94-1586 Return copy to: Council File #����J�p Real Estate Division o R i � � A L ✓ 140 City Hall Green Sheet # 3���0 SOLUTION CtTY SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 oHSZEAS, the City Cou cil adopted Council File — ate 2 October 12, 1994, said esolution being the Ratification of 3 Assessments for: 4 5 —summary abatement in the Thomas—Dale Area from March through 6 June 1994 (J9410TDBC ; 7 —demolition of vacant. buildings for July 1994 (J9410C); 8 —collecting expense f r towing abandoned vehicles from April— 9 June 1994 (J9410V); nd 10 —summary abatement fr m mid—June to August 1994 (J9410A). 11 ' 12 iiHBYSAS, the Legisl tive Hearing Officer recommends the 13 following amendments be ma e t.o the resolution: . 14 15 —1126 Margaret Stree , reduce assessment amoun� to $111.00 16 (J9410A) 17 —682 Fuller Avenue, r duce assessment. by $44.00 to $995.00 and 18 spread payment over 10 years (J9410A) 19 —862 Galtier, spread ayment over 10 years (J9410A) 20 —1669 Van Buren Avenu , spread payment.s over 2 years (J9410A) 21 —1249 Bush Avenue, delete assessment (J9410V) 22 —vacant lot Otto & St wart Avenues, delete assessment (J9410V) 23 —1946 Cott.age Avenue ast, delete assessment (J9410V) 24 —846 Charles Avenue, delete assessment (J9410V) 25 —1029 Sherburne Aven e, delete assessment (J9410V) 26 —401 Van Buren Avenu , delete assessment (J9410V) 27 28 NOi1 THSBSFOBS BB IT B SOLVBD, that Council Resolution �t94-1514 29 be amended as recommended. 30 � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Blake r.� Finan Mana ement Services Gverin arris � Me ar ettman By: n ane Directo�� � � q � � ( Form Approved by City Attorney �p-�� Adopted by Council: Date � �(� / Adoptioa Certified by Council Secretar By' ���� /v �` g'�� � By � Approve by Mayor for Subm ssioa to Council Approved by Date l� � � By: BY� • � : .�. ' Finance De t/Rea Estate Div. 10 19/94 �RE '''N SH�E N° _3 � 3 2 6 i PHON :� DEPMR'Tw1ENT DIREC70R ���� � CRY COUNCIL INITUUWI Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � cm�Troa�v � � cm IL ( � NII R FOR ❑ BUOOET DIRECTOR . 8 AAOT. SF�RVICE8 DIR. MAY�OR (ORA8818TMIT) � � �� TOTAL #E OF SKiNATU1� PAtiE8 1 (CLIP LOCATIONS FOR SIGiNATURE) � ': � ACTION REGUEB'TED: Amend Council Resolution 94-1514 adopt d October:l2, 1994, to reflect changes � � recommended by the Legislative Hearing Officer. . � i I REWMMENDATION8: APD�'a's (A) a Ry�Ct (R) t P 80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST RNSWER THE FO�L0IYINli WlESTIONS: � 1. �s this psnon/firm evsr work�d und�r a c�ntract for tMS dep�rdnsM4 � _ PIANNIWO OOI�MdI8SI0N ._ CML SERVN:E COI�IMISSION - _ CI8 COAAMITTEE _ YES �NO � , � STAFF _ 2. Has th18 persoNflrm sver be�n i t�ty employae? ` YES NO _ DIBTRICT COURT _ 3. Does thfs psrsoNNrm pasess a skNl not normaNY Paees�ed bY �Y �� �Y �P�? � BUPPORTB WMK:F1 COUNCIL OBdECTiVE? YES NO ; N�A Ex in NI yw answ�n on Npwb thNt �nd Nt�ah to OrNn shat ' { � M►ITIATMIO PIi�LEM� 188UE� OPrORTl1NITY (Who. VVhe4 Whsn. Wh�n, NRN1: i Resolution adopted October 12, 1994 (9 -1514) by the City Council regarding summary ; abatement (Item �77 on agenda) totaled $58,156.65 and did mot reflect changes made at the I ' Legislative hearing October 4, 1994. ( eference A item �77). ��� ? i ! ; � , � � � � � � OCT 21 1994 ; �_� t ; novMrT�ES � �qoveo: , i The Council Resolution reflecting the hanges recommended by the Legislative Hearing Officer would allow the Finance Depart ent to collect the assessments beginning with the 1995 property taxes. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: I Based on Leg�.s].ative Hearing Officer's recommendation, a difference of $1,261.SO would result (Reference B) � COU(iC{) �838�! �� � � � OCT � S 1994 ; E � ������o: City would not be able to collect asse sments totaling $56,895.15 until the 1996 property i taxes became payable if re�alled at th October 19, 199.4 �����aring j (Reference C-item 4�`29) ' i 0 C T 19 1994 � OFFICE Of THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FbNANCE A,ND MAN . TOTAL A1ilOUNT Of TRANS�CTION S $1 261 5� COST/AEVENUE SUDOETED (CIRCL£ QFiE) YE$ NO � FUNOINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMdER � ; FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � ; i ' t , i ` NOTE: COMPIETE OIAEGTtON8 ARE INGLUDED IN 7WE fiREEN 8HEET Ip8TRt1CTIONAL MANUAL AVAILJ181.