94-1566 Council File ,� �� � 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet ,� 27724 RESOLUTION CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � RESOLVED: That application, ID #475 6, for a new Gambling Manager s License by Mark S. Larson DBA Dead Broke Sa le Club at Hat Trick Sports Bar, 719 N. Dale Street, be and the same i hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Yea Navs Ab nt $ e Office of License. Insvections and �PSmm uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man - , n une By: Adopted by Council: Date � ,a Adoption Certified by Council Secret y Form Approved by City Attorney gy ; � � . zo - y By : �. C Approved b M or: Dat� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: q�� �� , ; DEPARTAAENT ICEK;OUNCIL DA A N � � / / � � • LzEP�Li�ense GREEN SHffT a P RBON � E � DEPARTMENT DIRE a C � ��� 1T ` Christine Rozek - 266-9114 � cirrarroaNev � CiTYCLERK 6E IL A(iENDA BY (QATE) Np� � BUDQET DIRECTOR ' � FIN. & MOT. SERVICEB DIR. Hearing: � l'� Z g ��nvo�+ �oA �ss�sTa�m . � TOTAL # OF SKiNATURE PA(iES (CLIP L t�CAT10NS FOR SKiNATURE) � ACTION RE�UE8TED: � Approval of an application for a ne Gambling 3�tanager's License (ID #47566) � ' Notification: Hearing: � ; RECO�IMENDATIONS: Approw (A) a Ryect (Pt) gpN/a, gERVICE CONTRACTS 1�lST AIiNiMIER TME FOLLOWINO OUE�TIONlI: i _ PLANNINti COMMI&SION _ CIVIL SERVICE (�MtiAtSSION 1. H88 Ufis psr6oMtrtn ever worked undel a COr1tr6Ct fo� thii dsp�rtm�MT I _ CIB COMMi1TEE _ YES NO 1 . 2. Has this perton/firm aver been a clty employ�e9 � _ STAFF — YES NO ' _ oisr�iCr couRr _ 3. poss tMs pe►ao�mm� posaeas e akfu na nonns�y a�ed bY am curreM cih empfqros? , sUPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 YES NO i Ex Nn all yM ansrwn on s�rab ahs�t �-atboh to �n�n �M�t i INITIATMiO PROBLEM. Issu�, o�oaruNm ry�na. wn.e. wn.n. wners, wnr). . � � Mark S. Larson DBA Dead Broke Saddl C1ub requests Council approval of his application I for a new Gambliag Ma.nager's Licens at Hat Trick Sports Bar, 719 N. Dale 5treet. � All fees and applications have beea ubmitted and reviewed. � � � RECEIVED ' � nov,ewraaES iF n��o: 1ERRY �LAftEy � { { DISADVANTAOES JF APPROVED: � t� R�ndt t�eP � OCT 4 7 1994 ! DISADVANTACiEB IF NOT APPROVED: i Any applicant not given Council appr al will be unable to operate lawful gambling � in Saint Paul. � � i ; � _ i ` f i , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION : COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CNICLE ONE) YES NO f ? FUNDINO SOUACE ACTIVITY NUMBER I Y FlNANCIAL INFOHMATION: (EXPLAIN) ` � � � . . NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLU�p Ml �IiE i##EEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAI. MANUAL AVAJLABLE IN THE PURCHASiNCi �ICE (PMONE NO. 298-�4225). � ROUTING ORDER: Bebw are correct routinga for the fivs most trecpisnt 1yp�s of tbcuments: CONTRACTS (aasumes autho►ized budget sxists) ' COUNCIL RESOL.UTION (Amend Bu�sts/Accept. Oranb) 1. Outside A9encY 1. Departrnent D'tret�or 2. Depa►tment Diredor 2. Budpet Director • 3. Cfry Attorney 3. City At�mey 4. Mayor (tor contracts over 515,000) 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Human Rights (for contracta over 550,000) 5. City Cou�il 6. Finance and Management Services Diroctor 6. Chiet Accountant, Fin�oe arid Manapement Servioes 7. Financs Accountlng _ AOMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revisfon) COUNCIL RESOLUTtON (all others, and Ordinancss) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciy Atta�ey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Aesiatant a. Bud9ei oireao� a. ciry cour►c.�� 5. Ciqr Clerk 6. Chiet Accountant, Firtance and Management Servlces � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (eN others) ' 1. Departme�t Dfrector , 2. City Attorr�y 3. Finance and Manegement Services Directa , 4. Ciy Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF $IONATURE PAGES Indicate the #�of pages o� which signaturos aro required ar�d p�p*rclip o� fi�p eech of thess ppes. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest Seeks to eccompliah in sither chronologl- cal order or oMer of importance, whichever is �at appropriats for the issue. Do not wrlte complete �sentences. Begin each item in your list with ' a verb. � � � � � � j { RECOMMENDATION$ � Complete if the issue in qusstion has been presented belore any body, public � or private. