to make
the rates and cha ges of the Wate Utility sufficient
to timely pay suc general oblig ion bonds."
�(b) paragrap 17, clause ), of the resolution
authorizing the issuan and sale the 1985 Bonds, and
paraqraph 18, clause (', of the r solution authorizing the
issuance and sale of th 1993 Bo s, are each amended to read as
"(b) All suc parit lien bonds shall have a
December 1 maturit� or m turities and shall have semiannual
interest payments n Ju e 1 and December 1 in each year;
provided that inte est ayments may be more frequent than
semiannually or on� a es other than June 1 and December 1 if
such interest is p�' in full only if at the time of payment
the interest deposi into the Revenue Bond Debt Service
Account for intere payments on June 1 or December l, as
appropriate, on o r bonds are current, and any
insufficiency in n erest bn all parity bonds is allocated
proportionately n ach six-month period ending June l�or
December 1, as ppr priate."
(c) The ity h reby finds, determines and declares that
the above amendme s may e made without the consent of the
Holders of the 1 5 Bond '��and�1993 Bonds because they do not
materially prej ice the olders of outstanding 1985 Bonds and
1993 Bonds, al within th meaning of paragraph 23 of the
resolution au orizing th issuance and sale of the 1985 Bonds
and paragraph�`24 of the r solution authorizing the issuance and
sale of the �993 Bonds.
274528.4 ' 2 1 .