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94-1558 � Council File # `7'� �'J 8 ��� l.! I t� I_ Green Sheet # ' 103 RESOLUTION ITY S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �, Presented By . _ / 1 ( � 1 Referred To ._� •:� •,. C �.. .. .:.. ommi es D e „- 1, c 1 WHEREAS, in accordance with Sectio 10 of the City Charter, the administration presented 2 to the City Council on August 10, 994, the 1995 Proposed Budget, with said recommended 3 budgets totaling $434,080,411, bef re subcontracting out "Transfers To and Transfers From 4 Funds", and totaling $369,213,025,'after netting out "Transfers To and Transfers From 5 Funds". j 6 7 WHEREAS, the Mayor did recommend,lthat the 1994 Net Property Tax Levy Payable in 1995 be 8$66,736,547. The recommended Net x Levy (before fiscal disparities distribution levies) 9 is a OX increase over the tax levy ertified for the Adopted 1994 City Budget. 10 j 11 WHEREAS, the City Council is in ag ement with the administration in keeping property 12 taxes and fees low; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ca demonstrate leadership across the State by adopting 15 budget reductions that reduce taxa on in real dollars. 16 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 18 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Co cil after considering the Mayor's recommendations, but 19 absent public hearings on the Mayor s budget proposal, hereby revises the Budgets for 20 Fiscal Year 1995 as proposed by the Mayor, as constituting the Proposed Budgets for the 21 City of Saint Paul; and be it furth r 22 I 23 RESOLVED, that in accordance with t e same referenced Statute, the City Council, after 24 considering the Mayor's recommendat on for property tax levies, including the request of 25 the Port Authority, recommends a 5% decrease from the proposed 1995 budget as follows: 26 27 28 GROSS CITY LEVY (Operations, Debt a d Port Authority) $82,678,037 29 LESS H.A.C.A. PAYMENTS $20.292.966 30 NET CITY LEVY AF�ER H.A.C.A. ADJUST ENT $62,385,071 ��i� 1 and be it also RESOLVED, it is the intent of the City Council that the maximum amount of 2 fund balance from the General Fund to be used as financing source for the 1995 budget 3 shall not exceed $1,500,000; and b it finally RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby 4 directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Taxation. /� � � i Yeas Navs sen Requested by Department ofs a e rimm uerin arris e ar e ma — '1' un e BY � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secre ary gy: By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayors Date Council By: By � I A4��s� : ; ���«►��� � N_ 27Q34 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERS_O`N� INITIAVDATE INITI TE COlU1W�C�D� �'I�TI'� f GBG�� O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL �� � � CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MU BE ON tbUNCIL AtiEMDA 8Y (DA � � BUDCiET DIRECTOR � FMI. d MOT. SEFiVICES DIR. �R � MAYOR {OR A35ISTAN'n , � TOTAL #t OF SKiNATUF� FAOES ( ALL LOCATIONS FOR BICiNATURE} �cr�or� Rc-�uESr�: t�t t}�e ama�uaE af n�ed A�o�nd� reco�ng a S�o�at �e�e. t4a p� ���� &om�#�e �1 P+�d ai a�neiag so�x esoo�d �1�' REC�MENDATWNa: �►pq°r° (A) °r �y°a (R) pER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOMIINa aNE8T10N8: _ PUWNINQ COMMI3810N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hss thf8 pereon/flrm ever worked under a oor�haCt for tl116 departrnint7 � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO � 2. Hes this peroon/firm ever bsen e dty amployee? i ' _ STAPF — YES NO � f _ DI8TRICT COURT _ 3. Does this pereon/firm poessas � skill not normellY P� bY enY �un� �Y ��Y� 8uPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OB,IECTIVE7 YES NO � Explaln all y�s answKa on ap�rats sM�t and att�oh to an�n sM�t � , INf17ATINfi M. UE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When. WAsro. l: ` \v �"�Cl+� � I i ; ,� i � 1 � I ADVMfYAQE8IF APPROVED: � E �.4� q.?Sdv� � � � +� I i i i � � DISADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: � F 1 � E 4 ! t ' � � � 1 f �. � t ( ' i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CiRCLE ONEj YE8 NO ; FUNDifi(i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) I 4 { i � ' .� � . � , ''� NOTE: COMPLETE DfRECTiONS ARE INCLUDED 1N TME t3i#E�AI �HEET INSTRUCTIONAL � ' MANUAL AVAiLABLE IN THE PkiRCHl181N(� DFFICE (PH�SNE AIO. 299-4225). � � 1 . F40UTING ORDER: Bslow aro co�eect routfngs for the tive mosi troquent typss ot documents: j F CONTRACTS (aaaumaa authocized Midpet exists) COUNCtI RESOl:t1T�P1 {Arn�nd BudpNslAoc�t: annb) , { 1, Outsid� Agency 1. Qeparpn�t Directar ; 2. Dspartment Director 2. Budpet DKector • 3. City Attorney 3, Ciry AtEOmey 4. Mayor ((o� contracts over 515,000) 4. MeyoNAssistant 5. Human Rights (tor cont�acts rnier i50,000) 5. Ciry Councii ' 6. Flnance and Management Sarvices Diredor 6. Chief Accountant, Fin�ce and WlanapemeM Servioes 7. Finarc� Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budqet Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (aN WhKS, atad �dMenoes) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Dkector 2. Department Accountant 2. Cfty Atlpmey 3. Departrtibnt Director 3. Mayor Asaistant '�' 4. Budget arector a. Ciry Counct� i ' 5. City Clerk ; 6. Chfet Accountant, FMance and Manegement Servkes . ` � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN othe►s) 1. Department Director 2. City Attomey 3. Fi�ance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk . � �� TOTAL NUMBER OF SIfiNATUFiE PAGES � indicate the #�ot pagea on wt►ich si�atures are required and p�paclip or fl�g ��eh of thess payss. � ACTION RECIUESTED { Describe what the projectlrequest seeks to accompHah in either chronologi- 4° cal order or order of importance, whichev�er is most appropriate for the :- isaue. Do not write eomplete sentences. Begin eech itsm in your ifst with 1 a verb. � � t RECOMMENDATIONS t Complete it the issue in quesNon has besn preseMed betore any body, public or private. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? } Indicate which Council objective(s) your pro�ecthequest suppons by listing the key woM(s) (HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, '' BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATtON�. (SEE COMPLETE LIST tN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) ' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: � This information will be uaed to determine !he ciyls N�iliy tor workers compensetbn claims, tax�s u�d propsr dvii s�rvice hi►Ir� �. {NiTiATING PROBIEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condlUons that c�eated a need tor your project ' � , or reyuest. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is sim�r an annual budget proceduro �equired by law/ charter or whether thare are specit'ic ways in whlch the City of Saint Paul ? a�d its cititens will berreftt from thia projsct/actfon. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED What �egative effecis or major cha�ges to existing or past processes might this project/requsst produce it it �s pessed (e.g., traf�ic delays, nolae, tax increases or assessments)? To Wtwm? When4 For how bng7 DISADVANTAGE3IF NOT APPROVED Whet wiN be.the �egative +consequences it the promised action fs not approVed? Inability to deiiver servioe? Co�tinued high traNic, noise. accident rate? Loss of revenue? ; � ' � FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailo� the informatbn you provide here to ihe issue you are,addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it • gofng to cost? Who is going to�sy? . ; � ` �� `i . � '. ,��� �