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Council File # "I�t' S� � ORIGINAL � Green Sheet # q�0�' ESOLUTION CITY OF S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� . - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING AMLNDMENT OF THE REDEVELOPMENT P AND TAR INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN OF THE NEW HOUSING AN BLIGHTED IANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1 WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Counci I File Nos. 276969 and 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, 2 the Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment 3 Financing Plan (the "Plans") and th New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Pro�ect 4 (the "Pro�ect") and Tax Increment D strict (the "District") therein provided for 5 encompassing the provision of new h using, including housing for low and moderate income 6 persons and families, on eighteen s parate, blighted sites with tax increment financing 7 assistance; and 8 9 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 2802 adopted April 26, 1983, the City Council modified 10 the Tax Increment Financing Plan fo the District by authorizing housing financial 11 assistance by means of an Interest ate Reduction Program, and by its Resolution No. 84- 12 1266, adopted September 20, 1984, t e City Council amended the Plans and Pro3ect and 13 District by enlarging the boundarie of the Etna-Birmingham site; and 14 15 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 86-1 83, adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council 16 modified the Plans for the District'�by deleting and adding certain sites to the District 17 to create a sum total of nineteen s parate, blighted sites for new housing; and 18 19 WHEREAS, there has been submitted t this meeting a Proposal to Amend the New Housing 20 and Blighted Lands Development Pro� ct and Plans consisting of fifty-two (52) pages, two 21 (2) site maps (Exhibit A and B), li ting of tax parcels to be added to the Pro�ect 22 (Exhibit E), potential parcels to b acquired in the Pro3ect area (Exhibit F), a 23 Schedule of Sources of Revenue to nance Public Costs and Bonded Indebtedness (Exhibit 24 I), a Proposed Budget for the Tax I crement Financing Plan (Exhibit J), and an 25 attachment containing the specific endments to the Plans; and 26 27 WHEREAS, the Proposal to Amend wou : 1) expand the Project area by adding 447 tax 28 parcels ("the "Expanded Project Ar ")located ad�acent to the Tax Increment District, 29 Railroad Island, Site # 11 to the development Plan�t�rr , and 2) increase estimated 30 Project expenditures within the Di trict and Expanded Pro�ect Area permitting the 31 construction of public improvement , site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the 32 construction or rehabilitation of ow and moderate income housing, but not establish any 33 new captured assessed value to be etained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of 34 the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota the "Authority"); and 35 36 WHEREAS, said Proposal to Amend th Redevelopment Plan identifies the basis for 37 qualifications of the Expanded Pro ect Area as redevelopment and housing districts as 38 defined in Minnesota Statutes Sect on 469.174, Subdivision 10 and 11 respectively, the 39 impact of the proposed amendment t effected taxing jurisdictions and the changes in the 40 Plans resulting from the proposed xpanded Pro�ect Area and revised proposed 41 expenditures for the Amended Proje t; and 42 A� � r5�7a 43 WHEREAS, the Authority has provided n opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of 44 Commissioners, the individual Ramsey;County Commissioners representing the Expanded 45 Pro�ect Area, and the Board of Indep ndent School District No. 625 to meet with the 46 Authority and has presented copies o the Proposal to Amend by cover letter dated 47 September 26, 1994, including an est mate of the fiscal and economic implications of tt�e 48 Proposal to Amend the Plans; and 49 50 WHEREAS, the Authority submitted th I Proposal to Amend to the District 5 Planning 51 Council and received a favorable re ommendation; and 52 � 53 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 94-4�, adopted July 8, 1994, the Saint Paul Planning 54 Commission approved the Proposal to;Amend the Plans upon findings of need for provision 55 of to increase the supply of qualit housing for all income groups, indicated its 56 support for the Proposal to Amend t e Plans and recommended its adoption by the 57 Authority; and 58 59 WHEREAS, the Authority by its Resol tion No. 94-10/12-5, adopted October 12, 1994, 60 determined that the Expanded Projec Area constitutes blighted land under Minnesota 61 Statutes Section 469.02, Subdivisi 11, that the Expanded Project Area constitutes a 62 redevelopment district under Minne ta Statutes Section 469.174 Subdivision 10(1) and 63 housing district under Minnesota S� tutes Section 469.174 Subdivision 11, that the 64 amendment of the Plans would impro e the financial feasibility of redevelopment of 65 existing and new sites for housingi thereby removing conditions of blight and 66 alleviating a shortage of adequate� suitable housing for low and moderate income 67 persons, and in the public interes and necessary to accomplish the purposes and 68 objectives of the Plans approved t e Proposal to Amend; and 69 70 WHEREAS, the City Council has rece�ved public comment from all interested parties at a 71 public hearing conducted on the Pr posal to Amend the Plans , October 26, 1994, upon 72 notice published in the Saint PauliPioneer Press on October 12, 1994, has reviewed the 73 reasons and data set forth in the roposal to Amend supporting the findings and 74 determinations hereafter set fort i, and has considered the findings and recommendations 75 of the affected taxing districts, he Planning Commission, and the Authority, and other 76 information available to it and w Ithin the knowledge of the Council Members; now 77 therefore, be it 78 79 RESOLVED, by the Council of the C ty of Saint Paul, in view of the foregoing, hereby 80 approved as findings, that the fo lowing further findings are hereby made: 81 82 1. Upon the evidence presented i the public hearing and upon the data, information, 83 and statistical evidence specific lly stated in the Proposal to Amend and supplemental 84 information gathered by the build ngs conditions survey and other information available 85 to and knowledge of the Councilme bers, that the Expanded Project Area singularly, and 86 together with the other sites of he New Housing and Blighted Lands Development District 87 constitute blight within the pro sion of Minnesota Statutes Section 469.002, 88 Subdivision 11, a Redevelopment strict within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes 89 Section 469.174 10 (1) and a Hou ing District within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes 90 Section 469.174 Subdivision 11, d that the Expanded Pro�ect Area and the District, 91 collectively, constitute a Redev lopment Pro�ect within the meaning of Minnesota 92 Statutes Section 469.002 Subdivi ion 14; 93 94 2. That the amended Pro,ject and would not be made available for redevelopment, 95 nor could the provision of new 1 w and moderate income housing thereon reasonable be 96 expected to occur solely throughiaction by private enterprise within the reasonably 97 foreseeable future without the u e of tax increment and the other public assistance 98 sought and to be provided under he amended Pro�ect Financing and District Tax Increment 99 Financing Plans; 100 101 3. That the proposed developme and redevelopment within the Expanded Pro�ect Area has 102 not occurred nor would occur so ly through private investment within the reasonably 103 foreseeable furture without sig ificant public financial, that usual sources of public �� �r�'1a 104 revenue are nont adequate or availa le to provide the required level of such public 105 assistance and that, therefore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the 106 Proposal to Amend the Tax Increment Financing Plan is necessarry to the accomplishment 107 of the development and redevelopmen of the Expanded Pro3ect Area and District in 108 accordance with the Project and Dis rict Plans; 109 110 4. That the amended Project will a ford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound 111 needs of the community as a whole f r the provision of new housing by redevelopment of 112 the Amended Pro�ect Area and Distri t; 113 114 5. That the amended Redevelopment lan and Tax Increment Financing Plan conform to the 115 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the eneral plan for the development of the community as 116 a whole; � 117 118 6. That the implementation of the ended Pro�ect and Redevelopment Plan will not 119 result in the displacement of indiv duals and families because adequate relocation 120 housing and financial assistance wi 1 be made available under applicable State and 121 Federal laws; � 122 123 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the amended l edevelopment Pro�ect and the amended Redevelopment 124 and Tax Increment Financing Plans f r the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment 125 Pro�ect and Plans are hereby approv d as submitted and the Authority is directed to file 126 copies of the amended Pro�ect and P ans and this Resolution with the Minnesota 127 Department of Revenue and the Ramse County Department of Taxation and Records 128 Management. � 129 130 131 Yea Na Ab ent Requested by Department of: uerin � arris e ar rimm e man � % une _ a ev � By. � ������ � Adopted by Council: Date I ` 1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry �� � � By : � c� ay: a ;. Approved by ayor: Date `' � Approved by, r for Su mission to Council �.' / B � � �' � ���C �- � �. _ y� B - - - y � �. ; �. - �L����/ � � o �� �► f� N_ 2 910 �6 � GREE�i SNEE ; : �cT a 3� ox�c�ro�u���avt�� � cm couHCx. �m�uo� ;: Allen Csrlson 666�6 rrv�rronHEr�� � Ocmc�ac �< MU E Il BY ( � � G. BO St C�ffi ,� FMI. A MfiT. SERVICE3 DIR. ; October 26. 1994 ruuvoR ca+,►esrsr�rn � r �� ,:. TOTAL #E OF SIONATURE AAGE8 . 1 (CLI ALL LOCA710NS FOR B�t�NATURE) t ` ACTION REQUESTED: � ' `. Public hearing to approve a Resolutio approving..amendment of the Redevelopment Plan and t �' E Tax Increment Financing Plan of the N w Housing and Blighted L�ns Redevelopment Pro�ect. ;\ . � ;. �: RECOA�IEMDATfONA: APpow (A1 a Ry�t (R) P RSOlii1L BERVICEtANT11ACT8 MUST A!(3MIER TNE ROLLt�NINO al1l�TIONB: i A PI.ANNINO o0MMi8SiON _ Crv� 8E�vrCE CoMMiss� i. H�s this p�noNNnn ewr worked under a ooMract tor tlda d�partment? I ?' _ C� COMMITTEE � � � , A $RA 2. Hes this persoMflrm s� bMn w dty employes? � F; � — �'� — YES NO I i ' _ o�TF+�Ci c�URr _ 3. Doea this psnoMNrm pos�e a ekUl nW normalh P�d � a�Y ��Y �� I SuPP�T8 wHlpi � O�CnvE� YES NO : Housing n al� ris answ�n on s�p�►atr ihset aad � ta qrwn d�t I �' f s; t� �NITIATINO PROBLEM. �SSUE. OrPORTUNIIY (WhO. VN�N. WtM11. WINM. VNtY) ! The impetus.£or amending the Plans is the result of the finding� of a Small.Area Plan don on the Railroa�i Island Neighborhood.n rth of East Seventh Street snd West of Payne Avenue �, The neighhorhood has intensive blight hich can not be efim3m�:ted wt��iout public financin �'. assistanc2. �• I.' � t � #'. ADVANTAOE8IF APPNOVED: � , � ' The amendments allow the expenditures f tax increments s;enerated by the tax increment fi an in district, to the expanded project are o€ the Railroad Island neighborhood. � � Cc�ur�C� F�seardt � � , . �GT 1 ? i994 ' � i cis�ov�wr�es ��o,�eo: i � The amount of funds available for red elopment activities in the othl�r s � tax increment districts will be reduc . ��nC'� ' uC Ep r OCT � � ' �4 � � � � ��►��$ ���o: ; x Funds �eeded to undertake redevelopme activities in the Railroad Island neigl�bor�iood � will not be available, thus causin$ f ther encroachment of blight. ! � � s � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REi/ENUE OU�ETED (CIRClB ONE) YES f10 � t FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER } FlNMICIAL IHFORMATIpN: (EXPLAM!) � � NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE 1PIf�6[� IM 7�l� �R�EPi SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVA�I.ABLE IN THE PURCd�$IN� ��E (PHONE NO. 298-X225). ' . ROUTINC3 ORDER: : , Bebw aro correct routlngs ta the flve most freqwnt iypas ot documsnts: CBNTRACTS (assumes authorizsd budyet szists) - COUNCII. RE801.U1"�N (M�d BudpNNAoo�pt. C�u�ts) ' - t. OuEside Agency . 1. Department Direc6oc 2. Depettment Diroctor 2. Budpet Director • 3. CHy Att�ney 3. Gitjr lltlomey 4. Mayor (fo� contracts owr 515.000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. H�man flighta (for c�ntracts over s50,00b) 5. City CouneN 8. Finence and Management Servkaa DtroCtor 6. Chief Accountant, Finertoe: and�AAona� Servioes 7. Finar� Accou�ting _ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEA$ (8udget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (eN othsn, end O►dp�nose) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Ac�ountant • 2. Ciy Attotney 3. Depa�tment Dirocto� 3. Mayo� Aasistant 4. Budget DireCtor 4. City COUnCiI 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Acxountant, Finance and Managsmsnt Ssrvkes ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. (aii others) t. Department Director 2 Ciry Attorney 3. ' Finance and Management Servicss Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(iES Indicate the #of pages on which signetu�es are riqt�ed a�d papsrclip or tlag �ach of thes� papes. ACTION RE(]UESTED Describe what the projecthequest ae�ks to aocon�lish in sither chronologi- cal order or wder of importarx:e, whichever is most app�opriate for the tssue. Do not write �nptete aentances. Begin each ttem fn your Hst with a verb. � HECOMMENDATIONS � Complete it the issue in question has been prese�ted betore any body, puWic � or private. ! SWPPORTS WHICH COUNClL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which CouncN objective(s) your prolecUroquest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSINd, RECREATION, N�1t3NBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, r BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormation wNl be used to determine the cityls liab�iry tor workers compenaation �laims, taxes a�d proper �ril s�rvks hki� tWea. INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUlVITY Explafn the situation or conditbna that created a need #o� your project oc request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEI3 Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure �equired by law/ charter or whethe� there are specific ways in which the City ot Saint Paul and its cidzens wUl beneHt (rom this projecf/action. DISADVANTAtiES tF APPROVfD What negative e(fects a major chanQes to ezisdng or past might this project/request produce it N id passed (e.g., traHic 4N�ys, noise, � tax increases or assessments)7 To Wta�? VYhen? �or how bng? DlSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Whet wiN be the negative cOnsequences it the promised acdion is not approved? Inability to defiver servfce? Continued high bafiic, noise, accident rate? Loas ot revenue? � FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you muat taifor ihs intormation you prtwide here to the issue you are,addressing, in general you must answer two qusstbns: How much is it going to cost4 Who is goi�g to pay? �y- 15��� � ►�M�'�`��� FOURTH PR POSAL TO AMEND T� NEW HO SING AND BLIGATED LANDS D LOPMENT PROJECT TAX INC NT DISTRICl'S 12 & 44 GTOBER 26, 199�4 _ AS OPTED JUNE, 1981 AND NDED AS FOLLOWS: FIRST NDMENT APRII 1983 SECOND AMENDMENT JUNE, 1984 THIItD NDMENT SEPTEMBER,1986 DEPARTMENT F PL�ANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � 25 ST FOURTH STRE�T SAIlVT UL, NIINNESOTA 55102 � �\��� . �'y - �5�� . T I LE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTRODU ON SECTION II. DEFINITI S SECTION III. AMENDED AND RESTATED REDEVE PMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIG D LANDS FOR RAILROAD ISLAND PROJECT j Subsection 1.1 Propos d Amendment Subsection 1.2 State nt and Finding of Public Purpose Subsection 1.3 Statut Authority Subsection 1.4 State nt of Objectives Subsection 1.5 Estim ed Public Costs and Supportive Data Subsection 1.6 Enviro ental Controls Subsection 1.7 Proje Proposals and Development Techniques A. nd Acquisition B. ite Preparation and Public Improvements C. d Disposition and Improvement Agreements Subsection 1.8 Admi tration and Maintenance of Amended Plan Subsection 1.9 Rehab 'tation Subsection 1.10 Reloc ion Subsection 1.11 Bound "es of Amended Plan Area Subsection 1.12 Parce to Be Acquired or May Be Acquired Withi.n the Amen ed Area Subsection 1.13 Mod' ation of the Redevelopment Program Subsection 1.14 Redev lopment District Statutory Requirements Amended by This oposal Subsection 1.15 Hous' g Development and Redevelopment Plan SECTION IV AMENDED ANCING PLAN NEW HOUS G AND BLIGHTED LANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT AREA Subsection 1.1 State ent of Objectives Subsection 1.2 Devel pment Program and Housing Assistance Subsection 1.3 Parcel to Be Included in Amended Plan Subsection 1.4 Devel pment Activity in Redevelopment District for Which Contr cts Have Been Signed Subsection 1.5 Other Spe�c Development Expected to Occur Subsection 1.6 Estim ted Costs of Redevelopment Subsection 1.7 Soure s of Revenue Subsection 1.8 Estim ted Captured Tax Capacity �:.����a� � I �y- �s�a Subsection 1.9 Estuna d Tax Increment Subsection 1.10 Amen ents to the Overall Budget For the New Housing and Bli ted Lands Tax Increment District Subsection 1.11 Durati n of the District Subsection 1.12 Estima ' d Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions EXHIBITS Exhibit A Map o F�isting Project Area of Railroad Island, Redev opment Plan Area Fxhibit B Map o Fxpanded Project Area: Railro Island Neighborhood Exhibit C Estima d Public Costs of Redevelopment in Amended Plan Area Exhibit D Housin Assistance. A list of available programs that may be of assis ance in the Project and Fxpanded Project Area. Exhibit E Tax P cels in Expanded Project Area Exhibit F Parcels in Acquisition or Could Be Acquired Exhibit G Buildin Conditions Survey for Amended Redevelopment Plan ea; Railroad Island Neighborhood Fxhibit H Statuto Standards for Qualification as a Redevelopment Project Exhibit I Source of Revenues to Finance Public Costs and Amount of Bonde Indebtedness Exhibit J Propos d Budget for Tax Increment Financing Plan Exhibit K Pl Commission Resolution Number 94-44 dated July 8, 1994 r arding "Amendment of the New Housing and Blighte L.ands Redevelopment Plan for the Railroad Island Project ea" Exhibit L New H using and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Tax Increm nt District . �:����a�� . ` �ry��s�� SECTION I. INTRODU ON The w H sin nd Bli I e n v m n Pr ' d T Im m � Financin� District was appr ved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, and � received Ramsey County ce '�ication of the original assessed value on September 3, 1981. The purpose of th Project is to: 1. Increase the supply decent, safe, and sanitary housing available to all income groups, espe 'ally low and moderate income households; 2. Develop or redevelo sites wluch axe blighted or deteriorated areas; 3. Provide financing fo these activities under one Housing and Redevelopment Proj ct and Tax Increment Financing District. The Project and Tax Incre ent Financing District is administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Autho �'ty of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority"). The tax increment generated by the project unprovements and development, along with any available federal, state ' d local resources, will be used to assist in financing development costs in order to provide housing wluch is affordable to low and moderate income families. 