94-1561 s Council File # "'i ��S�I� �� q 0 R i G I N A L Ordinance # Green Sheet # "I�q�'1' ORDINANCE CITY OF S I T PA L, MINNESOTA 3� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 ordinance to update 4 an conform city license 5 qualific ions and temporary license 6 re lations to state law. 7 8 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 9 10 Section 1 11 12 Section 409.06(c) of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 13 follows: 14 15 "(c) License qualifica 'ons. No license shall be issued to anyone other than a 16 person twenty-one (21) yea of age or older, of good moral character and repute, 17 nor, consistent with and su 'ect to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 364, to any person 18 convicted of ��� any feder � state or local crime or offense involving the 19 manufacture, ��sale, distribut n or possession for sale or distribution of intoxicating 20 liquor, or .:���° of an crime nder Minnesota Statutes, Section� ' c� . nn� �,,,�a;�,;..;,,,,� �.:.>:� Y .. 21 , :1�����:�::::;�.,::`; :�:`u����,.::°::;;������, or '::�;:.: of an crime usable under ....:... ......... .:..� .:.....:::.... �.:.� Y ............................. ................................... ........ 22 Minnesota Statutes, Chapt 364, which directly relates to the occupation or . . ......::;:: <.;. .: <::; :::::::::. .::::::::::: ..:::: ....::::::::::::::::: . ,.;,;<:;,,,:;:;::>;,,,,«_.;:».<::<: �:f� ,:> 23 business for which the lice e is sou ht. T.�.�:::�'��:`::'�: ��'::` �:;��::::�:�ifi::;�'�� ; g .::::::::::.....��:::�.._:.�::::::::::::::::.:�.�:::::::::.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.� :.: ;;>:,::;»::�;>,;;>:,::: :.::.;;;: ::::.::.::: ..: .;;.....;:;�;;;;:;:;;:_:::: ;::....:;�;:;:;:;;;:;;;;;;;<> .:�;;::>:::>:::>::::.;;;...,:..:...::,;<;::.:.:.:..:.::.;::;:.: , >::<.<t.;:.:<::;>:<:::<::«:.<:::>::::»::»::>::»::>::>:<::::<:>: �:::::>:. �::>::>::> .. .::...:...:.:::.... : :...::...:._.:.;.:: :::> :::..::�:�::�:��:::>::..:.�:.,.�:' :��:�::<.::: .<:: ::<� ::;:<:<��.�:::��.:.::� .»::.::::: . .. : .: <::� . .:.. �.� 24 �. ���€�:.�� �a:�x�.es�� �ta.�:�e.. ::>�e����:::���►,���:::��:�at� ::��<:: :...�sa��s::��� ���� .:::::. ::.� .::::::::::::.:�:::::::::::::::::::.�:::::. ::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::: ::.:::::�::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ._::. :::::::::::::::.:�::::: :.::�.::: :.:::::::.�::.::::�.: :.::::::. ................................................. 25 ��r::::�e��:`>1'i����: , 26 ................................................. 27 28 Section 2 29 30 Section 409.25 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 31 follows: 32 33 "Sec. 409.25. Temporary ' e and liquor licenses. 34 35 (a) �ne licenses. Notwiths anding any other provision of this chapter, a club or 36 charitable, religious or other non 'rofit organization in existence for at least three (3) .;::«;:;:;;:>::«:<:;:::>:;:: �:t:<t:::»:;:r ::>::r:>:;:::»:o-:»i:>::t:::;�i:;::::i:::::;:::: :: :;:.<::::<;t:.;:::> :»:<:>:;r:::>: �:;:::>;:;: �::r�..::r;:r:>i::»r�: �:,><>:�:>::>:: ..:..;....:: ��:>:::� :>� �::: . :.;:::;:> 37 ears'�::::��':�::::�.��#���:<:��rz�tt�:;:�� � t����:::uz�:���;::�€x�r��::���.�::: :1#��::1�#� ma obtam � on- f .� :::::::::::::.::::::.:::::.:::::.:::.:::.::.�::::.:::::::::::::::::.�:.:::::::::.�::.:�::::::::::::.::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.:.:::::::.::::::.� Y y .......:::::�' .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 38 sale license to sell wine and stro beer not exceeding fourteen (14) percent alcohol by 39 volume for consumption on the 1' ensed premises only. The fee for such license shall be v':i::: '�'. :Rp:. �':i:ivGf �:: ivi:i�Y:i':i:ivi: :4:L{:i":''."ii'�i':�:iiii::iii:i'iXi':i:i::i:::ii::' :ii::i: :::i�iii::i:�i{ii:iiti:ti:�.<.: �:iti; 40 . �s��a��> >::�r��a;a�:�:>:�:::: :< �c�d��;;�: : :�ta:�.� ..... .... . ... .. ......... ... ......... ........ ... ..... ...................... :::.. :::.:..:.. .:.. ..:. .::....::.�.:.:.::: .:.« : :.:. ,.<.:...,. ::::.�: :::<:. :,:<:: ,::. :..:.> . ...: <:::.:... :.. ; �� : :::.::.: . �.:::;. :.:: : 41 �:�:�;��:t�: ;:::p�'::k���::��� ::��. �'��`�:��>:��. �. .� and licenses shall be issued for eriods not to exceed :.::::.::.::.;:.::.::.:�.:>:�;:.;:,:;;.;::<.;:;;:.;:.;:;;;::::�?!.::;;:: .:::.:::::.:::.:::::.:>:. . P � �rZO'`� q 4 � �sL.� 1 three (3) consecutive days. No orga I zation c�.�::;�':::�����:;::��ti� shall be granted more .:,<.,:.,.�' :::.:::.:::..: �::.;:.::::::::.;:.:::::::.:;:.;;::.:::::.;:.:. .. ........... .. ....... ........ ........ ::.:.:;i:.: .: , •: 2 than ' �t�k���<' ��;'. licenses :�t��:>:�::::������:t�:::: :�x��. �:�:�::��:� £�ve- f3} ::.::.::.:::.:::.:;.:.;�.:.::� :. :::::.:::.:::::.�.:::.::.;:.::.::.::.: :.:<.::.::.::.:::::.::.:::.::.>:<.: ;': ••:::::::::•:::::': �;;:>::»:r•;;:;::' ..;: �:t:;�:i;;;;::.: ::::;••:l::::;:;;:;:::::::•::•>:::::i•:::•:::<.:::::::::::.::::::::::: :::::::•:.::::.:::�.::::::r •:::' •::::`::::i;:.::':�::::::::i::::::::'::::::::E:f%' :;:: >:::y;:.>t::;::: :::::�:i:;::::: •:':;::<::: 3 ::�: :�:: ::� : ��:::� . :�::::�: ::::�e:::: . :.: . ��::::���:::�:t�. ::::du�s::::��:tz��::::�:�::::'�:::::� .:� �::��:��:::. .::. :: �i�.:::::::::.�� :::::::::::::::. ..�;::::.:::.: .: �.:::::::::::.�:::::::::::. ::::: :.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.� ::.:.�::: :.:: :::.: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:�.�:::'�.:: �:::::;::::::::::::::::: ::.:::::::::::.�::::.�: �:::::::::::. ::.::�:::.�:.�::::::::::::::::.::�::�.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�: ::.::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::.:�:: �.: 4 5 (b) Liquor licenses. Notwithst ding any other provision of this chapter, a club or 6 chaxitable, religious or other nonpr it organization in etustence for at least three (3) 7 years may obtain on-sale license to ell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the 8 licensed premises only and in conne tion with a social event within the city sponsored by 9 the licensee. The license may provi that the licensee may contract for intoxicating 10 liquor catering services with the hol er of a full year on-sale intoxicating liquor license 11 issued by the city. The fee for such icense shall be forty-one ($41.00) dollars per day and 12 shall be issued for not more than t ee (3) consecutive days. No organization shall be 13 granted more than five (5) such lic es per calendar year. 14 15 (c) Application. Application r such temporary licenses shall be made on forms 16 provided by the inspector and shall ontain such information as speci�ed by the 17 inspector, including the following: 18 19 (1) The name, address a�d purpose of the organization, together with the 20 names and addresses f its officers, and evidence of nonprofit status or of 21 its status as a club u' er section 409.02 above. 22 23 (2) T'he purpose for whi the temporary license is sought, together with the 24 place, dates and hou during which wine or intoxicating liquor will be sold. 25 26 (3) Consent of the owne or manager of the premises or person or group with 27 lawful responsibility r the premises. 28 29 (4) Evidence that the m ager or director has received alcohol awareness 30 training provided by bona fide instructor or the city. 31 32 (d) Application of other pro �isions of this chapter. No other provisions of this 33 chapter sha11 apply to licenses gra ted under this section, except sections 409.06, 409.07, 34 409.08 (except clauses (11) and (1 )), and sections 409.09 through 409.14. 35 36 (e) Class II license. Notwit ' tanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the 37 temporary wine and liquor licens provided in this section shall be administered as a 38 Class II license and subject to the'provisions of these chapters governing Class II 39 licenses. The inspector shall mak all referrals as provided by section 310.03, but the 40 director may require the inspecto to issue such license before receiving any 41 recommendations on the applicat n thereof if necessary to issue such license on a timely 42 basis." 