94-1588 Council File # - 1 - S O � Green Sheet # ���`r RESOLUTION ITY F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I� , Presented By � Referred to Committee: Date / 1 WHEREAS, the Divi ion of Parks and Recreation administers 2 the applicants and gra ts program established by Ordinance 3 409.235; and 4 WHEREAS, the Yout Programs Fund Advisory Board was formed 5 to implement the admin stration of the ordinance for the 6 Division; and - 7 WHEREAS, the Yout Programs Fund Advisory Board met on 8 October 20, 1994 to ad organizations to the eligible list for 9 the 10% club for 1994; and 10 WHEREAS, New appl cations were approved by the 11 Youth Programs Fund Ad isory Board 12 History Day upport Group 13 NOW, THEREFORE, B IT RESOLVED, that the proper City 14 officials are hereby r quested to promulgate an approved list of 15 eligible organizations,for the 1994 Charitable Gambling 10% Club. Ye_a Nays Ab ent Blakey l� Requested by: Grimm _ _ ,� Guerin Divis' n of ecreation Narris Megard Rettman By: "�� Th un e Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � L� Adopt'on Certified by Council ecretary By: ' %d — Z7- �� c — � By ,� Approved b,y Mayor or Sub ssion to Council Approved b M D �� �1 � � � � By: By: I �� / q�f -158$ No 2 8�316 �'; DEPAR7IAENT NC�I. DATE INITU 0 ,q Pa� �� ��t�� �o/z�/� �REEN �.�3#iEE °i carrncr e oew►nr�ar � � � cm couNCi� � �� Eric 'Ihonnson 266-6362 �+N crn�rroa�er [�cmrc�pK � ' M oN c �� [] eueoer o�� � �. e� �r. se�wces �. � ;' Nov+ember 2, 1994 . o " 0 � R 1�') "",�" �„`� i$] ` ; � TOTAL � OF 810NATURE PAstiEB CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FGfl Sifi{MATlJRE) f � ACTION REQUEBTED: . 3 Approval of or�,aniza ian to tt�e 1994 107o List of Eligible Reci�ients. � ; � ti. � � � � � � ' RECOMI�A�NDATION8: Appow lA1 a Re�ct !Rl PERSONAL SERVICE CONTI�ACTB MUST ANSWEII TNE FOLIAWINd QllfSTiONB: _ PLANNINO CQIAMISSION C N1� BERVICE CO�AM 7. Hss dlqe penOnRirm eve► worlad tutder s ContrACt ftN this d�pltrUnsnt4 � � s CIB t�MMI1TEE A—�Ot3.'Ch FlIIld BOdl'� YES 1+� 4 i A 2. Hes m+s �s«►m� «� nssn a cny em�oy�� ;� — �� — YES NO � _ DISTRICT c�uRT _ 3. Does Mis psrooMirm poaets a skUl noE nortna�r possesud by eny cumnCdty 4 ; � BUPPORTS NAdK�i COUtrC�l OBJECrnE9 YES NO � � Ezplain ali y�� msw�rs on Np�nt� N�t and �ok to �n Nn�t � _ �a a � INITIATIN�i PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOl1TUNITY (YNp. Whet� Whett. . WhY): Cwncil has rec�uested that 10% List of IIigible R,ecipients be u�dated an ar� 1� ; basis. Zhese orgariiza.tians will ad�ad to the list of or�aiiizaticros w�ii�i�,�p�ecei direct charitable ga�lin� dQnati . i ; ; ocr 3 � �94 � ; ; � � �� MA�Y�R'S OFFICE � � ADYANfAOES IF APPfiCVED: � Organization ma.y re ive direct charitable gambling do�atians in 1994. '� ;� `� �� � � � � � - � � DI8ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: : � g -,,,,y� � � NOi'le . ��rM �.�i11 � 1 � i . � � OCT 31 1994 � � I � � � . -- � , ois�ov�wr,�aES tF rior �ROVeo: g � Organizatian would t be eli�ible to receive direct charitable gambl� � dana.tians which w�uld result in r quality youth oro;rams. � '' ;, � � � .� TOTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSACTtON i COS`f/RfVENUE SUDGlTEp (GIRCLE ONf) 1fES NO RUNDi410 SOURCE AGTlYITY lWMSER FINANCIAL iNFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ; 'y t � � � � � � �� �� �10TE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDE� IN THE GR�EN SHEET INSTR�IC1'�E3NA1. MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHOPIE NO. 298�i) ' � � UTING ORDER: ` aro oor►aet rouBngs Ior ths thre m�t ireque�t types o( documeMS: ; ACTS (assumes authorized budgst exisis) COUNCIL f�8t3UlTION (AmMd &idpafs/Aoo�pt. aranb) , putside qgsncy . t. Deparbn�t Di�ac�or . Depanment Director 2. Budpet Df�ector . City Attorrby 3. Ciry Attomey . Mayor (for conEncts