94-1589 Council File # � — �� Green sheet # Z$3l7 RESOLUTION CI�F S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Council f the City of Saint Paul did pass 2 Ordinance No. 17321, on Ja uary 7, 1986, wherin a fund to 3 administer and distribute he proceeds contributed by charitable 4 gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and 5 WHEREAS, The Youth Pr grams Fund Board established by said 6 ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached 7 applications for grants fr m the above mentioned fund; now 8 therefore be it 9 RESOLVED, That the Co of the City of Saint Paul hereby 10 approves the attached appl cations for funding from the following 11 organizations for the foll wing amounts: 12 History Day Supp rt Group $ 967.00 13 And does hereby authorize he appropriate City officials to 14 execute agreements as nece sary to disburse the approved funds. 15 Funding code: P- -399-33179-545-33000 Yeas Nays Absent � Blakey � Requested by: Grimm Guerin � Divis' n of a s a ation Harris ��� Megard By: Rettman Thune _`� Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��� Form ed A orney Adopti Certified by Council Secr tary � # By: � 1U-27-�� By � Approve by yor fo mission to Approved y r te: �� � Council x l By: BY� �Qy -15$Q � �' DE IL DA IATED � O ����� Parks arrd Recreaticm 10 7/94 QR��� •�� � coNr�cr a osn�ar�Nr a �"�� (� cmr c�ur�cn. �� Eric Tt��son 266-6362 ��� cm�rroiw�r � c�rrc�vnc ST ON BY ( ) �T � BUDGE7 DIRECI�OR � FIN. 8 MY3T. SEHVICES LNR. DknTeiitbeY' 2, 199�+ �nvon (oFt �sT,wn (� Fn,.l.e _ �..e--- TOTAL #E OF 81ONATURE P�iES (CLIP L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATilR� REGUESTEG: DiSbursenent Of Yauth � Ft�ds .. RECbM�AENDATIdN8: Appro�w (A) a Ry�ct tR) PE L=ERYICE COM'kRACTS NUST �EW TNE FOLLOWMIIi GUE8TION8: _ PLANNkNi COMIu113310N A �� .1 �$F�VICE MISSIOfI t. aE tl116 pNSOnflifrtl OVet YYO►kAd U11dlf � CO�dot� fa �S dp�►delnt? � �� l�l� 2�C'i YES "NO �' — 2. tlUa penon/flrtn wrer b�en a cfly empiqree? 1 — �� — YES NO � _ o�sTnicr �uar _ s. mfs p.►aavthm voasiq s skiu rac ranm�N aoasesssd bx ar�+ curcern ctty smpbya.4 ' BUPPORTB wHtCH COUNCIL OBJECrIVET YES NO i E n et! Y« anarwn on �r�1a �t uM att�oh to 9rs�n shs�t J � � �i INITIATMIO PR08l.EM. ISSUE. OPPORl"UNITY (Wlq. MRW. Whsn. Whsre. WhYI: � � , 'R�e fimd was established to dis e proceeds fran charitable gas�in� ta eiigible camxmity ba.sed non-profit organizati which have been screened by the Youth Pro,s;r�ns ��" Advisory Board. �2tf: A:����► ,►�►�5 ��: � �4 Imoroved yauth progr for: History D�.y Suc�ort Grcnxa. ANA'YQR'S OFFtCE � � , , 1 as��wwr�oes � �a�ove�: �. Counci� R�search Cent � r � : OCT 31 1994 � � �_._ . --,......_ DIBADVANTIKiEB IF NOT APPROVED: Poor quality yauth ograms. . � , ; i , � � � � °i TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � � COST/REV6NU! 1UDdE'tED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNWNO SOURCE — — ACTIVITY NUMdER i, FINANCIAL INF�iMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � 1 ;i � ?� � NOTE: COMPLETE �IRECTIONS ARE lNCLUOED IN THE (3AEEN 3HEET INSTRtJq`IONAL � MM+IUAI AVMLABLE MI TWE PtlRCHASING OFFICE (PHdNE NO. 298-42�5� '' _ s ROUTING ORt3ER: � Bslow aro oorrect routin� Mrihs fhrs mosf trequent ypes ot documents: j CONTRACTS (essumes suthaized budqet exists) COUf�IC�UTfON (M�nd Budp6ts/Accept. (innb) � 1. .. Outaide Agsncy _ 1. Departrnent O!►ec�ur . 2. DepartmsM DirectOr 2. 8ud9et �keclo► � � 3. City ABomsy 3. City Atldmey � 4. Maya' (for eontreCts over i15,000) 4." MayoNAssistant 5. Humeut Rights (far GoMraets ovsr 550.000) 5. Ciry Ccwnal ! 8. Finance and Mansgsms�t Services Director 6. Chkf Aocountant, F'nanoe and M�apement Servioea ,: � 7. Ffnance Acoountirp '; � AQMIMISTRATIVE OR�RS (8udget Revision) COUtdCIL flESOIUTION (a� othero. end O�r�ce8) 1. Activity Manager t. Depertmsnt Diroctor j 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomsy � 3. Departaient Director 3. Mayor Assktant j 4. Budyet Director 4. City Counail , ` 5. City Clerk � � 6. Chie( AccauMant, Finance and Management Services � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) t. Department Diredor 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Finance and Manegement Services Director 4. City Clerlc TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAt3ES Indicate the #of pages on which si�aturea sro raquired and papKCflp o� Hep NCh ot tINN ��s. j ACTION RE�UESTEQ � Descrfbe what tM projecUrsqupR seska to acoomplish in either chronobgi- cal order �r crder of importar�;`�iCMver b mast appropriate tor the issue.. �o not wrke compfete sen�s. Begin each �em in your list with • � a