94-1597 � � �J � � � C.� Council File # � 9 _ � q � d. {� �m er� e�, I 1 a�{ Green Sheet # l i RESOLUTION F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented B � , Referred To Commi ee: D e 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Counci wishes to determine the appropriate levels, quality and costs 2 of the public, educational and governme tal (PEG) access services being provided pursuant to the 3 Saint Paul cable television franchise, an 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council wishes to examine alternative scenarios whereby PEG access 5 services could delivered in a more effect e and efficient manner; now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, that Council Research, wit assistance from the Office of Cable Communications and 7 upon solicitation of comment from the g neral public, PEG access users, PEG access service providers 8 and City video production staff, is, by Ja uary 15, 1995 to provide a comprehensive study of PEG 9 access services in Saint Paul including lo er cost scenarios for the provision of PEG access services 10 along with the costs and benefits of each and, be it further 11 RESOLVED, that upon completion of t s study, the City Council will, after public discussion and 12 debate, determine the level of future PE access services in Saint Paul and the manner in which they 13 are to be delivered and, be it further w� ��" 14 RESOLVED, that in order to support th I Council �his policy review, the administration is to 15 provide copies of all communications and documents concerning PEG access services and to suspend 16 any new initiatives with respect to the pr 'sion of PEG access services and, be it finally 17 RESOLVED, that the contract with the p esent 'designated entity,' is to be extended to June 30, 1995� 18 at which time as the City Council shall re ffirm or change this designation. *Insert Amendment: exce t that, sho d the Council determine to issue RFP or en a e in contract ne otiat'on as a result of the above anal sis, the contract should rovide for earl cancellation Y� Navs Ab ent Requested by Department of: a e rimm uerin � arris e ar _ e tman T une � BY� , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � �-� \ Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y By: By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �_ By: By� 4�1- 59'}� �► � � �T o N_ 2 8 41 cit Council � 11/2/94 � RE� �S�E � �cr a � oea�r�Nr �� � ctTV cou+ca. �" =` Councilmember Thune � ❑ ��TM�T�Y ❑ pTM�� UST EN� 8Y ( ) � BUDOET D�T08 � FM. i MOT. &ERVICE8 DIR. . ❑ MAYOR (011 AS818TANT) � TOTAL #t OF SIONATUF� PM►GBS ( ALI. LOCATION8 FOR $�GI'1ATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: _ � Requesting the Mayor to not issue ny RFPs regar•ding the provision of cable televisio services unless it has been dete ned that the City Council,is in agreement with the policy changee fmpl3eit in such a P. RECO�A1'IOi�18: MP►ow (� a� R�Not (iq . PERSONAI SERYICE CONTAIR�7� MtiST �lNWER TME �O�L01Np�ti t�t�EiT10N8: : _ PLANNqr(i COMI+IItSS10N � CIVIL SERVICE (�OMMIBSION t. Has �is person/Nm► aver warksd undsF e ooM�.M hyr lhia d�partmeM? � _ CIS COMMNTTEE _ YES NQ 2. Ha6 this per�n/Nrm ever bNn a dly employ�? , _ S'TAFF _ YES NO � _ DIatAICT COURT _ 3. Does thls Ps�� P� a� rwt norm�yr P�d bY any current oNY artpioya� SuPPORTB WF1K�1 �IL OBJECT1vE9 YES NO k : ExplNn all yq �naw�s oa sp�nb tINH and �fi to �n�n N�t � :} INITIATNrf� Pf108LEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUMfTY (Who. Mlh�. WI»n. �Nh�n. ; s L (.. t �::. A � . . � . . . ' 4t �� � Y t -/W�I��MiE���'/�r�1V�GV: . .. . � � . . � � � .7 i � 1 { 1 , . . . � - � � �'�� 1 � � � { 1 . . .. , . . . � � � � . �4 D13ADVANTiRQE81F APPROVED: t � _ � � € . i' �; � DI8ADVANTiKiES IF N0? MPRONED: � , i �, �, 4 - �> ' � ; k } d 4 � TOTAL AiMOUNT OR TflANSACTION = COST{REY@NU6 8UD6ETE0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � t � FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVf�Y NUM�ER � : � ti � FINANGIAL INFORMATWN: (EXPLAIN) � rt � �� ' � � "�� C�� NOTE: COMP�.ETE OIRECTIONS ARE INCI.UDED IN TH�S �E�N SI�ET INSTRlJCT10NAL '� MANUAL AVMLABl.E IN THE PURCHASING OFFtCE (PHONE �. ' � , : � ROUTING ORDER: r ��'� 8elow are correct routMgs tor the fhra most (requent rypss of documents: ' t �� CONTRACTS (aasumes autiwrized budget exists) COINrt�I� AB80Lt1�lON (Amsnd Budp�b/Accapt. tirents) ,�' t. OutsidaAgsncy i. Deparbnant Direcwr � 2. DspaRment Dirsctor 2. Budset �eclor :� 3. City Attomey 3. City Altomey 4. Mayor (/or contracts over s15,000) 4. AAsyoNAscistar+t 5. Hunfan Riphts (tor contracta ov� i50,000) 5. Gy Counc� � 6. FMsnCe and Management Servk:•ss Okector 6. Chiet Acoount�n� Fa�anoe and Managerr�ent Serviaes § � 7. Ffnancs /►ccounting . , � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER&:(Budpet Revision) COUNGIL t�SOtUT10N (eN When. �d O�ina�wss) 1. AcUviy Managar 1: DepertmeM Direa� :� 2. Department Accountant 2. (:ily Attorn'sy �`� 3. Department [lirector � 3. May� Aaaistant '� 4. Budget Director � 4. City Coundl ' .