'Public activities include land acquisition, site preparation, public improv ments and housing subsidy assistance. The original Project and D trict consisted of eighteen scattered Sites which had been determined to meet s atutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require some form of p lic involvement in order for redevelopment to occur. The New Ho in an Bli I h n D v 1 ment Pr ' nd T Increment Financin� District has bee amended three times. In Apri11983, the plan was amended in order to spec' cally allow the HRA to use interest rate reduction assistance as a form of ho ing assistance; in June 1984, the plan was amended in order to incorporate sever adjacent parcels into the Etna-Birmingham site. The third amendment, approve in September 1986, officially deleted three sites from the project and district (th Brandtjen-Kluge, Robert/Concord, and Miller Hospital Site) and added f ur new sites to the project and district. - With the third amendment the district now consists of nineteen noncontiguous sites. As of year end 1993, development has occurred on sixteen of the sites, resulting in the addition o i 885 housing units (45 percent of which are ownership units; 55 percent of which re rental units). In 1986, the HRA issued $,210,000 in tax increment revenue bonds, the proceeds of which will be used to s development on the parcels remaining in the district. � Page 1 of 21 _ �y- is��� The bonds, rated AAA by andaxd Poor's, are payable solely from the tax increment in the district. P yment of principal and interest on the bonds is insured by AMBAC Inde 'ty Corporation. The bonds will be paid in full September, 2007, the e�ir ion of the Tax Increment District. Each Site, and the District a whole, qualify as both a Housing Project and a Redevelopment Project un r the State T� Increment Financing Act. SECTION II. DEFIIVITIO The terms defined below s all, for purposes of tlus Redevelopment Plan Amendment, have the me 'ng herein specified, unless the context otherwise specifically requires. "Authority" means the Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota. "Ca.ptured Tax Capacity" m ans the amount by which the cunent net tax capacity of a tax increment financin district exceeds the origi.nal net tax capacity, including the value of properiy norm y taxable as personal property by reason of its location or over property o ed by a tax-exempt entity. "City" means the City of S t Paul, Minnesota. "Comprehensive Plan" me the City's Comprehensive Plan which contains the objectives, policies, stand s and prograxns to guide public and private land use, development, redevelopme t and preservation. for all lands and water within the City. "County" means Ramsey C unty, Minnesota. "Governing Body" means t e duly appointed City Council of the City. "Project Area" means the ailroad Island Neighborhood as geographically described in Exhibit A of e Redevelopment Plan. "Redevelopment Plan" me the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, Housing Develop ent and Redevelopment Plan, as adopted in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984 an 1986. "Redevelopment Act" mea . Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469. "State" means the State of esota. � �e:� Page 2 of 21 . I ��- �s�a 'Tax Increment Bonds" me tax increment revenue bonds, Series 1986 issued August, 1986 in the amount of $6,210,000 to finance the public costs associated with the Redevelopment Pl . The term 'Tax Increment Bonds" shall also include any obligations issued to re nd the Tax Increment Bonds. 'Tax Increment Financing istrict" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Tax crement Financing District, established in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, an 1986. 'Tax Increment Financing ct" means the statutory provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 t ough 469.179. '"Tax Increment Financing an" means the respective Tax Increment Financing Plan for the New Housing nd Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Distri , as amended. "Expanded Project Area" m ans the Railroad Island Neighborhood as geographically described in ibit B of the Redevelopment Plan. "New Housing and Blighte Lands Development Project" means the original plan approved by the City of Sa' t Paul in June, 1981. "Railroad Island Small Are Plan" means the comprehensive Railroad Island _ neighborhood study undert en at the request of the Planning Commission in 1993. „ �� � Amendment mea.ns the p posed expansion of the Railroad Island Project Area and updating of the Tax In ement Financing Plan to account for Project expenses incurred with the activities dentified in the Redevelopment Plan including but not limited to reimbursement o site preparation and housing assistance costs paid from public funds other th tax increment revenues or Tax Increment Bonds. �..����,a�� Page 3 of 21 . ��- js �� SECTION III. AMENDED RESTATED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW H USING AND BLIGHTED LANDS REDEVELO NT PROJECT Subsection 1.1 PR P ED NDMENT The amendment of the Re evelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan proposes to accomplish the ollowing: 1. To expand the area f one of the existing project sites of the New Housing and Blighted Lands evelopment Project to include land which was identified in the Ra' oad Island Small Area Plan. This area is known as the Railroad Island eighborhood, and meets the redevelopment criteria as originally envisio d by the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Projec . Fxhibit A identifies the Project Area wluch is included in the exis g Redevelopment Plan prior to this amendment. Exhibit B identifies e Expanded Project Area to be added to the Redevelopment Pla . . 2. To revise the Tax rement Financing Plan to account for Project costs to complete the activiti s of the Redevelopment Plan and to reimburse the Authority for expe s incurred for site preparation and housing assistance paid from public fu s other than tax increment revenues or Tax Increment Bonds. Subsection 1.2 TATEME AND FINDIN F P LI P P SE The Governing Body dete I 'nes that there is a need for development and redevelopment within the rporate limits of the City and in the Redevelopment Plan area to provide empl ent opportunities, to improve the tax base, to provide housing opportunit es for low and moderate income households and to improve the general econo y of the State. It is found that the Expanded Project Area is potentially more u ful and valuable than is being realized under existing development, is less produ ive than is possible under this program a.nd, therefore, is not contributing to the t base to its full potential. The City has determined t exercise its authority to develop a program for improving the Project Are and Expanded Project Area to provide impetus for private development, to m' tain and increase employment, to utilize existing potential in the area and t provide other facilities as are outlined in the Redevelopment Plan adop d by the City. The City has also determi d that the proposed redevelopment witlun the Project �����,� Page 4 of 21 � �y-fS7a- Area and Expanded Proje Area would not occur solely through private investment in the foreseea e future; that the Tax Increment Financing Plan, as amended, will afford m' um opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole for the development and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Plan area y private enterprise. The City finds that the we e of the City as well as the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, ttraction, encouragement and development of economically sound indus and commerce to carry out its stated public. purpose objectives. Subsection 1.3 TATUTOR A RTTY The City determines that it is desirable and in the public interest to establish, develop and administer a ogram for implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. Funding of the necessary a ivities and improvements in the Project Area, Expanded Project Area an Redevelopment Plan shall be accomplished through available financing method including the use of tax increment financing in accordance with the Tax rement Financing Act, through the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds pursuant t the provisions of the Municipal Industrial Development Act, and thr ' gh the use of conventional commercial financing and existing housing acquisitio I and rehabilitation programs. The City has designated a pecific area within the corporate limits of the City as the New Housing and Blig ted Lands Development Project, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sectio 469.027 through 469.028. Within the Redevelopment Plan area, the City plans t use Tax Increment revenues from the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax In rement Financing District, Tax Increment Bond proceeds, as well as other ity and private funding sources. Subsection 1.4 STATEME OF B The City detemunes that t e expansion of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will rovide the City with the ability to achieve certain public purpose goals not o erwise obtainable in the foreseeable future without City intervention in the no al development process. The public purpose goals ' clude: restore and improve the tax base and tax revenue generating capaci of the Project Area, Fxpanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan as a hole, increase employment opportunities, realize �A ��,a � Pa e 5 of 21 � P� � g . � y-1 s�� comprehensive planning go � ls, revitalize the property within the Project Area, Expanded Project Area an Redevelopment Plan Area to create an attractive, comfortable, convenient, efficient area for industrial, commercial, housing, and related redevelopment ctivities. The City seeks to achieve t e following Redevelopment Plan objectives: 1. Promote and secure e redevelopment of certain property in the Project Area and Expanded roject Area, which property is not now in productive use or in its highest nd best use, in a manner consistent with the City Comprehensive Pl and with the minimum adverse impact on the environment, and th reby promote and secure the redevelopment of other land in the City. 2. Promote and secure additional employment opportunities with the Project Area and Expanded Project Area and the City for residents of the City and the sunounding are thereby improving living standards, reducing unemployment and he loss of skilled and unskilled labor and other human resources in the Ci . 3. Provide for the fin I cing and construction of public improvements in the Project Area and anded Project Area necessary for the orderly and beneficial develop nt of the area and adjacent areas of the City. . 4. Encourage local bu I ' ess expansion, improvement, and development whenever possible. , 5. Create a desirable d unique character within the Project Area and ' Expanded Project ea through quality land use altematives and design quality in new and 'emodeled buildings, and street improvements. 6. Encourage and pro I 'de maximum opportunity for private redevelopment of existing areas and s ructure which are compatible with the Redevelopment Plan. 7. To stimulate housi activities to attract and retain homeowners in the Project Area, Expa ded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan area with special emphasis o increasing homeownerslup opportunities and the rehabilitation of e ting housing in the Expanded Project Area and Project Area. Subsection 1.5 ESTIMATE P LI C TS AND P RTIVE DATA ,,,e:� Page 6 of 21 - � 9 � Is7 The estimated capital and ministrarive costs to be incuned within the Project Area and Expanded Proje �� Area are included as Exhibit C. To the extent legally possible and as approved b the City Council and Authority, tax increment revenues will be used to as st in funding the estimated costs of the Fxpanded Project Area, in accordanc with the Taa� Increment Financing Plan, as amended. The basis for the estimated �costs is a recently completed study entitled 'Railroad Island Small Area Plan; An i Amendment to the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan." Ttris Study was completed during 1994 with the involvement of several desi redevelopment and financing consultants to prepare a comprehensive approach o redevelopment of the entire Project Area and Expanded Project Area. e Study centers on an aggressive housing rehabilitation strategy, two arge scale commercial redevelopment projects and an extensive up-dating of the ea's street systems, utilities and landscaping amenities. In addition to the proposed �I costs to be incurred within the Railroad Island Project site and Expanded Project ea, costs not anticipated with the original Redevelopment Plan have '� curred or are expected to be incuned exceeding the original Tax Increment Fin cing Plan with respect to the following Project Area scattered sites which have are expected to be developed: 1. Reimbursement of $ 05,000 of public funds with tax increment revenues for the Bradley Stre Project site which enabled the development of the Bradley Street mult' mily development, thereby creating 30 rental units for lower income lar e family households. 2. Reimbursement of $ 75,000 public funds with tax increment revenues for the Selby Avenue Pr ject Area site which enabled the development of the YWCA Health and itness Project providing human and social benefit services to the pred 'nately lower income neighborhood and fostered the development of priv te housing activity within the neighborhood. 3. Development of Ph � e II of the Etna-Birmingham Project Area scattered site. This site has s ere topographical and soil problems. Staff has estimated that publi investment in the form of tax increment revenues or Tax Increment Bond , proceeds of approximately $1,000,000 is required to pay acquisition, site reparation, public improvements and housing assistance costs to r'ze development of the site. 4. Development of the nion Gospel Project Area scattered site. The site is currently being used a parking lot. The currently use is not the best and highest use of the pr perty. Although no immediate plans are anticipated for the site, it reaso bly can be expected to be developed for housing or �e:,p���h��,� Pa e 7 of 21 g qy-,s�� other use wluch wo d increase the tax base or job opportunities. 5. Fund approximately 500,000 towards the Phalen Corridor Roadway . Envionmental Impa Statement Study. A key component of the Phalen Corridor Redevelop ent Proposal is to develop a transit and -- transportation infras cture to link downtown, the East Side of Saint Paul, northeast suburban mployment and development sites and the interstate system. The propos d roadway abuts the Railroad Island neighborhood and as such will hav a major influence on the neighborhood. 1'he Phalen Corridor Redevelop ent Proposal dated March, 1993 describes in more detail the goals, obj ctives, implementation activities related to the proposed roadway. , Subsection 1.6 ENVIR NTAL The proposed developmen activities in the Expanded Project Area do not present significant environmental c ncerns. All City actions, public improvements and private development shall e carried out in a manner consistent with existing environmental standards. ' Subsection 1.7 PR P P E PMENT TE A. Land Acquisition. o acquire as authorized under the Housing and Redevelopment an ' Tax Increment Financing Acts: • blighted are and other real properiy for the purpose of removing, preventing d reducing blight or the cause of blight; - • open or und eloped land blighted by virtue of conditions which have prevent d normal development by private enterprise; • underused o inappropriately used land which may be converted to . housing use �t reasonable cost without major residential clearance activity; and • lands acquir by the Authority in the undertaking of other redevelopme t activities and presently available for and suitable to the provisio of housing and neighborhood stabilization. B. Site Preparation an Public Improvements. To carry out: • demolition, moval or rehabilitation of buildings and improvemen ; ' • activities to onect adverse physical characteristics of the land, faulty subdi sion or plat lots, inadequate access or utility service or . other develo ment inhibiting conditions; Lle:apc\n661�tlhmea2 Page 8 of 21 � � y- /S7� • activities dee ed necessary or desirable to remove, reduce or prevent othe blighting factors and cause of blight; • activities dee ed necessary or desirable to improve and prepare sites for dev opment or redevelopment for housing and related use in accordanc with this amended project area; and • installation, nstruction or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds, d other public improvements or faciliries as necessary or esirable for carrying out amended project area objectives. C. Land Disposition d Improvement Agreements. • The Authori sha11 sell, lease or otherwise dispose of acquired properiy in cordance with law, the requirements of the Redevelopm nt Plan in conjunction with the Railroad Island Small Area Plan c mpleted in 1994, and after review of the proposed disposition b the appropriate district council, by any combination of the followin methods: 1. after learance and provision of site improvement; 2. after ehabilitation and at its fair mazket or rental reuse value �o improved; 3. witho t clearance subject to purchasers contract obligations to re abilitate or otherwise improve the property for the purp es and in accordance with the objectives and requ' ements of Redevelopment Plan; and 4. to pu lic bodies for the purpose of providing public impr ements or supporting facilities. � The Autho , without property acquisition, may enter private improveme contracts with property owners or other persons in control of si es to provide or cause to be provided development of necessary si s and public improvements. Proposals must be within the framew k of cited goals and objectives, and must clearly demonstrat feasibility as a public program. The Authority/City