verb. , RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the issue i� queation has been prosented betore anY bodY. P�biic � or private. SUPPQRTS WWICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate whieh Coundl objscthre(a) your projecUrequest supports by tisting the ksy wotd(s) (HOUSINCi, RECREATION, NEI(3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIG QEYELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS: � This fntormatia�► wili be uaed to dstermine tfie city'a Uability for worksrs compena�tion claims, taxee arni propsr olvN sKVics hi►i�q rulss. INITIATINCi PROBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situetion or cbnditbns that �xeated a need tor your project or request ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is aimply an annual budget procedure required by law/ eharter or whethsr tl�re are specinc ways in which the City of Sai�t Paul and its citizsns wiN bene�it from this projecUaction. DiSADVANTA0E8 IF APPROVED What negative eHecta w majar che�qes to exktlng or past processes mi�M thia proiect/requsst produca it it ls passed (e.g., traT(ic deleys, noise, tax increasea or essessmoMa)? To Whom? When? For how long� DISADVANTAaES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conasquences if the p►amised actfon fs not approved? InabGiry to deNver senrice4 CcntMued high lraffic, noise, acddent rate� Loas of revenueT FINANCIAL. IMPACT Although you must tailor the infortnation you provide here to the isaus you ere, eddressir�, U generel you muat answer two questions: How much ia N going to cost? Who is qoin� to pay? ; a�-�� Interdepartmental Me I randum CITY OF SAINT PAUL October 27, 1994 T0: Na y Anderson - Council R earch Center F . ric Thompson RE: Resolutions for History Da Support Group Upon request of City Council, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board re- reviewed the 1994 10% Club and gr nt applications for History Day Support Group at their October 20th meeti g. The Youth Programs Fund Advisory oard moved to support their original approval of both applications whi h was made at their August 18th meeting. The attached resolutions support he Board's recommendation to City Council to approve History Day Support Group to the 1994 10% Club list and approve the Board's recommendation to approve grant funds in the amount of $961.00 If there are any questions, pleas call me at 266-6362. cc. Judy Barr � � FROM ST P PR 17 W 4TH 10.27.1994 12:59 P. 1 � � q�- IS�i - _ ity of Saint Paut Y PR F D,A,D l' RY B A1�D 17 w 4th St Saint Paul, MN 6610z -- 266-6362 M/NUTES SUBJECT: YOlf7N PROGRA S FUND ADVISORY BOARD October Z0, 1994 ATTENDING: Billy Collin , Travis logan, Jennifer 6ozicevich, Jim Kelley, ichael Lohman, Diana kodriguez, John Rozek, M1ke Sperr, 1a Westermeyer. ABSENT: Kim Bright, ileen Ciuraru, Gwen Gordon. EXCUSED: None. NOTE: This meeting�was scheduled to review draft revisions to ordl�ance 40 .23 of the Legislative Code. Revisions were prepared by arks and Recreation staff after meeting with the Board in August. Final language will be drafted by City Attorney's o f1ce. This also ma ked the first meeting for new Board members John Rozek, outh Ward-4; and Kim Bright, Adult At-Large. The Board wa asked to re-review the9r recommendation in August for H story Oay Support Group. Additionally, they revlewed a r allocation request for Boosters East. COpIES T0: Robert Piram' Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie, Youth Programs Fund Advlsor Board, Mayor's Office. SUBMI7TED BY: Eric 7hompso . MEETING START TIME: 6:00 P.M. MEETING STOP TIME: 6:52 P.M. Judy Barr, Manager of Support ervices for Parks and Recreation was present to facil�tate the revlew of the r drafted ordlnance. PREVIOUS MONTH'S MINUTES: Moti n for approval of August 1994 minutes: Sperr. Seconded: Rodriguez. Vote: 5-0 ANNOUNCEMENTS Staffi updated the status of th Youth Programs Fund for 1994. higures indlcate a disbursement amount of $20,8 5 available for 4th quart'er 1994. October is the first month of the Qth qua ter. The 6oard will review 4th quarter application and recommend �iisb'rsements at the NovembNr 17th rneeting. Post-it' Fax N01e 76 �p peges� To From � � ) Co.