94-1587 Council File # q '� s nRI�If�AL ^ � Green Sheet # �f3� RESOLUTION CI SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' _, 7 ` > r-----1' Presented y � Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint ul, Ramsey County and Independent School District 625 2 desire to continue their efforts to obt ' a joint Disparity Study as previously indicated in CF 90- 3 2132 and CF 93-1789; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Joint Powers l oard has appointed the City's Chief Accountant as the fiscal 6 agent for the Joint Powers Board; an 7 8 WHEREAS, bids have been re ived by the Joint Powers Board and the Board has authorized 9 appropriate staff to enter into a con ct with BBC Inc. to perform such a study. 10 11 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT SOLVED, that the budget for such study is hereby amended 12 to reflect the costs to each participa ' g agency; City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and the 13 Independent School District 625 -$7 ,109 each and the Port Authority -$5,000, for a total of 14 $233,327. 15 16 FURTHER RESOLVED, that he City of Saint Paul recognize the following financing and 17 spending for the project. 18 19 Current Amended 20 Bud�et Changes Bud�et 21 , 22 FINANCING PLAN 23 100 Community Development Bl ck Grant Fund 24 100-37816-3699-61366 Reven 25 from Ramsey County 0 76,109 76,109 26 100-37816-3699-61366 Reven from 27 ISD #625 I 0 76,109 76,109 28 100-37816-3699-61366 Reven from 29 Port Authority j 0 S�QQ 5,000 30 Change to Financing Plan 157,218 31 . I q�-.i�'1 32 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 100 Community Development Bl ck Grant Fund 35 100-37816-0219-61366 Target d 36 Vendor Study 100,000 133,327 233,327 37 100-37818-0558-61999 Unspe 'fied 38 Contingency I 778,563 23,891 802,454 39 Change to Spending Plan 157,218 a e Ye �� t Requested y Depart ent of: � rimra uerin arris e ar e man � une B � Adopted by Council: Date- Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary Form Approved by City Attorney By: � � � Approved by ay r: e 1 � �� • Approve Mayo or Submission to g Counci B i � _ . �1'+-t��''1 _ . , � DA IN D � F�e � `� Services - 1D 26 96 � �EEN SHEET N_ 2 186 8 � (''� qEpf�qTtAENT WRECT�O ��� CITY QOUNCIL IN WV1TE � Ji# �ei ��� 266-88fl • "uw" `"' cmr eTroFw� ; cm a.EnK; IL ( �� BUDOET WAECTOR � FlN. � MOT. 8ERVICEB DIR. .� � � OIIDEII MAYOR (OR ASSI8TANT) �� TOTAL #t OF StCiNAT�JRE;PAGES 1 � LIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUFI� � nECUesrEO: ; ' ; Sigoature on Couacil Resolution to budget for Joint Disparity Stndy. ; t � .� � , RECOMMENDI►TIONB: App►w+ W br ReMct (1q PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTd MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINti QUESTION�: ' : _ PuNNiNO CoMM�e8i0N _ Gnn� SERVK:E CO�tISS�oN 1. Has thla psrsonRkm ev�sr wak�d undu a coMract tor � deperbnsnt? � ! YES NO � _ cdB COMMITTEE — 2. Has this person/flrm sver bssn a cNy employeeT � ; -- �� — YES NO _ uisrRicr couRr _ a. oo� tn�s psreomm�n pos..s. a aau noe nonna�b po�s.d br any aur�t ciey emp�oy�.T 8uPPOpTB WMICH COl1NCll OBJECTIVE7 YE3 NO i ' Explain all ya answ�n on ap�rab �M�t �nd �oh to �n�n shNt i INRIATMIO PROBLEM. 188UE. OPPORTUNITV (YVIq. What. VUMn� �NhYY ! Couacil Besolutions 90-2132 and 93 789 provide direction and fundiag for a aaul.ti- ! 4 jurisdictiansl stndy regarding d rities in purchasing services. 8a�sey Co�uaty and e Saint Paul School District will contribute �76,109 for the study and the Port Ant�rity ' vill contribute ;5,�00. The Cit�' sLare is financed with Coss��aity Developsent Dloct � Grant fuads. The attached resolut recogniaes this finsnciteg. � �r��r�t� �cv�wr�a � �arAOVeo: ; The Disparity Stndy vill be able t s�ove for�ard. �AAYOR'S OFFIC� � , � � , , � i OISADVANTAOES IF APPFiOVED: f � � �V� i 1 ` � i � DIBADVANTM�ES IF NOT APPROVED: � i I i � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION i 157 218 COST/REVENUE �1/D�iETEO (CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO I � Beveaiue fros County, I D#625, { , FUNDINO 80URCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER f FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: ( i � � � �: ' ¢ �r � � �: '�� �IOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONA! d 'i ; MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(� OFFICE (PHONE NO. 29&4226). � � �iOUTINO ORDER: � �� �elow are oonect routings for the five most frequent types of documents: ' ��ONTRACTS (assumss authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RE30LUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. (iranb) � ;� �. p� qg��y 1. Deparqnent Director � �. Depertment Director 2. City Attomey ; ;;; �. CRy Attorne�r 3. Budget Director ? -�. Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) 4. MayoNAssistant a' ��. Human Riyhts (Mr contracts over $50,000) 5. City Council ' ��. Finance and Mene�sment Servicea Director 6. Chief AcxountaM, Financs and Managemsnt 3enrfcea � y l?. Finsnoe AccouMMg � - �: �y �4DMINISTRATIVE,ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) � � ='I. Activity Mansger 1. Department Director � � ��. Department Axountant 2. City Attorney � A�, Department Director 3. Mayor Aseistent ��4. Budyet Director 4. City Council �' '�� Ciry Clerk . Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Servi�s � f' DMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � ;, � . Department Dirsctor . Ciry Attomey . Ffnence and Menagement Services Directw ;� . City Clerk F� �TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES � � nd�ate the #�of paQes on which signatur� are requfred and p�pKClip or flag � �ch of th�a pa�s. :f CTION RE�UESTED ;� �SSCribe what the project/request seaks W axompliah in either chronologi- � �� order a order of importance, whichever is most appropriate for the ue. Do not write complete sentenc�s. Begfn eech item in your list with � � -a verb. � �'��.' �RECOMMENDATIONS � � rf the isaue in question has been presented before any body, public � , r private. �' � ' UPPORTS WHiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? � �(ndicate which Council objscNve(s) your proJsct/request supports by Usting E key word(s) (HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIC�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, UD(iET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE �IST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � � tPER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: �This fMormation will be uaed W detartnine ths city'� liability for workers compensation claims, texes and propsr civil service hiNng rules. �P �}. � E� �'INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Explafn the skuatbn or conditions that cxeated a need for your project � r qr request. � �� ;`. �ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �� Indicate whether Mis is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ s�charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul 's end its citizens wlll benefit from this project/action. ' DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED € What neyative effecis or major changes to existing or past processes migM ;: this projecUrequest produce if it is passsd (e.g., traffic delays, noise, �,. �tax increases or assessments)? To Whom? When? For how long? >� +�DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � e� What will be the nepative consequences if the promised action is not � ��approved? Inability to deliver service? Cor�tfnued high traffic, noise, � `� � accident rate? Loss of revenue? � '� S , `�FINANCIAL IMPACT �- Although you must taibr the info►mation you provide here to the issue you � �are,addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it :� � going to oost? Who ia goi� to pey? y � �, eS 3 - A` > •� � � y. '� � ,' � �