94-1544 � �� ��-s -�— � � - � � 1 / y y Council File # � � � Green Sheet # r SOLUTION . C TY F INT PAUL, MI�{I'�IESOTA � }. Presented By: �' �--t.-c1( / Referred To: Committee: Date 7 WHEREAS, the demand for Summary Abatements have en growing since 1993 and 2 s WHEREAS, the amount budgeted for 1994 was based o incomplete expenditure information from 1993, and a 5 WHEREAS, the funds approved for Summary Abatemen in the 1994 adopted budget have been completely exhausted, and s there is a need to continue Summary Abatement cleanup . 7 e THEREFORE, the Mayor recommends the following chan s to the 1994 budget; 8 I 70 �iL[I@pI �1HnQfl Revised 71 FINANCING t2 Public Heakh 13 Summary Abatement/Property Cleanup 14 001-03230-7306 300,000 200,000 500,000 1s All Other Activity Financing 0 0 0 t6 300,000 200,000 500,000 17 18 19 20 27 SPENDING 22 Public Health 23 Summary Abatement/Property Cleanup 2t 001-03230-0299 192,248.48 200,000 392,248.48 25 All Other Activity Spending 42,614 0 42,614 26 234,862.48 200,000 434,862.48 27 28 2e Total Spending 30 S1 32 73 S4 35 se Now, therefore, be it resolved that the City Council ado s these changes to the 1994 budget. Yea Na s Absent Requested by Department of: a ey mm Budget Office uenn ams ega By: Joe Reid ettman une Approval ecommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date � �� By: Adoption ertified by Council Secretary: Form Approve y City A orne . ey: �- . By: Approved by Mayor: D ��' t Approved y a ubmission to Council: � _ ,,,,r . � p d By: By: .��/��t � ' DEDE:SUMABT.WK� BudgN011f� UZN7 r _ q ,��, S �� �,,�.�. � ,� B�a o�� - �RE N$ t�. 8 5 ���.� m ��� �' � Joseph Reid —?66-8353 [� arrwrra�mr � arva I �usr se av covnc9t:�oe+a� sY �nu►� scr�cNSr Q wK.s �. wIRM� � ['� �uroa (cm E TOTAL # OF SIt#NAT[fR8 PI�f3r84 (CLiP �LL I.QC,ArTtt�l'� �R �Q�#'1'�3�} � �cceior� �aovan�so Approve re�lntioa atmesd�� the 1994 bt�dget wit# reQard tiiadin� Summary A�set/Qa�. j � necoMtrer�ua►�w�+e.+tn)��ey..e(a) iB�VK:B GON11A�(."Pi'liVSt Arlii'Ift� �'H8'l►ai.�ti�f►�N4 n.�nvaro ca�xtmasc _ctvu. �Bav� c�o�nrt�oer i. d�a pa�oNl�s ev�er warked uader a as�ae�ac aii de�r�lwaK? cm cow�mee _ YBS NO �sr� , 2. thYt pino�rm a�+sr b+�ra �y eepbyeeT �ntsr��rcoutr _ YES NiA sueeoR�n wx�cx coc�r�a.o�wcr�vsz 3. thia per�/i6en poNw a� �ot ao�IbpoNwe�i►l+i4a��rrM►��3 � YBS NE3 aM aaw�e�s aa alw»t a�i �tt� tt � sY�. u�m+ruro taa�rtr�. nsrs oerarrmar�r�ra �ri.aww..r�wwHp � ' • ��� � - All funda for 5umwary Ab�tomeat/taesn� hsve beoa usted. ' OCT 06 �' I�AAYOaS OFFICE �������� Fnads will be avaitable to pay for eosts �ted with ,�►�A��� a��.. Council Rssearc:h �Cen r OCT 14 1994 -. . .-- �r DISADVANTAti$f IP ATfROVED: None a�►nvarrrwoesor rrcrr �ovsu: No funds wili be availabla to psy for oo:ts as�ociated with mmaryfAbatemcnt Qeanups. tornr. n�rovr�r oF riwiswcnolr 07d cosrmsus�us wocimeo �ca<xs a� � � � rvxnwowvaca Vi4iE14S wcnvrrrrv�ou V R F..S � � _ � M � • �o���� F�e � -1 s 4 `l Green Sheet #� � ESOLUTION IT F S IN , MINNESO �� Presented By: Referred To: ommittee: Dete 1 WHEREAS, the demand fw Summary Abatsments hsve I een growing since 1993 and 2 a WHEREAS, the amount budyeted for 1894 wes based inoomplete sxpenditure infwmatia�from 1983, end 4 5 WHEREAS, the funds approved for Summery Abatsms in ths 1884 edopted budQst he�%s been compietely sxhsustsd, end 6 there is e need to continue Summary Abetsment oisanu s. 7 e THEREFORE, the Meyor r�commsnd� the followiny oha gss to th� 1994 budp�t; 9 10 �eL[[OIIt �4 �YI1� 11 FINANCINO 12 Use of Undesignated Fund Bslance j 13 007-00000-9830 1,605,102 743,000 1,748,102 14 All Other Fund Fi�encing 147,025,896 0 147,025,896 15 148,630,898 143,000 748,773,988 16 Public Hsalth 17 Summary Abatement/Property Cleanup i �a 001-03230-4399 0 57,000 57,000 19 All Othe� Activity Finanoing 300,000 0 300,000 20 300,000 57,000 357,000 21 22 Total Financing 148,930,998 2�0,000 148,130,998 23 24 25 SPENDINO 26 Publio H�alth z7 Summary Abetan�nt/Prop�rty Cleanup 28 001-03230-0299 192,248.48 200,000 382,248.48 29 All Othsr Activity Spendinp 42,614 0 42,614 30 234,862.48 200,000 434,862.48 31 All Other Fund 3pending i 148,696,135.52 0 148,696,135.52 32 33 Total Spending 148,930,998 200,000 149,130,998 S4 95 ss Now, therefore, be it rssolved thet the City Qouncil l opts these chenges to the 1994 budgst. Yeas Na � Absent Requeated by Department of: lakey � ` Grlmm �-IL�Gi.��" � 1 L � ue n , a s egar By: ettman Thune Approval Recommended by Budget Director: . Adopted by Council: Date By: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Fam A by City Att rney: By: BY� Approved by Mayor: Date Approv b Ma u 'ssion to uncil: gy; I By: �/�^�/�'�, � D[DE:tIMM{T.WK/ MWYMO�C� Y7Y�2 