43 44 Section 3 45 46 Section 410.10 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 47 follows: 48 49 "Sec. 410.10. Temporary o-sale beer license. SO 2 �g��-9� q�}--15�1 1 (a) Temporary license; fee. No 'thstanding any other provision of this chapter to 2 the contrary, a club or charitable, re 'gious or other nonprofit organization in existence .;::;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:;.;: � :. a:.;:.;:.:��.;;;;;;:�:.:;.:�:; .::.:: ::.:.:::.::::::�:.:�:.::;::..;:::.;;:.;::.:::;:.:.:;:;:.;:.;:: :.::.::.;:.:��.::.. ..;:.;:.:;:.;:.;� �::.;:.:::.;; 3 for at least three 3 ear ��<;��:;�::::;:<.�: ::�?:;���3:i�:��`:>:::�. '���t��::::�ari�:��:::��i�;;::;�:fi�;�: � ) Y � .::::::::::::::�..�: :::::.:�:.::�.::�::.:�::::.:�::::.::::�::.�:::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.�:::.::�.�:::::::::.:�:::::::::::.: . ::: ........................... ................................................................:............:......................................... 4 ����,:�:�; may obtain a temporary o' sale license to sell nonintoxicating malt liquor on 5 the ��premises speci�ed in the license including playgrounds, school grounds and school 6 buildings. The fee for such license s all be "`�:��`�::�::�:�._��c� • ::«::.:::<::..:::«::::::<::::. : :':>�::::::;::>:;:::":'r.::::i::i::i:::::::::r::rri;;;:::>:::;::::;:::::::::;::k::: ':>:i::: ':5::'r.:i:::;::::{::::5:::::::F:::::::::::i: ..:...:....:: :'•;•: :: : :.;.'•:::::;::: "::::: �:::::::::::: '::::i;::i:::i:>:: ':;:i::':f::::::::::::: ": ':: ':::;;:: . 7 � : .>:::�r�:�:::;�::::: ...:4:�:d!�::::�:::��::: �;:��<�. :: �; :::��<;�?��<`� � s��:�::����' and shall be aad ?�:::::::..� ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�?�:::::::::::::::::::::::.�:.�::::::::::::::::::.�.::::::::::::::::��::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::� P .................................................................................................. ...................................................:�................................... S prior to issuance of the license. 9 10 (b) Application. Application r such licenses shall be made on forms provided by 11 the inspector and shall contain the llowing: 12 13 (1) The name, address purpose of the organization, together with the 14 names and addresses f its officers. 15 16 (2) The purpose for whic the temporary license is sought, together with the 17 place, dates and hour during which the nonintoxicating malt liquor will be 18 sold. 19 20 (3) Consent of the owne � or manager of the premises, or person or group with 21 lawful responsibility f r the premises, including city, county, or school 22 district property. 23 24 (4) Evidence that the m ager or director has received alcohol awareness 25 training provided by bona fide instructor or the city. 26 27 (c) Conditions. A temporary!license sha11 be issued subject to the following 28 conditions: 29 30 (1) Such license shall be'�issued for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. 31 32 (2) No organization �::::":.�:::�;��;:;��C�3�� shall be granted a license more , . »:<::.�� �::::.::»:«<::;;::>� ::...::>:<:>:::;:>�:>::>�� �:<::>:<:»»:<:>:.::>::>:::: ..... .. : : . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : . . : ..;.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . : :. . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . :,. . . . .. 33 than €ive-(3� �����;�:;.:, times �-�-ea�e��a�-� �;���;:��:::��.���:�:.:p���:�d. .................... .. ......::..........:......:::.....:....:.:....::......:....:.....::.. 34 35 (3) No more than #�'e�:;:���€ licenses shall be granted in a calendar year .: :.::::.:.:............. 