will require a b' ding contract, performance bond and/or other evidence or guarante s that a supporting tax increment or other funds will result in th needed development and other improvements. These funds may in the form of loans or grants. • Land dispo tion and improvement and private improvement �,e:, Page 9 of 21 �� - /S 7� agreements s all contain the following general requirements and developer co nants: 1. to dev lop the land in accordance with the objectives and requir ments of Redevelopment Plan and Railroad Island Small ea Plan completed in 1994; 2. to co ence, continue and complete contract improvements within ' he times specified and provided for in said agree ents; 3. to pro 'de such security or other guarantee of faithful perfo ance as the Authority shall require; 4. to co ply with all environmental, non-discrimination and other pplicable Federal and State laws and local ordinances respe ' g purchase, improvement and use of the land; 5. to use the land or any improvement thereon, only in accor nce and in conformity with the land use plan provis ns of this Redevelopment Plan and Railroad Island Small ea Plan completed in 1994. Subsection 1.8 ADMIrTi TI N OF A IN THE PROJE AREA AND EXP ED PR JECT AREA WITHIN REDEVE PMENT PLAN AREA The power, duties and res onsibility are listed.in this Redevelopment Plan which is on file with the City Cle ' k. The Redevelopment Plan ' be administered according to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapt r 469, provided, however, that such powers may only be exercised at the directi 'n of the City and/or the Authority. No action taken by the Department of Pl and Economic Development will be effective without the prior authorization of e City and/or the Authority. Subsection 1.9 REHABIL I ATI N Owners of properries wit the Project Area, Expanded Project Area of the Redevelopment Plan area ' 1 be encouraged to rehabilitate their properties to conform with the applicab e State and local codes and ordinances, as well as any design standards. Owners of the properties who purchase property within the Project Area and Expand Project Area within Redevelopment Plan from the ��:����a�,�� Page 10 of 21 . ����s�a City may be required to re abilitate their properties as a condition of sale of land. The City will provide such ehabilitation assistance as may be available from Federal, State or local sou es. � A Housing Rehabilitation rogram is included in Fxhibit D which demonstrates the availability of existi.ng ogram funding for housing rehabilitation activities for the Project Area and Exp ded Project Area. Subsection 1.10 REL ATI N The City accepts its respo ibility for providing for relocation pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 117. All relocation activities ' be conducted in accordance with the standards set forth in the New Housing d Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax . Increment District Plan. Subsection 1.11 B AR F EXPANDED PR Exhibit B is a map showin the new boundaries of the Railroad Island Expanded Project Area. Exhibit E co tains a listing of all the property tax parcels in the Expanded Project Area. 6leapc\nhbl\tlfamen2 Page 11 of 21 , I �y— is��� Subsection 1.12 PAR E T BE A D ED WITHIN EXPANDED PR JE AREA OF REDEVEL MENT PLAN Parcels which may be acqu ed if needed for redevelopment are listed in Exhibit F. Subsection 1.13 PRIOR MO I IFICATI N F THE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM j The New Housing and Blig ted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financi.ng District was crea ed in June 1981, it was amended in April 1983, June 1984 (expansion of the Etn -Birmingham site) and amended again in September 1986 (addition and deletio of several project sites). $6,210,000 of tax increment bonds were issued August 1986. � Subsection 1.14 REDEVELO MENT PR JE TA RY RE E NT AMENDED BY THI PR P AL The purpose of the Propos I to Amend the Redevelopment Plan and Project to include the Expanded Proj t Area is (a) to increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing availa le or to be made available to meet the demand for and housing needs of all in ome not being adequately met by private enterprize at sale prices or rents within t e financial means of such income groups by qualifying properties comprising the anded Project Area as a housing project defined under the Housing and Re velopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 13, a housing development proje defined under Section 469.OQ2, Subdivision 15, a redevelopment project de ed under Section 469.002, Subdivision 14, and as a housing district under Secti n 469.174, Subdivision 11; (b) to develop or redevelop sites comprising the Expan d Project Area which qualify as blighted or deteriorated areas under 46 .002, Subdivision 11 or as a housing district and a redevelopment district und 469.174, Subdivisions 10 a.nd 11; (c) to assist in the provision of housing to per ns or families who qualify under income definitions contained in Section 469.00 , Subdivision 18 and 469.1761, Subdivision 1 and who reside in such housing deve pments; and (d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Redevelopm nt Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The Expanded Project Are which is being suggested for inclusion in the Redevelopment Project has een reviewed so as to meet following criteria of State Statutes: • The properties in th Expanded Project Area are blighted as that term is tile:apc\ohbl\tlfammt Page 12 of 21 , y�-�� used in Housing an I Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 11. • The properties in th Expanded Project Area are of such physical condition that the Expanded oject Area could separately qualify as a "redevelopment und r the Tax Increment Financing Act Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. • Housing constructed j in the Expanded Project Area will be made available, at least in part to p sons who qualify under the income definitions of the Tax Increment Fin cing Act Section 469.1761, Subdivision 1. Minnesota Statutes, Sectio 469.174, Subdivision 10, requires that land placed in Redevelopment Taac Incre ent Districts meet certain criteria for redevelopment. These criteria are summ ' ed as follows: • Parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, ut 'ties, or other improvements and more than 50 percent of the build gs, not including outbuildings, are structurally sub.standard to a de ee requiring substantial renovation or clearance; or • The property consis of vacant, unused, underused, inappropriately used, or infrequently used �railyards, rail storage facilities, or excessive or vacated railroad rights-of-wa . � • For purposes of this definition, "structurally substandard" means containing defects in structural lements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilitie light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, lay ut and condition o� interior partitions, or similar factors, which defe or deficiencies are of sufficient total signi�icance to justify substantial re ovation or clearance. • A parcel is deemed o be occupied by a structurally substandard building for purposes of the atutory requirement, if all of the following conditions are met: (1) the par el was occupied by a substandard building within three years of the filing o the area as a redevelopment project axea, (2) the substandard buildin was demolished or removed by the Authority or the demolition or remo was financed by the Authority or was done by a developer under a d velopment agreement with the Authority, (3) the Authority found by solution before the demolition or removal that the parcel was occupied y a structurally substandard building and that after demolition and cle ce the Authority intended to include the parcel with a district, and (4) u n filing the request for certification of the tax capacity of the parc 1 as part of a district, the Authority notifies the county auditor that the ori nal tax capacity of the parcel must be adjusted as � 61e:apc\nhbl�tl4meo2 II I Page 13 of 21 .- q y-1s�� provided by section 69.177, subdivision 1, paragraph (h). • For purposes of this standard, a pazcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, � utilities, or other im rovements unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains improveme ts. • In conjunction with e Railroad Island Redevelopment Study, completed in 1994, a Compreh nsive Building Conditions Survey was conducted by two architects and a technician. During this Survey, each property in the Amended Redevelo ment Project area was given an exterior inspection. A ranking system was onducted to determine building condition for substandard conditi n and for potential rehabilitation The results of this Survey are tabulate in Exhibit G. • The results of the B'lding Condition Survey indicate that the properties within the Amende Redevelopment Project area meet the statutory standards for subst dard structures and parcels of land, in that over 70 percent of the pare s within the Amended Redevelopment Project area are occupied by b' ' gs, streets, utilities, or other improvements and more than 50 perce t of the buildings are "substantially substandard" to a degree requiring su stantial renovation or clearance (see Exhibit H). The methodology used b the Building Condition Survey meets the standards for inspection set o in the statute. Although the Expa ed Project Area qualifies as meeting the de5nirion of a housing district a redevelopment district, the Authority or City have no intentions to certify he Expanded Project Area as a t� increment financing district. Subsection 1.15 HOUSING EVE PMENT AND REDEVE PMENT PLAN The original statem nt of purpose and the statement of objectives and requirements in the edevelopment Plan as adopted (and subsequently amended) remain u changed. By expanding the Project Area of the Railroad Island Pro ct, the Authority intends to enhance its ability to increase the supply f housing for all income groups, increase employment opportunities, realiz comprehensive planning goals, revitalize properties and a neighborhood and to develop or redevelop blighted and deteriorated properties. SECTION IV. AMENDED TAX NCREMENT FINANCING PLAN NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVE OPMENT PROJEGT RAILROAD ISLAND PROJECT AREA AND EXPANDED PROJE AREA hlespc\nhbl�tlhmen2 Page 14 of 21 _ 9 Y- rs �� Subsection 1.1 TATEME F B The objectives of the ame ment to the Project Area and Expanded Project Area are consistent with the Tax Increment Fina.ncing Plan objectives of the New Housing and Blighted Lan Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District and are restated as follows: 1. To increase the sup ly of adequate housing within the community for persons of all inco levels including rehabilitation of existing housing stock where feasible and development of new housing. To increase homeownership opp rtunities. 2. To provide such ho sing on land or in areas which qualify as redevelopment proj cts and districts under the Act with emphasis upon lands potentially us 1 for contributing to the public welfare, but which by reason of special pr blems or conditions, have not reached full development potent by the ordinary operations of private enterprise. 3. To carry out the pr 'sion of housing and development of underdeveloped lands within this Pr 'ect Area compatible with the plan for such Project Area, and consisten with the generalland use plan and other components of the City's Compr hensive Plan. . 4. To coordinate such ousing provision and land redevelopment within the Project Area to me the objectives of the housing policy plan of the City's Comprehensive Pl and project development financing requirements. 5. To coordinate acq ' ition, site preparation and improvements, provision of necessary public im rovements and facilities, within the Project Area, and to spread and equal e the costs hereof, in order to accomplish the entire Project Area and anded Project Area development at a cost reasonably related to the publi purpose to be served. 6. To establish re-use aluations based on housing re-use, or use ancillary to the provision of ho ing, and to sell acquired development sites for private redevelopment in a cordance with this Redevelopment Plan and Railroad Island Small Area an at economically feasible sale prices in order to induce and make p ssible private participation in the Project Area and Expanded Project ea. . 7. To provide private evelopers with information regarding zoning; land use controls and other 'ty and Plan requirements; information and assistance in obtaining constru tion and permanent financing; and information and r,�:,��oh��� Page 15 of 21 q''�./ --is � � assistance regarding onstruction of site and public improvements and financing necessary correct site subsoil conditions or other characteristics wluch are inhibiting ormal development, all in accordance with development agree ents. 8. To assist in the dev opment and rehabilitation of housing to persons of all incomes for homeo ership and rental. To assist developers in securing financing for housin improvements. 9. To finance the deve pment and rehab costs of the Project and the provision of low an moderate income housing by means o� tax increment generated by impro ments and development. 10. To finance housing evelopment and rehab by a combination of private and public financing under authority and subject to the requirements of Federal, State and 1 cal laws and ordinances for the provision of revenue bond financing for using purposes. , Subsection 1.2 EVE P NT PR RAM AND H IN A I TAN E The forms of development rograms and housing assistance described in the New Housing and Blighted La.n s Development Project Financing Plan will remain in effect for the Amended Pr 'ect Area. These activities include: land acquisition to assist development efforts nder certain conditions; site preparation including demolition, removal and re abilitation of structures, resubdivision of land, removal of blight, and the tallation of streets, utilities and other public improvements. Housing Assistance activiti s may include: equity participation, lease/sublease, acquisition, land lease lo , grants, and housing assistance payments, debt financing, development an rehab loans, relocation and replacement housing. Subsection 1.3 PARCE T BE IN UDED IN THE EXPANDED PR JECT AREA � Exhibit B is a map identi g all the parcels which will be added to the Project Area of the New Housing d Blighted Lands Development Project. Exhibit E is a listing of all the Tax Ide ification Numbers of the parcels to be added to the Redevelopment Plan area. Subsection 1.4 DEVELOP NT A IN THE REDEVE PMENT ��e:����a�� Page 16 of 21 . � y- �s � � DISTRICT R WHI NTRA S HAVE BEEN IGNED � As of the date of the filin j of tlus Amendment with the Authority, no contracts for development activity h ve been signed. i 1 THER P I � DE P Subsect on .5 NT EXPE D T As of the date of th I filing of tlus Amendment with the Authority, no specific developme is expected to occur without the specific assistance provided by the T Increment Financing District. Subsection 1.6 ESTIMATE S F REDEVE PMENT Exhibit C is an itemization of the anticipated costs to redevelop the Railroad Island Project Area and anded Project Area. These cost estimates were developed by the Railroad sland Redevelopment Study which was completed during 1994 with several c ultants and the Department of Planning and Economic Development. The estimated costs of Re velopment total$18.5 million for the anticipated five phases with an ongoing im ementation period. All costs are presumed to be a mixture of private and pub c costs associated with redevelopment of the Project Area and Expanded Projec ' Area. In addition to the proposedl costs to be incurred within the Railroad Island Project Area and E�anded Proje I Area, costs not anticipated with the original Redevelopment Plan have ' curred or are expected to be incurred exceeding the original Tax Increment Fin ' cing Plan with respect to the following Project Area scattered sites which have are expected to be developed: 1. Reimbursement of $ I 05,000 of public funds with tax increment revenues for the Bradley Stre Project site which enabled the development of the Bradley Street mult' 'ly development, thereby creating 30 rental units for lower income lar e family households. 2. Reimbursement of $ 75,000 public funds with tax increment revenues for the Selby Avenue Pr ject Area site which enabled the development of the YWCA Health and itness Project providing human and social benefit services to the predo ' ately lower income neighborhood and fostered the development of priv e housing activity within the neighborhood. 3. Development of Ph II of the Etna-Birmingham Project Area scattered 61e:apc ��a��.� . Page 17 of 21 . I ' � � � �y /s� � site. This site has s vere topographical and soil problems. Staff has estimated that pub investment in the form of tax increment revenues or Tax Increment Bon proceeds of approximately $1,000,000 is required to pay acquisition, site Ipreparation, public improvements and housing assistance costs to r alize development of the site. 4. Development of th I Union Gospel Project Area sca.ttered site. The site is currently being use as a parking lot. The currently use is not the best and highest use of the p operty. Although no immediate plans are anticipated for the site, it reaso ably can be expected to be developed for housing or ' other use which wo ' d increase the tax base or job opportunities. 