� �l THE PURCHASINta OFFICE (PHONE NO. �}'_ ,: �_ ROUTIMQ ORDER: Below ero corrsd rouunps tor ther Uvs nwst troquent types ot documsMa: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized bud�et exista) COUNQiL RESOWTION (MNrw! Budp�WAoc�pt, �qiMy - . .. _ ` t. outsids I►gency _ : 1. Departrnei,t Direc�r 2. Depatbnsnt Director 2. Budget Dfrector 3. Ciy Altomsy 3. City AtEOmey 4. Mayot (tor 000kaCtE over i15,000) 4. Mayw/Assistant 5. Humart HigMs (toroontracts over E50.000) 5. City Cound • 6. Flne�ce and Ma�apen�►t Ssrvbe¢ Dirsctor 6. .�hief A�ountant Finanoe and Menepement Servioes 7: Flnenee Acc0lmt(np ; ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEYi3 (Budgst Rsvisfon) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (AN btMrs. end �) t. Activiry Manager , 1. Dsparimsnt Director 2. DepeNment AccountaM 2. Cily Altomey 3. Depertmsnt Director 3. Mayor IlssistaM 4. Butfget Director 4. City Cou�cil 5. Cily Clerk - 6. Chiei Accountant, Finance and Manegement Services ADMINI3TRATIYE ORDERS (ali others) 1. Dspartme�t Dkector 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Servk;es Director 4. CUy Cierk TOTAL NUMBER OF S�(3NATllHE PAGES Indicate the �of pasee on which aignatures aro required and pap�rctip or flay �ech ot tMs� pag�s. ACTION REflUESTED Deacrfbe what the projecUrequest seeka to accomplish M eithe� chronologi- cel order or ader of importance, whk�ever is nromt appropriate for the isaue. Do �ot write complete aentencea. Begi� each item in your list with a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS Complste if the fssue in qusatbn has bsen pros�nted betore any body, public or prtvate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indfcate which CoYnCil objsetive(s) you�'proJeCthequeat aupporta by lisifny fhe key word(s) (HQUSFN(i, RECREATION, NEItiHBQRHOODS, ECONOMIC pEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER 8EPMIRATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST 1N INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAI SERy10E CONTRACTS: This infom�ation will be used b dstermina the dry's liabiliry (or workers compensation cleims, taxss end propar dvil8ervics hM� rulsa. INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain tha sRusUon or conditions that croated a need for your project or roquest. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annued budget procedure required by taw/ charbr or whetfisr there are speciNc ways in which the City ot Saint Paul and ita dtizsns wiil OeneNt from �ia pnojscUactlon. DISADVANTACaES IF APPROYED Wha! negative sHects or mejor chanqes to ezisdng or past processea might this P�oject/r'e4�0at P►oduce if it is passed (e.g.� traHic delays, rwise, tax increasss or as�essments)? To Whom1 When? For how long4 - �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO What will be tbe negathre conaeque�es il the promised actfon is not epproved? InaDiliy to deliver serv�e? Continued high traHic, noise, accident rate? Loss oi revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you muat taibr the Uformatbn you provide here to the issue you are, addressing, in general yrou must answer Mro questbna: Flow much is it - 9�9 to cost� YIRa is going to pay? . . � " q4 -16� October 12, 1994 City Council Agenda Page 11 74. Final Order - 94-1511 - In the m tter of the operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting ystem for the East Seventh and Arcade Area for the months of nuary through December 1995. (File # 18634) 75. Final Order - 94-1512 - In the m tter of the operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting ystem for the City Hall-Court House Streetscape Project for th months of January through _ December, 1995. (File # 18709) 76. Resolution Ratifying Assessment 94-1513 - In the matter of the Seventh Place Mall Operation a d Maintenance Costs for 1993. (File #18428-1993) 77. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 94-1514 - In the matter of approving assessments for summ ry abatement in the Thomas- Dale Area from March through une 1994 (J9410TDBC 9611); demolition of vacant buildings f July 1994 (J9410C 9612); collecting expense for towing ab ndoned vehicles from April- June 1994 (J9410V 9613); and s mmary abatement from mid- June to August 1994 (J9410A 9 14). 78. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 94-1515 - In the matter of the operation and maintenance for t e Town Square "Public Spaces" located within Cedar, Seventh, innesota and Sixth Streets for the period of July 1, 1994 to Jun � 30, 1995. (File # 18113-94) ?G r' �� 79. Resolution Ratifying�sessment - 94-1516 - In the matter of operating costs for�standard stre t lighting systems for various areas for the months of January hrough December 1994. (File #18390; 18336,'18321; 18392; 18 30; 18423� 18425,'18434,�18510,� 18525; 18550; 18607,'18590; 185 ; 18612; 18626; 18634xand File # 18709�from the months of Dec mber 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994). 80. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 94-1517 - In the matter of summary abatement from April rough June 1994 at 220 Winona Street East. (Legislativ Hearing Officer recommends reducing assessment to $80.00) 81. Resolution - 94-1518 - Ordering he owner(s) to remove or -`- repair the building at 1543 Dale treet within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. ( gislative Hearing Officer recommends approval) . �� . R �.� En� ti G ���� �' ' RECEIVED 0 C T 1 f 1994 REAL ESTATE D�V�SION MINUTES O LEGISLATTVE HEARINGS October 4, 1994 Room 3 0 City Hall & Courthouse Gerry Strath an, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order by erry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, at 10:00 a.m. Present: Chuck Votel and Maynar Vinge, Public Health Roxanna Flink, Real Est te 1. Resolution ratifying assessment o benefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements for the following: * Property Clean-Up for Mi -June to August, 1994 (J9410A) '�• K* Property Clean-Up in t Thomas/Dale area from March to June, 1994, , (J9410TDBC) f� �K * Demolition of Vacant Bui ings for July, 1994 (J9410C) * To Collect Expenses Invol ed for Towing Abandoned Vehicles from Properties from April to June, 1994 ( 410V) 74 Blair Maynard Vinge, Public Health, revi wed the staff report on this vehicle abatement. Oree Campbell, owner of 740 Blai , appeared. She was not the owner of the vehicle. Someone else was storing it on he property. She indicated she had not received the abatement notice nor was she awar that the vehicle was improperly stored. Mr. Strathman advised Ms Camp ell that storing unlicensed vehicles on property is prohibited and that she was respo 'ble for the vehicle even though she did not own it. The records do indicate she was s nt a notice. Recommendation was to approve the assessment. 1249 Bush .•-� j g:� ���/ No one appeared. Maynard Vinge, Public Health, state that the vehicle had been picked up at the impound lot and that expenses were paid. Hi recommendation was to delete this assessment. Recommendation was to delete the sessment. . - . • � _ . � 682 Fuller Maynard Vinge, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the property. The summary abatement order was mailed to the owner and posted on the site. ��C,� LL`� Dock Cobb, owner appeared. Mr. Cobb stated that he had paid to have the yard cleaned up and showed a cancelled check to prove it. He also indicated that since he didn't even have a car, there was no reason why he would have tires in the yard. He felt they were dumped there by someone else. - C� �`�` � � � pon reviewing the original list of materials from the first inspection, Mr. Strathman nated that tires were not listed, which would suggest the possibility that the tires were not there when the first inspection was done. Recommendation was to reduce the assessment by $44 for the tires and approve the rest of the assessment. The total assessment would be $995. Mr. Cobb requested that he be able to spread the payments out over ten year_s. � ���.