94-1540 Rm� �O���l�y � � . ��� Council File # � � 1 i � � �� ESOLUTION Green Sheet # 25869 C T F SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA � - Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date _ __ 1 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works h s let a contract for the construction of Thompson Avenue 2 from Grand Avenue to 600' East, and 3 4 WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted b City Council Resolution 93-1898, known as Log #SU-55265, and 5 6 WHEREAS, the bid came in higher than the e gineer's estimate and the budget did not include revenue from 7 the Minnesota Dept of Transportation, and g I � 9 WHEREAS, there is surplus Capital Improvem nt Bond monies in the Hoyt Ave reconstruction project to 1 0 cover the higher bid-so- and, >> Whereas, Ho t Avenue will be r constructed in 1995 with Minnesota State Aid and Ca ital 12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counci of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Improvement Bond 13 Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital I provement Budget Committee, that the Capital �oney; and 14 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted a d amended by this Council is hereby further amended 1 5 in the following particular: 16 17 I � Current Amended 18 Budget Changes Budget 19 20 FINANCING PLAN 21 Thompson Ave at Grand 2 2 C94-2S072 23 24 1994 Municipal State Aid 140,000.00 140,000.00 25 1994 Capital Improvement Bond 171,000.00 75,000.00 246,000.00 26 Minn. Dept. of Transportation 28,620.00 28,620.00 27 311,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 28 29 SPENDING PU�N 3 0 Thompson Ave at Grand 31 C94-2S072 _ _ 32 33 Plans & Construction 311,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 34 311,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 35 36 37 FINANCING PLAN 38 Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria l 39 C94-2J004 40 41 42 1994 Capital Improvement Bond 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 43 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 - 1 ay-�5�o 1 SPENDING PLAN 2 Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria l I, 3 C94-2J004 4 5 Construction 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 6 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 7 8 BE ITftfR�ii£R RESOLVED, that City official are hereby authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement with 9 Minnesota Dept. of Transportation for the fina cing of Thompson Ave., and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that H t Avenue will be reconstructed in 1995 with Minnesota State Aid and C ital Im rovement Bond mone . "The gt, paul Long - Range Capital Irnprovomen� &ulget Committee received this request on ` �t Q ) __ f 0 ' _ and xecomme:.ds SiQard: __.,-- � � .. . m - �.�..�Q � � � -��- 1��:�.�:�-- Yeas Nays Abse t Requested by Department of: Blakey Grimm MJE/jb Public Works 9-28-94 Guerin .y�1� Harris � Meqard �� Rettman � Thune B y' � � � Adopted by Council• Date Q Form Appro e by City Att rney . ,�, Adoption Certified by Council Secretar BY� B � Appro d Mayor�f Submissio to Council Y� Approved by M , Date ,` � � ` � ' By� By: 2 _ �'f��', �IATED � � � � �2 �69 � � �b,,�wdr� 9 4 GRE S HEET n,a. � CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE .� INITIA ATE INITIAL/DA / � DEPAFTMENT DIRECTOR ❑g CITV COUNCIL � Michael J. Eggum �53 ��1��3 N FpR Qg CITY ATTORNEY CINCLERK MUST BE ON C�UNCIL AGENDA BY (UATE) �UTI BUDGET DIRECTOR �p FIN 3 MGT. SEFiVICES DIR. m MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn MkeEggum TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLJP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �� CAP P � DEPARTMENT ACCOU 0 ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1994 Capita Improvement Program by transferring spending and financing from the Hoyt Ave Reconstruction project and adding Minnesota DepG of ransportation funding to the Thompson Avenue-Grand project. RECOIdMENDATIOPSAppwe (ly a R�Jsct (R) pE AL SERVICE C�ITRACTS MU9T ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTI _ PIANNINO COMMI3310N _ CIVIL SERVICE COtdMISSION �. H this persoNfirm ever worked under a Con[ract for this depertment? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO STAFF 2• H this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyee? I - - YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 (�UNCIL _ 3. this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any c�urtent city e ee? SI�PORTS WH�H COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Expi n all yas ainwars on aeparata sha�t and attach to graan sheet INITUITINCi PF�BLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH : The Department of Public Works has awazded a contract f construction on Thompson Ave. - Grand to 6Q0' East. Contract bids came in ; substandally higher than engineers estimate and original b get did not include work to be doee for the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation. This work was originally adopted by the City Council und log number SU-55265, this resolution� s��r� _�7.� 000 of 1994 Capital Improvement bond funds from the Hoyt Ave Reconstructio project which is not being done until 1993'and� $28,620 from a cooperadve agreement with the Minnesota Dep� of Trans tation. < cT 12 �994 . �,�,� � �.� �-�._, � �� S W P � ��. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Q�s ��'F��� I The Department of Pubiic Works will be able to award con ct, complete construction and bill the Minnesota Dept of Transportation for work done on Tfiompson Ave. oisnowwrnoes � a�aovEa None. � DISADVANTAQE3IF NOT APPROVEQ: lfiere will not be sufficient budget to complete constructio of Thompson Avenue and the cooperative agreement with the Minnesota De�►t of Transportadon will not be includetl in the financing pla TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDQETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES � PUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER C94 & C94 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i i =' � � m�_� �� � -- ��f � ' �'— �' � Council File # � `� " � � �� SOLUTION Green Sheet # 25869 -�- L r � C T F SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTA , � Presented By , � Referred To Committee : Date _____ � �_ i 1 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works h let a contract for the construction of Thompson ,Avenue 2 from Grand Avenue to 600' East, and � 3 i 4 WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted b ICity Council Resolution 93-1898, known as�og #SU-55265, and 5 6 WHEREAS, the bid came in higher than the en ineer's estimate and the budget did not ' clude revenue from 7 the Minnesota Dept of Transportation, and 8 9 WHEREAS, there is surplus Capital Improvem t Bond monies in the Hoyt Ave re nstruction project to � j 0 cover the higher bid, sa ����� �( I �� ( � t� a,.