36 for any one (1) loca on, 37 , 38 , , 39 se�ee��►��. 40 41 (d) Applicability of other pr 'visions of this chapter. No other provisions of this 42 chapter shall apply to licenses gra ted under this section, except section 410.03(a) 43 through (e); section 410.04(a), (b ! and (c); sections 410.05, 410.06, 410.07, 410.09 and 44 410.10. 45 46 (e) Music, etc. An organiz ion licensed under this section may provide 47 instrumental music with dancing, inging or vaudeville entertainment in connection with 48 said license without regard to the � requirements of Chapter 411 concerning 49 entertainment. 50 3 ��-�-� �4�-�5l01 1 (f) Class II license. Notwithsta I ding any other provision of law to the contrary, the 2 temporary on-sale beer license provi ed for in this section shall be administered as a 3 Class II license and subject to the pr visions of these chapters goveming Class II 4 licenses. The inspector sha11 make al referrals as provided by section 310.03, but the 5 director may require the inspector t � issue such license before receiving any 6 recommendations on the application therefor if necessary to issue such license on a 7 timely basis." 8 9 10 Section 4 11 12 This ordinance shall be in fo e and effect thirty days following its passage, 13 approval and publication. Yeas Nays Ab ent Requested by Department of: a e arr s rimm uerin e ar e man une BY� Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry g � (� �ZO -�� BY� � Approved b.y� Mayor for Submission to Approved by y te - 2� y Council �� ��? �� � � � � ��, � ���. +�.,.., - B P(IB SNFn By : � �.�`� '��" -���%" �'�� y� DEC � 31994 i "�`1' • ; oe Nc� w►� m� N 2 9 4 9 �iEP GREEN S EET -- , TACT d E . DEPARTMENT DIRE GTV COUNCIL ' I Robert Kessler (61�) �66-911� (�GTVarroRr�v cmrc�RK ; MUST L AOENDA BY (DA ) � � BUDGET DIRECl�ON � FIM. 8 MQT. 8�RVICEB D�i. I September 7, 1994 ''""Y°R�°R'�'sr""T' � ; TOTAL #t OF SKiNATURE PAQE8 4 (CUP LL LOCATIONS FOR S1tiNATUR� ' ACTION flEOUE$TED: . � An ordinance to update and conform ty license qualifications and temporary license regulations to state 1aw. i RECOMMENDATIONB: App►ow tA) u► RM�ct (R) p ONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MIidT �U�/3�ER TME FOLLOWINO �UE�TIONS: � _�arc3 �ssiON _ cnn� s6RV�CE c�t�nss� t. thk psroonrtUm wer worked under a oontract for tMs dsperun�rn? YES NO i _ �� ���E _ 2. � � �,�� �► �, . �,,.�,,.� j : _ sT� — rES No ; _ o�srRwr c�uar _ s. Doea mb psraonmrm posasss a skiN not nornNMy posssss�d bY a+y a,r�t cRy anp�oyae4 i SUPPORT6 VIRiK:II c�7NCIL OBJECi1VE7 YES NO � E INn all yN �n�� on �ar�b �M�t �nd atbeb to 9�wn ahwt � � � � r iNm�xro �.�M, issuE. oP�oxr�m �wno. wn.►. wn«,. wn.►e. wnr): � � City of Saint Pau1 Legislative Code oes not properly reflect the State St�tutes 1 I cancerning license qualifications a temporary license �^egulations. + � � � � i a � �T pg 1994 � ADVANTAOES IF APPFiONED: �y �y �i0R5 OFF � Will clarify the City's conformity State Statutes. [ I � � � ; DISAOVANTACiE81F APPROVED: � t , 1 � � 1 � ) _ ; DISADVANTIKiE81F NOT APPROVED: �} , � � � i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE BUD4ETEp (CIRCIE ON�) YE8 NO � FUNDIWt3 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 4 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ; I , , � _ a :, ;� � NOTE: COMPLE�E DIRECTIONS ARE �. IN �!� A�13HEET INSTRUCTiONAL ' j MM�UAL AVMLABLE IN THE PIJ�t�tA$IIt�Q Oi�FIC� ('P'FIONE NO. 298-4225). � i ROUTINt� ORDER: !i ,. esbw aro ooa�ct rouunps kx ihe iNe moet' �qw��s of dcaar�snts: COIVTRACTS (assutr�s autlwariz�d badgM exisls) COUNGIL R�St3LtJY'IOAI (Amsnd BudpsbMt�wpt. Cirants) :z 1. Uutslde /�ency 1. Depatiment Directa� 2. Departtne�t Director 2. 