5. Fund appro�mately $500,000 towards the Phalen Corridor Roadway Envionmental Impa Statement Study. A key component of the Phalen Corridor Redevelop ent Proposal is to develop a transit and transportation infr cture to link downtown, the East Side of Saint Paul, northeast suburban mployment and development sites and the interstate system. The propos d roadway abuts the Railroad Island neighborhood and as such will hav a major influence on the neighborhood. The Phalen Comdor Redevelop ent Proposal dated March, 1993 describes in more detail the goals, obj ctives, implementation activities related to the proposed roadway. I Subsection 1.7 O ES F RE NLJE The amended sources of r enue of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and ax Increment Financing District to finance eligible activities in the Project Ar and Expanded Project Area is specified in Exhibit I. Pursuant to Minnesota Sta tes Section 469.1763, Subdivision 2, the use of Tax Increment Revenues produ ed from the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Financing Distri t, which can be used in the Expanded Project Area, is limited to those tax increm ' nts in excess of that necessary to meet the debt requirements of the Tax In ement Bonds and that are directly derived from Tax Increment Financing Distri development sites of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Dist certified after June, 30, 1982. The Project Area sites for which tax increme ts revenues can be used to finance eligible activities within the Expanded Proje Area are the tax increment district scattered sites added to the District after 982. Because the Amendment is to include the Expanded Project Area wit ' the Redevelopment Plan area and not to expand the Tax Increment Financ' District, no tax increment revenues will be captured from the Expanded Project. ea. E�cisting tax increment reve ues from the New Housing and Blighted I.ands Tatc ��e:e � Page 18 of 21 . q�f - Is��a Increment District will be ent within the Expanded Project Area, subject to the limitations of State Statute Minnesota Statute Section 469.175, subdivision 4(b) prohibits the expansion of Tax Increment Financing District within 5 years after following the date of the o'ginal certif'ication of the Tax Increment Financing district. Subsection 1.8 E TTMATE ED TAX A Inclusion of the Expanded I roject Area will not add Captured Tax Capacity to the New Housing and Bli ed Lands Tau� Increment Financing District, therefore, no calculation of Estimated j Captured Net Tax Capacity has been made. The Amendment permits the e enditure of existing tax increment revenues from the New Housing and Blighted nds Tax Increment District within the Expanded Project Area, subject to ce ain limitations and approval of the Authority. Subsection 1.9 F.STIMATE TAX INCREMENT Inclusion of the Expanded roject Area will not add tax increment revenues to the New Housing and Bligh ed Lands Tax Increment Financing District, therefore, no calculation of Estimated Captured Tax Increment has been made. The Amendment permits the e enditure of existing tax increment revenues from the New Housing and Blighted ds Tax Increment District within the Fxpanded Project Area, subject to sta tory limitations and approval of the Authority. Subsection 1.10 AMENDME I T THE VERALL B ET F R THE NEW HOUSING BLIGHTED LANDS TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT The authorized develo men I activities identified in the ori 'nal Redevelo ment P � P Plan and proposed Amende Redevelopment Plan are anticipated to be used by the Authority to assist devel pment of the land on sites currently in the New Housing and Blighted Land I Tax Increment Financing District and the F�cpanded Project Area. These activiti s are land acquisition, relocation (as necessary), site preparation, public improve ents, and housing assistance. Tax increment or Tax Increment Bond proceeds m y also be used to reimburse the Authority for public redevelopment costs which i has financed from sources other than tax increments. The proposed amended bud et for public activities under the Amended Redevelopment Plan is spe ed in Exhibit J. L��A���a�� I ! Pa e 19 of 21 g . - / �. �� s a � Subsection 1.11 D TI N I F THE DI TRI The district qualifies as a" edevelopment district" and as a"housing district" under the Tax Increment Act. T increment may, pursuant to Minnesota. Statutes, Section 469.176 Subdivisio 1(b), be collected for a period of 25 years from the date of the first tax increm nt received by the Authority. It is the intent of the Authority to make every e rt to dissolve the district or generate and retum excess increment to other t'ng jurisdictions eazlier than required. However, the Authority has financed in p its public costs through the issuance of the T� Increment Bonds, wluch du to security and marketing requirements preclude an absolute Authority commi ent to a shorter duration at this time. Accordingly, for purposes of Section 469 76 Subdivision 1(b), the duration of this district's existence may not be longe �� than 25 years from the receipt by the Authority of the first ta7c increment from ithe district which date is year 2�8. ' Adoption of the Amendme II will have no effect on the expiration of the district and retum of Tax Capacity �o the taxing jurisdictions. Subsection 1.12 E TIMATED � MPA N THER TAXIN DI ON With respect to Captured T I Capacity, there will be no impact on other taxing jurisdictions, such as the S' t Paul School District and Ramsey County, since there will be no additional t increment generated by the Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan. � � The proposed budget for th I �i Tax Increment Financing Plan is increased from that originally approved in 1981. ;This increase in the overall Tax Increment Financing � Plan budget will have the e ct of delaying the return of tax increment generated by the Captured Tax Capaci ', to the general tax roles for use by the taxing jurisdictions. However, such elayed tax capacity will be offset by the activities undertaken in the Expanded roject Area with tax increment, which are expected to increase the tax capacity i the Expanded Project Area. The increased tax capacity and resulting tax re nues in the Expanded Project area will be immediately available to the axing jurisdictions. n��:������ �� Page 20 of 21 � � . 9�� ts � � .� EXHIBIT A: MAP 0 EXISTIN� PROJECT AREA OF RAILROAD ISLAND, �� REDEV LOPMENT ,PLAN aREA . , , " • • '__ r • tiJ � f .��Nm Olyl���l�-�� Q I�I Q p � i � 1~/l d�v • � �,� ��. •• � • .. • WHITALL WHITALL`^�"==r'-..�•5T. �; �" � . . • �� �> �?'.% ' � Q } � , • . . -ie�,�'a�=� c . - . . I sl n :��Y��f , � - �lr o a a � 0 :� h :�� ::T�; ;� . . ,� � . : � . V ���'� �.?� � : � •:. . --'��:-.>•:�� e ' � � • ' � �+-' Y-�= k.>.; .:.- .,.. ' " I t . � ` . •���a���• � � � � . , . , •••• • ' �4_ ..`i-:_.•r : - :}F= ' . � �. ��.: : =: .• . 1% ;• r yi:� - y • v . ' ...:t -.�KC �-. 1 '~ � ' � . 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ATTAC NT 1: PAGE 2 � • i • Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area ; � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT AREA EXPANDED TAX INCREMENT AREA TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT BUDGET ITEI�� ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION, RELOCATION Phase 1 Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V TOTAL Acquisition 137,540 777,860 365,355 1,460,755 Demolition 30,000 100,000 � 50,000 710,000 Relocation � 60,000 330,000 140,000 530,000 Sub Total 227,540 1,207,860 555,355 2,700,755 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS � _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ - � - - � Street and Related Improvements 499,500 328,300 � 17,600 382,0�0 316,450 1�543,850 Garage Cluster (Two) 100,000 100,000 Front Yard Fencing � 65,000 105,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 265,000 Buffering North Industrial Area 185,000 185,000 Buffering South Industrial Area � 100,000 10i1�000 North Payne Entry 70,000 . 70,000 South Payne Entry � � 40,000 � 40,000 Burr Entry 140,000 140,000 Tedesco Entry 30,000 _ 30,000 Payne and Bush Landscaping 30,000 30,000 Payne and Tedesco Garden 60,000 . 60,000 Pedestrian Connection on Burr , 25,000 25,000 50,000 Traffic Control Devices 80,000 80,000 Payne & Minnehaha Entry 40,000 40,000 Payne Streetscapes . 650,000 650,000 Edgerton Entry 40000 Sub Total 909,500 �1,353,300 67,600 502,000 551,450 3,383,850 � -c- ; RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY � � � Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area PARK IMPROVEMENTS Phase I Phase 11 Phase III Phase IV Phase V T�TAL Rivoli West Slope Area 140,000 140,000 Rivoli..Ridge Improvements 157,000 157,000 Dump �Site Improvements 145,000 145,000 Eileen Weida Park Modifications 30,000 30,000 ; Development of Pocket Parks 20,000 20,000 100,000 140,000 Acquisition for Pocket Parks 7,130 7,130 21,390 35,650 Swede Hollow Clean-Up 5,000 655,000 660,000 Tedesco Overlook and Access 100,000 . 100,000 Hopkins Overlook and Access . 100,000 100,000 Park Maintenance 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 _- __ __ - _ . _ Sub Total 77,130 527,130 832,000 25,000 146,390 1,607,650 HOUSING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Neighborhood Clean-Up 10,000 Site Preparation � . 50,000 50,000 Development Site Clean-Up � �13,000 . 13,000 Housing Rehabilitation � � 615,000 �. 810,000 410,000 710,000 665,000 3,210,000 Multifamily Housing Initiatives 390,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 �270,000 1,620,000 New Construction In�ll 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 1,300,000 Consultant Services 10,000 12,000 15,000 37,000 Administration � � 15,000 17,500 19,000 21,500 22,000 85,000 Community Organizing � 50,000 30,000 20,000 100,000 Apartment Owners' Association Start-Up 20,000 . 20,000 Sub Total 1,100,000 1,577,500 1,109,000 1,376,500 1,282,000 6,445,000 . . � s� � � � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY ' � �. Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area � COMMUNITY FOCUS AREA Phase I Phase il Phase III Phase !V Phase V TOTAL Acquisition � 341,435 341,435 Demolition � 70,000 70,000 Relocation � � 180,000 � 180,000 Site Improvements 50,000 50,000 Site Amenities 250,000 250,000 Development Subsidies . 500,000 500,000 Sub Total � 591,435 800,000 0 0 0 1,391,435 DREWRY LANE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT COSTS - - i i - — � - - — - — -- _ __ _ , - -- — __ _ _ 334,075 _ _334,075 - Demolition 70,000 70,000 Relocation 230,000 230,000 Site Improvements 0 Site Amenities � 300,000 300,000 Development Subsidies , � , 1,800,000 1,800,000 Sub Total . � 0 0 0 634,075 2,100,000 2,734,075 PAYNE AVENUE COMMERCIAL FACADE IMPROVEMENTS � 200,000 200,000 ST. PAUL TENNIS CLUB FACADE IMPROVEMENTS � . � � Landscaping � 15,000 15,000 Facade Improvements 60,000 60,000 Sub Total 0 0 0 75,000 0 75�000 TOTAL 2,878,065 4,485,470 2,008,600 3,820,435 4,635,19518,537,765 � � � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY i� � � Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area FOOTNOTES: TAX INCREMENT BUDGET; EXPANDED AREA . 1. PUBLIC IMP. COSTS DO NOT REFLECT 25% CONTINGENCY � , 2. BASED ON PHASING PLAN DATED 12/15/93 . 3. COSTS BASED ON PRELIMINARY COST EST. DATED 9/15/93 4. HOUSING REHAB ESTIMATES BASED ON HOUSING PROGRAM DRAFT #3: COSTS INCLUDE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS ONLY � . -.�. � � -,. �'1 RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY � tr �k4.' c "'� x a : �, .�" � re ��� .L':s. ,��T �"��'�` �,. i� �'*�� e�°,�' �i...a:' ;,�'- '�" :.s���� � � �.iFeE , r�.t^c � 'L�'af w � � [: f^+ . . .n �sa � . �'�e:.i" 'Jt i .. �t�'z.l �. �„� ) L �t. y }1 ��� # 4 +. !� � � atY i �' '�� �"'�i3` �L'� �. .. �" � �r ���� j ^ ''"'� ` "y „' � - _ s r ..eFr "�hd K�E P�,� � �... _ t. ., R �'� i-� r x.._ y .,, �.e� '�.', �` e � �'c„`� a .� �r -A d" i...7 - 3 � t,, c� � v x ,}* �w r1�3..^ "S 3'k ti` �� .�� rT* - t� F r'.°.^�. �� a�� t� ...�'"' � �� �; � .�r ..d::t� 7 . .c :.� ' . . 2r` . � 1 " T s � � �Fl '`` r o. � � f:p. �R � f ., .� :. 3 ., t '� t �. , f� 7 r��.+ . a � �. � .. r`> a - +vs�� '� r't . � ;;,v�fis y � � dir"� „t:�;ac`i ��� u � . . v - },°yk�'�'tt i"SX F �� � � �.u� .. .Y Y 'Y� y� ,7�' w�i....C'�t`` >i'� u"� ' r s a� - ` �v' i r r�.�� �ac�.� �"�' a l.k`'� ��j�j� '�s•y:�,S` �� ',{�,x.alv 7,� » r� -�� � � - � ��'; t � }A.:, f �. � - .`.. < _ .F:sb' 1�Y _ r. 3?`.� a. - t"^� .i - ..'E �$.S •'�',, � ,�<� +t.r p' ar ; , . . -. 1['�" L r.+. t e. � �i. � � �' �- i 1 - . r - t : y.� 4.r a >r` a c e �.' 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S ; F. 1 J J ry.. {.' - �:` _ •.J, ^ vY ' ' ' r_e.`:� i_��:n t _ . �_.j �. ,� , i .. 4 • x � z , c -y � s . s y � b s z . � ... �� .�- � !a � • - . F _ < L ,+ i r `;`+ �s S .. C y i . �.. •s.. 2 ,� � a -i } �,F. ; /'4: `T�.. � J ' -{ � ;� � .� a- . � _ L q '" c � f . r j'ir� + _ _ l f�' - �i'�: L f.`� R } � ���� � y .�}� " �. � . .� . � ' .. � . . : . _.. .,"...: � -.:�., � .....:_... ._"�-:,� ...�_c.as •....s. :.� -..i. .�........� .._ .-..._ .�._ :'. .4� �«.. _ . .i. � . . . .. __:.. . �- ..r.n..:..�. .....::. ... 'w .. ... .:.... >'�_ .. ._ .. TABLE OF CONTENTS SINGLE FAMILY HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS lpart 1)� 1_ •MORTGAGE LENDING 5 Citywide Rehabilitation - Deferred Loans FHA 203(6) & VA Straight Purchase - Phase IX � FHA 203 K Refinance/Purchase Rehabilitation - Phase IX Citywide Rehabilitation - Emergency Loans � � MHFA - Deferred Loans � � . Middle Income Housing Fund - Refinance/Purchase Rehabilitation � MHFA - Accessibility Loans , � SINGLE FAMILY HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS art 2 2__ DOWNPAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE __ _ 6 _ MHFA - Revolving Loan Fund Equity Participation Loans MHFA - Home Improvement Loan Fund Ciosing Cost Loans MHFA - Purchase Discount Loan Fund . Downpayment Grants . Ramsey County Deferred Loans OTHER SINGLE FAMILY PROGRAMS 3 MULTIFAMILY REHABILITATION PROGRAMS 7 Selective Clearance CDBG Rental Rehabilitation Child Care -(Safnt Paul) HUD Rentai Rehabiiitation � Child Care -(Ramsey County) . MHFA Rental Rehabilitation • Sweep Loans � HOUSES TO HOMES • 4 QTHER MULTIFAMILY RENTAL PROGRAMS 9 Acquisition Subsidy Pool � Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits • Neighborhood Non-Profit . , Low income Hous(ng Development Fund Gap Subsidy Pool New Housing Development Fund � . . . . s ti -�. , � �• • � � � � z I x , . • :: - . � � � � , c . � t / . t 2 � i : �� r. ° - j r f � y y ' ;`�' ° ++ . r! c r - y ` s� ro�cr � +Ka' +cccv r• M �s x�a, mcr )'yS`t"..+cax u�an•K�r.� t c,�w �9c^'x f . ,.,. � . ^ ii `. .., ' .. . .. x�.vu:�:�ws. ..., , , w ++� �� ,. <, `:;aa•t:cAa:�t:CwrcJi�CV.t�f.:vf�x2aabf.f•f:b�.r.-.&fiva:ti[is�3o--.o.aw..�?' aaSZ•irsy.w::�s•.. ./•.- f �`� ��5�� - � � • .i' ' �� -7 S 4 r �J Y t.ly j t. y � . �. . i � *� � �:' a .. . ` s , � y . � �, al.+ u'� � � qti y, . . } s 4 �-' . T -�- �. 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GENERAL : �••`• :;;::; s�:;:r �`:� � WNEREAVAlL�4BLE ��� CITYWIDE €;?:; CITYWIDE : CITYWIDE �� :;:::>: :<::; USES OFFUNDS `��'�' ACGIUISITION, . `::;: ACQUISITION & ::;:$ REFINANCE, :4� $�"�' �:�>: " REHABILfTATION �" < �;::>::< �•: REHABIUTATION � ;� ;;r { � ' � � . i'Y.•vi �S`j, 'R j ,.{ �.� 11. BORROWER • ;:::; s::<; ::::; � � {<::`: 0 110°� MEDIAN } ` 4 Y 589,250 � lNCOME LlM/TS 110 ,b M EDIAN :.`:::r �� FX: 4 PEOPLE $49,600 ADJ.) (EX: 4 PEOPLE $49,600 ADJ.) {;:;; ADJ. INCOME � ( .�:: ��� DEBT RATl03 29°� / 41 •:`:;'`:< � 29�� / 410,� ""� 289b / 364b �°�` ; €:`� �� 33%/ 38% (Counseiing) i �-� >�> �'# � r::>:� :: ; ; " :`:'» ��:� :::>::>: .>;:. • III. PROPEFilY : ;°..•.'';: `:,::;:;: ::a:>: �>;� `"'`' 4 UNITS `<z:� 4 UNIT �'' ` 4 UNITS ` MAX/MUM UNJTS .`.:.. ''"' - - '`. _ - _ - - - - - ..... .;..;: ::.::: •::: .:.::. .: :.. • ,.... ::.:. ..::: - - •� � YES __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - .;;, �AITC� .>,:.; YES �:;;; YES :�:.y: :;<x o '`::% 95or6 �:;'�'r,� 97 ' �': 97 i6 �<��{ �::: LOAN TO VALUE ;;r.. �.:;r �::� RATlO : k k:::J N/A � �;;:< N/A ; N/A MAXlMUM PURCHASE ' n��� ':"v' fi: },.:;� . PR/CE/VALUE '>t>� s>:v f>� �;�.:. . �;$ �,� >;<..� :... ;.>;, ,::. ;}:: � �:� �:: IV. FtNANCING : � ��� . `"'�;: ^� • �: FHANA GUIDELINES � �� FHANA GUIDEUNES � 5165,915 (1 Unitj .�� MAX/MUM LOAN �;� Y �..�:� �?'.• �'� 3 87,058 1 Unit �.?• AMOU/VT ,:;%? S 87,058 (1 Un(t) • � � :.� �';::� �;. }• �''•� PHASE IX: 7.875�i6 ��c'•.'': PHASE IX: 7.87594, `.�'' 7.559b 1NTEREST R.4TE ;�:,, a �'� ,... �..: �� �`'..'�,i 'S:wY �r �"..` �� . 30 YRS. .� ��'"• "��Y 30 YRS. REPAYMENT TERMS �� 30 YRS. • � � : ..••. il.?; � , ` � �;;s ��:... '�:� �::� • ?i,'•� MORTGAGEREQ'D � ' ' YES ,�,�,.��. YES YES ..,.�, � :� `� �;'�ti ,:`.� :.�., V. ADMINISTRATION : ��� , . �� OR/GlNATIONFEES �;� 1% ORIGINATION FEE � 194, ORIGINATION FEE . 1% ORIQiNATiON FEE ` �K 1.59b OF REHAB. OR 5350 � 5300 REHAB. FEE �?:�:: � �:'.� r.: ' >?� ' �� 0 to 2.25 POINTS POINTS ���i`� 0 to 2.5 POINTS �;:� 0 to 2.5 POINTS ,w� . :,::# ;:�:� . • t�:�S; . �� '•2 � ,• � , . �.`>,. Page 5 � s� � � �. �1 SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS . . � . � � � MORTGAGE BANKING -- DOWNPAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE : «>; :.,: >:::'; EQUITY CLOSING :..,, DOWNPAYMENT �;:� a:<::� x.::.. ���>�� k<:s> COST s�.;`: GRANTS �<� �;?`:; PARTICIPATION :.::# �r �:;;� PROGRAM FEATURES ?:�::: LOANS � �����: LOANS `�':�� � �>�:� , <:<:>: I. GENERA� : r ::':i :> `:':> WHEREAVAlLABLE ?:::` CITYWIDE <:;�:: CITYWIDE ����� CCTYWIDE $';� USESOFFUNDS E(�UITY ``�: CLOSING COSTS �' �?s� ;:`>;f FHA MINIMUM .. � , • ' �::':" DOWNPAYMENT ��' `<:t . a:<:: �;::� <:>: ,:;i � ;���s 3•�;< n BORROWER : : ;<�:; >�:::'� <<:� �:;::; ' o {<;.� >�:. 1NCOMELlM/TS ��'�'> SO�i6 MEDIAN ` 80 � MEOIAN . 809b MEDIAN ��:.� ' S39,680 ADJUSTED `"` 539,680 ADJUSTED �'`'> �39,680 ADJUSTED ?:: � ?;�?;; t:>:'s �;: DEBT RAT10S }{':'< 29°� / 41 % :% NONE � V NONE # `:�. f ;;::. <zs ;:;:£ � ;::� . 3:::�•`. . #E::; i:?: i�i ' �:`;'. 111. PROPERTY : ``:i ;:`' ` .;:€ ���'' MAX/MUM UN/TS .• 1-4 UNITS ' »:::< 1-4 UNITS ''����' i-4 UNITS .--- f•••� �::::. :•:>. :::.;. .. :.; _ _ _--- -- -------- ------, , - _ _ _ :..., - -- -- �:::< _ _ _ 100 � ;r.:: <>:s NONE LOAN TO VALUE o ' NONE ?:':'r. €><:€ �:;;':'• .::::� ::;�5 `':::. :p RAT/O .::.:: - }'.:: � � �`�> MAX/MUM PURCHASE �:> � NONE �;`: NONE € '��e • ; NON E #'s<;F' ..:� ���� }::.i,. . , }.; , 4;y;: b,.;: }::% �•� PRICE/ VALUE ���� 's'� �; z�`g �: t� �;� �:�:� ;;:3 . ,:;ti • i'a .^.� � .:. . .••�a IV. FINANCING : �"�� • '� � :>az .; `"` � S 3,500 'ti NOT TO EXCEED FHA MAX/MUMLOAN �� 515�000 OR 20°,6 ' �� . AMOUNT ^`�''� PURCHASE PRICE �;`� • �;� MiNIMUM DOWNPAYMENT .�,.'..�.'.$, `e . � 1NTEREST RATE �� PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF ��� 0 � ' z'`� E(�UITY OR 12°h �'� �;�, . �"` €� �`� PUBUC SERVICE �� REPAYMENT TERMS �� ' DUE ON SALE s i ' DUE ON SALE �$ ,: ; . �,� • ' :�:� . z�� � ,:�> ;.:<z r � `...k YES '�•`:{ YES ' �. NO . - MORTGAGE REQ'D ''� � `ti � ;:, • >� ; ` , � . r.� � L� z� �:;� � ,,,. ,. � ... �: ;�i . V. ADMINISTRATION : � � �`� ' � �`� �� NONE ' NONE i • OR/G/NAT70N FEES �.� NONE y� ' ��'`� ` � ' . �'\ ��Y � . �'' . . � �ry� � ��'t . "'y ' ` �. � \ POlNTS ' ?`� NONE �?� NONE *..� NONE x ;�� ,, •:<. .� �:� � ��w �'�:�< , #; � . Page 6 . --� -.� � � � � SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS v . � � MULTlFAMiLY REHABILITATION PROGRAMS : � •:.. CDBG � $ . HUD �>>r MHFA t;::� ;`::::� , � �., g;<; < r ` RENTAL �' � . � RENTAL ' RENTAL €� >:»: < , _ { : PROGRAM FEATURES x`:; REHABILiTATION �,: . � REHABILITATION t � REHABILITATION �;:� >:>;:# I. GENERAL • , t :. . ,.. : s:?<:> :<::Y �>s:: #<':� ; � CDBG EUGIBLE AREAS ;;`� CITYWIDE � WHEREAVAIlABLE < CtTYWIDE �'<;, � • � BASIC NECESSARY & "��# ENERGY ANO � - USES OF FUNOS �,' ' BASIC, NECESSARY & , .. � ,::;:£ ��< � .. . :... . . � { .. �. . . . f } ' �S � . $i:�R . �%� . , : -GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS . f •` IMPROVEME s:4 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS L{ , GENERAL . . ° x< � < '� �. � , , . '',:. ; > ; .;<z . ,; : . .:.:. S � '. <> II. BORROVHER' . � , ; , . . ., _ . #:.;:� � s,:,< � s: �;' es> • g�; 3596�TENANTS MUST BE 50% MEDIAN INCOME d� �� 51g6 TENANTS MUST � ING�OMELlM/T5 � a 51% TENANTS MUST BE . . � . ->: � 8096 MEDIAN 1NCOME �;�'`•� 35°+6 TENANTS MUST BE 8056 MEDIAN INCOME ��'� BE 527,000 AWUSTED . ' VERAGE }'• 1.15 DEBT COVERAGE . <�<� POSfT1VE CASH FLOW ��'� _ , .