94-1594 �: - _ °, '. «: •.;,,�,� � " t �R�GINAL , � a�r 3 7 CIlY �F SZ. PAUL COU86IL F�iLB �j0. ��' �'�j� FIIIAL OiHBi BY �'� � I•'i•'- �'� �..- . � i. l� � r ���a % t..�..�--.- Fli.g HO. r 18749 o0TI�6 WAYD 3 Ia ��e �atter of improving th following streets with a new bi.tuminous surfaced roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and concrete outw,�lks; boulevards �1 be sodded and a lantern style street lighting system will be installe : Davern Street from Fo d Parkway to St. Paul Avenue; Macalester Street from Fo d Parkway to Beec�hwood Avenue; Beechwood Avenue from Da ern Street to Macalester Street (north side) and to acalester Walk (south side); Saunders Avenue from Da ern Street to Macalester Walk; Rome Avenue from Da ern Street to Macalester Walk; Upper St. Dennis Road from Da ern Street to Snelling Avenue; Lower St. Dennis Road from Up er St. Dennis Road to Upper St. Dennis Road; St. Dennis Court from Up er St. Dennis Road to Lower St. Dennis Road Edgcumbe Road from Da ern Street to Snelling Avenne (south side only). All to be known as the Davern/Ed cumbe Area Street Paving and Lighting Pro�ect. under Preliminary Order � ��� approved �; 1 1 � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has coaducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, d e notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; nd WHEREAS, The Council ha heard all persons, ob�ections and recommendations pertaining to aid proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, theref re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council f the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above–described improve ent be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorize to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upb the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calcul te all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Counc 1 in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Counci.l : Date .. �`� � Yeas Nays yt�lakey Certif ied Passed by Council Secretary r/Grimm �uerin � �arris �In F or By � ,�Megard �— �� ettman � Agai st hune Mayor ✓ ��l'<�' � Public Hearing Date - November 2, 19 RE 8-5-94 � � ,c o�,�, �r�o 32045 r�bi�� wp� ,r�g a GREEN SHEET No.�� _ CONTACT PER80N � PHONE IWI7IAUDATE I NITIAUDA � DEPARTMENT dRECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Jce Mneller (266-6149) N "� e � � crrr �Tro�r � ciN c�Eaic M IIO BE 8� SII noon n�g �— �—�� ROV O BUDfiET DII�CTOR � FIN � MCiT. BERVICES DIR. Mus� �e i�Council es arc f e� ����,� �� TOTAL t OF SIGNATUFiE PAGEB 1 ' {CUP ALL ocatrorre Fon swH�TUnq � AHSOCIATE � DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTION F�QUESTED Hold public heating for the Davern / Edgcumbe Storm Se and Paving Project (City Project 95-S-8105, includes 95-P-8086). File No. 18749 AREA STREET PAVING LIGHTING PROJECT RECOMMENQA710NS:Appraw W«RsJsd p� pER NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWIN(�i QUESTIONS: � _ P�At�nNCi cobarusswN _ cnnl. seRVK:E coMMiss�l t. ttds persorVfNm ever worlaed under a wdract tor ttAs departmerm � CIB COMMITTEE _ YE3 NO � sTAFF 2. this persoMtrtn ever been a cily ertpbyee? : _ D�STFUCTC�UNCtI — �_ YES NO ! 3. ttds persoMkm possess a skH rat normaly po�essed Dy any curreM Gty employee? � SUPPORTS wHICH COUNGI OBJECTNE� YES NO Expl n sii yos arwwer� on saparata shaat a� attach to �ean sheat ' Neighborhoods Ward 3 � It�T1ATING PROBLEM, 183UE. OPPORTUNITY (WFIO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, W This project is part of the 1995 Ca�ubined Sewer Separad Program and has been approved through the CIB process. I I ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: � Will reduce combined sewage overflow (CSO) to the Mis ssippi River during rains. � � €NSADVANTACiES IF APPFWVED: Assessment levied against properties. � C�c� Researct� Center � AUG 0 8 1994 � '; � DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROMED This is part of the City's National Pollution Discharge El' nadon System (NPDFS) permi� Not proceeding with the work may result in penalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COS77REVENUE BUDGETFA (CIRd.E ONE) YES . � ; FUNDING SOURCE � attac6ed swnmary of Engineerin R end ACTIVITY NUMBER j fINANCtAL INFOFIMATION: (EXPWI� i � � ! . q� - t��}- SUMMARY OF E GINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS DAVERN /�DGCUMB STORM SEWER & PAVING PROJECT CIT PROJECT 95-S-8105 (INCLUD S 95-P-8086 & 95-V 8086) NEIGHBORHOOD I FORMATIONAL MEETING, XX, 1994 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING, XX, 1994 PUBLIC HE RING, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PROJECT: Construct a storm sewer system, ater and sewer service connections and reconnections, street improvement and upgrade an existing lighting system in the Davern Watershed. This area is b unded by Ford Parkway, Snelling Avenue, St. Paul Avenue and Davern Street. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently serve by a combined sewer system. During periods of rainfall, storm water and sanitary s wage are combined in a common sewer pipe. Light rainfall, combined with sanitary se age, will be directed to the sewage treatment plant where the storm water wiil be unn essarily treated. Moderate to heavy rainfall, combined with sanitary sewage, wi i overflow diversion structures and untreated sanitary sewage will outiet to the ississippi River. Reports of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding ha e also been noted in this area. The following streets within the pro ect area are paved and have concrete curb: BEECHWOOD - DAVERN to MACALESTER (existing width 27') SAUNDERS - AVERN to MACALESTER (27') ROME - DAVE N to MACALESTER (27') EDGCUMBE - AVERN to SNELLING (two divided 20' lanes) The following are oiled streets with ntermittent sections of concrete curb: DAVERN - FO D PARKWAY to ST. PAUL AVENUE (30') MACALESTER - FORD PARKWAY to BOHLAND (32') MACALESTER - BOHLAND to BEECHWOOD (20') The project area is primarily served by a lighting system on wood poles. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Street improvements and storm se er construction are proposed for the following streets: DAVERN - HIL REST to ST. PAUL AVENUE MACALESTER HILLCREST to BEECHWOOD BEECHWOOD DAVERN to MACALESTER STREET SAUNDERS - AVERN to MACALESTER WALK 1 . . � q� -- ��� ROME - DAVE N to MACALESTER WALK ED�CUMBE ( astbound) - DAVERN to 275' west of SNELLING Portions of UP ER, LOWER ST. DENNIS & ST. DENNIS COURT Catch basin construction and trenc restoration is proposed for the following streets: EDGCUMBE ( estbound) - DAVERN to SNELLING Street improvements are proposed or the following streets: DAVERN - FO D PARKWAY to HILLCREST MACALESTER - FORD PARKWAY to HILLCREST Portions of UP ER and LOWER ST. DENNIS & ST. DENNIS COURT EDGCUMBE (e stbound) - 275' west of SNELLING to SNELLING New streets will be constructed to width of 32 feet with the following exceptions: Upper and Lower St. Dennis and S Dennis Court will be 30 feet; Beechwood, Saunders and Rome will be recons ucted to a width of 27 feet; Macalester, Beechwood to Bohland, will be 20 feet, and Ed cumbe (eastbound) will be reconstructed to a width of 20 feet. New curb will be hand formed, if n essary, to avoid damaging trees and/or tree roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to acilitate sewer construction. The new storm sewer construction i I part of a long-range storm sewer project which will result in separate storm and sanita sewer systems throughout the city. The street improvements proposed would com liment the storm sewer construction. New bituminous roadways with concrete urb and gutter are being proposed. All driveway aprons will be reconstructed with c ncrete, and new