94-1592 . , �, , � . � ,�� � f !� *. . .,: � �R 1 GiN ��. � � 3s -�� � � C IZT 0! SS� 'pLOI,� L NO ' `"t �'�a� !I/�L QoiD*1 _ B� Fi e o. 594103 Vo ia� W� rd 2 Ia tti� liattsr •f tide�alk reco s�ruc6ion s,� the following locat�ion(s): aa 657 Pslace Avenae. `� *BSTI�ATBD CONSTBIICTI�Ii BAT�� . � . �, '�� � , �SSIDEATI�L S�TES (Oae, �xm' � �aee� faaily �t6rg�t,��res� -�eeessttaet�.�sai (rep�ceaent �o� old sidewalk) —$6.84 per front foot for a five (5) foo� wide walk and $8 22 per froa� f-oot� for a siz (6) foo� wide �t,alk. All ot�her Nid�hs Will b prorated accordingly. �ev e�sstsrtictioa (where no walk exis6�d) — 100X of �he ac�ual cos� astimat�ed to be appro=i�a�ely $3.10 per sqnare foot. All corner residential proper� e�t Nill receive a credit up to the f�.rat 150 fee� t���neR �r reconstructced s t�a1k sloag aad abufitiag tzhe "long side" of �he proper�,y. KULTI—R&SIDBbtTIAL (More thaa � ee family sBruc�ures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For nes� ind recons�ructzed side alk; 100X of actual cost estimated to be approaimat►ely $4.13 per square fcot. under Preliminary Order � d approved Sea'� �.19�� The Conn�il of �he Ci�y f Sain� Paul has conducted a public hearing upon t�he above i�proveaenG, due notice trhereof having been g�.ven as prescribed by �he City Char�er aad • WHEBEAS, The Council as heard all persons, ob�ections and recosffiendatione per�aining to said proposed iaprov�ment and has fully considered the saae; now, �her fore, be i� RBSOLVED, Thaa Bhe Counci of �he Ci�y of Saint Paul does hereby order t�hat Che above—described igpro emen� be �ade, and �he proper City officers are hereb� directed sad au�hori ed ao proceed xi�h �he improvemen�; attd be i� FIIRTHEB RESOLVED, ThaG u on the cospletion of said �.nprovement, the proper Ci�y officere ahall calc late all eapenses incurred therein and shall report t�he sa�e to 6he City Cou e�l in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Char�er. COUNCILPEBSUNS Adopt�ed by Council: Date � Yeas Nays ✓�,lakey CerGified Passed by Council Secre�ary t��rimm �/Gue rin �Iarris �In avor By �, � �Iegard ✓Rettman Q Ag nat �Thune Mayor Public Hearing Date - Novemb�r , 1994 RE 8-26 �..��C�'� °�P" �" �"�"'�"�° GREEN SHEET No. P�biic works SkiawaAcs 7-27-94 ��� � CONTIYCT PER80N � PFIONE DEPAR7M@IT DIFECT�DR CITY OOUNCIL Thomas P. Keefs - 266-6121 � �yTM ���,�y �� MUST BE ON OOUNCL A06�DA BY (QINq 9— 7-9 �� � BUDOET DIREC7i0R FMI. � I�T. SERVICEB D Must be in Council Research Off M�vo��n�r�wn Co�x� no later than noon Monda 9-2-9 ror�u. a oF saw►n� n�u� 1 �u wc.�naa Fan a�aiun�aq �seocw� o� u�rr ;� ncno�r�ou� Reconstnx� SidewaNt in Ward 2(See attach istj , Sidewalk reconstructian on the s of Palace from Daly to Osceola at 657� Palac on y File No. S94103 � � '�°~ W ( PEfl8Cii/►l SIERYICE 0011TRACTS MlJST AlrlWER T1� POLl.OYVINO QUESTIONS: ; PLJINNMIO OOMMI8810N _ CNN. �RVICE COI�IM � �.►�as ua. P.no�nn .v.r wak.d undsr a oonraoc tor u,�s dep.nmenrt CIB OOMMITTEE YES MO i — — 2. Has dds p�riorWfhm swr bwn a dyr �mpbpos? � STAFF _ YES (� ` o�4TRwrt�uNCIL — 9 _ 3. Ooas tMs pnso�wlmi pawas a�kw not namalh+ P�� bY �Y �� � I employoa? I SUPPOR7S WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE'1 ' YES NO � � . �xpl�lfl �N yas allrlll�l'� 011 NpY'�R� N1Nt afld �i0�1 b�fN11 SiN�t Neighborhoods Ward 2 ; WITIATWQ PROBiEM. {88UE, OPPOATUNRY (MM1IO. YYFNT. WFIEN. RE, YNih: d The problem "dafactive sidewapc' was created use of treo roo�s. delate�ioua subprada mate�ial, a�emating fres/thaw cyc , service life Nmits. d�amical �ditives. extreme te porature variatwns. etc. Thesa problems oxur on a atywide I�vel and must�e a d dre s s o d a n d o o� e d on an annu a l b a s is. uncar e c t o d, t h e s�ow a N c o o n d kan wo u l d worsan t o a s t a t e w h are k wou l d b� a ronderad unusabk and wbjaot � kxxaaased strian injur�s from falls and p� litipations. �nvnHr�s � �raaovEO: i • , The oommuniiy wiA banef� from �is projod ba:a se k wiN provide safe data�t frao sidewaNcs ior its many dtizena. Tho sidewaNc � coMracts are executad by prlvate aontradors, it �Ibws that private a�r jobs are cxoatod as a rosuk of this adiv�y. � ?