� , � � DEBT RATIOS t . � {�:;x :� ' _ { > , :�::t � .... 15 DEBT , r::.� . �:•:: � . . ' . . � . ' . � � .. � " k f ' � . �. � � ' � � . s•,•::?S � . � � � G:i� . III. PROPEHlY : . � ; %`:<� �.> ::::: . .>;..: , 2 f �N � "'`� MAX/MUM UNlTS' � NONE r — — — — — — .' — ..— —. — — — .; — ER OCCUPANCY NONE � f :' NONE <:�:� NONE : � � : LOAN TO VALUE � }"� k# : ' x.. . 909t+ AFTER REHAB VALUE $: �'� . s 85g6 AFTER REHAB VALUE ; �, �U �'<.; . . � � � , . � . : . , ... ' � k f �. . � . � <;'? . , :;i: � �.,,' . : �� - . ...... . -� . . . .. . . .: AFTER REHAB VA E , Rnno _ , <. , ; . k;;� z .<. . . . �.>�:<: �:..: �:,� . � � _ a,,; N/A � �, MAX/MUM PURCHASE �. N/A � ; N/A _ � . � 4 � 1 , . � �. k ', . . � . � { } . . . . .. . . VALUE ::.,; , >.: a . . � ��� PRlCE/ . � ,, •. , , ; . ,. , . : , � t � '� . � .1' �.� •.:: .:: � :'.��' .. .. .-':_. '.. . ' .;`;� ' .-�. '-' . � ' . .. { } ...':, ' .. ,,;' i '. ..: ''.'; •' ' {: t 4 C �� . : t IV FINANCING : . , ���'', :' :. ,... •: . , � w� ;. : , , ,, , „ c . . . . � AN _, .. �# S10 000iUNtT & 5250.000/PROJECT �� ' SS�OOO/EFF� 56.500/1 BR. � . � 540,000 . MAX/MUM LO � � �' �''� 57,500/2 BR & 58,500/3+ BR � ' ' AMOUNT � �� r ' 2. 7.4596 lNTEREST RATE �� � � � � '`' �' � ��� • L� , , , r : ��'': � .. � ,. � . § � . . � . � . � a�, . � . � � � ow � � �,;: ,' :., � � . . ti� . . .. . ' k .. . �� � - . E� . � �: UP T0�30 YRS. :� . . . 15 YRS. . �.:. REPAYMENTTERMS �� . > 4 � . ` UP TO 30 YRS � �� � ��" , , . . • • � , • � ; ' '. •. ' .ti. E ��, , , , , ' ' ' ':� MORTGAGE REQ'D ��? ,. ` x ; t YES . • �; E . , x`� Y S #. � . i:. Y . • '��''.;; , ' � ';, , .. .� �� '-.. a � � •:.• , . . � . ., . � . . � �+� . . , . V. ADMlNISTRATION �� , • �r� : r - . �a� . , '; ORIGINRnONFEES :� .; 3� ORIGINATION FEE �, � 396 ORIGINATION FEE ,� FROM MHFA: 3225-3275/LOAN dc y >.�,. �. _ i. . � � '; . , • �;` FROM OWNER: 5150/LOAN �., . .. ; . . . �,a: � � . , � :. � 4. , PO/NTS `'� NONE � � � NONE �:: NONE �: , �� . . � . � � �.� �,� . ...x� .� ... Page 7� . . . -. . . -c � . � � � ._ � SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PR�GRAMS , .. , ..if;,:.. c� �..:. „� : .., ..r..:. ' �.... ..:.;;�,..�w�:.�'._.: �..:.. rr :..a_ ' ::... ...... . � n . , ir. � i. .,� »./ . «i i.n.i�..�.� . �...,. . i . . . , rmwn. � .a.r�tiau� �5,. � ..... ♦. r.,.. -... . � . . : . .. .. ... . .�. .... . . � .>, . . ... .. .. ... .L . ......., . .a...i. . . X �, : - V. . � . ��r. �. � � :i + L �y1 'r ��. r.'f .�. � '� . . . �.� . ;,.. . . 1 , C+\ "' ` t '`'.J'`.''h' t { . , ` � . � � : `OT'HER MULTIFAiUEtLY �RENTAL' PROGRAMS :. �`, � � ` � � "' � .,.. #n � : - . FEDERAL LOW INCOME }, ; � .: LOW.INCOME HOUSIPIG Y � :. • . -, NEW HOUSING ,,: ; �� .�:. �� �.; � � . . � . . %w �� z i �. � � .� � ... h . .� �.. : 2' � ': HOUSING TAX CREDIT . "� �, 4 y,L . . � £ , �< r ., , ;. : f DEVELOPMENT FUND � DEVELOPMENT FUN� PROt3RAM FEATURES � ; <<; # •��'� > �{ � � . � � { . I. � GENERAL : � ` . � ,� # � < < ,� t;` „, �:� r < � `� ' >� � `; r �,c �<� ' ` ' ,� . pE s � I CITYWIDE � ` `.' WHEREAVAILABLE k ; . CITYWIDE ;� � , , �s , CITYWI , : ' - ' USES OFFUNDS ' s < , ; ACQUIS[TION; REHAB� ' � t �``� ,' z�' r;+ ' ACQUISITION. REHAB `'�s ACQUIStTION� SITE ,. ,. ; _;. _ .�� N , � f . �fs :'.: IMPROVEMENTS '' i �' � ... < ; 0 , < NEW CONSTRUCTIO � � ,, , NEW C NSTRUCTION , { ` ,�'� .�. ,�' .-�,,' . . :.: ..{, x .r ? � �t � k r . .. _. r� .r. .;� �` . � ^ � u � y' V ` i . :Y � _ . .. � _� . . H , . ....:,.• . .,. R i �� �.::✓:`.+,z`^'f,� L `i° ,.�. ���t��.. t 1 �.�w ' � t ` .., S� '. ..a o ".; IL : BORROWE ; .; , '# ':` ':�` ; ; � ,, , :• c ;,.; � ,� , .: , ' INCOlNE LIMITS:'� ' � � � ,�- ` ` BELOW 5096 OR 609b': i � " ` 'w` � � `� BECOW 50�i6 OF MEDIAN .:, ' �' � USE WITH TAX CREDtTS , � ^ <r „ � ;, , , _. . , � ;,� �, � �' "� OF MEDIAN INCOME�, ` `, a z h�^" 50% OF�UNITS 3=6R+ �<� , t °' � � , z ,. ; ' � � .� �; .,. , ,., ' �•� � i �. t £+ , i, 4 �•. - 3 -'. , :, � , . ti A s i � N/A � ' h� ;�.' .�� y .. ��. >^�cr i t r'..�14 s,�, a 1 :7 . M�`: n i y ; Y� t�..4t � �-. �r. ;� _ ,. : :; • , t .,.� . F . , . .;, SITIVE CASH FIOW n �<. � � ��s:� �.� �, N! ..� :: x � r .: 'a � DEBTRA770S- .� � r � PO ,t �if :� : ba , , ; : � � i x , � , � ;�, . ! � ,�� .�a :r. � ,( ; �i a ' > 3 .�.�,,f > , a s + w r k � : s ` ` s ' , s ; s .. ° a:. t �,y r r. .,� l � '� ��� - �-. �) .[G:C t .,l ..Y S � 1. ..ii 4 S J b''_e... ,i� t� �..+ •.in'� ro.i. � i, t :'e �� :::.<• c r i: i r ta + � r b r.. f�:r :F` r.,. '� 3.t:•. �t a { :� ,s.. .J.e�r' � I��i �'� .! � t .ti':'t�� f f��ti f ' � � ��. �' �' � � # 4� � � ��YY. t :�� y ' S F I ��,�..�� Yy �. y..5 r . y3 i ... - Y. : �:-�i 1f ;i'�. . � ,.: �.. . . r { . y. I J � � ` , } ` �� ;�' \��.� �. . ., .-.. . ��� � � '�' .4� �' - . ,... . .r ., ��h�.�. ; .... . .. ,,. ,,, -�- i.�`.���F `'ir^ �a �ti'�t e:.b i �C� .> .Y1 � �:tr III. PROPERTY , : �,: G .,,>, „ � t ; �. �, � �;; .;� ,,.. �.� �.,� .K . ..F , , , , , � �-. � F 4 ;,.. � � :r. .:�!� .�, r f � .r ^�} � y„ i� .� . (�w •y '�r��� >� F : �. ��i.� r.. � •�� ,. � ' �NONE '� c ;,y'a h a= ,R d � � �.;v't,•�NONE � � NONE - MAXIMUM UNf1'S , � .., ;, ., < � � �,,�, , �,�v , � , . �a: < — , , : , , � ' ��'� " , �� ,�.,� , ;:;����NONE �<�; �NONE> '� ' � �' : '�, � ti , �. 4 .0��3 >�� � � �.i.� > •:�� 'c r , r ' � '. � * ,: ` �' � ' Y �' + ��' N/A >k� N/A - z . , , �, � LOAN TO VAtUE # , ,, f N/A . y ; � `� ' ,� .` , ' �' � r � = Y t ' � � . � { �.:. � �r � 1 S � 4 � . { /r i .1 : �� ` wa no � � ;,.- , } . a � , ;<< �,� , � � ti� , � , , � �t. �k: �.•,,' � ,. ,� �� .: A;� ., .,... , , � � ,�` WA' .4', . k �.a� r �t�� -�� �?.< .;6� F.. � �w�� �L, 1''� .f �i� '.1 -� ''�p 1 �y .,a+;.��.; s. RCHASE� ., N/A :,, �,� �,;,:., �r ,r,; ,, ;�,. ,.,, ,,, �, , > ,, y -,r�i;,�: � � MAXIMUM PU �. �� r. +; t,,i : � . ��: r �',► � � � ..., . �? �, ' ti �Te�� -�. '� �� 1 ti�� ':s7�w .�'�.Y� t���,�:r„i,�t :1..,G� } ��.r �t �� �i �����. s.>Y } s � i^ ..o- ,� �. � ?GF �., i �� � �. �' t �; ;. � , , : .. , . , ? i.: , , . � , t t � i � ., ♦ , ,. . � � PRICE/VALUE<:{ x i':oo ,ti t " •� ;..., ;�:.�• ,,: y• . `ti . '�� � ; .i� �y.. �„ �I xuv�`�+'r ; et^r ':� � ! �y�.f i. �' !n...7.: '�� '��,�•, i�.:n. „�. s ..�_... ,' �. �tt,; ?,. .iY.,�'.�.F .i,;.t. � 1 �. .�. � , , i � r� �:r9 > ��"'i' ����$;" r- • { A : ; �� N >. �. ( ; 'a Y t,� �r.nr � r:t , . .. .'� . (� . �< .L �i. �:,y � , ; t , , �� S,y��... ! t r. . 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NUMBERS: 32-29-22-21-0001 thru 32-29- ' 32,-29-22-21-0067 thru 32-29- 32-29-22-21-0076 thur 32-29- 32-39-33-21-0093 thru 32-29- 32-39-33-21-0011 thru 32-29- � . - 32-29-22-24-0013 . 32-29-22-24-0015 32-29- 2-24-0080 32-29-22-24-0082 thru 32-29- 2-24-0091 � 32-29-22-24-0093 thru 32-29- 2-24-0103 � 32-29-22-22-0130 i . 32-29-22-23-0014 thru 32-29- � � 32-29-22-23-0053 � 32-29-22-12-0055 thru 32-29- 2-12-0100 . � �.. . : . . . . � . � . . EXHIBIT F • Exhibit F: Parcels to be Acquired or Could be Acquired RAIL ROAD ISLAND ACQUISITION PARCEL BY PARCEL ITEMIZATION Address or P.I.N. Legal Description Owner Status E.M.V. E.M.V.+�S% ' Demolition Relxatton Total Existing Tax increment District XXX Clark Blk.'12, L. 2&3, Stinson Gilbert Vacant 7,300 8,395 0 0 8,395 � p�to � BIk.12,L.1,4,5 Stinson Poor Richards Inc. Vacant 11,000 12,650 0 0 21,045 772 DeSoto Bik.13, L.6 Stinson R.W. Roehnen s.f. 35,600 40,940 10,000 20,000 91 �985 769 Burr BIk.13,L.5 Stinson M. Schroepfer s.f. 40,600 46,690 10,000 20,000 168,675 770 Burr BIk.14, L7 Stinson L.T. Trooien . s.f. 25,100 28,865 10,000 20,000 227�540 3ub Total 137,540 30,000 60,000 517,640 North Green Area � XXX Clark BIk.12, L. 2&3, Stinson Gilbert Vacant 7,300 8,395 0 0 8,395 XXX Desoto BIk.12,L.1,4,5 Stinson Pow Richards Inc. Vacant . 11,000 12,650 0 _ 0 _ 21,045 • • - , -,- - , , � � 769 Burr BIk.13,L.5 Stinson M. Schroepfer s.f. 40,600 46,690 10,000 20,000 76�690 770 Bun Bik.14, L.7 Stinson L.T. Trooien s.f. 25,100 28,865 10,000 20,000 58�865 765 Bradley 91k.14, L.9 Stinson F.Liko Vacant 6,200 7,130 0 0 7,130 768 Bradley BIk.14, L.B, Stinson HRA Vacant 6,200 0 0 0 0 760 Bradley BIk.15, L.10,11 Stinson H. Hakala s.f. ' 80,200 92,230 10,000 Z0,000 122,230 7�7 �� BIk.15,L5,8 Stinson W. & J. Kirkpatrick duplex 68,500 78,775 10,000 40,000 128,775 75g Jesse BIk.16,L10,7 Stinson L& M. Cordis s.f. 37,400 43,010 10,000 20,000 73,010 765 Edgerton Blk. 16, L. 8 Stinson C. Neis s.f. 83,200 • 95,680 10,000 20,000 125�680 759-61 Edgerton BIk.16, L. 9,12 Stinson C. Neis duplex 49,500 56,925 10,000 40,000 106�925 Sub Totai 502,895 80,000 200,000 820,730 South �ndusMal Area • �43 B�� BIk.4,L.10,11,128runson Martinez/Charles s.f. 56,800 65,320 10,000 20,000 95,320 485 Kenny (Brunson House) BIk.4,L.11,12 Bnmson J.& R. Szlavich s.f. 55,000 63,250 10,000 20,000 93,250 500 Hopkins/559 Brunson BIk.4,L.1,2 Brunson R.T. Caliguire s.f. 73,800 84,870 10,000 20,000 114,870 499 Payne (Shenanigans) BIk.11,L. 1,2,3 Bnanson M.K Gentik commercial 181,900 209,185 0 50,000 259�185 581 Payne (Greg's Auto Body) � BIk.11,L.11,12 Brunson V.Rosenberger commercial 86,200 99,130 0 . 50,000 149,130 502 Petit BIk.5,L.9 Bru�son M. & P. Grsafe s.f. 39,100 44,965 10,000 20,000 74,965 ,ps pe� BIk.5,L.9,10 Brunson T.J. Delisle s.f. 32,800 37,720 10,000 20,000 67�720 508 Petit BIk.5,L 10,11 Brunson R. & M. Fuerst s.f. 20,000 23,000 10,000 20,000 53,000 539 Payne BIk.5,L.11,12 Brunson R.& M. Fuerst comm.-s.f. 46,700 53,705 10,000 50,OU0 113,705 ' 499 Kenny BIk.5,L.9 Bnanson . • TCF Finance s.f. 15,400 17,710 10,000 20,000 47,710 503 Kenny BIk.5,L. 9,10 Brunson West Unt Life Assu s.f. 36,300 41,745 10,000 20,000 71,745 507 Kenny BIk.5,L. 10,11 Brunson . E. & M. Wittenberg s.f. 32,400 37,260 10,000 20,000 67,260 Sub Total 777,860 100,000 330,000 1,207,860 � 1 . � RAILROAD ISLAND ACQUISITION PLAN `1 � . ExhibR $: Parceis to be Acquired or Could be Acquired Yarusso Redevelopment Area ' 557 Beaumor�t ' BIk.2,L.19,20 Phillips K& D. Acroff s.f. 32,500 37,375 10,000 20,000 87,375 565 Beaumont BIk.2, L.21 Phillips B. & M. Lindberg Vacant s.f. 19,500 22,425 10,000 0 32,425 575 Beaumont BIk2, L.22,23 Phillips W.E. Peter Duplex 53,000 60,950 10,000 40,000 110,950 661 PayiSe .' BIk.3,L.3,4 Phillips J.M. Cocchiarella Duplex 55,300 63,595 10,000 40,000 113�`•�J5 663 Payne BIk.3, L.1 Phillips A Palumbo s.f. 44,100 50,715 10,000 20,000 80,715 568 8eaumont BIk.3,L.2 Phillips A Palumbo s.f. 35,800 41,170 10,000 20,000 71�17� 672 Bedford BIk3, L.8,9,10,3 Lanquin Choua Lee/McMoua Duplez 56,700 65,205 1��000 40�0� 11 Sub Totai . 341,435 70,000 180,000 591,435 , Drewry Lane Redevelopment Area 675 Payne BIk.6,L.3,4 Irvines 2nd. J. & L. Mastro s.f. 30,600 35,190 10,000 20,000 65,190 600 Beaumont BIk.6, L2, �rvines 2nd L. Liljedahl s.f 47,200 54,280 1��000 Z0�000 �'2� 608 Beaumont BIk.6,L.1 Irvinos 2nd S.W. Lauber s.f.. 23,000 26�450 ���00� ��� �' - 680 Drewry •' 81k.7,L.4,5 Irvines 2nd J.J.Barone s.f. • 39,700 45,655 10.000 20,000 75,655 - _ • � _ � - - � - , , __ . 32-29-72-12-0090-4 - - - BIk.7,L.3 Irvines 2nd Unknown .. Vacant 6,100 7,015. 0 0 7,015 678 Preble BIk.7,L.5 Irvines 2nd R.SchwartrlJ.McKe s.f. 32,700 37,605 10,000 Z0,000 67�605 609-611 Beaumont BIk.3,L.11,12Irv.2nd D.I. Olhson Four-plex 53,000 60,950 1�,000 8�.� ��,� 694 Payne BIk.3,L.13,14 Irv. 2nd T. & L. Stolarskl commercial 92,600 106,490 30�00� 50�000 ���� . 687 Drawry BIk.3,L.9,101Mnes 2nd D.M. Seidl Duplex 50,300 57,845 10,000 40,000 1�7�845 ' 691 Drewry BIk.3,L.8 Irvines 2nd D.M. Seidl Dupiex 35,300 '10�595 ���� 'a�� ��� 701 Drewry BIk.3, L.4,5,6,71rv. 2nd J.E. Bloomquist inc. .' Vacant ��� ��� � 0 0 XXX Beaumont BIk.7,L.1 Irvines 2nd City of St PauVPark Vacant 7,300 0 0 Sub Total � . 334,075 70,000 230,000 1,033�730 Pxket Parks Undetermined Private acquisitions Six vac. lots 37200 42,780 0 0 42,780 TOTAL ' 1�999,043 320,000 940,000 �,896,bs6 � FOOTNOTES; , • ' 1, s.f. denotes structure type, not ownership infortna�on 2. relocatton estimetes equsl 520,000 per family whether or not they are renters or owner occupaMs . 3. Soutli Industrial Area assumes soma structures are acquired and converted to another use 4. A total of six pocket parks would be deveioped on existing vacant lois ' � r.- � ► �. � RAIIROAD ISIAND ACQUISITION PLAN � , � EXHIBIT G: BUILDING C NDITIONS SURVEY FOR RAILROAD ISLAND PROJECT A a'Iroad s a d ous S e Su a �(� =�57�- SWW Design Team -Aprl1 Z8,1993 .. .r «� . .n �e a�. " � . = 'O 'C 'O 'C S �p L Y Y ` � O� O O O O O C � _ V �� p � I South Quad #1 (soutt�) 0 8 19 I 8 0 1 20 11 1 3 0 � (# of Dweilmg Unrts) 22 g 11 :' .. : 2O ` 12 J . _. . _ s , � r . V . . ...:. . .. .:. ' .. ��.. . � . .. ..� ..: ...... . .:. . .. �.. . ..:� ... :. . F. i � - : � � . { f f" n� . . I . ..�• - :...:.:-... :. � ..:..% �. rr,.. r.i . ..; .. .,::':: - . vy_� . .... . South Quad #2 (north) 13 10 10 ' 4 1 0 27 6 1 1 1 � (# of Dwelling Un'�ts) 27 12 3 4 6� 113 � - � : .: . : .: ..:.. ... . :... �. .:.:.:....:::�.. :_...: :. � ...:.: ... : .: . . . ..:. ..:...:.:..::....... ..:.. .:. ..:. . :..,.. . . .. . . ....:. . ..:....:;:. ..�.::.:�::: ..: �: :>:.:. -...::: :;., -- .::�::_,-:<-�-;>: ' ;:>.���: '... . . . ' " -:::: iLHi.:_::.'v� est Quad #t1 (south) 5 11 31 � 29 7 1 49 25 0- 6 1 ' i (# of Dwelling Un'rts) � 49 SO 0 24 32 ] 55 I . �.� . : . . :.: ... . . .: .:.:. ..;�: . : :° � :. . ,. : : -,: :<: ..,.: ::<-: -;;:�: ;:, - . . 4{ v- " - 1 .' ' . F } f :%-,. ' ' .."• : � :.: .. .:. . - ` I : ! : i ' ; : .F. ."v4': T .? ': � .. . I . , . . . . . .' ' . . . . . ., .. ..: . . � est Quad #2 (no�) 2 9 16 �' 7 3 0 25 9 2 � p 1 I! . i . � (# of Dwelling Un'rts) 25 18 6 0 5 � 55 !� . � .. � °< . � . . . . �� ' ' - r ri -_ y . . � Central Ctuad #1 .(south) 2 6 23 ' 39 7 0 44 24 4 3� 2 �� � .. (# of Dwelling Un'rts) 44 48 12 12 18 .;� ..:: _ �;:: : - :.�:: .: _ ....: . .: .,;.: :.. .. .-. . . . . ..: ... ,. . . . .. ,,. _ .,, .. :.;�.::: :: . . �.. . �: . � : r;: ,:.; . . .: i� .: ... ..: . .... . . � .:. . . . ..: � - . :: � : > :. ....<.:.;::. ::. . . .. .:.: .:: . . . . .:� , ' •_ t , . :: . . � . " , • Centrai Ruad #2 (north) 0 S 20 � 22 - 11 �"1 38 14 2 4 1 � �i (# of DweUing Un'ds) �� 38 28 6 16 S 93 i. � ..... � � � � -� - �. i . .. :. .. . .,. _ .. . . . . < .. ... IEast Quad #1 (south) 0 4 I 11 ' 11 2 0 l6 7 1 3 1 � . • I I(# oi Dweiling Units) . 16 14 3 12 6 . . 5� i: . . . ; , . East Quad #t2 (north) 0 3 11 �25 6 .0 28 10 0. 4 3 � �; # oi Dwellin Units) ' .. i .. . . 28 20 0 16 42 106 ': .. .. :: . : . . . .. �: .�. - :�: :�.,::�. :. -:. �. ... . .: . . , : . . ,.. . � ' �-� • �. • .. . .:� E � tr-.. . . . '. : �..:' - � - . .. :. . . . .. � . .... .. : '. •: ..• . . . . i . . . . .. � .. . %'' � . Tota( # ot Building 22 56 141 45 37 3- 247 106 11 24 10 ; .. Total # of Dwelling Un' 247 2] 2 33 • 88 . 176 7�6 �� . . . . � . •<,. . .. .. . . � 9 � Fig. 11A . . � . . . . . � . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . __ .." _ . . . . . . _ .. 4 . . . .. a . . . . . _ . . . . . • • � � � ' '�' � TED O STRLE ' � RAII ROAD ICI AND DUtI DINC CONDITIONS SURVFV_IIfAP • � • , •� x ' � � ' • i2 � �, � . � \ I ^ �J (l) NewaFaaUmlCondldm5ncwa � � . . � • 1' .� �. � � l . °� � C /.` ' . �� 1� ti . ' � I �� (7) Abm A e fondidon u i rtaAt of ca�mdvs rtJ�al . y im ,��•°� a �a4� munwum �• :!�� 1: � I 1 ��� I � � OI Aw+Ls Can6doa ieWlvt o ow�U tl}� Aw�M� fnct ' • ' ' f' . � � It3.� � � � . x 9C.7 I 1 - �' � � (1) Ww Aw+Cc Can6dan �aqutAn� wm� RLab m ' , . C . � /❑ � O a�biGu � _ . L � lA &lw Aw+a Cm6dan rapioAn� a�enJvc Nu! a . racaNi�vados . � . '� iYO u0 ioa � (� vryfnatCadftlon . � p io7.� ' • � �i10 L.� GryEaAa.IndumlatirW�^P. InlltlaolarOedWUa f . f $1 $10 _ _ ' OondiCOnO(fltpvlEOVtYtyWlRlad�ebolliC �- �- � ' � InewulaUCammacW da� _. - _ _ ___ ' • • • : • . _ ._. _ wamadivanofimperahove Y R6dvtbCJ�C . Indu�aial/Comnwdd aw � li f x r - - -- - , j v a, � i e o��� �' � � I �� i '�� �, �` I I I o � . f' r {.�] pupla �� Tdpka � Fourylu � ..� __ / Wa11 ' � � bd�wY�[ M6W1�1 ' �OV^�^�J4 �Y � �� r� J � ' . � A ' - .-�, � x . LL1 Q07om^�aoao...4.►yn.Yau •O • � ' �. r, � ' � `'\ \ x_ / � n � AwNuevdOppwwJtl .,� w�n � O • .� • � '^ j�� w Y9Q / . . � SfA v/ � � �� � � � w 1� ' x �- . �1Q .�.._ � _._ . ` : , . . • . g � . SOUTfI QUADRANT - NORTH SECTIOI . � L . � � � v � � /^� .,o... 1 i � �v� illi�v C:la.4 i._�.1 .• atz�� ��` .- -.-� �.�,,. _......____. .. .__ ... � -•-, -s •-._ - .. z x �_s - n� - n a-;..i ,.a� �l k , - �- � � ° r_..:�. . I x x , O; u�lt ROAD IcLAND OUtI DING CONDITIOVS SURVF.Y AtAP .. � �� . � � � � I �0 � ..�_� _x� . l , i \ � � (�) Ner a EamGau fadiaan Smcwu _� — I ,� � �•' x � � . �_� � � ••.�' 1 � (� A6o.eAveKefa�timuaicwhof<.v�tvardnb , ', arttWuma�n�cwm � � �... �� � •� � P) Aw+ie Conddm at�dve n watl Gks houdn� wR ` � 1 � � � . � Mbn „ � •x � x � (q eelow Arn+te Ca�ddan iaquLte� mae rtlub u � % --'-- -+ W e � . � � �`` A W A � � .�uu � 80.� Li. aM '� 85.8 � 1 � (A �`�ooCon6tlmioqu4in�aradvcrtluEv � % N I Z z � (61 Vry 1lor Coe6dw . . 4I . � Gie7 e«ec. induw4t hw�f. Nfin wkr eec Wm � ��-x�- � z � � a = � ^ mnaiaan o! tia pa Wova t�y Ea u�ativc n ana �.. �.. M . _. � J Indmm+UCommoavl u� o � A � KEN Y R AD �' CI s,��,�.�m� . uw��� . . , �r , Z _ — - - - - � u�a�wf,vcarvna�w o�s � ____ __ - - x• x / o. I . � � � PorYlnp\ . � Dupk: 0 Tdpla 0 fpvyla \ \i � � z—. • �_ BO .. . � .. CS� Oppa�uJrybdowniuEyw�w� , � o _ �xd . np x �' � O�qaaiJq m dw.�4s by tiomJu ' � �..,i ovv�n • � , eo.e . o \ . : +• x x . \ o 16 N�� o s�.o b. o o . x . � � . � �'x"�en. ! � l �. 7 . . � � � k �J . . . . . . . O � w n� . . s . 749 � . . . . .. ; 1 r . . . . m epd / � - . , . \ 1 H.L a0.! ' . ►� 11� � '� . R x J X ' - . � � e • � �• � ` . . � ,o � � . � ; . --. ... _ . . :x . . . �;�, s . . SOUTII QUADRANT - SOUTH SECTION � . � �C' . � � � . �1 . v �' � , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _....- - -. . .. _ _ . . . . . .. . _ . � . . . . . . , � � � RAILROAD ISLAND IIUI�.DING CONDITIONC SIIRVFV �UP � . . o �.� • • - . Q ' I� � . � (I) Newa E�ailaN Ccndidm Sovcnw o � �)O I � � R) AbevaAv"efjsfa�donuarta�4ofaYndve�eluA . '. � �� �\ S a re�Wu mvntenuioe • . / ■ �x.e � . , i . . I� � . rn e,a,�.c�sa�Rw�b�.»ne�n��.� ,� / ' x �et.c � .. w .�� � (A ldowAwa�eCm6eoa�aquLln�wma,slube !,� 30 0 0 ,�0 I� Rabilire ' � .% � � r.0 � U) Bciow Avaa�e Can6dm nqaNn� uteadre Nu6 or � _ N9} • raonlS�uncoo - � � :�1 • . • � � . (� Vny wa Cm&dou . . . � • I I Q ' �•! //� . �� I • 1 t9.! � Or<y0ade-InduwWhopory.InNlmlordcd�row jF x'� � i Q; i I � / � ,,, J mw�e� or eu p�,mK r�y er waw n od�c � t �..6..• I O Z 'q.. w�w�auCa�unec;aldw . �{ � �, II � , „il . - - - - - - — —� — — - - - - -_ ._ _ _ _ __ _ % x � . . Dmwa Bordv. Ummact�l Rooe�v. bhll mlor dedpi- --- - _ _ .. _. —. _. ... _ . ._ _ I S �, x � x c P� r � i � p wn mMieon of dte pv a0ovs 1cy 6w rtudve u aEc I' x � x ' x 16.23 LdufaialK'nnundcial dw �� x�x wii x . '3 x I I x �� II I ', ,`� � pTla C..�� T�Ipla . G� fwryla �' x ' ( e It II I � x I II II �I I I a m �GPa��Yadowmtesbran�wJi � � I I ... I I I. II 76i I.. �I I I I � � CVOanrdrypdorwdubrMYnNt � � � '. . i . 