concrete outwalks will be constructed for each home. Boulev rds will be regraded and sodded. A lantern lighting system will be used through ut the project area. ALTERNATES: To do nothing would be inconsistent ith the city's commitment to improve existing oiled streets, improve water quality and r duce pollution. Improving the roadways in conjunction with sewer construction will save time, money and inconvenience later. POSITIVE BENEFITS: With the completion of the city's se er project and the disconnection of rainleaders, sewer backups into basements will e eliminated, surface flooding reduced and the diversion of sanitary sewage to the ississippi River, as well as the diversion of storm water to the sewage treatment plant, will be eliminated. General improvements of the public ight-of-ways in conjunction with sewer construction will enhance and add q ality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be eliminated. 2 i . , � q,� -��sa�- ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with onstruction, such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and general disruption wil be present. However, by constructing all improvements at this time, future a verse effects would be eliminated. COST ESTIMATES: S-8105 DAVERN / EDGCU BE STORM SEWER Construction $ 939,500 Engineering & Insp ction 173,800 Miscellaneous 94.000 Total I $1,207,300 P-8086 DAVERN / EDGCU BE GRADING & PAVING Construction $ 970,200 Engineering & Inspe tion 198,900 Miscellaneous 97.000 Total $1,266,100 V 8086 DAVERN / EDGCU BE LIGHTING Construction $190,000 Engineering & Inspe I tion 35,000 Miscellaneous 19.000 Total I $244,000 PROJECT TOTAL $2,717,400 3 � . � � q�-�5q�- ESTIMATED FINANCING: S-8105 DAVERN / EDGCU BE STORM SEWER Assessments $ 150,000 Sewer Revenue Bo ds 407,300 Water Surcharge 650.000 Total $1,207,300 P-8086 DAVERN / EDGCU BE GRADING & PAVING Assessments $ 323,500 CIB 1995 555,200 ewer R v nu Bo d 387.400 Total $1,266,100 V 8086 DAVERN / EDGCU BE LIGHTING Assessments $ 73,200 I B 1 170.800 Total $244,000 PROJECT TOTAL $2,717,400 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFOR ATION: For additional information, contact e Mueller at 266-6149. RECOMMENDATION: I The Department of Public Works opi I ion is that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recom endations is for approval and financing of the project. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 7/29/94 4 � y � —: � � , , �a�--�sa�- . +-^-�-^.�--� w°r+-�, � � �,+--rr. ���� . Z I � C7 J � • "' � � �YJ'.�`J .�x „Jj�' „�' ' . � W� 7 .��, ' r � •� '�' • •' '.�� �, ', -Pir�Er,u�s7 ; 4 ; •i�•• � • . : U' 42 � I a v NIGt1LAND • FORD PARKWAY Y✓ATCR � rovrc� �,� �-/�(', yLAND � HILLCRCST ! ' r AVE: :''f, , . . . , •;�- ' • f -',� G4 L F ,�; a o N ��,� � � — Av c. .�., ,' . . 5 ( •'�''.• , �,, . r' . ? , �� •, • �{ � , . i Il., •,C: e���crwoo� Av�. � COURSE ••'�i � . � ��.����� � . ;�,,'�.�� � r ..sAU'rlDERS AV�. ;��i. • n _.• ,. - � SCH. � �, ; �4 ��,�,; � w_ROME . � .�'` " qYE. �. .`,,�;.•/, , . �'�' c � � � , � .. , 51 �� -..1; . — r_ � • � • � l� Q M TR�.AL , . i ,�. : : � ::,,.: , ; . ,.;; ;,� .:.,. N 1 G H L A N D . � �. H 1 G • .' � L D H N /� PK. JR NS. �• ��•�,,� 0 L F C�/ CI R S E �-IAA1PSHdRE A . I : . � , , �� � • • � �� HlGHLAN PK , •,� ,, .• ' O . .. v `J; 7 �v/� w.b s-, � � SR. H. , � •• :• � • ' �yt' •`�+' �. ��rPS ; ;� � ; ;. z � �l�i ��u, �vri, . , Q .L= ;�:' EDGCUI,7BE . � �—,- . --.-,.,'� .�-�-, �--,. -., �— , .., � �� � � z . . o. . wQ- � N � U P n E R I � ST. � C N N I S �, ; � U J � � l� t ��/%� v U J N `�, ��Y�� 1 < � Q ��j � //�;��, O �p ' ,� .n� COLV�,y t� � � s �% p�Nt��s .�'����`�,,��� �9. � f11f�\�U/ � , � s�:3vu;v,y�:lxta��,�,�, . , �� � . �� - � JS . , � L �nIG /�t�� ��� y • �v�/�r�i1\r. ` � 4 wl1!'p X!� !/'✓,� I � � .�`� „a' •!:` f • �Ci� �� �� `�r�G���U`i1�,�4 �11.(. �L��jI���/J/ 1 /�� ' l¢�,�'✓ P' U'/y � S 'y � A �����A����!