over i15,00Q) 4. MayoNAssistent . Human Riyhta (for conUacts ovsr ib0,000) 5. Ciry Cound . F �� and�� t Servicsa Dirsctor 6. Chief Accountant, Fin�noe and Mans�ement Senrioes DMINISTRATIVE OR�ERS (Budgst Fievislon) COUNCIL RESOLUTtON (e�l o�srs, and OrdinanC�e) y�. Activiry Manager 1. Department Oirector r; . �epactmen! Accountant 2. Cft�r Ariorney . Department Diroclor 3. Meyo► Asslatant ;. Budget drectot 4. Cfy Council , . City Cierk . Chbf Ac�untant, Ffnanos and Servfcss INISTRATIVE CIRDERS (all otMersj � . Oepa►tment` Dkecbr . Ctry Anorney . Finance and Management Services Di�ector . City Clerk OTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES ndicate the #ot pages on which aignatures are required and p�p�ellp or fl�p of tlNS� pp�s. CTION RE�UESTEO ;,�g scribe what the projecthequeat aseka to acco�tish tn either chronologi- ; i order a order oi importance, whichever is m�t appropriate for the e. Oo not write complete aeMencsa. Bogin ead► ilem in your list with ve►b. . � ECOMMENDATIONS � plete it the isaue in question has bes� prosented betore any body� Publ� � �� r p�ivate. �� ' y UPPORTS WMICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� ,° ate wl�cfl Council objscth►e(s) your projecthequest suppona by Nating •� e key word{s) (HOUSfN(3, FIECREATION, NEt(3HBORHOODS, ECQMOMIC OEVELOPMENT, U�GET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPIETE U&T IN IN$TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) ERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: a i�formadon will be used to detenr►ine the city's IiabNiry tor workera compsnsetbn daim�. tax�s and proper civit �rvic� hi�y n�sa. ' � NRIATIN(i PROBLEM, IS3UE, OPROATUNITY xplain tfie situat�n cx conditbns N�at cteated a neeA for your project r request � DVANTACiES IF APPROVED ndicete whether this is simpy an annual budget procedure required � law/ harter or whethe� thers aro specitic ways M which the City of SeiM Paul nd ita citizens wiil beneSt trom thia projeci/action. ISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED :; at negative eHects or major chanyes to existing or past processes mi�ht s projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., traNic deiays, noise, increases a asaessments)? To WhomT Wh�4 For how long? ` { ; ISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED d; at wiii be the negative consequences Ii the promised action la �ot ' �oved? Inabiliy to delhrer service? Condnued high Naf(ic, nofse, ent rate� Loss of revenue9 INANCIAL IMPACT ' Ithough you must tailor the irttormation you provide here to the issue you �; ro, addressing, in general you must answer two ques�s: How much is it : I � oing to cost? Who ia gd�9 � Pay� 1 . ,, q� � ��8 Interdepartmental emorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL October 27, 1994 T0: Na y Anderson - Coun il Research Center F . ric Thompson RE: Resolutions for Histo y Day Support Group Upon request of City Counci , the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board re- reviewed the 1994 10% Club nd grant applications for History Day Support Group at their October 20th meeting. The Youth Programs Fund Adv sory Board moved to support their original approval of both applicatio s which was made at their August 18th meeting. The attached resolutions su port the Board's recommendation to City Council to approve History Day Support Group to the 1994 10% Club list and approve the Board's recommendation to a prove grant funds in the amount of $967.00 If there are any questions, please call me at 266-6362. cc. Judy Barr ; ,. � "'i `� � City of Saint Paui Y PR F D,A�D 1' RY B ARD 17 W. th St., Saint Paul, MN 66102 -- 266-6362 M/NUTES SUBJECT: YOUTH P OGRAMS FUND ADVISORY BOARD October 20, 1994 ATTENDING: Billy C llins, Travis Logan, Jennifer 6oticevich, Jim Kel ey, Michael Lohman, Diana Rodriguet� John