���"�862 Galtier / �, �� . �i � No one appeared. Roxanna Flink, Real Estate, reported they had a request for the payments for this assessment to be spread o over ten y ears. Recommendation was to approve the assessment and spread the payments out over ten years. 393 Lafond Avenue No one appeared Recommendation was to approve the assessment. 1126 Mar�aret �. � r • J �� aynard Vinge, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the site. The property owners appeared. They felt there had been a miscommunication as to the length of the extension they had been given to clean up and to what they were actually supposed to clean up. They reviewed the materials that they had cleaned out. There was newly cut apple tree branches in the yard since the inspection. The brush on the alley side of their fence was not visible from the front of the house. They expressed concern that their brush pile had been singled out. They showed pictures of other neighbor's brush piles that still remain. 2 • �� v `� 682 Fuller Maynard Vinge, Public Health, revie ed the staff report and showed a video of the property. The summary abatement ord r was mailed to the owner and posted on the site. ��C�� �i;� Dock Cobb, owner appeared. Mr. Cob stated that he had paid to have the yard cleaned up and showed a cancelled check to pr e it. He also indicated that since he didn't even have a car, there was no reason why h would have tires in the yard. He felt they were dumped there by someone else. - � L/ ��,�`��,•� (`' pon reviewing the original list of mater als from the first inspection, Mr. Strathman noted that tires were not listed, which would s ggest the possibility that the tires were not there when the first inspection was done. Rec mmendation was to reduce the assessment by $44 for the tires and approve the rest of the sessment. The total assessment would be $995 Mr. Cobb requested that he be able to read the payments out over te_ n year_s. ► \ �� ; ��862 Galtier / �, �k\'�'�� . �� � �� � No one appeared. Roxanna Flink, Real Estate, reported �they had a request for the payments for this assessment to be spread out over ten ye rs. Recommendation was to approve the essment and spread the payments out over ten years. 393 Lafond Avenue ' No one appeared Recommendation was to approve the as essment. 1126 Margaret � ��\0� r ,,,� � \ ^� aynard Vinge, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the site. The property owners appeared. They f t there had been a miscommunication as to the length of the extension they had been g en to clean up and to what they were actually supposed to clean up. They reviewed th materials that they had cleaned out. There was newly cut apple tree branches in the yard ince the inspection. The brush on the alley side of their fence was not visible from the fro of the house. They expressed concern that their brush pile had been singled out. They sh wed pictures of other neighbor's brush piles ihat still remain. 2 q� "��J�O Mr. Strathman stated it appeared t ey had made an attempt to clean up the yard and that the only thing in the original orders that had not been removed was the brush on the alley side of the fence. Because the brus was actually removed by the City his recommendation was to reduce the assessment by h f. Total assessment would be $111. 242 Maria Avenue No one appeared. Recommendation was to approve t e assessment. 1064 Marshall Avenue No one appeared ', Recommendation was to approve t e assessment. Vacant lot at Otto & Stewart ;� � ��� Maynard Vinge, Public Health, rep rted that since the City had issued this order to the wrong PIN number, their recomme dation was not the assess the property. Recommendation was that because mproper notification was given this abatement should be deleted. 