94-1553 � . Council File # 9 �-1553 ORIGI��� ? Green Sheet # J0� i RESOLUTION � CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �p Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Yo th Program - Demonstration Supplemental funds have 2 been made available to the City f m the Minnesota Department of Economic Security; 3 and 4 5 6 WHEREAS, these funds ar targeted to be used for employment and training 7 services to at-risk youth; and 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of Sa t Paul, Department of Planning and Economic 11 Development, Workforce Develo ment Division has been designated the recipient of 12 these funds; and 13 14 15 WHEREAS, three-hundred twenty-five (325) at-risk youth residents of Saint Paul 16 will receive assessment, career co nseling, work experience training, and educational 17 services, therefore, be it, 18 19 20 RESOLVED, that upon re ommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of 21 Saint Paul does hereby approve t e acceptance and use of such State funds as indicated 22 above, and be it 23 24 25 RE50LVED, that the pro er City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized 26 and directed to execute appropri te contracts for delivery of employment and training 27 services for at-risk youth; and be 't 28 29 30 FURTHER RESOLVED, e Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City 31 Charter, does certify that there a e available for appropriation revenues in excess of 32 those estimated in the 1994 bud t, and �v`� V ✓ 33 � FINALLY RESOLVED, th I Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1994 34 budget: 35 36 C�rrent Amended 37 FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 38 39 345 Governmental Emp & T Prog 40 36581 MYP Supplemental 41 3457-67094 JTPA Grants - State unded 0 85.000 85,000 42 43 0 $85,000 $85,000 44 45 46 C�rrent Amended 47 SPENDING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 48 49 345 Govemmental Emp & T Prog 50 36581 MYP Supplemental 51 0547-67094 Payment to Subcontr tors 0 80,750 80,750 52 0558-67094 Transfer to PED Ope . Fund 0 4.250 4.250 53 54 0 $85,000 $85,000 55 56 57 RESOLVED, that the City ICouncil approves these changes in the 1994 budget. 58 59 60 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED 61 62 , 64 rn �� 65 Director, Department of Finance get Director � 66 and Management Services Y� Na.� A sent Requested by Department of: a e _ � rimm arris Planning and Economic Development � e ar � Re�tman � un e __ . Adopted by Council: Date .� q BY� � Adoption Certified by Council Secre ary Form Approved by City Attorney ` By : - l' Approved b yor: Date � t�_ , / Apprqv� Submission to g ; Cout'�c i �� � r ��%C �� � � , ,, , j ,_ ��` . f By�. ���� � E • INI A D � , r�D �r� t�� �,.� GREEN SHE T N 3 0 61 � D E P A R T M E N T D I R E C T O R C I T Y C O U N C I L INITIA TE �g„ N '� CITY A � CITY CLEPiK MU IL ( � p� BUD�ET DIRECTOR FMI. t Mf�T. SERVICES DIR. OCtOI!!1' IZ I� � MAYOR (OR A8813TANT) � Jac�t �b�h TOTAL #t OF 81GNA7"I�R� PA�iEB ���i� (C ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8iGNATURE) AGTION REGUESTED: � � S�t01�E OII RttBCh�d Clty CODOdI R�q011ttiOD. ' j i i RECOMMENDATqNB: Aqxow (A) a Fbj�c! (Rl EpgpNpl. SERVICE CON1'AACTi �T AN3WlR TNE FOLLOWING �tlESTIONS: ;: _ PLANNNrO COMMI8810N �._ GVIL SERVIC@ COMMIBSION Ha8 thiB p9f80NfIfM 9VM 1M0►k9d Yfldlf i 00111r�Ct 10► thb dp�MllM9 - ' _ � � _ YES NO Has tl�� psraon/flrm ever b�sn a cfly srtployse� _ STAFF _ � � _ DISTRICT COURT _ . DO�a tMs pet60n/Hrftl pOStlE� C�klll f10t nonnNhr Paasts�d bY ar►Y a►�t dlY e�nploy�? ! SuPPORT8 wMICi1 COUNC�I OBJECTIVE? YES NO � xplNn all yN �n�w�rs on Np�na sM�t and nhch ��wn shNt i � i aamxr�c� �st�, �asue. o�oaruNm ryrno. w�e►. wr�n. wh«�s. � ; S�98t9rE OII R�AC6tf� �Lj� COtIHC�I Rl301i1d00 A�0�11' � C�b+ t0 1+ECL'�E spCl'� .�E ��W� �t � j1i'A�Y��E � preparaaon progi�m: ror at-risk yont�. 1�e ci is espertenaag a mntti�le or.�a ana eoou�mte groaems rdat�d to conditions and expectatlons ot �tL st-dsk. 1L 1s a ckar �ed for e�plo�est �md traiai� ���re�r�ms i dlcected at thls prrpnlatfon. � � � OCT 7 4 1994 ��,�5 ���Q: � tt�A�Y4R'S QFFlG� ' �q� t� s�t �►a yon�, i�a�oa at the T�m Ta�vn Re6eWlit�tloa �dlity ead to be � saoe, a � rocelve w�i� arpa�tenoe, aocredlted dassroom ction, nnd caraer coa�adtn�g a:sistanca An addltioaa130Q Ssint Pa�l yonth wW raxive w�rldorce development skUis aad c�u�cer �oeatloa activltlea. ' . i ; �ECEI ; D18AOVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i � SEP � p 1994 ; Non�. � CITY ATTO� i NEY � ; RECEI ' DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: C�� I��sea�rd� G� 5 � � , c� �r o��r� �a �m �� t� City'a st-iisk youth BUDGET �FftCE � OCT 17 1994 � � � �- - ---�- �'�� - � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION = �� C08T/REVENUE SUDG@TED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �" �. � FUNDIHO sOURCE �p Sd ��� ��� ACTIVITY NUMBER ` FMIANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i . ; � , �� .. , . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARf 11�(CLUL'�ED IN"TNE d��N SNEET II�ISTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIUI�LE IN THE CiF'FICE 4PHONE NO• 3�A��.� `.' ., : �. ROUTING ORDER: " ' eebw aro oon�ect roudr�gs tor tne nrre most �rsqusnt rypss o� edanm�fs: � CONTRAClS (aasumes authorized budget exfats) . COUNCIL RESQLUTION (Amsnd BudpstNAoc��t. Otanb) . 1. Outaide Agency 1. Departrnent Dit�or _ 2. Dspartment Diroctor 2. Budpet Director � 3. Ciy Attorney 3. City Attomey � 4. Mayor (for Cont�acts over =15,000) 4. MayodAssiatent �� 5. Human Rights (for �ntracts over 550,000) 5. Ciry Cou►�cil Y 8. Finsnce a�d Managemsnt Servioes Diroctor 6, Chief AccatMant, Finar�ce ar�! TiAanapeme�N SeMoes etN � 7. Finance Accoi�nUng �' � �� ADMINISTRATIVE OR�ERS (Budpst Rdvlsion) COUNCIL RE30LUTION (Ml �rs, �nd Ord�s) ` 1. Activity Manager 1. Ospsrtment Director 2. Depsrtment Accouniant 2. Gity Attorney 3. Department Diroctor 3. Mayor MsiatsM 4. Budget Director 4. Giy Council 5. Ciry Cbrk 6. Chiet Account�, Fi�ance and Manapbrrrent Services ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (eN othe►s) t. Dspertment Dinctor 2. City Attorney 3. Finan� and Management Sarvices Dlrecta 4. Clty Cierk x TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIiRE PAGES Indicete the #�of pages on which aipnaturos ace requfred and pap�rcitp or Haq �ech of tMa� pay�s. ACTION REOUESTEO Desc►ibe what the projsct/request seeks W accort�plish in eithsr chronoloyi- cel order or order of importance, whichever is most appropriata to► the issue. Do not write complete seMences. Begin each ilem in your Iist wfth a verb. . RECOMMENDATIONS Complete K tfie issua in questbn has been presented bstore any body, puWic or private. . SUPPOATS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objectMe(s) your pro�ecthequest supports by I1sHng �� the key word(s) (HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NEK3HBORHOpDS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, fr BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATtON). (SEE COMPLETE LIST tN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormatipn be used to dstsrmine the cityb liability tor wakers compensadon ciafms, taxss and propsr e�vN s�rvic� hMnp n�es. • � INITIATINCi PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situaUon or conditlona that croated e noed tor your praject or request. � ADVANUGES IF APPROVED Indicate wh bq t an annual budget procsdure roqulrod by law/ chartsr or � iflc wsys in whk� ths Cily oi Safnt Paul ;� and its citize�s will benetit frart thla projecVacUon. DISADVA�S� APF��7�D What nsgative eHects or major chan�AS to sxisting or past proceaaes might � thia Projectlro�q �p���si� fs Paased (e.g.. KaHic delays� noise, tax increasedo����lett�rit�� To WiwmT When4 Fa how bnp4 DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED 1Mhat wfli be the negative conaequences i( the promiaed acHon ia not approved? Inability to deliver service? Ca�tinued high traHic, noise, . � a�xident rete? Loss oi revenue? � FINANCIAIIMPACT Although you must taibr the in(ormatbn you provide hero to the issue you are, addresaing, tn gensrsl you mu�t alnswe► Mro qr�estions: Muw rtiuch is it P. � going to cost? Who is going to pay? �� : . �� _ _ � g � � � � q�-- � 553 1994 ' nesota Youth Program ���, ofs�t P8� . E�H I� De onstration Su lement I T A PP I. EXECIJ'TIVE SUMMARY The City of Saint Paul, Depar ent of Planning and Economic Development, Worl�orce Development Section (SDA # 1) is the recipient of $85,000 of MYP Demonstration Supplement funds from the M esota Department of Economic Security. Saint Paul Public Schools, Department o Community Education, Center for Employment and Training (CE7� will provide d ect services to youth under a vendor contract with the SDA. This Demonstration Su plement will provide support to two programs. The first program will provide summer work experience, accredited academic enrichment and career counseling to Saint Paul youth soon to be released from Totem Town juvenile conection facility. The secon program will provide educational/tutorial assistance, career exploration and school o work transition services to youth involved in the truancy and curfew intervention proje of the Minnesota City Grants program. The estimated number of you participating in the Totem Town program is 25 with a 10 week duration of service at a I average cost of $1,500. Approximately 300 youth will eceive worl�orce awareness skill tutoring and/or educational enrichment. The verage duration of service will be 36 weeks at an average cost of $130.00. II. NEEDS ANALYSIS The MYP Demonstration Sup lement confronts issues related to the need for income, work experience, educational ttainment, workforce preparation, crime prevention and intervention services for eligi e Saint Paul youth. Paid work experience, career counseling and academic enri ment opportunities along with truancy and curfew enforcement and intervention ervices will vastly improve the developmental capacities of at-risk youth. 