170D � � ANJrcW Oppw�wiry �,. REA A1�� U t ,».s . . ' �� II i; � ; ,�a•' �i . • . � . ii ( � ��• � . � .���- -� ���� , � . � ; ..• N � • I v ' I K ' ►�1�� 1 � '� M . . . �� - i ""' u i . � ,� . � ' I •� • . . • � •:� � I� � M -� � � � , "" - ; . -;; • .. .�_ .u-. • . , . �:.a' 1 � ;t+ . • Fij.6 �AST QUADRANT - NORTH SECTION � . � i . � • U1 v . ' 9.� : ;..;, ' . i E2$J0. I.10 . . ' • . . � . � 1'1 �O �� RAILROAD ISLAND �LIII.DINC COND�TIONC c IRV -Y �tAP � � . I _ O� �' O � W ,J a I o.✓�' � � (q q..aF�Quwcmcumsmcwe � ' II '►umo 120 •a t� . � r . � ' i7YYM (� Abw+Avaa�cCan6Jmnartwpofuimdvc�eh�b � ! � __ °•p I , Y,# � «���,_,.,...... . I p) Avm�tCon�tlmRlWrtbwca0tllcMwM{tbck . � � Y— 1 Q � � � (Q ��r>+tsfmddmiaquWe{femcrtlubb � ' • n .. . . . � � . . � __ „ � � � � . • (n � `� �Con6um,aquiM[uvndvsNuAar �, � � . r �_-- �i. r.r.ino . p � � ' =-- I a � " . Pii f� Vry HoQ Cro6tlw • r x— ' ���� � . • v aeyeoraQ.ua�mtrnw�r. ���eob.ediNw C o 1 i �°��°"`���Q� ,�,��,.��e� � � • p � � ,� �4 " � L� %� ' _ _ _ . . .. . . • M ._. ._. . _ _ _ _ — — � mnN'��paiEo�s y trtiadvemad�a ._ ._. _ .. _ . - _ ._ _ __ . _ _ ' � . �� . .— _ . _ -_ _ _ .. V .� �� . r ' o% . . Q Dupkt � TADIa `� �wryla � � REWRY L NE j � R � � � . � . . ,_�/ l � � �vaawdn b m. n. 4 c er oz wi� . D � II / L� o�uabm.Ma..y�M.Wu� 0 . J t�, ��. o � � x- �o i � ' ' . S j ''' C� �«...� o�n � " A � � � � . / M�11 � , . • . , , � . • , � /� . �� � � i . . � . • , � � 0 / • / �� r / , 'o �/ � • . . _� . . � / qes __ � , . . � . . 0 _ �� 7 , . ��! / ����� � � �� �AST QUADRANT - SOUTH SECTION . . . .. , . . . , . . . . .. _.�_ _.... . . . . . � . . —�, • ' � . � � • �� • . 7�-' � • • .. . . �� �+V V . f,l)'I.'lU1.LU� . .. L - o .. r � _;- _ , �, � L i73 � I RAII.R0,1D ISLAND IIU�I.QJNG CONDITfONS SIIRVFY �tAP ��_.--- ,... � - �� _� �� ;�,� � o . _ — • , � A I . , (�) Nn.>F��eoeuco.a'Nims..cwa . • f i• i "��. I `.• • I IO' u � Rl «�ui:°�wna�`� u,rtwnerca�aveNue � � / e� O / � W � W ; 3 � . � P) Awa�cCaiddmieW{.enova�OHts/eu�in��bck . '- . . ^ � a ; � W � 1 � � ao,,:, �„ . � �,, eam. Aw.c. eo�sam �y�ut�i w.� Rn.n �o uz.a — ''' — rona� ti °C 1�, � � , � � Ll � .. . _ � �/� x u� BdorAwat�Con�dmrtquWn�uwu(reNnbar - , � �j --- ••�_._ � r � , i v� . . - . � �! � � �.o ' ' L � , � (� vu�Rataedaa. �/ �"�/" '�1y, � � �� �e+ Y i��.2 f � . . . . !+ ` I � W � y� ❑ z O . L�l GrtrladQ.LduwWhopoq. MfitleeWdalWia —� ''a ��I � Q��. � u • �a u � o wuco�� ° '�ar;` rewwa.suae> , CI ��@;s_'Q. !�p _ � o _ �; •' Q � �� � - -- - o au paa r ul rtl�dre m aha - -- - -- — - - • - _ .. _ . . _ _ - .. 1 . M _ � U , � WmMaUWmmaciva�ea • f I LL ^ �--��* .. . . .•� : �„, A _ / i20 Q WPIa ,`4�TApka l�7 �puplea - — ' nev ''° BEAUMONT ,,,S RE�T ` � ' • , ' ii ' � m _� � :� t -..� �` ' � � . ', .� '.� �.! I ` % 11/0 � • � . , � �� . . . t —�_ '� ` � � J � . � �. . . � • d' ,� �4` � �--y x � �l.J 1' • � . . � • � n�s5 � � ►•rtle� ' •. ♦ . . `\ , . � _ � � •, � %�OEO � � ' ` . � . �R �.. a , . , � --- � . ; ; � i ,,:° W.,� � ' � / . i ' "/ ` .� Fis. t ; --�• - •-,.,., ,..,.,,..,. �_.���. ��� � C�N'1'RAL QUADRAN'1'-SOUTHSEC"fIOT . . . , . .. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . `� . � � � � v 4� •. � • . . . ' ' RAII.ROAD ISLAND �UILDINf. CONDITIONS CURV Y �fAP .. � � (l) NewaFsaUaxfad'idmSwcwa � , • Gi o 1S � m AbovcAraajeConCtlanuiiavtlWca�mdveNuO 1; . . L � . . a rt�ulu mau�r�urc.s . �`,K,� •.�: � O) Avaatc funAam Rlutva b wa�E Gte Mwln� uock . � •. �i« ti' s :�.. ,� :..y..i ..;I. : � - . . . l..l�i•� `. �� _ ,;�):l.':� •[ .r.Yii�i'c`J'�'i..j.; .�. � (rI DdwAva�LeCanSdm�aqu4in�wacrtA�bio � ,. � •r••x- -•r' �� ��� �� � r.� . - ' - � , � ` (3) HdowAvaaKCm&tlanteQW'(n[u�auiwrtlubv IM .. f : � • ` raanR[vadoo � �'' • - �'' �NN �i .1 4(ti pd +. �:+': ! --1��,,���.` � � i: 1 ' �_� . �(� �VaylEOrCoMluaa . t:. �.tsrY . o j u.. ,. o '1:r 7 '� ... ��•.Ll�•" � � q .. : '� .:,1��< . � ::;'.. '�t ! F .f�, ; ;t.. • . �..::�;: �,�,�.�,��. aN��,�,�� � , i .: , •;13:',:• y .�s.1�: y�'� ; �� or,t�e ve.u� �y aa wu�s u o� .. . I u � ' ' _ -. __ LWm�UCommacvl d� F � :� i 120.7 , �x:.x „� x C=l e.a.,, . _ x - - pv r auvcmaha . - - - —. _ 1nEumial/COmmadtl eiu . . . iu . _. ._ - . -.. - ._ ._ . . _ -� Y . 011 ' _ . . .. . a 11 L . , . �' K � ppkt � Tripki �� !'owpla ' 0 au . • N R� • � .. ' �u ,� l � � OppanuJrybdo�.n�iubyonawil ' . � '• � � i 3 � Oppa�wi7 Y de.md+e ►r I+o wW � """' ��� • � AreN�ee�r+lOppowiq W w . � % 11 � w i W V x • C "" cn 3' ,� � /� • N90k �[ � Q � x , x ~ -x IJ � � Y ' Y � � � . . c r% s a x �� �, � We .:.. x x 1 W � . � � Y x � • _'_ � ' ❑ • � • . ' �� Y- � � ❑ •I . . �� �� � . ' ..A.a���u.���w �w w�•�u���.� . . � ... •• . . �.........a:�7 . . � . � � . � . �� �' C�NTRAL QUADRANT - NORTH SECTIOT . . . . . . . . , • � . , �' � . �. � v � , . .i, __.... rt�ccc� n. o- �L?:C� . � " ro--�1 �— ' . . • t:� . •• �. .. `��—� •:�\� ;� _.� ' . I ii •�, .••-•-11 1L'(�, � --,`�•°�'�i...__il �\•a �� ' � ., x�o \\\, � �� � I �� 'I� � '��%' �� � RAILROAD ISLAND QQIID�NC CONDITIONC c RV v \fAP ' . . .�'�' � � V � ,, Y �- .�L _ '°�'. . ( t p • ..�:. I . wen � , %Y'7' � _ ' � � fq Nsr a F�atlax ��on Swce+et \,'O\., '`'' . � � � ; , ' .�L_ ' _ I f'�' 1 _ . . � � . . M �`; (7) Above Aveaje Wndidon u��srvp of aimdve �dub ' . ' .\: ` ' � � ,J "'� ' �• a�qWumLmuuio � ' �' � .~wuiY . � . . ' �»o .�1 �� �. II __— ' •I LJ � � P) �•m�acea6umm�,nrsnaw.nG}.Mwln�rock '��,' ,.��'°' � �� � � � � ,.:.: �i , r � A � .. ` N �. - A _ .. :s.. j,,,,, .. � ' • , r 'L. � (h � �A�waq Con6dm �aquirin[ wne rtMb n A "' ` b . �. TR . • ,.. _ � : -----; �1 m e� e�. e�aa� �,� ��d,� Rn.b Q . . . . pu �_ -�� =wcu✓"�=�'�'` _ _ �� �:.. �:,o . taan�w.uuo .: . �� �' :o �. ...._. x _ , . � ., � , ; �� ����� �' . �\ ` �•:. �'•` ' . ,�, M � • • ..-.- •• , ' +l� p _ ` i � erryeaac.lnd�mW nqwy. Mtulewaaed�n.va . .\��• �. rt • �� _� �_}� � . oonAitlan of ua pv aeovc iey W� rthtivc n oUwr ;• _ ' �,�., :.: 7 s V Q •� ••.; I i�•e•�—�: �� � . • � x ' f. . ^ a ��� } �•: Q Ineno-lavConunecial c�u • . . , , . ; ' �•,� . ^ . �. .. . :.,.. .� 4 �_r � �. _ sl __ _ • �' i r —°— n: — ~ .. _ _—__ arta oondluon o! um pr above y i rtladve m ahc . �. ' a �' " - - ' IndmauUComnwdal aat r - - _ - - � .,:. , •1�. I �.•; - - II II i p ,�", • i p ld.l �se s� : �+ � ,:l I I I I i i .� � ' �� ,,. ;; � ,u : , � '�` ;�. � � - -- ;�� �;'� -,, r� �,,� c�T�P�. c� � � � � , , , ,a/,� �tr .�.�• , � .� � . � �: , •\ ` . , �. ' • i . ., . � = �• • •v'•. I I ' ` �`•�i� ' '� '=-� — ; �. �•_-��� •>�{:.`` , 4 .. _ :.%��'="_-- m o�„*�tnrm..�+weyw�ewn \` ' .x.. ,y'�' F.eil��' , w.n � � 1 �a�s '�— . � � I � °°°""'dybm..,h.erw.Wuu 1 �ra�r,3„w �; � � x �a - 1 � � ��; '�`� �`-� C) � � `• � • i �_ .2 l • � ,wm.�...�a�.�w� \` '; ' �� • ��•..: ; : � 'Ii ,. ��� . �;, a �► ��� � ,�,a x� . �� 4 � � � ��- �L �°° =�� � �]?�� ��o�i y C1�, � W �. I � x = �� . . � . ' /� f � � =-- /tn. �%, r l � ,; W .1 • - — - i :I . . � �~ s�.`: �='; � � a �� ) ��, � . . . o.. .' -' \ o � ' ;.. ° � x . :'' '�'`"' ' w � 1 ° . ' �•\ ' � � - -• . - - 1 � \� `` ' io � i • ���' O , . ti • Fi�. 9 . �.., :, .� ; 'O° �''' ' �` • W�ST QUADRANT - SOUTH SECTION \ `� ' .., ' !r' � . � . • �: i -� � ' v � � � � . � RAILROAD ISLAND �UILDINC. CONDITIONS SURVFV �tAP .. . • � � (q Ncw a &a0m1 Con�idan Struewa � , . �I � (� AboveAvs�jeCmddauua�co'hofuYw�IrtNub . . . . a�quW mau�r.urm . � � . ., . . �— ,. .•• ; • . ;. � 1 � Q). Avc�e C.an6em mlWve n we+0 Gtahoufin� uock . �. � ,.;� •ia+�i �Z r DelorA eCanddon wms�eh+bb 0 .. � : .5 � � � Wbi�iu�i �MM�t . � P �' �.�;: '•• ��'1�' j �.oali���' , ' ' � � � (n�Odo+�M'aaKCmQdonrtquWnLeaWUiw�eAaEQ f.' .l :• . . . ,: � ��� ,;v,�,�..: ,, :;�;;,, ;� ■p �� • . _ • , �:.i."• ': W� (� V.ryPearcomfdm ' . . . � � � '" �� o :��.: '� � . .. i� . • �. •••• .i... ':r�.; : ' . � Greyladv.induwWl�openr.InNlmbrded[iutra .' . • t �. .. ' ., � aonddm of u�c pc,�0ow tcy bw rtladvs b atrr . . � � 6 O ,•• ' • � � ' • . • � .+� — — � IaAu�wl/Cammand d1u ° eiwseaeer-caemacWhope�y� Inweotaacap�. �� I �X—r.�i��S . _ _ ._ �uamnaivaaafdrpcabmfe�6utrtlaavewaee �' � :/ / x — _ . _ - - — — - - - - .. _ _ . - - - / � / . 1' i20 � L� pupla L� ,.. Tdpkc 0 �euryiey' -� x `-' x _ ' . / q S o - �"x_ . � OppwwJrybdo.wdubyonemJ� . X ��' N , �, 12 � O�qN�IYN�w1�L�yMW�Y � . ' % ��� % . . � � ' , � � N if ..�.. ) . � � \ �• • � Mt11�lOCW��V�J .• x �x � / _�—�ia0 __�_ W Y—C=` u � . . � F.. � �f u � Q ---- � _ -Q- h d .� o x ] � - ��ao � �\ -- O � •° � � o fj.+ �,,,.e ;^ 1 � u, x . � . x �� J � „ � � �� ,�, o �. M ,�I . � • - a I� x / i o.e � r� i: � x' I � � ' • . \ x /;�,:� o/ � �� I I�� 1 a Q , � \ < (% ' "o . �\ \� ,,, r-�,. � � .... . . , ��. i W�ST QUADRANT - NORTH SECTION . , , ... . . , _..., ..� . . . , . • . . .. , . . . _.... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � � � • � � � � �'yris��- ' Exhibit H � Statutory Standards for Q lification as a Redevelopment Project Minnesota Statutes, hapter 469.174, Subdivision 10 . � J uary 19,1994 9usti+ �vcNUE W � _ W � � '- H Y W W Z N � N � d C f. � � v �i '^ REANEY AVEHUE � � rc i �^ I n �� o m m ; a �� < MINNEHAHA AVENUE MINNEHAHA AVENUE � - � W � u W C G W N W W � C f m < U N y� N -� I � MT. IDA STR � u . Q F. . � . ; � - —_ J z ° a a u z / � a �„ u o m m a o �� u � � � . BEAUNONT STFEEf �`'�., � BEAUMONT STREET � N '� � J6 J o N *�� � o � j� � Q�' � � - TEDESCO STREET . � . . NORTH STREET � � � � To r of parcels in Amendment Area 447 N arcels occupied by buildings, ts, utilities, or other ' � HOPKINS SiREEi i rovements � 443 � W � ntage of Total Parcels . 99% N Z , O _ - ; f parcels with Structurally m dard buildings, . � KENNY ROAD W onRailroadIsland � � � � ' gs Condition Survey, ' _ (condition 3,4,5, & 6) 374 r < . d MOO�MO wvENUE cen ge of occupied parcels - 84% •, �,��y � . � � � �_ ���- is;�� EXHIBIT I SOURCES OF REVENUE TO FIN � CE PUBLIC COSTS A. ESTIlViATED SOURCES OF REVENUE OT THAN TAX INCREMENT OR BONDED INDEBTED SS . As Amended September, 1986 As Amended October, 1994 1. Capital Improvement Bond Funds 1,500,000 160,000 � 2. Community Development Block Grant Fund 1,500,000 2,600,800 3. Municipal State Aid Funds 500,000 p 4. Department of Housing and Urban Development 500,000 236,563 5. Land Disposition Proceeds 1,Q00,000 � 22,ppp 6. Urban Development Action Grants, Urban Renewal Bond Funds, Tax Levy Funds, � Transit Funds 500,000 4,011,589 5,500,000 7,030,952 B. TAX INCREMENTS AND INTEREST E GS � ON INVESTMENTS 0 14,973,516 C. DISTRICT COST FUNDED FROM BOND PR EEDS 10,697.981 � 5,345,390 D. TOTAL DISTRICT COST 516,197,981 $27,349,858 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS A. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSUE 12,697,981 6,210,000 � B. BREAKDOWN OF BOND INDEBTEDNESS ' 1. Net Bond Proceeds for District Costs 10,697,981 5,345,390 2. Interest Payments 4,500,000 5,966,832 3. Debt Service Reserve , 1,500,000 591,199 4. CostofIssuance 500,000 273,411 � Total Bonded Indebtedness $17,197,981 $12,176,832 Note: Projections for sources of revenue and bond ind tedness � are for the duration of the District which expires in.ye 2008 file:TIFREVEX.WK1 � _ _ ... . _.._.�_. .. ...,-----.._.__.... -_�--r - -.-- �- . - - - •- -- _ . . �a . _ . . �- . . . , _ . � . ... . . . _ ��I- rs7�- EX�-IIBIT 7 � . PROPOSED BUDGET FOR E TAX INCREMENT FINANC G PLAN Existing As Amended Budget October, 1994 A. Land Acquisition 8,085,121 4,115,366 � B. Relocation . 267,000 680,249 C. Public Improvements, Sewer Con truction 542,848 8,482,406 � D. Site Preparation, Demolition, Utii es 3,171,680 3,637,471 � E. SpecialImprovements �. 110,000 . p _ F. Housing Assistance � 3,000,000 7,769,618 G. Consultant Services � 250,000 552,000 � H. Adminstrative Expenses, Non—Ta ' Increment � 0� 574,615 . I. Adrninstrative Expenses, Tax Incr � ment 771.332 1.538.133 . . , TOTAL PROTECT'ED PROTECT � OSTS $16,197,981 � $27,349,858 . . Note: The proposed budget is for the � ration of the District . which expires in year 2008. file:TIFBUDEX.WK1 . • E%AIBIT R c�ty of saint paul � � � . 9� -� s ��- lutio� . p�anning commissian re � . fi�e number 94-44 . _ . �te July 8, 1994 . . � � Amendment of the New Housi � g and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Plan for the Rail oad Island Project Area � WHEREAS, the Railroad Island Project ea is one of eighteen different sites throughout the city of Saint Paul that are part of a scatt ed site tax increment finance district known as the New Housin� and Blighted Land Develo � ent Project and Redevelopment Plan, which purpose is to increase the supply of quality housin available.to all income groups not adequately served . by the private market at affordable price � and rents; and . - WHEREAS, the Railroad Island Small ea Plan has identified the need for housing � revitalization throughout the Railroad Isl nd neighborhood to create an attractive and � economically viable residential area that rves a wide variety of income levels and household - types; and . . ' . . .: . . WHEREAS, the current boundaries of th redevelopment plari area for Railroad Island � include the western portion (bluff area) o the neighborhood only; and �. WHEREAS, redevelopment plan activiti � and financial resources could be used throughout the Railroad Island neighborhood to improve',housing and stimulate additional private investment; and . : . � . . . - . . . . .. . _ . , WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to ithe redevelopment plan would expand the :. . � . redevelopment plan area to include all of ailroad Tsland; �nd �� : � WHEREAS, the New Housing and Blight d Lands Redevelopment Plan Amendment was �. � . developed together with the Railroad Isla d Small Area Plan and is include� in the plan by � . reference; and . . . � WHEREAS, the Planning Commission th day recommended adoption of the Railroad Tsland .� Small Area Plan as an amendment to the ity's Comprehensive Plan; � � NOW, TF-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE ,�that the Saint Paul Planning Commission supports the New Housing and Blighted Lands Re evelopment Plan Amendment for the Ra�road Island Project Area, rules the Amendment to be onsistent with the Comprehensive Plan as recommended,. and recommends its adopt on by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. . .. , . �. : � . - . m�ved b�/ Neighborhood Plan ing Committee �� • . y i �ecor�ed bY -- � - . in favor Unanimous . : ' - , . . . a�ainst � - . . � - � : . . . . __ . _ - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - - -- __. . _ . . _ _ . . =. - . • 'F ^ LIGHTED LANDS ' . � . • . r1EW HOUSiNG AND B � � TAX INCREMENT DISTRIG"T ' _.-•- - -• ' � � � �\ ►NMEMEIA �' 1� � . ' ,�� ,�. � 3 ■ 22 � �� E � a _._._._._._ . W AK�+OIqM ME. J E IVY ArE i � Q - 1 � Q i . q � � fy �IOItiY � � � . VMEE� . . � � � y� . �. � YYMUM� • f � � . i & *�. !S � w wvm�rn w+E, n a ; . 1 Y �7 ; A �� 1��_ °0 � � � R � � � � � � � raorrt si � � � � � K 1 � ' . J .. ,� - � � . } . � E 7w K � ' � , .�. . '°,� : `�`�' q' � � . • � ,� � � 1 . ; 2 � �� 20 s � �. . � `..,� . . .� ,,, ,,,E,,.,�, �. � �,,, E. .., n 13 � . � ; _ � 5 � E � �,.« � � � � � w €� , � UNEIa4fY � � � , . , �� ' � � � f . . Y Y � ' M - --- — _ _. � i - w � __ — _ _ __-__ __ -- 18 ''`��, • _ _ _ - - - - -- t►a � • - - - - - - - wraau . _ ' ac.sr w�c. rL � �n , � • 1 Y Y = , � � �� � �L - . . . • . � ` � � � � i �Awt Nf. � p�,NO � . . 9 ; � a � o � g : � �" � r .%� ��, �' � � .��. "°''D � . ! sc a�w w�. �. • � � ia+�.* � � � �' . , . � . �c`r°°on �. �. � � � � . ; �°°� ,� � � � ��° � �15 . � � ,� � � � � �° �. � � 8�' � i w o►a �tc �� A i+'Mr°s •_"" ` ; � � � �� _._.._._._._. �' , �,. �. � � � � � � � �� - . ,. . ; . , , �� � � E � 1. BRk�r School ' � wrt � y, � „ �. � 2, Llli■ Av�nu• Sit• ��• , � } �ti � 3. St. ih�r��a'■ ' i P Enoai.eE ro � � +. South-oi-Yront Blk 333 i � ,� �� S. BrRndt3�n-Klu�• Sit� (ds1�L�d) . � . ., ' •� ; 6. S�lby Av�nu� Ar�a '. � ` � ; � � 7. OtLo/M�rcer Sit• ?•�. � � � . � � 8. Novadn/ArkMright Sita , �. • • � � �� ' 9. Miasiaaippi/Torrac� Area �'� i .h � 10. Bradl�y St.-Cas• Lo Whitnll 17. Union Goapel Miaaion Sit• �•� i y il. Reilsoad Saland Aree 18. Ruth & Burna Sit• \��'� � 12. Aazal Park ' 19: Lincoln School '�...- -�-•-•-• •� �� 13. Etna/Birmingham Corridor 20. Minnsheha/Kent ' . iti. Rob�rb/Conoord 5it• (ds1�L�d) �21. Concordia/Milton ,, ? � . - � 15. B�lvid�r• Pnrk Sit� 22. Trout Brook Phas� II ' , �+�"g� . • 18. 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'� o . ; 'r� o ,�� ��.: '�, �, /� . . , ATTAC T l: PAGE 2 • i Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT AREA EXPANDED TAX INCREMENT AREA TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT BUDGET ITEM ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION, RELOCATION Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V TOTAL Acquisition 137,540 777,860 365,355 1,460,755 Demolition 30,000 100,000 � 50,000 710,000 Refocation � 60,000 330,000 140,000 530,000 Sub Total 227,540 1,207,8fi0 555,355 2,700,755 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - treet and Related Improvements 499, 328,300 17,600 382,000 316,450 1,543,850 Garage Cluster (Two) 0,000 100,000 Front Yard Fencing � 65,000 10 , 0 25,000 20,000 50,000 265�000 Buffering North Industrial Area 185,000 185,000 Buffering South Industrial Area 100,000 100,000 North Payne Entry 70,000 70,000 South Payne Entry 40,000 40,000 Burr Entry 140,000 140,000 Tedesco Entry 30,000 30,000 Payne and Bush Landscaping 30,000 30,000 Payne and Tedesco Garden 60,000 60,000 Pedestrian Connection on Burr 25,000 25,000 50,000 Traffic Control Devices 80,000 �, 80,000 Payne & Minnehaha Entry 40,000 40,000 Payne Streetscapes 650,000 650,000 Edgerton Entry 40000 S u b Tota I 909, 500 1, 353, 300 67, 600 502, 000 551, 450 3, 383, 850 � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY � � � � Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area PARK IMPROVEMENTS Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V TOTAL Rivoli West Slope Area 140,000 140,000 Rivoli..Ridge Improvements 157,000 157,000 Dump Site Improvements 145,000 145,000 Eileen Weida Park Modifications 30,000 30,000 Development of Pocket Parks 20,000 20,000 100,000 140,000 Acquisition for Pocket Parks 7,130 7,130 21,390 35,650 Swede Hollow Clean-Up 5,000 655,000 660,000 Tedesco Overlook and Access 100,000 100,000 Hopkins Overlook and Access 100,000 100,000 Park Maintenance 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 --------- - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , , , , �7, � HOUSING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Neighborhood Clean-Up 10,000 Site Preparation � 5, 0 50,000 Development Site Clean-Up � 13,00 13,000 Housing Rehabilitation 695,000 810,000 0,000 710,000 665,000 3,210,000 Multifamily Housing Initiatives 390,000 320,000 32 , 0 320,000 270,000 1,620,000 New Construction Infill 325,000 325,00 325,000 325,000 1,300,000 Consultant Services 10,000 12,000 15,000 37,000 Administration 15,000 17,500 19,000 500 22,000 95,000 Community Organizing - 50,000 30,000 20,000 100,000 Apartment Owners' Association Start-Up 20,000 20,000 Sub Total 1,100,000 1,577,500 1,109,000 1,376,500 1,282,000 6,445,000 • � � � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY ' � 9J Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area COMMUNITY FOCUS AREA Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V TOTAL Acquisition 341,435 341,435 Demolition 70,000 70,000 Relocation 180,000 180,000 Site Improvements 50,000 50,000 Site Amenities 250,000 250,000 Development Subsidies 500,000 500,000 Sub Total 591,435 800,000 0 0 0 1,391,435 DREWRY LANE REDEVELOPMENT P CT COSTS Ac . . . _ _________— _ - — - _ _ _ — �d,075 _ _ _ _ _ -- - - — - - - - - - � Demolition 70,000 70,000 Relocation 230,000 230,000 Site Improvements 0 Site Amenities 300,000 300,000 Development Subsidies � . 