� 5. City Clerk .«� � 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services � � L! � ADMINISTFiATIVE ORDERS (all othe�s) :� 1. �epartment Director - � � 2. City Attomey ��� 3. Finance and Manegement Servk:es Dlrector ' � � 4. City Cle�k � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Ind�ate the #�of pages on which s�naturea are required and papsrelip or fla� �ach of thess p�s. . � ACTION REt�UESTED � Describe what the projecUrequest aseks to accompiish in either chronologi- t cel order or order ot impatance, wMcheve� fa most ap�op�fate fo� the � � iasue. Do not write complete aentence�. Begin eech item in your list with . � � a verb. i RECOMMENDATIONS ?� ` Complete it the issue in question has been presented before any body, public x or private. SUPPORTS WHtCH GOUNCIL OB.IECTIVE? ,, Indicate which Council obJective(s) your projecllrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSIN(i, RECREATION. NEIQHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT, BUE)GET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LtST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) �' + � ' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: �� This irdom�atbn wiH be used to detem�e the dy's Ifability tor worksra oompet�atbn cieims, texaa and propsr dvil e�rv�s hirinp rulea. ; � INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY Enplaln the situation or c�nditiona that created a need for you� project � � or request. ' � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �•� Indicate whether this is sirnply an annual budget procedure required by iaw/ �,� charter or whethe� there are specitic waya In which the City of Sai�t Paul and its citizens wfN bsnetit from this project/action. � � � DISADVANTAt3ES iF APPROVED ' � What negative ettects or major changes to existing a past proceases might � thia project/roquest produce N k is passed (e.g., traff'�c delays, noise, � � tax Increases or assessmenta)? To Wlwm? When? For how long4 ° � � DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED � What will be the negative consequences if the promised actbn is �ot ��� approvedT Inability to deNver servk:e?'Continued high traBic, noise, ��� accideni rate7 Loss of revenue? � ;: � � FINANCIAL IMPACT Afthough you must ta1�x the fntormatbn you provide here to the issue you � i are;addresaing, in generel you must anavMer two questions: How much ia iE � going to cost? Who is goiny to pay? �� . �� µ� �� � �k • t�q �Council File � � �� Green Sheet � RESOLUTION UL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To xi Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Counc 1 wishes to determine the appropr' te levels, quality and costs 2 of the public, educational and govermm �tal (PEG) access services bein provided pursuant to the 3 Saint Paul cable television franchise, a 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Counc wishes to examine altem tive scenarios whereby PEG access 5 services could delivered in a more effe ive and efficient manne , now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, that Council Research, th assistance from t Of�ce of Cable Communications and 7 upon solicitation of comment from the eneral public, PE access users, PEG access service providers 8 and City video production staff, is, by J nuary 15, 1995 t provide a comprehensive study of PEG 9 access services in Saint Paul including 1 wer cost scena 'os for the provision of PEG access services 10 along with the costs and benefits of eac and, be it ther 11 RESOLVED, that upon completion of is study, e City Council will, after public discussion and 12 debate, determine the level of future P G acces services in Saint Paul and the manner in which they 13 are to be delivered and, be it further �,,*� v �+� 14 RESOLVED, that in order to support t e uncil � this policy review, the administrati is to 1� provide copies of all communications a d ocuments concerning PEG access services and �o suspend 16 an� new initiatives with�respect to the p 'sion of PEG access services and, be it finally .w r 17 RESOLVED, that the contract with t present 'designated entity,' is to be extended to June 30, 1995 18 at which time as the City Council sh 1 eaffirm or change this designation. cru.