94-1552 Council File # q�1���� 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet #_ �7��� RESOLUTION CITY O SAINT PAUL, MINNESO A a� Presented B , Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, there are app oximately 48,000 school-age children in 2 Saint Paul, and 3 WHEREAS, many Saint Pa 1 residents are in need of more options for 4 affordable and accessible sc ool-age child care, and 5 WHEREAS, $24,540.00 of grant funding has been made available through 6 Ramsay County Community Huma Services Department for expansion of the 7 Division of Parks and Recrea ion's S'More Fun Child Care/Recreation Program, 8 and 9 WHEREAS, funding will e used to enhance the S'More Fun program by 10 providing for: staff traini g, culturally competent materials, storage 11 lockers, and supplimental st ffing, and 12 WHEREAS, upon project pproval, the City of Saint Paul must enter into a 13 formal grant project agreeme t with Ramsey County, and 14 WFiEREAS, the Mayor, pu suant to Section 10.07.02 of the City Charter 15 does certify that there are vailable for operation revenues in excess of 16 those estimated in the 1994 udget, and 17 WFiEREAS, Council file 77520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish 18 certain Special Fund Policie , and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor rec ends the following changes to the 1994 budget: 2 0 Division of Parks and Recrealion 2 1 S'More Fun Program Current Amended 22 Financing Plan Budget Changes Budget 2 3 ----------- --------- --------- --------- 2 4 860-33195-3400 State Direct ants in Aid 10,451.30 0.00 10,451.30 2 5 860-33195-3500 County Direct rants in Aid 0.00 24,540.00 24,540.00 2 6 860-33195-5223 Instruction F s 210,570.00 0.00 210,570.00 2 7 --------- --------- --------- 2 8 TOTAL 221,021.30 24,540.00 245,640.30 2 9 Spending Plan �� 3 0 ------------- 3 1 860-33195-0219 Fees - Other of Services 220,320.00 9,262.50 229,582.50 32 860-33195-0221 Postage 200.00 0.00 200.00 33 860-33195-0241 Printing 400.00 0.00 400.00 34 860-33195-0255 Dues 0.00 280.00 280.00 3 5 860-33195-0299 Other Misc. S vices 54.80 3,750.00 3,804.80 3 6 860-33195-0357 Athletic/Recr tion 0.00 4,430.50 4,430.50 37 860-33195-0389 Other Misc. S plies 46.50 4,592.00 4,638.50 38 860-33195-0857 Data Processi Hardware 0.00 2,225.00 2,225.00 39 --------- --------- --------- 4 0 TOTAL 221,021.30 24,540.00 245,640.30 4 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES LVED, that the City Council authorizes the 42 proper City officials to ent into the necessary agreements to accept and 43 expend the $24,540 grant fro Ramsey County and approves these changes to the 44 1994 budget. , 4 5 Approval Recommended � 4 6 Budget Director � VJ 1 � yl�� Yeas Nays Abse BZakey Requested by: Grimm Guerin Divisi of P ks nd Re ation Harris � Megard By: Rettman Thune Approval Recommended by Budget � o Director: By: Adopted by Council: Date a Qq �.` Form App o ed by 'ty At orney Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary By: gy � Appr y May r fo Subm' sion to Approved ay te.', � Coun ' By: By: � � �,l ' - - - q{„�,'" � � ��� � 2s3 3 DE E lOFFICE L 1 ATED N_ � Parks & Recreation 0-4- �R�EN SHEE Mi ke Hahm 286 -6444 oew�eNra� c�roR"�J D �J• cmrcouNCa �"��"�'� cm �rropwev � g cirv c��c MU3T BE IL MiE (DATE) q FON BUDQET DIRECTO � FlN. 8 M(i7. 8ERVICEB DIR. � wu►voA �oR nssisr� � P a r k s TOTAL #�` OF .8K�,iNATURE PAGES (C P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SlRNATURE) ACTION REQU63TED: Accept grant from the Ramsey Coun y Human Services Department � f�r the S'More Fun program ($24,5 0). i , i ' RE�a'AMEM�ICFIONB' Appr°°� �� °r Ry�t iR� PERSONAI 8ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST �NiWER TME FOLLOWINti QtIESTIONS: � _ PIANNNrG COMM18310N _. CmL SERVICE COMMISSION t. Hes this p9r8onlf�rm ever worked urld�r a cOnheCt for 1M! dp�A11'MM4 1 _ CIB C�IMRTEE _ YES NO = �. STAFF _ 2. Hsa this per�nflirm arer b�sn a dty ertployes? , { YES NO j _ DISTRiCi CouRT _ 3. Ooss thfs psrsoMfirm possses � skHl not normely P�� bY a^Y �� ��P��� 8UPPORTS WFIICH COUNCIL OB.lECT'IVE4 YES NO Explaln all y�s answsrs on sep�r�t� sM�t aeW aM�eh to OrNn �Met j � � i , INITIATINO PROBLEM, 193UE. ORPORTUNITY (Who. N11wt. Whsn. VN�sre� l: Ramsey County has awarded the Di ision of Parks and Recretion a ! $24,540 grant for the S'More Fun school-aged child care program. ��� � . OCT 1$ 1994 i , I NU'YOR'S OFFiCE i � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i i The S'More Fun program will rec ve funding for: staff training, purchase of 3 culturally competent materials, torage lockers, and supplemental staffing. 