8udpet Direct� • 3. Gtty Attornsy 3. City Attomey 4. Mbyor (for cont�ac� over S18.00Q) 4. MeyodAssistant 5 . Human Righta Efor contracts wrer t50 .000) 5. Ciy CouncN ' �. Flnance and Managen�snt Servk:ea Diroctor 6. Chiet Accountartt, F�a�►oe and Menpament Servioes 7. FinanCe A�ounW�g ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpst Revialon) COUNCIL RESOLUTtON (a!t WhNS. and Ordk�encss) 1. Activiry Manager 1. Departmsnt Dkector 2. Oepartment Accountant 2. City Attansy 3. Department Dkector 3. MayorAssistent 4. 8udget DiteCtor 4. Gty CounCii 5. City Clerk 6. Chie1 Accoun�nt, Finance ar►d Menagemsnt Servicea ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEAS (aq others) 1. Departmen4 Director 2. City Attorney 3. Flnar►c:e and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk ' TOTAI NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES indicate the #�ot pegea on which si�aturo= aro roquirod and p�rctlp o► fl� �sch ot tMse pa�ss. ; ACTION REGtUESTED ` Dssuibe what the projecUrequest seeks to accompNsh in either chronologi- , cal o� a order ot importance, wldchaver ia rtast appropriete for the � iasue. Do noE write cwmpiste aentences. Begin e�ch item fn ycwr ifst with a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS � Complete f( the iaaue M questbn has been preseAted beforo amr body, public � or private. � � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Cou�cii objecNve(s} your projecth'equsst supports by flsti�g ths key word(s) (IiOUSIAtti, RECREATION, NEtGH80RHOODS, ECONOMtC DEVELOPMEtVT, BUDGE'f, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST ta) INSTRUCTIf7NAL AAANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This inMrmation will bs used to d�ermine the cityts IiabNily for workers compenaation claims, texss and propsr dvll sKVics hi►k�p ruNs. INI�'IATIN(3 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT1f Expleln the situatkm or condiibns tAai created a r►eed �or your project or requesi. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whather this fs simpy an annual Midget pooceduro roquired by iaw/ charter or whether there are apeci8c ways in whkh the City of Saint Paul and its ciGzena will banefit trom thls proJect/acibn. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE� What negative eitects or major changea� � exisNng w past procsasss might thia pro)ecv►equest produce N it is p$saed (e.g., tratfic delays, noise, tax Increases or aasessmenla)9 To Wfam4 When� For how k�ngT DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What wfll be the neyattve consequences N the promised action is not approved? Inability to dslhrer service4 Continued high t��Nic, �ise: aa�dent �ate? Loss ot ro�venue? FINANGIAI IMPACT Although you must taibr the intormatbn yEw provide here to the isaue you . are, addreasing, i� gsnscai you t�u�4t answer two questions: Fbw much is it gofng to cost� Who ia going to pay? �I�4 - � S�ol CITY O SAINT PAUL ._� ��. OFFICE O THE C1TY COUNCIL MICHAEL J. HARR[S Councilmember Members: Mike Harris, Chair Jerry Blakey Dino Guerin Janice Rettman Dave Thune Date: October 12, 1994 COMMITTEE REPORT CITY OPERATIONS COMMI EE 1. Approval of the minutes from he City Operations Committee meetings of August 10, 1994, and September 14, 1 94. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED PROVAL, 4-0 2. Items requested to be placed I n the agenda by LIEP: A. Ordinance 94-1397 - ordinance to amend Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, rep , aling the bond requirements on street encroachments in lieu of required i urance: COMMITTEE REC MMENDED APPROVAL, 5 B. Ordinance 94-1488 - n ordinance to repeal Chapter 375 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code rel ing to child day care. THIS ISSUE WAS D OVER TO THE NOVEMBER 9, 1994, CITY OPERATIONS C MITTEE MEETING, WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY LIEP, 5-0 �-� � 94-XX��X - an ordin nce to update and conform city license qualifications and temporary licens regulations to state law. COMMITTEE REC MMENDED APPROVAL, 5-0 , (continued) CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 612/266-8630 S i .-�0 46 Printed on Recycled Paper