Rozek, M1ke Sp rr, Gia Westermeyer. ABSENT: K1m Br1 ht, Eileen Ciuraru, Gwen Gordon. EXCUSED: None. NOTE: This me ting was scheduled to review draft revisions to ordlnan e 409.23 of the Legislative Code. Revisions were prepare by Parks and Recreation staff after meeting with the Bva d in August. final language will be drafted by City Attorne 's office. This al o marked the first meeting for new Board members John Ro ek, Youth Ward-4; and Kim Bright, Adult At-Large. The Boa d was asked to re-review their recommendation in August or History Oay Support Group. Additionally, they revtewe a reallocation request for Boosters East. COPIES T0: RoberC iram, Judy �arr, Vince Gillespie, Youth Programs Fund Ad lsory Board, Mayor's Office. SUBMITTED BY: Eric Th pson. MEETING START TIME: 6:00 .M. MEETING STOP TIME: 6:52 P.M. Judy Barr, Manager of Sup ort Services for Parks and Recreation was present to facilitate the revlew of he redrafted ordlnance. PREVIOUS MONTH'S MINUTES: otion for approval of August 1994 minutes: Sperr. Seconded: Rodriguei. Vote: 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Staff updated the status f the Youth Nrograms fund for 1994. Figures indtcate a disbursement amount of S 0,895 available for 4th quarL'er 1994. October is the first month of the 4t quarter. The 6oard will review 4th quarter application and recommend isbursements at the Novemt�Nr• 11tFi ineeLing. Post-IY Fax Note 7s7i ���� pe To From � � )C Co./Depl. Co. P �� q PhOf16 P 9'/ [�/_ �,Z c...ar�c. - w Fax M Fex p "I�1r"'I�O YPFAB Meeting: 10/20/94 Continued NEW BUSINESS: C1ty Council request to re-revlew the 3rd quarter grant application and l0Y applic tion for History Day Support Group. Staff explained the issueslvoiced by Ann Cieslak from Councilrnember Bobbi Megard's office. The issue�they are concerned with is teachers from a particular school working ith students from that same school to form a group eligible to receive fundin for their program. 7heir concern is that this type �f program may not be open to youth from throughout St. Paul. Collins meni;iunecl Lhal council had held-over the other approved organiZations so council could examine this further. Collins had concerns about council holding up the checks for other or anizations just to review concerns over one. There was some dlscussion as to hether this organization's initial intent was to open programming up for all St. Paul youth. There is no way to prove they didn't. Collins said he is not comfortable denying either application. If council doesn't feel the o anization meets the requlrements, then they should be the ones to deny the ap lications, not force the Board to carry-out their wishes, Kelley felt it 1s uncil's fault for opening the ordinance up in the firsl; place. Lohman mentl ed that the organlzation finished 2nd in their competition. Bozicevich moved to support the 8oard�s original approval recommendation from August. Seconded: Rodriguez. Vote: 7-0. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REVISIO : Judy Barr provided a breakdown of the trends identified by the Board at heir July meeting. Staff provided a draft re-write with the proposed changes. arr took the Board through each revision and asked for comments, sug estions and feedback. Primary revisions include: - Use of iscal agent for unincorporated organization only once per/ ear. Subsequent applications must reflect the organizat on's attempt to become incorporated non-profit. - Nine (9 month "cut-off°�date for which organization must su�mit Lh ir receipts for previously awarded grants and/or direct do ations received. - Youth F nd Board may adapt the Rules & Regulations for the fund annu lly, to coincide with the amount of funding available for disbursement. - Funding limits for grants per/quarter will fluctuate with the amoun of funding available for disbursement - To be announced at the start of the calendar year. - Licensi g office will be (and already 1s) the department which wil mail quarterly 10% Eligible recipients list to gambling rganizations. � - Annual 0% Eligibility applicatiion will be streamlined form form 1 application to resubmission ofi current informati n. Logan felt the ordinance ne ds to clearly define "lawful purposes" in regards to 10% dSrect donations. Gr ups need to know that the same standards apply for grant funds as well as for irect donations. -2- .. .. �. . ... .. W �� n 1 tl. L(. 