1 RECEIVE OCT DIHAOVANT/1OE8 IF APPROVED: None. CITY ��E �:��,�ti�. t� ; �O�Jt1C� '�8�f�1'� �id'�� ; OCT 19 �4 � , DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: ' r..�_ This program will not receive g nt funding. � . 1 i � � i i I � i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 24' S4O COST/REYENUE BUDfiETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO f FUNDING SOURCE Ramse COUtI'� CO(t11DUl11't Human S@P1��y�y pUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Dept. ' � ' . . .. :3._� y � � -�.. . � ; ;` NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLWDEQ IN TH� SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL ; MANUAL AVMLABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFI�E`{PHONE NO. 298-4225). " e � , ROUTING ORDER: � ,` � Below are c�rect roudngs tor the tive moat irequent ypes ot documsMs: CONTRACTS (assumea auitwdzed budgst exists} COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Anrond BudgsWAccept. OraMs) �' 1: Oufsids ency . 1. Department Direcbr 2. Departme�nt Director 2. Budpet Director f 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey r� � 4. Mayor (tor c�ntracts over i15,000) 4. MayoNAsaist�t ` 5. Human Rights (for �nt�acts over 550.000) 5. City Councd ;� 8. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Menapement Servioes : �< � : 7. Flnance Accouniing �� :� ADMINISTRAtIVE ORDERS (Budpei Ravision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (aN others, and Ordinancss) b :� � 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Cfry Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Asaistant �' 4. eudget Director 4. Cily CouncU 5. City Cierk ! 6. Chiet Accountant, Finance and Management Services � t ' ADMINISTRATIVE OA�ERS (aN otheFS) f. Department Director 2. City Attorney �p 3. Finance and Management Services Direcior f 4. Ciry Clerk ��' TOTAL NUMBER OF SICaNATIlflE PACiES � � � tndicate the #�oi pages on which signatures aro requfred and p�percl{p or fla� , �- ach of these pages. ACTION FiEQUESTED � Descrihe what the projecthequest sseks to accomplfah in �ither chronolopi- cel order w orderof imponance, whichevar � most appropdate for ihe issue. Do not write complete sentences. 8�in each Hem M ycwr list wlth a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete i( the issue in question has been prasented bstore amr body, public o� private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE? �ndlcate wnicn councH ot�jecnve(a> your projecureauest supports by Hscing the key word(s) (HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEW�H SEPARATION). (SEE COMPCETE LIST tN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � ; PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: TMs information wNl bs used to determine the ciy'a NeWlity tor workers compenaation claims, taxes and propsr dvil service hMnp rulea. � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditbns that croated a nssd for yiwr project ; or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROYED indicate whether this is sirt�ly an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint PaW and Its citizens will benefit from thia project/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or majar changes to existing or pest processes might this pro�ect/request produce if it ia pasaed (e.g., treft� delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)? ?b Whont? When4 For how long? �ISADVANTAGES IF tVOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequer�es if the promissd action is not approved? inabiliy to deliver service4 Ca�tlnued high traHic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT �� Although you must tailor the informatfon you provide hero to the iasue you are,addressing, in gensral'you must a»swe� two questions; How much is it going to cost? Who la going to pay? � i '