1,800,000 1,800,000 Sub Total 0 0 634,075 2,100,000 2,734,075 PAYNE AVENUE COMMERCIAL FACADE IMPROVEMENTS 200,000 200,000 ST. PAUL TENNIS CLUB FACADE IMPROVEMENTS � � Landscaping � 15,000 15,000 Facade Improvements 60,000 60,000 Sub Total 0 0 0 75,000 0 75,000 TOTAL 2,878,065 4,485,470 2,008,600 3,820,435 4,635,19518,537,765 � � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY � V1 . J 9� Exhibit C: Estimated Costs of Redevelopment in Amendment Area FOOTNOTES: TAX INCREMENT BUDGET; EXPANDED AREA 1. PUBLIC IMP. COSTS DO NOT REFLECT 25% CONTINGENCY 2. BASED ON PHASING PLAN DATED 12/15/93 3. COSTS BASED ON PRELIMINARY COST EST. DATED 9/15/93 4. HOUSING REHAB ESTIMATES BASED ON HOUSING PROGRAM DRAFT #3: COSTS INCLUDE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS ONLY � � RAILROAD ISLAND REDEVELOPMENT STUDY � � /ri� Y .�H Y .:,::4 -dt. � - ..av1 - �`'? ' 'S.. � �'°SI`°r 4�yy���e�'��'�3' 1I7 _[i��'i'M4. ,:"6+�'��':E. y5 ��� �' (�� 1�...1 i ��. ' �a'.� a a' K 3 r� � f,k�r� � s��` -"�,-� ,�� > x < -� � ".i� r �- `. 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Middie Income Housing Fund - Refinance/Purchase Rehabilitation MHFA - Accessibility Loans SINGLE FAMILY HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS art 2 DOWNPAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE 6 _ MHFA - Revolving Loan Fund Equity Participation Loans MHFA - Home Improvement Loan Fund sing Cost Loans MHFA - Purchase Discount Loan Fund Dow ment Grants Ramsey County Deferred Loans OTHER SINGLE FAMILY PROGRAMS 3 MULTIFAMILY REHA ITATION PROGRAMS � Selective Clearance CDBG Rental Rehabilitati Child Care -(Saint Paul) HUD Rental Rehabilitation Chlld Care -(Ramsey County) MHFA Rental Rehabilitation Sweep Loans HOUSES TO HOMES 4 OTHER MULTIFAMILY RENTAL PROGRAMS 8 Acquisition Subsidy Pool Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits � Neighborhood Non-Profit Low Income Housing Development Fund Gap Subsidy Pool New Housing Development Fund � / � � � ! :.J � �, ��_'�� „ < < � � t � , � ' �} 1 '' � si .-: , ." . _ . _. ,.. f:. , � . .' : � Y ?_, r . ` . , . . . .. . � ... � .: *r . . . . . . ;. ,., . . . . - ': c^ x. 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GENERAL • ;�"`' ?"�> `':'` WHEREAVAlLABLE CITYWIDE CITYWIDE �`�'`' CfTYWIDE `�'� `�� ' t::�� USESOFF S �`''�" ACQUISITION AC�UISITION & `���' REFINANCE, `'��� >%...' ��;s ��;': :`: REHABILITATlON �: REHABILfTATION `�'` �� <.;:{ :#;:i �� ' z ,: '� IL BORROWER : ;�`z:: �`� �:;<. INCOMEL/MITS 110°,6 MEDIAN `':�::; 110°,b MEDIAN �89,250 f�� ` (EX: 4 OPLE $49,600 ADJ.) (EX: 4 PEOPLE $49,600 ADJ.) ADJ. INCOME �''` '?> �::i : �;� DEBT RATIOS 29 41 % 29°� / 41 �� €.::;s 28% / 36% #..,� 339b/ 38% (Counseiing) #'�<S s::�: <� �#� >,<.>. : �..< E:;::::E ' >'•::. III. PROPERIY : ;;<:€ ""`' `':"# <. <,::: >:::::: ::>:::; 4 UNITS #,:# MAXl1NUM UNITS 4 UNITS 4 UNITS x ::::> ,:::: ... r... •:::.>: � .t.ii:• 4:�+ :iii:• . ?�ii: � - . _ . . . . - . ._ _ .. . . — - .. . . ___ _ _. -. - :� __ _ ..... "�' v. - - _ — - _ _ ._" _ _ - � •:.�: - :'r2Y. .. - - - LOAN TO VALUE ?'::: g7oi6 ':::; 97�i6 . �"�} 95°i6 �:: } ::<:;:; :<::: RAT/0 ::<'`<` ; ; �'" MAX/MUMPURCHASE >?� N�A N�A ?.�`�} #��~ N/A �:::� G� PRICE/ VALUE f "' �. ;�;:: . ..>; x;�. ;%::;? >�::: i`• 3:?: �.'�S .o.:. '';'•;;`�; ;<'2: .n; IV. FINANCING: z:`�� ``'��} `'� ,,.�; • ; :;;< �.< �� �� MAX/MUM LOAN ,E :' FHANA GUIDELINES >::::?> FHANA GUIDEUNE ;:;:� 5165,915 (1 Unit) �� .h'+ �.{'?: �:•:L : AMOU/VT ���� S 87,058 (1 Unit) <::;y � 87,058 (1 Unit) ::?`� �, z:::>, . ��;'E;3 `r:;,, . INTEREST RATE �:�;� �}.� >>:::z >., PHASE IX: 7.875% c:::; PHASE IX: 7.8759b ��,,.��.�, 7.55% > . '>.>. a �, � •:;: :::: ;�,.;, f:>:� u;. �:::::; .�••. ��., >.:�. }:� `' 30 YRS. AEPAYMENT TERMS c;:�; 30 YRS. ;;�; �` 30 YRS. � .�.,; .. '.'', ,_. '��� '� :;:>:<• i;:�3 �:.' � ;�:;:: ' YES ;. YES 1 .,..��'� YES � MORTGAGE REQ'D �', s *'�`; : �:. • . r<:: :<.::::h .;:< .`:�. �:� ... �; .: #:::;z ;::: � '< V. ADMINISTHATION : �,`'' •, � fi.� i<;:� ...> • OR/G/NATIONFEES �� t% ORIGINATION FEE > ' i% ORIQINATION FEE �� 1% ORIGINATION FEE � ., n,1'i ��` �� 1.5% OF REHAB. OR 5350 `4�' 3300 FiEHAB. FEE r�,: �<�::;: � '::,� .. �;,. >::� POIIVTS ,�?:w 0 to 2.5 POINTS #�`•.'':f 0 to 2.5 POtNTS ;::::� 0 to 2.25 POINTS : , `•s ,..., :'::$ :::z �;;: ... >:: �... ;�,:s: ;:� °::� Page 5 � � f SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS . � � MORTGAGE BANKING - DQWNPAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE : <::`:>:> EQUITY CLOSING DOWNPAYMENT >:�:: ""` PARTICIPATION �``''' COST ':�:: GRANTS r;r� <s.<:; . >::;:� f:<;# PROGRAM FEATURES Y:::::` LOANS LOANS � I. GENERAL : >: < ��':�? WHEREAVAILABLE :�>�:': CITYWIDE ;;:::> CITYWIDE CITYWIDE �;:`:� USES OFFUNDS E�UITY �`��`$ CLOSING COSTS '����< FHA MINIMUM '��`; . >:::::. . ' � � «:;� DOWNPAYMENT ;:>:', S II. BORROWER ' ''< Y::::> i:;;s INCOMEL/M/TS '::y; 80°i6 MEDIAN 80°�6 MEDIAN r;>:�� 80% MEDIAN ���� :~':<' , ,:::;: '>':;>��� 539,680 ADJUSTED {:::':: 539,680 ADJUSTED ;>:.i 539,680 ADJUSTED �::;� DEBT R.4T/0S "''�� 9% / 41 �,6 NONE NONE ��'' �:; : {: �:€ . �'>'.;:< :;:< ::�: III. PROPERTY : :: �::'�� ' t i:: MAX/MUM UN/TS .• 1-4 UNITS '`:;;; 1-4 UNITS {:::; 1-4 UNITS ;:;`:} OWNEA OCCUPANCY �<i:`; t -� - - - - — - - - . _ :... - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - :;:;::: < LOAN TD VALUE 10096 '�' NONE NONE � <. � z t '.,�� :» �T10 ; �i;:;: `' �""# . <:::« NONE ' �' >;''s. s.;>a• 4a;:.:} NONE <$:<� MAX/MUMPURCHASE ;;`:�} NONE ,:::s :. ::;>� >,::::: ,. :.: :.. � >::, PR/CE/ VALUE ':<:>: :::?::? :?::; ,.::• ,;:<::: <:.; :z.•::z �� : ;>:{ � �:;;z a�:•<. •''�"• .::;< :;:i ....> �� t •::. .•� IV. FINANCING : i:<;; �;:i L`c ;• >>'x ' "� titi'' NOT TO EXCEED FHA • MAX/MUM LOAN ���` �'��h S 3,500 ?:�:� r ; �.,.k $15,000 OR 20°i6 e . �.�; � :, r:::. AMOUNT "'' { PURCHASE PRICE �;:2 �;� MINIMUM DOWNPAYMENT � �<:,; �" r M1 .if{ INTEREST RATE �'^` PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF �"<�s 0°A+ a�'...?�� � ��'� �� �� : , .;< •` EG1UITY OR 12or6 •::::< :`'• ••� �::�: �:� •:.. � g, . � � � a,: REPAYMENT TERMS ::�, �..� DUE ON SALE PUBUC SERVICE �.� � DUE ON SALE �`' ,,;� � e p •• >� 4,�'�' . . ��\ . . `` k � }`.� - j�:',� } 4� � � T• Y�} �k�'�y` ' , t MORTGAGEREQ'D "� YES �.:� YES' �,�; NO � ; :'• i . :;j +:. t `:`:� 2; v ;S � � � ';:•'r.; � :`'.`•': V. ADMINiSTRATiON : :�>�: `��' �.' �'� � `. <��� �`; ���< NONE �� OR/GlNATIONFEES �'`� NONE �:.� NONE �:3 � ;�`.. �:::3 :::� k:'� : %': t:`t ';:;:;Y �'\ �<`` NONE �'�` NONE i::�:� NONE �{�� PO/NTS ' �.�� k�" �;� • • ti . : ; : ; ,'{:> . p'` .:.:: Y�?::: i`,. . `:}f; � ;'i;:i Page 6 . � � � SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS � � MULTIFAMILY REHABILITATION PROGRAMS : � � MHFA 'f�� ::;:`:? CDBG � i HUD �::::� �>:.� < � RENTAL ; f . F; �.. RENTAL '� RENTAL f;;� 4 ; �+. PROGRAM FEATURES �;:�� REHABILITATION �,{ REHABtLITATION � REHABIUTATION ;:., 1. GENERAL : ::<;:::: ;;.:> < � . Y ; r . . . � #� •i WNEREAVAlLABLE t CtTYWIDE �' CDBG ELIGIBLE AREAS K f CfTYWIDE �., 3 - USESOFFUND �. BASIC, NECESSARY & � BASIC, NECESSARY & # ENERGY AND :� � GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS �} GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS :,;� GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS �.� •. : k . f � . ::z , ..� �''� >.:;• :>: �::.:# 11. BORROWER : �. : . . ' . i?;� $��'� ING�OMELIMITS �`<. 51% S MUST BE �' � 35% TENANTS MUST BE 50% MEOIAN INCOME & � f 5/9b TENANTS MUST �' � 8 0% M E D I A C O M E �., � 3 5 9 6 T E N A M' S M U S T B E 8 0% MEDIAN INCOME .c: k BE 527.000 ADJUSTED � � , f <:; DEBT RATIOS �: 1• 15 DEBT COVER � 1.15 DEBT COVERAGE <:.� POSfTIVE CASH FLO W s�:< , . . �.` � ' , ' Y . . . � . . . . . � . . . . � - . . .K . ....a ' : ' .�. �;� #::::< �.::. '�'v :,>:.. � Iii. PROPEF�f1f : � ; {:;:r � €:.;. ; � MAXIMUMUNfT� � ...:': NONE > { �. NONE :� NONE _ _ _ _ �: — — � '�� . . ., . � . . k •r ... . '� ._ _ -. _ _. _ _-._ _ _ - _ . . .. . '_ _ _. _ , # � , _ — — �;:::< T NONE � , _ _ x<;; x LOAN TO VALUE i t`� 8596 AFfER REHAB VALUE �� 95% AFTER REHAB VALUE >.�::.� 90% AFTER REHAB VALUE �� < � � �" RATIO _ � ` , - : ; ' 4 ., N/A � ^ N/A �. � . . MAXIMUM PURCHASE ;, ; - N/A ' �' , PR/CE/VALUE �; < } �;. �� f� i ,.��;; a �� ;,:z . �. : z.<� > < :. ' IV. FINANCING : . _ �>s : '. �. � �;� : MAX/MUM LOAN . �� 310,OOONNIT d� 5250,000/PROJECT'. �`� . 55.000/EFF, 56,500 BR, . £ � . �p,� �: , AMOUNT ` � �,.� 57,500/2 BR & �8.500/3+ R �� : � ' 2� . � �� r. a /NTEREST RATE �,� 2�� > • • � � 7.45% r� � r �� , � y } . � w ,`�� �y�, . $ � : ' ' . � � 15 YRS. ;�� REPAYMEMTERMS �� UP TO 30 YRS. �.� UP TO 30 YRS. ;� }�.� K 7 � y �'s , �, : � - MORTGAGEREQ'D �;{ YES _ �`� ' YES ' . �� YES �'� � . . .� , : . �. ,� ''` �� • . . � .- y .� :�. . . . � . . '. �} . ,.' . . - :. � � � , .i �.,i � .• . . . \; � ' \�4 .. . ' .. .� .,� . .� `{ ' ... �.�., . . V. ADMlNISTRAl10N : . m � > <w� . , ; ��� � i ORlGINATIONFEES .,.�."� • 3% ORIGINATION FEE �� 396 ORIGINATION FEE �.`; ROM MHFA: 5225-5275/LOAN &.y� _ � �, ' � � � ROM OWNER: 3150/LOAN �;:� ; � .� ; :� � ., • , � , �� ' �_ ;;t� x�.: POlNTS �� NONE �`� � ' NONE r� NONE �� �::�# � � . , �:Y� . . a:<:.. �. :t Page 7 � � 1 _ SAINT PAUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS a . ,�: ., . ., .. .,.� . � . ... . ,. „ . . .. .. . .. ... . . .. . .,. _ .. . ._ , .... . ,:. . �„. _ ... _.. _ ,,, .. , _ . . . , � ,: .,. . , . .... _ . . .,. ,.. � . . �, . ..,4.. . r..,. ,. . . . r _ . . .. . � , ... . . . �, : ,: : .. ;. ,. . , . - � r _ . , . , .: . . . _ y'. �. � . .. . ' . . . � �"/ t . . . . : , OT`HER� MULTIFAMILY �RENTAL' PROGRAMS �: , ° . � FEDERAL LOW INCOME _' , LOW,INCOME HOUSIPlG 3 NEW HOUSING . , f '� � � HOUSING TAX CREDIT ..' �'� � DEVELOPMENT, FUND f � DEVELOPMENT FUND ;: ��.€ � . x �: � : . . . . .; � � : S �' ; � ; ;, - , ' . : � ; , PROGRAM FEATURES } } �� ' ,. < I. GENERAL. . : < � ; : . , > . r = } > , . . �� WHEREAVA LE '` y� . CITYWIDE `< C(TYWIDE �� CITYIMDE � . ' ' } ` :' ACG1UISfT10N, REHAB i �' , "�, ACGlUISITION; REH # ON� SRE , � � - - USESOFFUNDS . f { � ACQUISITI AB .., ..> ` ' NSTRUCTION � '� ' IMPROVEMENTS : 4� ' � - : � N ��< , ; { EW CONSTRUCTION , . , NEW CO , ` ` ,.. . . , . � <� >.: : ;-, , � > ,. II. BORROWER : } '� _ >. k £ # t , k� � , .. . :=. , . ;:� ; . - . . :. . - : . � ' E � ' ' � � ' B W 50% OR 6096 ' > '�"� BELOW 5096 OF MEDIAN '. ' � < � s : USE WITH TAX CREDITS } N , � � � INCOVNE LlM17 S � s � ;� OF M N INCOME , ;� ' S096 OF UNITS 3-BR+ �'`'� , ,� r ' DEBT RATIOS ° <� POSITIVE C FLOW s ��>� `� 1* �� � z r*' N/A ,� N/A: 1 t t � { '� F J t k $ r � ;� 9 H �!, 4 $ c t ' ' <{ ! °� L �-: < . e3` * � f• � t 1 f$ 7 , ..^, r ��;- �w s. � �,�i a ..s . t � �t r ,, r � < <.;t 1�. . . , `2 y � . .. • . . e r { y'C f. �i ' . . f , . � � � �Y t.��,, III. PROPERIY ` ' '` '' ` � ' � ' ' , , •. �;^ .�, �'� << � '; � � �.: >a � � ,,, . t ;�, :,,., • N ` $ + NONE � � ' k �,,r', .� ` t . ` " NONE $ ;� NONE t j' `r MAXIMUM U IT5 F K � , , � � ,, , ,s : ; � OWN � ^ : ' < ,# NONE i x• t ; � — — — — :'` . LOAN TO VALUE � N/A '. ' ` ' N/A � N/A : � � z x �, • ^# � . r� r � i .. ���# `�� • � .'. ' . � .? ���n0 , `'. �. :.: } .. � � � � , Nin > � � � wn � � � MAXlMUM PURCNASE N�A � '� >� ° r � �{ .. ti ��. �� Y t t J+ ' i ,�� i i '� � ;� ' �'4.� �' t i ; PR10E/ VALUE f � $� r: t z;. �' � � r + } ` ` ' � °' �; ° `� � �' ` , � t �kf�T �� �F t �.�: � �� , � �, 'Y b r '� � �t� + > . � �, �:� � :. � � �. . �: � � {, , t �.�_ � ��. .�..:: '� .� � ��; , IV. FlNANCING �'4 ' s }.'+ t , /R "+ � � � �` , , `` i , '� l � 'g � 4 ,�,� �. • � > � •. � , . ���; ' MAX/MUM LOAN � �`� � DEPENDENT UPON r �' �' NONE f `� NONE � „ ' � � , ) 4 � ' AMOUNT ^� ' GIUAUFIED BASIS + a � , �, l , '' `<�: ' ' ' _ ``.� . � . � ; INTERESTRATE � N!A , � �� =Y' NEGOTIATED r`; NEG071ATE0 ; ' � � 4 '� \3`2 � ,C � S � '} . .:. ' � $ Y f I� �T� 1 �' � ' : Y ' L��{ �+�, ', �.. .:. ,: , �'REPAYMENTTERMS�. > N/A a` ; �� NEGOTIATED ��'•' NE(30TIATED r: �� i�' r� v r�5 .�t�. " G �� h y� t� a � ��.. :a�,� � ,, r a � �•� l � s �.� .. s:; ��`2 F t..k :.1 , a �' •,�C < • ATED ' '� '� N/A ��.:: .�=�. � „ ` •;;,YES � NEGOTI v � `MORTGAGE AEQ D '� � e r, '• . � . y�? ♦ � f . � k i\� " ;�-�., S � + k ;', � g ,��� E � � y.e f . �\.. .' � .� y" _ h \ � , V. .. ADMINISTRATION _ ' Y ' � z• � �� k Y ., : ' T '� � ♦1 ~� �.-Y l .` Jr ' YS�� � , = < < : � r ; , � x � t 1 ORiGINATION FEE ; ,. , VARIES `� , � a A �� ` ,,1;'OA/G/NATIONFEES ,� � �w �' 19b ORIGIN T10N FEE � � �,,. � ,q? �S;<: � .3 + + vK, t � `�� `.� � - �'.. t - w {� ii s 4�...2.� h' I�,' *� �l� . . • }ti i J ! y, t�. � � �u� } .� �� � Y V.`�',; #� 'P�OINTS � �' . NONE , ` NONE � � ` NONE ` ..... , � �. � , ,l � � '?'� ,� ,. � ' , . '�. . . . . ,; �`, ,> � ., , , , . ,� , . , . � .. �� : .. � , �,; Page 8 Q . , , ,� � � � ' �, . i � SAINT PaUL P.E.D. HOUSING PROGRAMS .:� ... ....:: : ....',� : , ... „,.:• ..��_:.��. ';,, ,,.-' l� . ;d ,i 2.�� `::n� ,� i °i: n.s':t-.r.a.. .« ..u�' . r.�':ek�. i+i . . . . . � j � � t ..� �� ���� �� �� .. ,- � � rw .....vc�.. n.+latr.x � n.d aRawr'�,w �� y' . t � s � F- ibwivl �i�i� a ...,�+wt=�I:.�ro+a�r.:i:u:�+.l,..aM�'..•h^?., x�,n-i�.a..3':'. wr��t• ..�,+nv.,.�..a9u51i.,hiK �ii�.".m:.e ...°.7.-;.., _ .,...... r..'al.t.+v�.tet.,,s�n.':�:.n•r�k.�a+i-i37N�ti.�+,.d::� .C.rrl'r7�h+�MU.{at:,i§�.��+�aY+`"ylk�+7.wa.cld�'e' . .. . . .. , , . . . �;� ;.,. .�, ;: � ..� - . � .�. , t.- ,.: ._ _ � - _ . ^ v. " �; o i �� � r � "''c: }� t Hr � .a- }`-n; ' " t �' ': ,:*�� J . � ,,,y . e ��� t r ti: f , - :.;.::::.;:.:: �, .r:±:.:>::•:..:. .� ; i:ti�:i>:Yr:?:•.': .k Q) :-`?kts? �'.,.y . ..x F ti��.� s _�;. �t N y. .� 7ar'a t ' .�. 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'1 ..:<. ; '�.:+'F+l�+ {+ f Y'i. •::::: :.,. . •i:�!<•}:.�"�..t\...... r/... • � . L ......... .�::::: :w:.�::: ..�. . .. �... � � f... �f. : � '���• r.::.'ry,•�� ..... :............. Y4 - . . � .... ............... .:�iiii:i•:u{•i:•i:�i:�:::•>:•>i:�:>T:�> : �•::.�:• :i•i:•......... . .....`.':... .......... � '. •:. ....!!K..f.1.•. r .!'!.1�`l.•:.:i::�.. .� � . . , . . � �:. n: .... .. - t _ .. . .._ .. , .. � ,., � >, 33� ' � 1- . _., . _ i . , _ _.. .: , , .,.:. .. . . ...- , < : , .. _ , ... . - . .. ... , .- t . . r? _�4 . . " . ; ��-��7a EXHIBIT E: I ' TAX PARCELS IN EXPANDED PRO�ECT AREA F ROPERTIES BY TAX I. NUMBERS: LIST 0 P 32-29-22-21-0001 thru 32-29- 32,-29-22-21-0067 thru 32-29- 2-21-0073 32-29-22-21-0076 thur 32-29- 2-21-0091 32-39-33-21-0093 thru 32-29- 2-21-0109 32-39-33-21-0011 thru 32-29- 2-21-0150 32-29-22-24-0013 32-29-22-24-0015 thru 32-29- 2-24-0080 32-29-22-24-0082 thru 32-29- 2-24-00 32-29-22-24-0093 thru 32-29- 2-24- •103 32-29-22-22-0130 32-29-22-23-0014 thru 32-29- -23-0022 32-29-22-23-0053 � 32-29-22-12-0055 thru 32- 9- 12-12-0100 � . . EXHIBIT F � Exhibit g: Parcels to be Acquired or Could be Acquired RAIL ROAD ISLAND ACQUISITION PARCEL BY PARCEL ITEMIZATION Address or P.I.N. Legal DescrlpNon Owner Status E.M.V, E.M.V.+15% Demolitlon Relocatlon Total Existing Tax Increment DisVict XXX Clark BIk.12, 2&3, Stinson Gilbert Vacant 7,300 8,395 0 0 8,395 XXX Desoto BIk.12,L.1, , Stinson Poor Richards Inc. Vacant 11,000 12,650 0 0 21,045 772 DeSoto BIk.13, L.6 Stin R.W. Roehnen s.f. 35,600 40,940 10,000 20,000 91,985 769 BuR BIk.13,L.5 Stinson M. Schroepfer s.f. 40,600 46,690 10,000 20,000 168,675 770 BuR BIk.14, L7 Stinson T. Trooien s.f. 25,100 28,865 10,000 20,000 227,540 Sub Total 137,540 30,000 60,000 517,640 North Green Area • XXX Clark BIk.12, L. 2&3, Stinson Gilbert cant 7,300 8,395 0 0 8,395 XXX Desoto BIk.12,L.1,4,5 Stinson Poor Richards Inc. Va t_ 11,000 12,650 0 0 21,045 __ 772 DeSoto BIk .13 L. S' - - -- urr -- BIk.13,L.5 Stinson M. Schroepfer s.f. 40,600 46,690 10,000 20,000 76,690 770 Burr BIk.14, L.7 Stinso� L.T. Trooien s.f. 25,100 28,865 10,000 20,000 58,865 765 Bradley BIk.14, L.9 S6nson F.Liko Vacant 6,200 7,130 0 0 7,130 768 Bradley BIk.14, L.B, Stinson HRA Vacant , 0 0 0 0 760 Bradley BIk.15, L.10,11 Stinson H. Hakala s.f. 80, 92,230 10,000 20,000 122,230 765-67 Jesse BIk.15,L5,8 Stinson W. & J. Kirkpatrick dupiex 68,500 78,775 10,000 40,000 128,775 758 Jesse BIk.16,L10,7 Stinson L. 8 M. Cordis s.f. 37,400 43,010 10,000 20,000 73,010 765 Edgerton Bik. 16, l. 8 Stinson C. Neis s.f. 83,200 ,680 10,000 20,000 125,680 759�1 Edgerton BIk.16, L. 9,12 Stinson C. Neis duplex 49,500 25 10,000 40,000 106,925 Sub Total 502,895 80,000 200,000 820,730 South Industrtai Area 543 Brunson BIk.4,L.10,11,128runson Martinez/Charles s.f. 56,800 65,320 1 000 20,000 95,320 485 Kenny (8runson House) BIk.4,L.11,12 Brunson J.& R. Szlavich s.f. 55,000 63,250 10, 20,000 93,250 500 Hopkins/559 Brunson BIk.4,L.1,2 Brunson R.T. Caliguire s.f. 73,800 84,870 10, 20,000 114,870 499 Payne (Shenanigans) BIk.11,1. 1,2,3 Brunson M.K Gentik commercial 181,900 209,185 0 50,000 259,185 581 Payne (Greg's Auto Body) BIk.11,L.11,12 Brunson V.Rosenberger commercial 86,200 99,130 0 50,000 149,130 502 petit BIk.5,L.9 Brunson M. & P. Grsafe s.f. 39,100 44,965 10,000 20,000 74,965 506 Petit BIk.5,L.9,10 Brunson T.J. Delisle s.f. 32,800 37,720 10,000 ,000 67,720 5pg Petrt BIk.5,L 10,11 Brunson R. 8 M. Fuerst s.f. 20,000 23,000 10,000 000 53,000 539 Payne BIk.5,L.11,12 Brunson R.& M. Fuerst comm -s.f. 46,700 53,705 10,000 50, 113,705 ' 499 Kenny BIk.5,L.9 Brunson • TCF Finance s.f. 15,400 17,710 10,000 20, 47,710 503 Kenny BIk.5,L. 9,10 Brunson West Un� Life Assu s.f. 36,300 41,745 10,Q00 20,000 71,745 507 Kenny BIk.S,L. 10,11 Brunson E. & M. Wittenberg s.f. 32,400 37,260 10,000 20,000 67,260 Sub Total 777,860 100,000 330,000 1,207,860 '� T � � RAILROAD ISLAND ACQUISITION PLAN � . � Exhibit �': Parcels to be Acquired or Could be Acquired Yarusso Redevelopment Area 557 Beaumo� BIk.2,L.19,20 Phillips K& D. Acroff s.f. 32,500 37,375 10,000 20,000 67,375 565 Beaumont Bik.2, L.21 Phillips B. & M. Lindberg Vacant s.f. 19,500 22,425 10,000 0 32,425 575 Beaumorrt BIk.2, L.22,23 Phillips W.E. Peter Duplex 53,000 60,950 10,000 40,000 110,950 661 Payne 3,L.3,4 Phillips J.M. Cocchiarella Duplex 55,300 63,595 ��,000 `a�� 113 �� 663 Payne Blk. , 1 Phillips A Palumbo s.f. 44,100 50,715 10,000 20,000 80,715 568 Beaumorrt BIk.3,L.2 'lips A Palumbo s.f. 35,800 41,170 10,000 20,000 71,170 672 Bedford BIk.3, L.8,9,1 , nquin Choua Lee/McMoua Duplex 56,700 65,205 10,000 40,000 115,205 Sub Total 341,435 70,000 180,000 591,435 Drewry Lane Redevelopment Area 675 Payne BIk.6,L.3,4 Irvines 2nd. J. & L. Mastro s.f. 30,600 35,190 10,000 20,00� 65.190 600 Beaumo� BIk.6, L.2, Irvines 2nd L. Liljedahl s.f 47,200 54,280 1�,000 20�000 84�280 608 Beaumont BIk.6,L.1 Irvines 2nd S.W. Lauber s.f. 23,0�0 26,A50 10,000 Z0,000 �,4� 680 Drewry � BIk.7,L.4,5 Irvines 2nd J.J.Barone s. 39,700 45,655 10,000 20,000 75 655 _ . _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ ���� _ _ _ - - - 32-29-22-12-0090-4 --- BIk.7,L.3 Irvines 2nd Unknown � Vacant 6,100 7,015 0 0 7,015 678 Preble BIk.7,L.5 Irvines 2nd R.Schwartr/J.McKe s.f. 32,700 37,605 10,000 20,000 67�605 609�11 Beaumont BIk.3,L.11,121rv.2nd D.I.Olhson Four-plex ,000 60,950 10,000 80,000 1W�950 694 Payne BIk.3,L.13,14 Irv. 2nd T. 8� L. Stolarski commercial 9, 106,490 30,000 50�000 �86�490 687 Drewry BIk.3,L.9,10 Irvines 2nd D.M. Seldl Duplex 50, 57,845 10,000 40,00� 1U7�845 691 Orewry BIk.3,L.8 Irvines 2nd D.M. Seidt Duplex 35,300 4��595 1��000 '{0�000 90�`.