�Depl. Co, ' Pnone �► Phone a �� �� • Z Fg � � Fex p FROM ST P PR 17 W 4TH 10.27.1994 13:00 P. 2 . � - � `� 1 . YPFAB Meeting: 10/20/94 � Continued NEW BUSINESS: Cii.y Council re est to re-revlew the 3rd quarter grant application and l0y applicati for History Day Support Group. Staff explained the issues voi ed by Ann Cieslak from Councilmember Bobbi Megard's offlce. The issue th ' are concerned with is teachers from a particular school working wit students from that same school to form a group eligible to receive funding f r their program. Their concern is that this type vf program may not be open to outh from throughout St. Paul. Collins nientiunetl Lhal: council had hel - over the other approved organiiations so council could examine this fu ther. Collins had concerns about council holding up the checks for other organizations just to review concerns over one. There was some dlscussion as to whe her this organization's initial intent was to open programming up for all 5. Paul youth. There is no way to prove they didn't. Collins said he is no comfortable denying either application. If �ouncil doesn't feel the orga izatlon meets the requlrements, then they should be the ones to deny the appli ations, not force the Board to carry-out their w9shes. Kelley felt it 1s cou cil's fault for opening the ordinance up in the firsl; place. Lohman mentione that the organlzation finished 2nd in their competition. Bozicevich moved to support t Board�s original approval recommendatlon from August. Seconded: Rodriguez. ote: 7-0. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REVISIONS:�Judy 6arr provided a breakdown of the trends identified by the 6oard at th ir July meeting. Staff provided a draft re-write with the proposed changes. Ba r took the Board through each revision and asked for comments, sugge tions and feedback. Primary revisions include: - Use of fi cal agent for unincorporated organization only once per/ye r. Subsequent applications must reflect the organizatlo 's attempt to become incorporated non-profit. - Nine (9) onth "cut-off" date for which organization must Sut�►niL Lhei receipLs for previously awarded grants and/or direct dona ions received. - Youth Fun Board may adapt the Rules & Regulations for the fund annual y, to coincide with the amount of funding available f r disbursement. - Funding 1 mits fior grants per/quarter will fluctuate wlth the amount f funding available for disbursement - To be announced a the start of the calendar year. - Licensing office will be (and already is) the department which will ail quarterly 10% Eligible recipients list to gambling or anizations. • - Annual l0a Eligibility application will be streamlined form formal�application to resubmission of current information. Logan felt the ordinance need to clearly define "?awful purposes" in regards to 10% direct donations. Grou s need to know that the same standards apply for grant funds as well as for di ect donations. -2- I . . FROM ST P PR 17 W 4TH 10.27.1994 13�00 P. 3 : .;. ° � YPFAB Meeting: 10/20/94 Q � � ��� Contlnued � Other d9scussion toplcs inclu what to do with duplicate programs and organizations which are each art of a larger umbrella organization. There was an additional reque t that staff include copies of the current 10% Club List for 1994 with the N vember review packets. Staffi will provide requested information. Collin did not ask for a formal motion. There was general consensus to proceed ith sending the draft to the City Attorney's offtce for formal review and anguage clarifications. Staff wi11 report progress at the November meet ng. Evaluat9on process for Novemb r Staff distributed a breakdown of the review and evaluatlon process identified by Mike Hahm at the August me ting. Kelley moved that the Board review this process and vote at the Novem er meeting. Seconded: Logan. Vote: 7-0. Process for Review of 1995 10 E11g1bility Applications Staff reminded the Board that�in past years the process for review of the upcoming years' application u ually began in November with a special review period in December. Depending',on what happens with the proposed ordinance changes, Staff recommends the Board continue the same process as 1n previous years. Staff will schedule a training session", and the Board can meet in December to review 1995 lU% (; ub applications. Lohman moved to continue as i past years. Seconded: Rodriguez. Vote: 7-0. Open Lohman mentioned that he stil is interested in pursuing an influx of money into the fund. Speciflcally, e would like to continue working on the creation of a"scratch-ofif" titket for Saint f'aul with proceeds going directly into the Youth Programs Fund. Collins sked if Lohman could provide all the information he has gathered to date and g ve to staff to copy and distribute to all �oard members. Lohman agreed. ____________________________ ----- Motion to adjourn: Lohman. Se onded: Rodriguez. Vote: 6-0. nsmemesaaeeameee�s���000��ca� _____ Amount avallable for disburse ent 4th quarter: $20,895 4th quarter is October, Novem er, Oecember 1994. s�=_S_OL�_l37���������..������� ������ . ������_���������� ������ -3- �