��%r;' �{ � �1lL1 ��[l�.^11��r?: yti t� • �y' \ . � n �1�n �+� It\ �. . / /l Ul��(r 1l��� •, ���Y� / S \_ — r,v���iMi —;��. �C� � � J, -/' U 'I,�l flt 4 �,;c- ,in,��lY - ///1 ri •t�,Y, , / �c 1/�((lll ., � ; .K�{i% � ���i� �1.. � p \ "xrl��',,�.•.. P t, Ic :��_ � �' ; �c `� ...., �'�� S7. PAUL �—� � AVC. � � ,�.,. ��0�� �� � � y ��> �o ' C. ST. P. h1. 0. R R �J' ' �-r�""`�' �- -;-;-:-:-;-r-�-+-r- -r+iiy�-+aa- � � - -- -- DAVERN / EDGCUMBE 95-S- 105 95- P-8086 � � -�� S ER CONSTRUCTION . ' � � S EET CONSTRUCTION • ' � CITY � �/ / ��'� � ; . ;� Saint . ,aul C�ty Counci�l ' � a o ���;� 4 � � �l�� b Fub��c ��aarxx�g �Tot�c� S ���� � F� �� , w • � �° Pub�xc Imp ov�x��nt Cox�struct�on l854 OWNER OR TAXPAYER �� COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL # 15 FILE # �874�:..:: . ;;;;:; PROPERTY ADDRESS - PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION i I � THE TIIvIE WEDNESD Y, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Co cil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral st tements by any owner will be considered by the Council at th hearing. PURPOSE To consider appr val of the proposed project as follows: THE DAVERN/EDGCUMB AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (SEE ENCLOSURE FOR DETAI AND LIST OF STREETS AFFECTED.) ESTIMATED If the City Counci approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be asse ed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED asse ment for the above property is $: THIS AMOUNT WI L NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAYM NT lNFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also t enclosure for additional project information. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ' CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE 10/14/94 . . �_ . � q�-i5a�- I � ORI �� � - o // .- CIiY OF COII IL F E NO ��7 - �/7S PQBLIMI� BY V ^ �----- _ F LB /O. 749 __ __-- - _ -- - � VOTING AAgD 3 In the �atter of improving Il he followin streets with a new bituminous 8 surfaced roadway, concrete cu l and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and concrete outwalks; boulevardsiwill be sodded and a lantern style street lighting system will be instal ed: Davern Street from ord Parkway to St. Paul Avenue; Macalester Street from i ord Parkway to Beechwood Avenue; Beechwood Avenue from D vern Street to Macalester Street (north side) and t �,Macalester Walk (south side); Saunders Avenue from Iavern Street to Macalester Walk; Rome Avenue from �vern Street to Macalester Walk; Upper St. Dennis Road from vern Street to Snelling Avenue; Lower St. Dennis Road from U per St. Dennis Road to Upper St. Dennis Road; St. Dennis Court from U per St. Dennis Road to Lower St. Dennis Road Edgcumbe Road from D vern Street to Snelling Avenue (south side only).i All to be known as the Davern/E Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. ; The Council of the City��of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above impro ement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report' the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and tha the estimated cost thereof is $1,510,100 financed by 1995 Capit�l Improvement Bonds $726,000; Sewer Revenue Bonds $387,400 and As lessments $396,700. 2. That a ublic hearin Il ibe had on said im rovement on th P g p e 2nd day of_November � 1994�� , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City H 11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of s' aid pu hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided bylthe Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of� improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS l i Ado ted b Council: Date 0' " P Y 1 q� L/ Yeas Nays Ab5 e� f B�akey Certified Passed by Council Secretary ti�S'rr i m m �/�erin �� rris In Fa or B .� Y c�- gard � � R ttman QAgain t une 1 � 1_ � Mayor Y� e �'.