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVEI I�dicate which Council ohjective(s) your projectkequest supports by listing the key word(a) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHB�RHpODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONA� MANUAL.) . PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormation wiN be used to determine the city`a IfabiNty tor workers canpensatfon ciaims, taxsa and propsr dvil serv�s hkiny rulea. INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that crested a �eed for your project or �equest. ADVANTAGES IF APPROYED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ � charter or whether there are apecif� ways in which the City of Saint Paul � a�d its citizens will bene8t from this project/actbn. E DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative eHects or ma�or changes to existing or past processes might { this projecVrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, ; tax increases or asaessmertta)? To WhomT When4 For how bng7 ° '� DISADVANTAC3ES IF NOT APPAOVED 3 Whet will be the negaNve conssquences it the promised action is not � apProved? Inability to de{iver sen�ice? C�tinued h[gh Va(fic, noiSe, : axident rate? Loss oi revenue? FINANCIAL IMPaCT Although you must tailor ths informatbn you provide here to the issue you are, addressinQ, in general you must ans�er two qusstions: How much ia it going to cost7 Who is going to pay? . • - i� � I V� Greensheet # �_ L.I.E.P. EVIEW HE KLI T �ate: a- 9' In Trackel'? p'n Reoeived / app�n Processed Ucense ID # h� 7��.� (?4f�?o//�1 Q e�' ? Company Name: S. La�'-S'oYl� DBA:,��ea�Y ��.C� ���CY.Ie �ICC,[� Business Addresss: �. a l� � l� Business Phone: 8�D �oZlv Contact Name/Address: 96� � • r Home Phone: 8.6D �'�'°��d --nr�es�- /1�Ih • 5sa�� Date to Councii Research: j �( 7 � Public Hearing Date: �� 2 -� � Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: L� 7 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: C� � Department/ Date Inspections Comments � City Attorney � � Z � I 4 `� o �C.� Environmental Health Il� � �'- Fire '-/� �icense Site Plan Received �' �'�' O� 1 v/� 1-�j Lease Recei�ed: ti/r�- 1 Police � /r �� �� Zoning , } � n ��_i �'f ��i ���,z � � . g1�0 - �"q� - , _ ���. �r�z, � .� � �� �c(a(o : Et � - � �. ta Lau�fuI Gambiing �"�;�;i��:�' Gamb g Manager Applicatioa i�±�� � ��ar..� � �W.. � r:' •� :�+.K:�.` �� J �r. w. �".'�.'.�}�.}��.`:. .'%.a � New Give da0a that Ihe two-day p b6�p manaper seminar was oompleted. �� '�j,,,� Locaoon of trainin� /� <'✓• //� � ���� ��'� (p�Y) • � Ranawal Give date ot nair�np reoe' within ttuee yeart p�for b 1ho dsts � tlw appGada� tar rmswal. '�� ' lacation of traininp x<�"�'K�.�?t�'^' •..:�:::;..• �;•a •y. .�: k� LAS'f NAME FIRST NAI+� MiDD NAME MAIDEN Oats of Birth Soc. Sewrity Numbrr � �.Y.so•L /Y�c,r � �.5 <-� �� fo-�3-,f� y�" 8� ��`� A�d[�ss ��/l: �i I 7_- i StaOe 7apCode DayWN IY�� .-�,.,� ��� �/ ,� �,�. �'� �i,t� � (�1L ) ' a� MEMBEFtSHIP: Da1e �amb6np man+a�er becamo a ember of the oryanizadon ,L j $�x :� M�i� � Fimal� . , .... .�k,:, �� ..�: .•;: �• ' {a�� • ;:� :. �'��.. ..�: .. Nan,s or � � � � S4 .L>�/ Gl�.u� ��Gt3� �►�e:• c�y�sc�a z� cod. i no� � r. � /3D�' T7' /y� /yiv �'t3�l. .... ::� -- A=10,000 fide6ty bo�d M favor of the orpaniza ' n rtwst be obtained (or the Qambbnp m�naper. Nams c( insuranoe oompany (do not use a9enc�+ 1-'�`''�y �/»v .��5 8ond Number��� J� � . . .: :.....:... .. :�... :... ..� . . • � �,• 3: � Y::M1�. �A. • ' Wii�o � • 1 havo resd Ws appAcatlan and alt in�orma6on : mitted to the board; • rJF i�formatbn is �ua, aecura�o tnd wmple0e; • • sl otfier rsquired inkrtr�ata� h� been fuly ; • i am the oNy pamb6np manaper of the oryanaa n; • i wf6 lamiGariza myselt with �he laws of Irimaao �ovemi►�y Iawfui pambGnp and nds� o! th+� btratd and ay�, if boonsed. tb abide by tt�osa lavvs and rules, indud'v►p amen enta 0� them; • any d�anpea h appGesoon information wiq be s miaed m the board snd local u�h of 9avemment within t0 days of ths c�anpa; • M affidavit tor �ambGn9 manager hsa been ao eted and attached, ond • t undeatand that talw+e to provide required info auon or provid'u�p false infcXmadon may retul! in the denial ot reweation of 1hs iost�se. 8ipnature oi GambN er � t�atr ---- lz - Z�'� r�3 Send the oompl ed applicatan and ali required attachmAnb to: ��,��0�� ` Gambling Controi Board SuRa 300 5. ti � O ��9'� �'� 1711 W. Gounty Road 8 ���, � Rosevllla, MN 551�3 � G'�b1��4. C� 8 c��� 0� ` ��'L�' s �8�1t915�n