94-1550 0 R I G I NA Council File # 9�—/5� Green Sheet � 27640 RESOLUTION O INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The City Council approve the establishment of two "ad hoc" Business Regulation Task Forces in the last three years, th the 1991 task force chaired by William Huestis, and the 1992-1993 task force co-chaired by . Huestis and Carol Zemke, and WHEREAS, both of the former task f ces were highly effective in recommending a number of improvements in the regulation of bu iness and industry in the City of Saint Paul, including the creation of the "One Stop Shop" and e Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection, the elimination of a numb r of businesses licenses, and simplification of numerous regulations and procedures, and WHEREAS, the Sunset Report of the I 92-1993 Business Regulation Task Force strongly urged the Mayor and City Council to appoin a permanent, on-going, Business Review Council, to continue the work of streamlining an improving the City's business regulations and to formally establish a line of regular communic on between the regulator and the regulated, and WHEREAS, Mayor Norm Coleman h established the development of a stronger economy as one of his administration's five major prio ties, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Coun 1 has also established the creation and retention of jobs in the City as one of the Council's major �goals, and WHEREAS, both the Mayor and City ouncil believe that the establishment of an active Business Review Council will strengthen and p mote business interests in the City which will build a stronger economy, Now Therefore, be t RESOLVED, That upon the recomme dation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the Business R view Council (BRC) which shall be made up of at least 21 and no more than 25 members, who all be selected in accordance with the Policy Concerning Citizen Committees, and be it FURTI�R 1tESOLVED, members of I e Business Review Council shall primarily represent businesses (At least 75%) but membe shall also represent labor, neighborhood, and City enforcement staff, and be it ; FURTI�R RESOLVED, that nominee representing businesses shall be solicited from the business associations in the City and e Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, and the business associations and Chamber ay recommend persons who are not actual members of their association provided that they ei er own or work for a business located in the City or are residents of the City, and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED, That the May r shall designate one or two members of the initial Business Review Council to be chair o co-chairs for the first year of the Council's existence, with the Council selecting a subsequent ch r or co-chairs annually or biennially, and be it , � • 9 �-� s� FURTHER RESOLVED. �at one thir of the initial appointments shall be for one year, another third for two years, and the remainin third shall have a three year term and that vacancies on the Council for whatever cause shall e filled by the Mayor through the open appointments process for the unexpired term, and it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Busi l ess Review Council shall establish a regular time and place to meet and shall meet at least uarterly, and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED, that staffing I r the Council shall be jointly and cooperatively provided by the Department of Planning and E onomic Development, The Department of Public Works, the Fire Department, the Departrnent of ance and Management Services and the Office of License, Inspections & Environmental Protecti n, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the charg of the Business Review Council shall be: 1. To review the regulations and p cedures of the City that pertain to businesses and to recommend improvements and chang s to reduce or simplify unnecessary regulations while maintaining essential protectio for public health and safety and the fiscal responsibility of City regulatory functions; ', 2. To increase coordination between arious City enforcement and regulatory agencies, especially the Departments of: Finance; Plannin and Economic Development; Public Works; and Fire; and the Office of License, Inspect�ons & E vironmental Protection; to speed approvals, reduce redundant requirements, and promot a"business friendly" philosophy on the part of all City operations; 3. To review all proposed legislativ and procedural changes that materially affect the regulatory environment of business d industry in the City and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council concerning e approval and implementation of such changes, and the impact that they would have on busi ess and industry. Requested by Department of: � Navs sent rimm — � Office of License, Inspections and uerin � Environmental Protection arris e ar e man �` une � . g Adopted by Council: Date .� y Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secr tary , B �. !o -i3-9� By : c, � Approved 4Y M o: Date _ Approved y Mayor fo S mission to ��` � ���;� Council By : �lA,�' " By : 1(� ( .. : 9�i-�� PA NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL E INITIATED '`O ���� O GRf EN SHEE ' LIEP -12 —��► INITIAUDATE INITIA CONT 8 E � pEpARTL1EPIT pIRE � CITY COUNCII Robert Ke ler 266-91I2 Ep� �CITYATTOHNEV �CITYCLERK MU3T IL BY (Dl1 ) � � BUDGET DtREC19DR � FlN. 8 NI(iT. 8ERVICES DIR. As Soon As Possible Q MAVOR (OR A9913TANT) � TOTAL #t OF'SItiNATUAE PAtiEB (C P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) i ACTION HEQUESTED: . Establishment of the Business Rev ew Council (21 to 25 members) � � RECCMAMENDATIONB: Approw (Al or RyeG (R) PERSONAL 8ERVICB CONTRACTS MUST ANSMIER THE FOLLOMIING �11L8TION8: � _ PLAP�IINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. 