94-1604 ' � , ," � � " Council File # q�—�'�0� O R I G I N Ill I_ Green Sheet # $ 3 RESOLUTION -'� � CITY O SAII�� �`AUL, MINNESOTA - -� - 1°I ____ ; Presented By: .=' � - � Referred To: Committee: Da 1 WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police K-9 Fou dation is being established as a tax exempt nonprofit 2 corporation, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the corporation shall be ope ted exclusively for the benefit of and to support the St. 5 Paul Police K-9 unit, and 6 7 WHEREAS, funds raised by the Foundat' n will be dedicated to the enhancement of the K-9 g faciliry, continuous Vaining of K-9 officer , and the purchase of equipment needed to perform the 9 specialized K-9 function, and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Foundation will permit a lice department representative 12 to participate as a non-voting member o the Foundation Board of Directors. 13 14 BE IT RESOLVED, the St. Paul Police D partment may accept the above mentioned contributions 15 from the Foundation, and 16 17 NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha the St. Paul Police K-9 Foundation has the permission to use the 18 words "St. Paul Police" in its title. Yeas Nays Absen Requested by Depa t of: B/akey Grimm ' e Guerin Harris �/ � / \ Megard By: Rettman Thune �/ ----- `� Adopted by Council: Date �. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form d by C' A ey: By: a. By: � /o _ Approved by yor: te ` 2 �1 y Appro ed fdr Submissio o Council: By: By: C102594A . q�-►��. �'' ., � •' ENT • IL QATE INRU �� �" J � f �± � Police Department 10/27/94 VI REEN ��#f:ET � � a e oEa►�Nr a� cra� m �' J D A � crn counca �" � - Chief William �'inney 292-3588 �ow c,TV��er �cmrc��nc '� Mus c re� �� � suoaer aRECro ��. a�ar. s�wc�e wa. MA`fQN9 (OR A8618T�N'n � TOTAL #E OF SKiNATURE PAOES 1 LIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR BtQNATtlRE) ' E �►crx�+ r�tw�s�o: 3 : To authorize the use of the title "St. Pau1 Pol�ce," in the name of the St. Paul Poli�ce ,; K-9 Foundation, and to permit a P ice Department representative to participate as a; ; non-voting member of the Foundati 's Board of Directors. ' 1 ; �,� REC�NDAT1oN8: Itpp�ow (A1 a Ry�ot IR) PERSONAL SERViCB CONTRAC7'� M11ST A!(61MER TNE FOLLOMflNA CUESTION3: . k T+ _ PuNNnrci CoMbM3810N _ Crv� sE�rICE c�iss 7. klas Mia p�noMirm everc wa'Iwd undsr � Co�►�t ior this depubnent9 : �.' _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this psreun�rm ever bs�n a dty smployes7 — �� — YES NO ' : •9 _ DIBTRICT COUFIT _ 3. 00lE thl6 pe180�1/�►f11 P0� a!� IfOt [IO�My P� bY lf1yY Ctllront CNy ? ;i SuPPORTS wHICH COUtrCN. �IECnvE4 YES t� Explafn all y„ ursvnn oe � N��t and �tboh ��ra�n �hs�t y: INRIATiNti PR�LEM. 1881JE, OPPmiiTUNiTY (YYIw. Whet� YWwn. . YWiYY j The St. Paul Police K-9 Foundatio is a tax exempt non-profit corporation org�nized � ; exclusively for educational and c ritable purposes. The corporation is organized � :� and shall be operated exclusively or the benefit of and to support the St."Faul ! �,� Police K-9 Unit. Federal approva of the tax exempt status requires a Po13ce � � � Department representative to be o the Board of Directors of the Eoundation to serve ` as a liaison. � � ADVNINTAOEB IF APPROVED: ' � " � Funds raised by the Foundation wi 1 be dedicated to the enhancement of the K-9 facili y, j � the continuous training of K-9 of icers, and the purchase of that equipment ,,,�p ± ' perform the specialized K-9 funct n. ��tU � � 4CT 28 19 � � � � � , DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i C,�c� Resear ' �� None. ' � � � � � �� � � OCT 31 1 ��4 ' ��.� � " � � �� _ .� � - _. _._. � :� DISADVANTAOES IF Nd� APPROYED: ' � � � � s �M City will not receive the benefit as outlined above. � i � � � i � � � � Y�.� :� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i O. 00 COST/REV�NYE Q{lDAETED (EYRCtE ONEj _. YES� NO � ± �. � t � FUNDI(�Qi SOl1RCE N A ACTIVITY NUMBER � a FINANCUL INFORMATION: (FJ(PLAIN) � ! � 4 ,� �� _ ; ` � ' i :� :� ' , � ' �IOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN 7NE.GFiEEN SHEET IN3TiitJCTNDNAI. � MANUAL AYMLABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFtCE (PHONE NO. 288-42$5). ' ka _ � � . � . . . . . x � ' � OUTING ORDER: �IoYr aro correct routin� for Me tive most iroquent types ot documenis: • . ; 3(aasum� authorized bud�t exists) COUNCIL RE80Ltif'ION (Arn�d Budp�W/locept. Ci►�nb) , � . Out�ida Ag�ncy 1. Depa►t�qent Directa� . Dspartmsnt Director 2. Sudput pirector � City Attomsy 3. Ciiy Ai�omay • MaYor (tor c:oMracts rnror i15.000) 4. MsyoNbitsmnt . Humen Rights (for conhacts over t50,000) 5. Gy Counc7 Fir�ancs and Managen� Servkxs Dlrector 6. Chief A000u�tant, Finanoe and Manapement Services ' . Finance AccountMg � � INfSTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revtsion) COUNCII RESOLUTION (aq Whsrs. and Ordinenaes) . Acthriry Msnager 1. Departms�t Diroctor . Depertment Accountant 2. Cify Attorney � . DspartmeM Director 3. Mayor Aasistant . BudgeE Director 4. City Counctl . Ciy Cle�lc �. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Servkes � � �z � MINISTRATIVE ORDERS {all othersj � . Dspartment nirector . Ciy Attorney . Finance and Manayament Servk:es Oirector ,t ' ' . Cfty Cierk � OTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PACiES ` � icate the #ot pages on which signatwes are requfrod and pap�rcNp o� fl�y � eR ot tMs� pagss. � CTION REOUESTED be what the projacthequest aeeka to accompUsh in either chronolo�i- 1 order or order of importance, whkhever is most appropriate fa the � ue. Do not write complete ae�te�. Begin each ilem in your Nst with verb. COMMfNDATIONS te it the iasus in question haa bee� pressnted before any body. publi� , � private. UPPORTS'WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? �; fcate which Coundl objective(s) your project/request $uppohs�y listing key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIC3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, UDQET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEf COMPLETE IIST IN INSTRUCTIONAt MANUAL.) � ERSQNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: # iMormation wiH be used W determfne the cityls NabNity for workKS oompsnsatbn claims, taxes and propsr dvil ptvk;s hirhg rulea. ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY n the sftuation or cond�ions ihet crea�d a need for yau {xoject re�est. � DVANTAGES !F APPROVED te whqther this is simply an snnual budget procedure required by law/ .� a�ter or whether there are apeciflc way� in which the City ot Safnt Pead �� its ciHzens wfll benefit lrom this projecVaction. � lSADVANTAOES IF APPROYED at negative eHects a mapcx chanpes to existing or past processes m�ht s projecUrequest produee if it � pessed (e.g., traflic delays, noise, increases or asssasmenta)? To Whom? When? For how bng? ISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED � at wiii be the negative conseq�renc�s if the promised action is �ot ? Inabiliry to delive� service4 Co�tinued high traHfc, noise. � nt rate� Loss oi reve�ue� � INANCIA4. lMPACT ugh you must tailor the informstbn you provide here to the issue you �; � ,addressing, in ge�eral you muat �nswer two questions: How much is it , ng to cost? Who is going to pay� �' � � �c a. . :� ; . • � ,� " . ' q�4-1to0y. -��. w ' te of Minn -_ 1�f,J S� °t� SECR TARY OF STATE CER FICATE OF INCORPORATION I, Joan And son Growe, Secretary of State of Minnesota, do certif that: Articles of Incorporation, duly signed and ack wledged under oath, have been filed on this date in the Off'ce of the Secretary of State, for the incorporation of the following corporation, under and in accordance with the rovisions of the chapter of Minnesota Statutes listed belo . This corpora ion is now legally organized under the laws of Minnesota. Corporate Name: St Paul Police K-9 Foundation Corporate Chart r Number: 1L-273 Chapter Formed nder: 317A This certificat has been issued on 10/05/1994. ✓ Secretary of State. � s�ee / . .' > , q� - lto0� . . - �� _ DfiPAR?ZIENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN ER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION 1'O: Amy Bro�rn FROlI: Lt. Pazdern I k ��J�J SUBJECT: K-9 Foundat on DATE: October 18, 1994 Me are seeking approva fros the City Council to use the na�e, St. Paul Police in the ti e of St. Paul Police K-9 Foundation. The Foundation is/�i 1 be a tax exe�pt nonprofit corporation organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes rithin the weaning of section 501�c)�3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Corporati n is organized and shall be operated exclueively for the b efit of and to support the St. Paul Police K-9 Unit. '1'he Board of Directore •ill consist of six individuals as follo�s: David Metherill Kathy Metherill Cindy Carlson Jawes Rauscher Ja�es Cox Lt. Donald Pazdernik � on-voting �e�ber) I a� including a copy the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the State of tiinn and ated October 5, 1994. By-Lars and Articles of Incorporation are a ailable upon request. , Me are �orking on the ochure and related correspondance to use in announcing the creatio of' the Foundation but Mill of course hold off on any w�silings u til such ti�e as the council gives their approval. Anything th refore you can do to help expedite the process is appreciated Thank You