3 7 7 9 1 3= 17 tl r. S ' ` A�-IS� YPFAB Meeting: 10/20/94 Contlnued � Other discussion topics inc uded what to do with duplicate programs and organizations which are eac part of a larger umbrella organization. There was an additlonal re est that staff include coples of the current 10% Club llst for 1994 with th November review packets. Stafi'f will provide requested information. Collins did not ask for a formal motion. There was general consensus to proce with sending the draft to the City Attorney's offlce for formal review a language clarlflcations. Staff will report progress at the November m ting. �valuat9on process for Nov ber Staff distributed a breakd n of the review and evaluation process identified by Mike Nahm at the August eeting. Kelley moved that the Board review thls process and vote at the No mber meeting. Seconded: Logan. Vote: 7-0. Process for Review of 1995 l0% E11g1bi11ty Applications Staff reminded the Board t t in past years the process for review of the upcoming years' applicatio usually began in November with a special review period in December. Dependi g on what happens with the proposed ordinance changes, Staff recommends e Board continue the same process as in previous years. Staff will schedule a"training session", and the Board can meet in December to review 1995 lU° Glub applications. Lohman moved to continue a'in past years. SecondeG: Rodriguez. Vote: 7-0. Open Lohman mentioned that he s ill is interested in pursuing an influx ofi money into the fund. Speclf1ca11 „ he would like to continue working on the creation of a"scratch-off" ticket r Saint Paul with proceeds going directly into the Youth Programs Fund. Golli s asked if Lohman could provide all the infiormation he has gathered to date an , give to staff to copy and distribute to all Board members. Lohman agreed. �_________________________ _________ Motion to adjourn: Lohman. Seconded: Rodriguez. Vote: 6-0. easen��aaneasaen�m���ove�o,=�==nc:== Amount avallable for disbu sement 4th quarter: $20,895 4th quarter is October, No ember, December 1994. !_Z___OL� G 7'___'_ _'����� �����___ . -3- .� ,:.,�--- � City of Saint Paul City Council Investigation and Research Center Suite 310, City Hall G�j _ 15 g � Saint Pa612M2G6-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL ME ORANDUM DATE: October 21, 1994 TO: Eric Thompson Parks and Recre ion Division FROM: Nancy Anderson Assistant Council Secretary SUBJECT: City Council Acti n on October 19, 1994. Items 27 and 28 ( ouncil File Nos. 94-1472 and 94-1473) I am confirming our telephon conversation yesterday, notifying you that "History Day Support Group" was laid over t November 2, 1994, City Council Agenda. During the City Council meeti g on Wednesday, October 19th, Councilmember Megard indicated she didn't believe the istory Day Support Group application met the guidelines, and asked that the application e sent back to the Youth Fund Board for their scrutiny. The balance of the resolutions re adopted, as amended, by deleting "History Day Support Group". '� If necessary, two resolutions ne d to be submitted for the November 2nd Agenda, and they also requested that you or a re esentative be present at that meeting to answer questions, etc. If you have any questions, plea contact me. Thanks. NA