'Mes this psreon/firm ever worked under a oOffVact for thfs dparhnent7 ! _ C18 COMMITTEE _ YES NO � 2. Has Mb psrson/flrm s�ror 6een n c�ty smployes? � — �� — YES NO _ Dlsrnicr cOURT _ s. Does mis personm►m p�ssss a eb�� na nor��N vosassssd by arryr a,►rorn city emp�oyss? � SUPPORTa WMK;FI COUNCII OBJEC'i1vE? YES NO ! Expl�tn �U yh an�w�n on ap�►aE� shNt a�d att�ch to �rpn shNt INITIAflNQ M. 138UE. OPPARTUNITV (Who. MIMt. Nfhen. When. ). . �. The former "ad hoc" Business Reg ation Task Forces were h�.ghly effective:°tn the simplification of numerous ci y regulations aAd procedure�. A permanent Businessk Review Council will strengthen a promote business interests in the city through } continued xeview of regulations d procedures. � � i i , i ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � t , Will help to develop stronger ec omy and aid in the creation and retention of 3obs � by eliminating unnecessary rules nd regulations that hamper busiaeas growth and ; development. � � � � 1 � j DISADVANTiKiES IF APPROVED: Will add another "layer" of revi and could create additional debate and discussioni around esoteric and parochial is ues. � "' � ��� � . s i OCT' 0 1994 1 DiSADYANTA0E8 IF HOT APPROYED: { � Burdensome regulations and proce ures wi21 remain and businesa growth and developmen� will be drawn to other cities. i ; , � i � f ; � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANB/►CTION = COS77REV@NUE B11OtiETEC fCIRCLE ONE) YES NO ! � f ! FUNDING SOURGE ACTIYITY HUMBER �_, FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) I i NOTE: COMPLLTE �IRECTIONS ARE 1NCLUOEQ MI THE (3REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIO(+IAL IYtANUAL AWUl�1BlE IN THE PURCHASIN(i O�FfCE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). � �� � ROUTING ORDER: � Below ere correct routings for the Me most irequent types af elowmeMs: CONTfiACTS (assumes autho►ized lx�dget exists) COUNCIL f�E8t'II.W'TION (Amsnd Budpsta/ACCSpt. �rents) 1. Outsids Agency t. Department Oirec�or 2. Department Director 2. Budget Director � 3. City Attomey 3. Ciry At�omey 4. Mayor (iw catt�acta over 515.000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights (lor contracts over 550,000) 5. Ciry Cquncii � �?' 8. Finance and Management Servicoa Oiroctor 6. Chief Acoountant, Finanae and Manapement Serviaes � 7. Finance Accoanting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revisfon) COUNCIL RE$OLUTION (W Mhen. and OMMa�css) �� '�� 1. Activiry Manager 1: DepartmeM Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant j 4. Budget Director 4. City Council � k 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accounta�St, Finance and Msr�pement Servicea � x ADMINISTRATIVE Z7RDERS,(all othe►sj � 1. Department Director � 2. City Attomey - � _ 3. Finance and Managpment Services Ohector _ 4. City Clerk ;. �` TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Irtdicate the �oi pages on which signatures are required and p�p�rcllp or flap qch of th�se pagss. ACTION RECIUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks � acco�pliah M either chro�oloqi- cal order or order of importance, whkhever is rtwst approp►iate for the ; issue. Do not write compi�ete sentencea. 8egin each ftem in your ilat with t a verb. ` RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H the Issue in questro� has been pressnted befpre a�y body, public or p�(vate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI.OBJECTIVE? ' I�dicate wnicn council obJective(e) yot,r pro�scvreq�,est suPpons by �istlng the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBOAHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ; BUDGET, SEWER SfPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST.IN INSTRUGTIONAL MANUAL.) � � PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: L This informallon will be used to dete►mine ths cityls liab�ity fw wortcers compensetion claims, taxes and proper dvil ssrvk� hkinp n�sa. � ` INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ' -� Ex�ain the situation or oonditbns that croated a aesd for your project � �,� or requesL ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED '� Indicate whether thts is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ ' charter or whether there aro speciNc ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit trom this proJect/action. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVEO � What negative effects or maior changes to existing or past processes migM this pro�ecthequest produce 'rf ft is passed (s.g., traNic delays. noise, � tax increases w assessme�ts)? To Whom? When? Fo� how IongT ' ' ' DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences i( the promised actian is not � approved? Inability to del)ver service4 Gontkaied hf� traNic, noise, � accident rate? Loss oi revenueT ` " � FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the fnformation you provfde here to the iasue you } = are, addressing, in general you must answer two quesiions: How much is it �, ''� going to cost? Who is 9��9 �o PaY? k '� � � � � `` �� , �� � � . � . �� �