700 6th Street East No one appeared Recommendation was to approve th assessment. ��'�� 669 Van Buren Avenue � No one appeared Roxanna Flink, Real Estate, indicat they had a request to spread the payments out over tw� Recommendation was to approve th assessment and to spread the payments out over two years. Chuck Votel, Public Health, presen ed a list of addresses to be deleted. The following addresses are to be deleted becaus the vehicles were picked up and fees paid at the impQund lot: 1946 otta e Avenue E s 4 h rles Av nue 102 Sherburne Aven 401 �� �-� � � � . a� �-�� Van Buren Avenue 2. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements for the following: (�`���roperty Clean-Up at 220 Winona St. E. (J9409AAA) Maynard Vinge, Public Health reviewed the staff report and showed a video Judith Lardani, owner, appeared. She indicated they had been rehabing the building and had a dumpster for several months. When they received the abatement order they did clean it up. She felt that the debris that was picked up by the City was not the debris that was on the first order. Mr. Strathman stated that it did appear an attempt had been made to clean up and that the since the video was not clear as to what was being cleaned up, his recommendation was going to be to reduce the assessment. His reconunendation was to charge $80 for sending the crew out and not for the disposal cost. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 560 Burgess Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that this property had been laid over for two weeks at the September 20 Legislative Hearings meeting. However, on September 28, Council approved the resolution and amended the resolution from 15 days to 180 days to allow the owner to complete the rehabilitation. Work has been started on the building and it is now secured. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1�43 Dale St. No. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report. The building has been vacant since 1988. Lyn Johnson, daughter of the owner, Jim Hanton, Attorney for Johnson, and Ms Knobbie, neighbor appeared. Mr. Hanton indicated Ms Johnson has been attempting to remove the personal effects of her mother from the home so that the property can be sold. Her mother is in a nursing home and the money from the sale of the house would be needed to fund nursing home costs. Ms Johnson would be willing to bring in exterminators for pest infestation and secure the structure. 4 . � � q� �-�� . Van Buren Avenue I � 2. Resolution ratifying assessment of b nefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements for the following: (�`��.�roperty Clean-Up at 22 Wi ona t. E. (J9409AAA) Maynard Vinge, Public Health reviewe the staff report and showed a video Judith Lardani, owner, appeared. She dicated they had been rehabing the building and had a dumpster for several months. V�h n they received the abatement order they did clean it up. She felt that the debris that was icked up by the City was not the debris that was on the first order. Mr. Strathman stated that it did appear n attempt had been made to clean up and that the since the video was not clear as to wh was being cleaned up, his recommendation was going to be to reduce the assessment. is recommendation was to charge $80 for sending the crew out and not for the disposal c t. 3. Resolution ordering tl�e owner to re I ' ove or repair the referenced building, located at �60 Burgess Street. If the owner fail to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported th t this property had been laid over for two weeks at the September 20 Legislative Hearin s meeting. However, on September 28, Council approved the resolution and amended t resolution from 15 days to 180 days to allow the owner to complete the rehabilitation. W rk has been st�rted on the building and it is now secured. � 4. Resolution ordering the owner to re ove or repair the referenced building, located at 1543 Dale St. No. If the owner fails o comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buil ing. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed th I staff report. The building has been vacant since 1988. Lyn Johnson, daughter of the owner, Jim anton, Attorney for Johnson, and Ms Knobbie, neighbor appeared. Mr. Hanton indicated Ms Johnson has b l en attempting to remove the personal effects of her mother from the home so that the p operty can be sold. Her mother is in a nursing home and the money from the sale of th house would be needed to fund nursing home costs. Ms Johnson would be willing to bri in exterminators for pest infestation and secure the structure. 4 i . _ q�k -- l5� Mr. Strathman asked if they could ive him a specific time the building would be ready to be marketed. He was willing t defer making a recommendation at this time if a cominitment could be made that th house would be cleaned up, both exterior and interior, and ready to be marketed in two eeks. Mr. Hanton stated they could not ake a specific commitment as to the amount of time it would take. He estimated it could take from three to six months. Ms. Knobbie, neighbor, appeared d testified that the house is a nuisance and should be - removed. Mr. Strathman's recommendation as to proceed with demolition and advised Mr. Hanton and Ms Johnson they could appeal the case at Council on October 12. 5. Resolution ordering the owner remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1179 Hancock Street. If the o er fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove th building. No one appeared. I Recommendation was to proceed th demolition. 6. Summary Abatement Order - 34 Duke Street Maynard Vinge, Public Health, revi wed the staff report and showed pictures. Todd Cherveny, owner, appeared. indicated he has been rehabing the building and that debris in the yard was refuse from ide the building. He has inquired about putting a dumpster along side of the house, b t was told he couldn't put one there because it would be on adjacent property. He also i dicated that he was not being given enough time to clean up. Mr. Strathman advised Mr. Cherven that he needs to have proper storage or remove the items, not just leave them in the yar . His recommendation was to deny the appeal. Meeting adjourn at 11: a.m. Gerry trathman � .. ��I `C' lr(�11 \I a��-�� October 19, 1994 City Council Agend Page 5 28. Resolution - 94-1473 - Appro g disbursement of Youth Program Funds in the amount f$20,895 to Boosters East, Inc., Downtown Community Develo ment Council, Duluth & Case Booster Club, Eastside Wrestli g Organization, Eastview Booster Club, Edgcumbe Community ockey Booster Club, History Day Support Group, Margaret Boo ter Club, Mariucci Inner City Hockey, North Star Speedskat' g Club, Orchard Park Booster Club, Phalen Youth Club, Ric Recreation Youth Club, St. Paul _ _ Ice Ringette Club, Sports for ife, Summit/U Girls' Athletic Association, Thunder Spirit ge, Wilder Youth Club, and Young Life-St. Paul Metro. ( id over from October 12) 29. Resolution Ratifying Assessme t- 94-1514 - In the matter of approving assessments for su ary abatement in the Thomas- Dale Area from March throug June 1994 (J9410TDBC 9611); demolition of vacant buildings or July 1994 (J9410C 9612); collecting e�cpense for towing andoned vehicles from April- June 1994 (J9410V 9613); an summary abatement from mid- June to August 1994 (J9410A 614). (Public hearing held October 12 and adopted) Res lution to be reconsidered with recommendations of the Legisl tive Hearing Officer as follows: 682 Fuller Avenue - Reduce as essment by $44.00 to $995.00 and spread payments over ten year (J9410A) 1126 Margaret Street - Reduc assessment to $111.00 (J9410A) 862 Galtier - Spread payment over ten years (J9410A) 1669 Van Buren Avenue - Spr d payments over two years (J9410A) The following are to be delete 1249 Bush Avenue; vacant lot tto & Stewart Avenues; 1946 Cottage Avenue East; 846 Cha les Avenue; 1029 Sherburne Avenue; 401 Van Buren Avenu (J9410� ORDINAl`TCES 30. Final Adoption - 94-1310 - An ordinance amending the Legislative Code by adding a ovision which would declare graffiti a blighting influence o the community and that the presence of graffiti constitutes public nuisance subject to the summary abatement procedur contained in Chapter 45. (Recalled from City Operation Committee September 14)