�;tDi,��i,4! ��8� ��' AUG 2 � �394 � ��� � �� w._ ..,► Historically. tFw sidewak rocanstrudions havo c atod ►�pa�ra faadbadc in the aroa o# construdion ptocoduro snd assossm�nt. Simply stated, property owners det�t assess . and daspita t#w fad up to one-haif tho assessmant is City wbsidized, it �jtill remains oontrovorsial. oisnov�r�s � Nor �nov�: � This option w�auld all�r the infrastructure of sid a�C �odc to deteriorada. whk� in turn. wiN penerate rrmre personal injury sufts� ultimatey rasuldny in the expenditure of larger d ar amour�ts in everrtual ropairs andlor replaaemeM, � w�ll as daim payouts� i � � �wra.�wou�rroFrn�ws�na+s 4 c�r� ouoc�o car�� arq rES rw �o�sou� 94 �ob63 A PIA 9� 495 oaa �cn,mr�aEa c94^zT726�n784�27009 FINANCIAL WFORMATION �ru►a�n B� AST 00 , OQQ � C. Ct6 9� 5d,000 �,\ ; � GITY v' a�-is�. / ��� ��� Sai�x�t �' u�� Cxty Counci�� k � ' `' w ����'�e�'; b .�'t�b�i�c ��axxx�g Noti�ce . � �° �'ub��c I��r v�x��nt Constxu�ctxor� t8S4 COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 OWNER OR TAXPAYER PLANNING COUNCIL #09 FILE � ::�94103<>:>::>:i>:<;:::;:<:> PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID ............... ............... _._. _ _.. PROPERTY TAX PESCRIPTION � �,����L'S) s'i;:s��;:t��i ��i;t�4� OCT 0 7 1994 _ .. __ � THE TIME WEDNES Y, NOVEMBER 2, 1994 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral s atements by any owner will be considered by the Council at t is hearing. PURPOSE To consider app oval of the proposed pro ject as follows: Reconstruction of sidew Ik at 657 PALACE AVENUE. ESTIMATED If the City Coun il approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be ass ssed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED ass ssment for the above property is $ THIS AMOUNT ILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAY ENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also he enclosure for additional pro ject information. ESTIMATED ' ASSESSMENT � CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SID NOTIFICATION DATE 10/14/94 . ' a�-��� . Ward 2 PRO E T• RE N TR T IDEWALK N.S. PALACE AVE. from Daly St. to S. Osceola Ave. at 657 Palace Ave. nly. INITIATING ACTION: This ord was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the�basis of a inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Thi walk is poured concrete with scaled panels. ................................ ........................................................... � � � �� � I E N. q� I�S c' `� CITY OF ST. PAIIL I "�� °"- �-� PRSLIKINARY OgDER \ B�Y F�: e No. S94103 Vo ing W rd 2 In rhe Ma�ter of Sidewalk rec I nsGruction at Ghe following locaGion(s): aG 657 Palace Avenue. *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATESI RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, Gwo o three family struc�ures) Beconst�rnc�ion (replacement o old sidewalk) -$6.84 per fron� foo� for a five (S) foot wide walk and $.22 per front foot for a six (6) fooC wide walk. All other w�.d�hs will e prorated accordingly. Hev constrncl�ion (where no walk ex�.sted) - 100 of Che acGual cost es�imated Go be approximately $3.10 per squar foot. All corner residenGial proper ies will receive a creditt up to the first 150 feeG of new or reconstructed idewalk along and abutCing the "long side" of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL �han t ree family sGrucGures), NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sid walk; 100y of ac�ual cos� esGimaGed Go be approsima�ely $4.15 per squar foo�. The Counca.l of the City of Sai t Paul having received the reporG of the Mayor upon the above improvemenG, and having considered said reporG, hereby resolves: 1. That Ghe said rep rt and the same is hereby approved with no alternaGives, and hat the esGimated cost� �hereof is *SEE ABOVE • for estimated cons ruc�ion rates, financed by assessmentss and 1994 Public Improv ment Aid. ' 2. That a public heari g be had on said improvement on the 2nd_ day of November, 19 4 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in �he Council Chambers of Ghe Ci y Hall and Court Aouse Building in Ghe City of SainG Paul. 3. That notice of sai publzc hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provide by the Charter, stating Che �ime and place of hearing, the natur of Ghe improvement and the �otal cost thereof as es�ima�ed. COUNCILPERSONS " AdopGed by Council: Date � y i � Yeas Nays �lakey Certified Passed by Council Secretary �rimm ✓Guerin arris n Favor By egard Ret�man gainst ___ �hune Mayor