� -�.-�, s�aul� -�s. � �1 etsrw►n�t. "� �stiu�� �F Q�r �a�� t� �,"�ri.t�' dl'���#� m �S �. �lt` of -}�.t �bov+t. A�a l 5 � S � -- I�'�t �'�'v'aL'r SI�Ow� � Ye s Navs sent Requested by Department of: B a ev Grimm Guerin arris Me ar Re tman T une B y� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secr ary g BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: I Council File � � �S9 7 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preaented Referred T , Co itt . D e 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul has established City policies garding the 2 operations of public cable television se 'ces within the City of Saint Paul thr gh the enactment of 3 Chapter 430 (Cable Communications S 'ces) of the Legislative Code and e gant of a franchise, 4 contained in Appendix H of the I.egisla ive Code (Cable Communications ranchise - Continental 5 Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc.); and 6 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul has reserved for i elf the authority to designate the 7 access entity in Appendix H, Article III ection 6.d; and 8 WHEREAS, Appendix H, Article III Se tion 6.k(i) speci�es t t access and local origination services 9 will be placed under the control of a no -profit entity or ent' ies; and 10 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of aint Paul has d ignated Cable Access Saint Paul (CASP) to 11 be the access entity for the City of Sain Paul; and 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul h indicate is intent to issue a Request for Proposals to 13 provide access and local origination se ces in a anner not in accord with the policies established by 14 City ordinances; now, therefore be it 15 RESOLVED, that the Mayor is request d t inform the City Council of any changes he is proposing in 16 City policies regarding the cable televisi ranchise along with his justi�cation for these changes 17 supported by complete information and alysis regarding the effects of these proposed policy changes; 18 and be it , 19 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ay r is requested to not issue any Request for Proposals 20 regarding the provision of cable t evisi services unless it has been detemuned that the City Council 21 is in agreement with the policy anges plicit in such a Request for Proposals. Yeas Na s sent Requested by Department of: a e rimm uerin arris e ar e man une BY� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou il: Date j Adoption Cer fied by Council Secre ary g ,���; /� � �'� �y� f� �/5 p; � BX� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve by Mayor: Date By: By� _ ��. �\ CITY OF SAINT PAUL `,"'' ���:': �'� OFFI E OF THE CITY COUNCIL f� I �� :�,•�, ; == ���y. _.f �i .�::e-"� . DAVE THUNE CHARLES REPKE COUIICII PtCSideIIt Le3lslative Aide BARBARA BENSON Legtslative Secretary November 21, 1994 �t����,�, �rt�� Norm Coleman �Ol� ,� 2 i594 Mayor City of Saint Paul � Room 290 City Hall �`":��'''��:'f;`,�' "'r� f _ ; ��: 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Mirmesota 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: To clarify the intent of the Coun il's recent resolution concerning cable access: The Council would be supportive f your selecting a representative to be in communication with the Cable Officer and Ge Strathman as Council Research prepares its analysis. Further, in reference to docume ts requested, this simply refers to any information or analysis the administration has p pared which would be helpful in the analysis. The Council is hopeful that this rocess would proceed with the cooperation and mutual goals of service and efficiency on'the part of both Council and Administration. Sincerely, i Dave Thu reside . Samt Paul City Council c: City Council Members Deputy Mayor Pam Whee ock CITY HALL SUITE 310B SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-3620 Sd�46 Printed on Recycled Paper