1 � . . �4 -� s�3 According to the Minnesota D artment of Economic Security there are 3,936 at-risk . economically disadvantaged yo th in Saint Paul. Furthermore, according to the Saint Paul School District, approxim ely 1,400 students are in need of remediation services to prevent them from dropping o t. Juvenile crime and truancy are at the highest rates ever. III. GOAIS AND OBJECTIVES A. Program Goals: The goals and objectiv of Saint Paul's Demonstration Supplement are: o Twenty-�ive (25 young criminal offenders will be provided Individualized Service Strategi , summer work experience jobs and participate in fully • accredited acad mic enrichment courses. Their participation will also provide commu 'ty services and in some cases make monetary restitution commitments b ck to their respective communities. o Another object'' e of this portion of the demonstration supplement will be to decrease the I �' ate of juvenile crime in Saint Paul and to improve developmental � pportunities of youth at-risk through a linked coordination of �resources for our local educational agency, the City Parks and Recreation'Department, Police Department, and the SDA. To that end, at-risk you h will participate in activities that will contn'bute to juvenile crime revention and truancy reduction. Within these activities 300 youth will r ive worl�orce development skills training, ,1Q0 youth will receive tut ial and academic enrichment opportunities; 00 youth will participate after school supervised recreational activities; and 700 youth will recei e truancy and curfew intervention services. B. Evaluation: � Both elements of Sain Paul's demonstration program will be fully evaluated by � - - -�- - - - - . - :.: . , : . : : : ihe SDA and by the St te of Minnesota City Grants administration to determine 2 ' . � (�l u'� � � _� effects on truancy rat , curfew violations, juvenile crime rates, improved workforce preparation ,and participation, improved in-school attendance rates, decreased rate of scho 1 drop-outs, positive attitudes toward educational and employment establis ents. IV. ACI'IVITIES AND SERVICE The Totem Town Project has en operating as part of the Saint Paul Summer Youth Program operated through St � te SDA #11 since the 1970's. It was designed to and contin es to enroll students assigned to Totem Town by the Youth Offender Justice Syste during the summer months. The participants selected are eligible by at-risk factors or by eeonomic disadvantagement. All stude ts will serve their sentence and continue their education concunently. They will recei e credit toward graduation for the classes. They will also take classes in social adjustm nt and environmental seivices. The Summer Youth progra provide work experience for these 25 eligible youth. They will attend worl�orce develo ment and remedial classes in the morning and work during the afternoon on the Totem own campus. Teachers and salaries are pr vided by the Saint Paul Public School system. Ramsey County provides Crew Lead rs and a Program Coordinator at now cost to SYEP. Participants can earn up to �1,150 during the summer months in the work experience component. If �restitution is court order, each participant will decide if he will start restitution payments with h' earnings. The second portion of the d m�nstration centers on prevention and intervention activities for youth at-risk, c llaborating with the Minnesota City Grants Program. The elements are detailed in the I ity's agreement with the State that provides for truancy 3 ' q4� �S5\I and curfew prevention, after ool supervised activities, and a wide range of workforce . development activities. See at ched Activities and Services Chart. V. BUDGET INFORMATION S Y See attached Budget Informat n Summary. 4 Form F4 TITLE IIC � ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES � SDA Name: City of Saint Paul/SDA #11 PROGRAM YEAR 1994 MYP Demonstration S�plement ACTIVITY/SERVICE $ OF TOTAL YOUTH EST ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ' F'UNDS AGE NUMHER DURATION COST PER ALIACATED GROUP OF YOUTH YOUTH SERVED 1. Sumner work experience and 47 14-21 25 10 weeks $1,500 tu oria - serv .- 2. Workforce developrnent skills 53 14-21 300 9 months $150 � and leadership training. � . � l � LJ'� 13 '