�'� 701 Drewry BIk.3, L.4,5,6,7Irv.2nd J.E. Bloomquistlnc. �Vacant 26,600 3�,590 0 0 30,590 XXX Beaumorrt BIk.7,L.1 Irvines 2nd City of St PauVPark Vacant 7,300 0 0 0 0 Sub Total 334, 70,000 230,000 1,OS3,T30 Pocket Parks Undeterm(ned Private acquisiHons Six vac, lots 37200 42,780 0 0 42,780 TOTAL 1,999,045 0,000 940,000 1,698,635 FOOTNOTES: 1. s.f. denotes structure type, not ownership information 2. relocation estimates equal 320,000 per family whether or not they are renters or owner occupants 3. Souti� Industrial Area assumes some strvctures are acquired and converted to another use 4. A tatal of six pocket parks would be developed on existing vacant lots � � ( RAILROAD ISLAND ACQUISITION PLAN U'� J � EXHIBIT G: BUILDING C NDITIONS SURVEY FOR RAILROAD ISLp,PID �1� -�5�a PROJECT A ' oad s a d ous S e u a � . SWW Design Team - Ap�il 28� 1993 ^ E � � N 1+1 f Vf �O {L H • � L � ` k' a a � 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � ` �. a i ( Soutt� Quad #1 (south) 0 8 19 8 0 1 20 11 1 3 0 � (# of Dwelling Unrts) 20 2 3 12 0 :. � .:.: . .. ::.. ...: :.:: . ' .: � : ; � . I < � .....; ,. .< .:, : . .. .. . , : � South Quad #2 (nortfi) 13 10 10 � 4 1 0 2 6 1 1 1 � (# of Dwelling Un'�ts) 27 12 3 4 67 113 ( . :... . : � _ , .. . ,:. .. : . : . ,. .. . . , .. .. :: > ; , :f. : : ; est Quad #1 (south) 5 11 31 ! 29 7 1 49 25 0� 6 1 i (# of Dweliing Un'rts) ' _ 49 SO 0 24 32 l55 .) > : : - ; , ;. ;., � > . . . . ;.... ,:.. �>: - � � est Quad #2 (north) 2 9 16 i 7 3 0 25 9 2 0 1 I� i (# of Dwelling Un'rts) 25 18 6 0 6 55 � . � . . . . .� : . � Central Quad #1 (south) 2 6 23 � 39 7 0 44 24 4 3 2 Ii (tt of Dweihng Unrts) ' 44 48 12 12 18 134 � . ,;._ ..: , , : . �. : t � . .. � , Central Quad #2 (north) 0 S 20 � 22 I 1 1 38 14 2 4 I � �; (# of Dwelling Units) 38 28 6 16 5 93 j. �_ � � ; .: :<.�... ' . - , . � :: . . :..: : � IEast Quad #1 (south) 0 4 11 11 2 0 l6 7 1 3 1 i (# of Dwelling Units) 16 14 3 12 6 51 I° i � East Quad #2 (north) 0 3 11 5 6 A 28 10 0 4 3 ( �; # of Dwellin Un' � 28 20 Q 16 42 106 � � ::: ;.. :��� :: . < i . :. . .. ; . .-. . : .:< . � . :.; .; : ! Total # f Building 22 56 141 45 37 3 247 106 11 24 10 ; Total # o elling Un' 247 212 33 88 176 7�6 �� � ;. ... .. . .::: . .. .: : �.., _ . . . ..., , :: . ' I 9 . . Fig. 11A . � . . . . . . . _ . . .. . . . . . . ._._ �.'" _ . _ . . . _ .. �. � . . .. L . . . _ . . . . . ., . ��1 Y . . , � ' x TED O STR�E � I RAII ROAD ISt AND IlUll-DING CONDITiON3 CURVEV �fAP • �� . ., � M . . . ,_ — Ra . — . � 1 / 0 (�� N�.,aFi�tlrn�Cm6dmSm�nue, a � + '� +'�ti.,, '� � � / I I J ' � (� ARWuanjeCondiuonu�rta�liofs,�mdvcNuE ��. �� � ', i I r u muntuwm ��': : 1 � ° 1 1 1 � ' � � Q) Aw�tcCon6dmrtlWvcbwu�06keAousfn�mk .90., � r � �. . � • i2�.3 • , _ : � . j O' � (q �wa�c Can6dm �aquirin[ fomc'eMb m � �❑ — . 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I �0 . .�� �� . . .. � : � � , i O� O oI RAII ROAD ISLAND D 11 DINC CONDITInNS SURVEY M1fAP I .- - � � O �"'' Q I ' i m�/ � � (I) NcwaE.alln��umSvuctwn '. o �20 . � 1 o __ � ... I I fi� � �) a �qulu m�am�ewiatia� a a�ew4 of utmd.c idub . , __ � . P) Avmje Condtloa Rlutrc n wa�D We Mw7n� itock Y • r I._.) � � .-r� � cn eae.e.�.�.cWma��w�i�Rnmm �, , a,wu,� , -- '� . W .. . . . � (� BelowAve++6eCadumnqw{a�nwive�duber ► �_ _ I.i. P a f M� n 0 . raanfi[unuoa � '• __— f a � � � (� VayPborCoo66ro i . y_ — ��II . � crcye«o-r.wum;wnw�r. mtuleowra�s�Nm � ' mn6uan ef d�e pu �bore Fcy bW �Wtiv< b oiha � 0 1 ��,�Q� a�. � ry a .. po d �� � _ -- . -- , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : W���. - . - - - - - _ _ � .- - . - - - - - IILC0011dIGd10�LILpQ��W'C y IR�lCY6bd�1Q 1, � �1IQYWIi�q11M0�i 91tl - - ._ . _ _ - _ - .. - _ - ._ -. -- __. _. - -- Y ...if -_ ^ . . °� . � L� puyka L� T�ipkc � Fourptu � , REW L NE //�� � � - a- � m OpporouJry n dow�ulu by onc wi� D X O � i �p G1V Oppatudry M downJu bf nw wiu / ��O J� „a� �" � I � �. . � / � o A ' � ��e.� o�.�n , � . � .wan � r � %� . // r �� � . ' �e / . / tl-''y; // .o �� ' � _ _� .. j ` — -- / � un, / • • O � Fg. 7 • � / �\ ��� �AST QUADRANT - SOUTH SECTION ' � T l � � � � . . ._ . . •+ �-� �+v� . 2.[)J.'tUY.LU� . L -o . . � __;- - i �, ��. � � � L_ ��� I RAl1.RO��D ISLAND DUIt.DIYG fONDITIONS SIIRVF.V AfAP �`' � ;�, ! -� '� I p I I 0 ��� N� a�KUm� c�e��� s�� ._ _. d� �� L '�% ,. � r � (�J AboveAVaac�('andJmafartahoftalaeva�eAip � 1 � �/;�� j �� u ���,�,�,,,� - v a�, / N W I W ; 3 .,. ' � O) AvmtefandumiclWrenovaatlGlcMuiin�nxk .� i)i.e —a 'X' . M 1 ��` M I Po��:y _ �,,, _ . � (�� m�bJ�ue��+teca�demrtqu�ntfom�Nuba 'I �d fome i L t �'� �I' � v u x. ���' r f " •. � I n �� � ' 9 ' .� (3) ��'�� Canddm 1aquiitn� ea�wivs �ehab a ___ _' r^ - 1 r v � y ai � � � , {';;_ . �I � I 1 :_-� 11 I�o• . (� VryPbaCandooa � � � �� i 4. �� � W •� � I �"�•i Z � . � u<y mee - ua��e;il e�o�y urm ww. emP.m . • w�biem ur dm pu,.eo.e tsy ew wa�e m wm —� � I �••� � V LduiMWCommaaatda� � C � C5 �, i � �, { Il. � ___—_ C . , _ . p _ _� - - e,a„ com w n�. miQ a��. �: • Q I �• - - euaoadidonota�epaaEove r u�relauvebaba - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I i , m V uw,sm,�co�eov am �� � - r' : yn 1 / I ' ue7 Ip � wpla ,■-+�TApka � F'puplcx `'° BEAUMOM" S RE�T z � i * �� m �PPp�'��rybd�ulubyomwJl ' . •y �� , ' . � , r wa�1 �� � � � , � x iwo � � � ` � opvamdanao»r��erMOwtu . ,1 _�- . � , � , - � �� . • � .aa�w o�a.�dn ' 1 d� � � , . • � . x��es � � � �Parlfn0 ' . Q � . �� . . w - � .� •' Q O).O , . ' . � . R _ �' ' � --- �� � ; ; � i , ' 1 °we,� � ' :' . � ��� � �� . -_ � � _t / ' --� --• .. �.....•.,• � — ,/ . �f�� � C�N'1'I2AL QUADRAN'1'- SOUT�-I SECT'ION � � � vl .� ' ,' - � � , � RAII-ROAD ISLAND 6UILDING CONDITIONC S RV Y AfAp � , (I) NevaEsaUa�CaMiumSwcnuo Y� p �� 2 . _ �S � (7) AhoveAveajeUnGemuartw4ofca�ndreRlup � a �qWat mm�ewr¢ . �^'' ' � (�) Araatc Cnn�aan al�eve �o wQaC GFe Musin� wck . . ..,1 . e �.. � � ' . " � � . r 1;-c' n� ?' � � . � . -� G ..�r.•. �: � g . r.. .: y+t. . i._ N) Blaw Aw+i<Condtlm rtqWrin� �ome rtM1aE b � . mbilue ,•�. � (A BelewArat�fm6tlmrtquirin�avnilvn�elub> . �� t � , . r: t � ` . •'� 1 � � ,, 5 � � " � (� v y ` i 1 � ; �•� • . o i •�� �'.� .. o i .. •: � � Grcynadc.Industrt�IAopeny. MNlcolordedp�a�es . , •. s�,+�+ i :— . � �::L? ... canmoonofdmDQaboveteyEwNatlnuoNa C LMusaiaUCammacial din r�� � ' ITO.) �" x . . i I X 23 1 , 1 • - - _. -. _ . - . �nlitlmladev�s- .� ._ —. . • _ -- _ \ IIa1C mndiGM O(SI[ pel abOVe IfCy 1 RJilive b phv � . AauwiauCwiunacid sw .. .--.— — _ . , ' . _ _ - _ _ ._ . _ _ — — _ _ __ _ ._ _;_ _ all — x . oll ' . ^ _ _____ : � a v x � o�,� F�.�I Triplu L� r�,,�u O ou • x ,•.,...: � m �,nwqmm�eyo�'�i � _ .._ �"'4'f d� � s UPDa^�dq m do»mlu by no wiu < _ � �.� � _ 1, 1 F,,. w , � • Ardieeceral Oppote�dq u.i -� x � wo I I W e II • 1 W L � � a E;,� �— . C � - a % x _x 0 : � n _ � % . . i�aax . Y ' C � . y � • % 4 "� a V• We ..... � . . � x x 1 . W � ❑ 0 x fix °C � ' • .�'� _x-o ° ° �' . [- �� „ � � ..wau u �r—� � w . � w w. •.�... ..� . . . � •• . . :. .... ... :° . . - � � . . Fig. 10 C�NTRAL QUADRANT - NORTH SECTION � � � � ���� r . ' t ,-- -- • i �c�r.-cr�•�•, -,� ' - II � � t ���—� � -,"`--az.._�,, �ra r-- ' ;Iv � .}c.. S: _ "'O��' '� �� I i �I �-� �� `'' I� �J� � � I RAILROAD ISLAND 0 II DINC ONDITIONC SI RV Y\fAP ,� ' � y� .>x • 'l. .�:•' � ' 1 p � _. .. t Mroii�l _ ` 7 �� f' _ � (l) N<waEa¢�m1��m5wc�a , �r. . . ;�.� ;. �: � .; _�,—_— , • � • � ' • � . . . � � � (2) Above Avaa�e faMium a� � wN of cnmdve rtLab � � � �. . , „ wan Y �� . V � a Wu aui�ewvs '�]so 'I ' - "� � P) nvaa�cUndemrtWlrauovmllGterou:in�,mck . �\ i �f I _ .� ' - .tp � • �, � � , ;:}'. � . . r - � = ��"_� N . _ � �,� ,e.,, .. � ', � � �!!'` � � � cn e�. ��� cw�moa �ey�,o� Rn�n m � r A Y, mbilue . . ;,, ',_. ___�-= ��we�,::.���. TR �-�-� • .. .�-�w z,o , � «, ��,�,���,6e���,«�,L.�rt�a . : o __ . . ���o� . . �\ � .,..._ . �- i � (6) �a�Pbarf�deon ' •r2 •.i\ � .. �y��.. � � , � �..;`'�, � , , _ Q � '''y � O ,� 1 l� � • , .\ • • \:� `�• �'L Q w � � � �,� ) _ t_Y� — . j , oonditlan�d �abovepYe�yDuY� . . . 1 . �.• 75 V � •� ���.-��; } �• y Q �MYfhWl�O11V11OCl]ILIu , ,. � . . . . \ �.�. !. •.� a Q (�� —� .3J . x L ._._ _ _ _ _ �\ � � ;, � ..1 . �.� �. ' � .-^ - ,� _ __ = _ _ - - .GmmacialRwmy,infillwlades�m _ _ _ _ ., � ' �. :, � � �.: . , �LaODndi4q10I91epvibOVC�e 6u�rtlauvemphQ - ---- — - - .- :,. � �.: . : — ', - . � �� �� � R � ������a�, — - - - - - - - - - .�" ' 1' (J ~� �se e � �i �:11 .�1 I i I � 1 _� � ;� i, \�- ' `� , i � - ud %,� � �` , � I � • � �x . � � _ _ , � � �' � ` I. � api4 �� T�Ipks C� �i� � ~ I 1 • !���/ � ` '� - � — �.*.. .' A•v''• � ' ■ 1 `'�� VI .✓ .� — . i ` ��-- � , :,f--- - - - = :i�F= --- m ow«w�n w e�r,� c � wu . �,� .x•• ,� ° i : i2i.S � �VP��Ymdo+v�lubybowiu I 'a....� � '� ■ i ! � � `� cl � �*�` �`-� C! � � � : � ._ .�? I � � � , wu�...iww�n � \ ��� �� • �.��� _ . , �• : -. c. � � � ��I i � �.. ��J ;,� a . � �, u,a o - _� �\ ;��`_��� � ���� . � ' - _ � � � _-- : , # , _ , - "'; - -�_ . �� } ' /� ' � �-.�. _ / � ! .I W _ �' ' , .� '�"-' . . ,, ��� � , ( . � . , a � . . t; �--,: �-� , `\ ' � ,/ ► � 00 . / 0 —�-----:�� � e a : � r �-f�' * � o � '. 1 W - — . . � ;\ • � _ . 1 \\\ � �.� O � 1 \ ``\ S�. . .� . ,,� j \, ` ,:o- , :�i�:' � I . .. �:��'�'-.'��,'�.���_,�,�.�ao r•: . _ J Fe. s r� .s I ; ' ' .-!� • � � �� -. W�ST UADRANT - S • .� .� j! c .... • C� OUTH SECTION • �h ' on, ' - . � � ' � v1 . JV - RAILROAD ISLAND OUILDING CONDITIONS tlIRVFY �UP � (I) NewaFaaellmtCmddmSwcew . '�__"-- - I� � (� AboreAreajeCond'itioaua�ewllofsalrnovnrtiuD . • � a rqular maui�iunm � . � ( � , � �— • 'i � p). Avc�e Candem rtlufve n wnll Gke houtin� �uck � ..�� "��,v::}!t<1 "'° . .0 .� • :. :. .. , - '�y � (q � �Aw,te Cm6uon rtqwLq wmc �eh.e m � P s � '" ' S •• t o: ,.1, ` t� � (� ��ca�iRAa��ooncanddmm�uiiin�uv 'wRfuEa . ,.� .,�.. . ;:� t . � - . - � . � f� Vay iba Coodirioa ' � , .. o ,`�;.,? , � • � Grcr Bada.4iMmiU hopeny. InM colar dui�iu¢t .. . . .' � mnddon o(Y¢ ptt �Dove ker bu1 rt1iaK b oIEC . , . � IndustriillCommadal dw ' �. �� • �. . ... ' . X � � + � BmwnBuda. m /� —r XI1�3 . _ _ — _ -- — _ _ IndusYiiiKOmmaGialFitl � Y tRlitiK1001AC . — — —. � �•. � - — — � 0 W 011 — _ _ _ . . _ ._ _ _ ._ _ - . _ _ — — _ —.—.._ _ / � / , 1 � 120 � 0 Dupta � TApki l��.l Pourpin' . / � x� x _ i �� ° ���x— � m UVpar^u�iry b do�miue Ar one wit / `x 1 i � _' _ ry . � � i . V x ��_ _ x i2 � (1ppo�ddryudwuiuby�vowiu , � . + I ..,.. 1 r voo . � •� x % � X � L� AreMisanl0ppamdry , ,<o =__= W � % � � . . . --� � �.. � u . . `� . . Q � O Y X= - � C . L J � V . � i�co T; a �\ /_ 1 -- O � O . . 4� %t.� O /� o W x x O . � K � % ^ •' < �� '% � � wan. • . � . ' , - ,� � � 1 O. � �1 Y� .� � , x � . ' � � x �a•.'' -- �/ � ���• ' � ,i�_ o � . _ , , Qo . � , ;�� �.� � :� _. : . . o .. . �. , '� � Fg. B W�ST QUADRANT - NORTH SECTION , . ... . , _..., ._ . _ , , . . . . , . , .. , _... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � � 1 � � � q�-15�I�1 ! Exhibit H Statutory Standards for Q alification as a Redevelopment Project Minnesota Statutes, IChapter 469.174, Subdivision 10 J ' uary 19, 1994 BUSH AVENUE W 7 Z W 1 � H W W 2 r � K f > N N W d K � f � � u '� REANEY AVENUE � � C < N W ' � N I �� a m m ; � �( MINNEHAHA AVENUE MINNEHAHA AVENUE W � W � F � N �J W C C F J Z W '- m j N y H W I � MT. IDA STR u � , � p. � °� . a J z ° a � u a / � r ° u a m Q p W � ~ u BEAUI�ONT STFEET W � BEAUMONT STREET y� N � W �J� J J N // //� J' O O '� � {�� % Q' � � TEDESCO STREET � � � � NORTH STREET � � \ � To r of parcels in Amendment Area 447 N cels occupied by buildings, ts, utilities, or other ' H KiNS SiREET i rovements 443 � W I � ntage of Total Parcels . 99% � _ "_ � f pazcels with Structurally � � m dard buildin&S, . KENNY FOAO on Railroad Island � � u ' gs Condition Survey, Z (wndition 3,4,5, & 6) 374 a . a ��•�� � cen ge of occupied parcels 84% �, � - \I ' � 9� � �s�� EX�IIBIT I SOURCES OF REVENUE TO F' CE PUBLIC COSTS A. ESTIlVIATED SOURCES OF REVENUE OT R THAN TAX INCREMENT OR BONDED INDEBTE NESS As Amended September, 1986 As Amended October, 1994 1. Capital Improvement Bond Funds 1,500,000 160,000 2. Community Development Block Grant F� s 1,500,000 2,600,gpp 3. Municipal State Aid Funds 500,000 p 4. Department of Housing and Urban Development 500,000 236,563 5. Land Disposition Proceeds 1,�0,000 � 22,ppp 6. Urban Development Action Grants, Urban �' Renewal Bond Funds, Tax Levy Funds, Transit Funds 500,000 4,011,589 ,5�0,000 7,030,952 B. TAX INCREMENTS AND INTEREST E I GS ON INVESTMENTS 0 14,973,516 C. DISTRICT COST FUNDED FROM BOND PR CEEDS 10,697,981 5,345,390 D. TOTAL DISTRICT COST �16,197,981 $27,349,858 . , BONDED INDEBTEDNESS A. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSIJE 12,697,981 6,210,000 B. BREAKDOWN OF BOND INDEBT NESS ' 1. Net Bond Proceeds for District osts 10,697,981 5,345,390 2. Interest Payments 4,500,000 5,966,832 3. Debt Service Reserve 1,500,000 591,199 4. CostofIssuance 500,000 273,411 Total Bonded Indebtedness $17,1 97,981 $12,176,832 Note: Projections for sourc of revenue and bond inde tedness are for the duration of the istrict which expires in.ye 2008 file:TIFREVEX.WK1 _ _ . . _. . _ . ,— ---- _ _.-.. '__ ___ _ -- - . . _ „ . ---_---..._, __.... __. a���s�� , EXHIBIT J PROPOSED BUDGET FOR E TAX INCREMENT FINAN G PLAN Existing As Amended Budget October, 1994 A. Land Acquisition ', 8,085,121 4,115,366 � B. Relocation 267,000 , 680,249 C. Public Improvements, Sewer Co truction 542,8 8,482,406 . D. Site Preparation, Demolition, Uti tes 3 1,680 3,637,471 E. SpecialImprovements 110,000 0 F. Housing Assistance 3,000,000 7,769,618 G. Consultant Services 250,000 552,400 H. Adminstrative Expenses, Non— a� Increment � 0 574,615 _ I. Adminstrative Expenses, x Incr ment 771,332 1,538.133 TOTAL PROJECTE PROTECT I OSTS $16,197,981 $27,349,858 Note: The propose budget is for the d� ration of the District which expires in ear 2008. file:TIFBUDEX.WK1 � _ : . �� �is�a . E%HIBIT R city of saint paul � nnin commissian re � lut�on . P� 9 file number, 94-44 � . �te July 8, 1994 I! , . A.mendment of the New Hou I ng and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Plan for the Ra lroad Island Project Area . WHEREAS, the Railroad Island Projec I 'i Area is one of eighteen different sites throughout the city of Saint Paul that are part of a scat � red site tax increment finance district known as the New Housing and Blighted Land Devel ment Project and Redevelopment Plan, which purpose is to increase the supply of quality hous' g available.to all income groups not a quately served by the private market at affordable pric and rents; and WHEREAS, the Railroad Island Small � ea Plan has identified the n d for housing � revitalization throughout the Railroad Is and neighborhood to crea an attractive and economically viable residential area that erves a wide variety o come levels and household types; and . . : . WHEREAS, the current boundaries of t e redevelopm t plan area for Railroad Island � include the western portion (bluff area) f the neigh rhood only; and _ WHERF.AS, redevelopment plan activiti s and f ancial resources could be used throughout the Railroad Island neighborhood to improv hou ' g and stimulate additional private investment; and " . , . . _ . . W�-IEREAS, the proposed amendment the redevelopment plan would expand the . � redevelopment plan area.to include a ��Railroad Island; and � WHEREAS, the New Housing an ligh � d Lands Redevelopment Plan Amendment was . developed together with the Ra' oad Isla d Small Area Plan and is include�3 in the plan by reference; and ', . WHEREAS, the Planning ommission th s day recommended adoption of the Railroad Tsland Small Area Plan as an a ndment to the 4 ity's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, T'I�REFORE BE IT RESOLVE , that the Saint Paul Planning Commission supports the New Housing a Blighted Lands Re evelopment Plan Amendment for the Ra�road Island Project Area, rules he Amendment to be onsistent with the Comprehensive Plan as .. recommended,. a recommends its adopt ; on by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. . � moved b Neighborhood Plan ing Committee � �. s�ecor�ed bY � . in favor Unanimous : � . . . a ir�st �- _ � . . _� - - _ . . . _. . . � , � D BLIGHTED LANDS ' . . . � 1 NEW HOUSING AN . y- TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT ' _,_,_ _ _. • � . . LAIMEMEW �' � � 110MT ME. j � /�A ri a �•�.�.�.�.� . ' . { 3 LL hpvl' E � H ' Mc Naw+w �• + E wr w�c F-I j � � ; H ; � � ��aw � . w�e � � � � �iwnruvo w�+e ' , >C 1 Y � � rrc ►rwn�w wrE. �� . � ' W ; a �� �_�� � � �' � , � � x � ��R ' 1 � � - j� � a 1 ! • � � FROqi si y ■ h . � � , . � �►tEq �� -s � . � sc�waE r �e � I� �i E. �w a � . � � /� � . � Q . �� � . � j �"' 2� m ' 11 � w � MrtEM�►M � �� � E. M tt � , � . � ; �`""�.„ y x 5 13 � , � 1 N � � �� � G . E Ei j � u�w�cnsrr � � � � � Y Y � �_ � __ -- ----- ' ''°' - as►e w�E. - -'.� - - - - - ---- - — - - �� ■ - - -- -- tb � • (�� ' �G7 . — _ � - "'� SIQ� � f y� `� , - . • • � Z Y = � � Ll�q . . . 1� � . � � � � � � � � 1 � �i NE. � _�dp � ' � . F' 9 i � � i � � � �� ��� � � a O �♦ P� . � � �, ! sc a�n n�. �, � � �� � � ! �srvieoN w�. � c�°"°E � . . . � ' � �, � � � � � . j wvoa�w+ �c � � � � � a b � � , � g ,"� � � � '� .P'd' "b w «� �k � -•-•- . � � � � �� � _._. ._._._._. '. . i � �,� � ncwv aE• i , �•` . ' A St � � � � .� � � � ' � � f R � 1. Bak�r School ., w� +a ,rorrtaFx w� � 2. Lllii Av�nu� Sit� � ro � i 3. St. Th�r��a'� � E000�� � � ♦, South-of-Yront Blk 333 � �i► ,� � S. Sr�ndt��n-Klus• Sit� (d�1�L�d) �� , � •�, � ; 6. S�lby Av�nu� Ar�• �'� ' i' 7. OLto/M�rcer Sit• ��•` �' � ' � � � � ' ' 8. N�vade/Arkxright Sita '� j � ' � � �� ' 9. Miasiasippi/Torrac• Area � ��'� ' j � h � 10. Hradley St.-Ces• to Whitall 17. Union Goepel Misaion Sit• � j y I1. Reilsoad Island Area 18. Ruth & Burns Sit• \��•� 1 12. Aazsl Perk ' 19: Lincoln School '��.� �.�.�.�. .� . � 13. Etna/Birminghem Corridor 20. Minnshahn/Kent , . 1M. Rob�rt/Conoord Sit• (del�t�d) �21. Concordia/Milton .. � � • - � 13. B�lvid�r• Park Sit� 22. irout Hrook Phas• II ' . �"j� , • 16. Mi11�r Hospital Sit� (d�l�t�d) . - - - � .�., .� �z � �ii�t f� �i L�1 #� � � �