-�•4 � � 1 2 EFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Saint Paul, upon r commendation of the 13 Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capitai I provement Budget Committ e, that the Capital 14 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted a amended by this Council s hereby further amended 1 5 in the following particular. 'I 16 1 7 Current Amended 18 Budget hanges Budget 19 20 FINANCINGPLAN 21 Thompson Ave at Grand 22 C94-2S072 23 24 1994 Municipal State Aid 140 000.00 140,000.00 25 1994 Capital Improvement Bond I ' 17 ,000.00 75,000.00 246,000.00 26 Minn. Dept. of Transportation 28,620.00 28,620.00 27 11,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 28 29 SPENDING PLAN 30 Thompson Ave at Grand 31 C94-2S072 _ 32 33 Plans & Construction 311,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 34 I � 311,000.00 103,620.00 414,620.00 35 36 37 FINANCING PLAN 38 Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron ictoria 39 C94-2J004 40 41 42 1994 Capital I rovement Bond 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 43 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.00 - 1 .� _ . ;¢ - -� - 1 SPENDING PLAN j 2 Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria 3 C94-2J004 � � 4 5 Construction I 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000.0 6 150,000.00 -75,000.00 75,000. 0 7 8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City official are hereby authorized to enter in o a cooperativ agreement with 9 Minnesota Dept. of Transportation for the fina cing of Thompson Ave. t � 'The $t. Paui ng - Range Capital ImprovQm�m &uiget Com ittee received tnis request on �datc) 0 I _ and xe�om�c�:.c1s iQaod: . .. a.' •Y. �` ._ . ►'� �--�.-� � �Q ' �-� I���- Yeas Navs Abs t Requested by Department of: Blakey MJE/jb Public Works 9 Grimm Guerin .�,�� Harris Meqard Rettman � By: Th un e � � Adopted by Council• Date Q Form Appro e by City Att rney Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y BY� i � g�, Appro d Mayor f Submissio to Council � - \ Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: 2 Printed By: Mike Eggum 10/5/94 7:36 AM Page: 1 :� From: Tom Kuhfeld (10/4/94) - _ = _ To: Mike Eggum � CC: BCC: i Priority• Normal Date sent: 10/4/94 4:12 PM _ � SubjeCt T�me 4:00 PM OFFICE MEMO Thompson Ave ward Date 10/4/94 . The bids for this ro'ect were hi her I han the "engineer's estimate" because of the P J 9 lateness of the season and also beca se of the 20% targeted vendor requirement. They are much higher than the originaf esti ate because of the necessary addition of a signal system, and changes that have o be made to the 35E off ramp to Grand to make this work properly. If there are que ions, please call Thomas Kuhfeld at 266-6111. - ' D ARTME UOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE. M� ATEO E E N S H E ET IJ O. Z�J �+� � Public Works 9/23/ G R INITIAU ATE INITIAL/DAT�F- CONTACT PERSON d PHONE q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR g CITY COUNCIL ��--v Michael J . E UITI �i�'S3 �6143 ASSIGN � CITY ATTORNEY ❑ CITY CLERK - "'� ' gg NUMBE FOR ❑ MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTIN BUDGET DIRECTOR �p FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDER �I MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) Mke Eggum 'f ILJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLJP ALL L CATIONS FOR SIGNATUFiE) �� CAP P n DEPARTMENT ACCOU C � � �r ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1994 Capital mprovemen[ Program by transferring spending and financing from the Hoyt Ave Reconstruction project and adding Minnesota Dept. of ansporw�ion funding to the Thompson Avenue-Grand project. �,.. *, RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERS NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIOrI : PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � � _ _ t. H this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department. i _ ,�: CIB COMMITTEE YES NO "`� " ' STAFF 2. H II this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? �_, �' - - YES NO :.}. � _ DISTRICT COUNCIL _ . 3. D s this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry empfi�ee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO , Expla all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet I E OPPORTUNIN WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE,WHY INITIATING PROBLEM, SSU . ( . . � The Department of Public Works has awazded a contract fo ' construction on Thompson Ave. - Grand �0 600' East. Contract bids came in substantially higher than engineers estimate and original bu get did not include work to be done for the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation. This work was originally adopted by the City Council und log number SU-55265, this resolution transfers $75,000 of 1994 Capital Improvement bond funds from lhe Hoyt Ave Reconstructio projecl which is not being done unul 1995`and adding �28,620 from a cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Dept. of Transp tation. ( �t� : �E �� 1��4 yJ L ` ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: .. The Department of Public Works will be able to award con ct, complete cons�ruction and bill the Minneso�a Dept of Transportation for work done on Thompson Ave. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. -- --------- --- - - ------- - - ----- ---- - ---- ----- DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will not be sufficient budget to complete construc�io I of Thompson Avcnue and �he cooperative agreement with the Minnesora Dept of Transportation will not be included in the financin� pla . . TOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE CIB and MnDOT ACTIVI7Y NUMBER C94-2S072 & C94-2J004 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Printed By: Mike Eggum 10/5/94 7:36 AM Page: 1 � i i_ I�I io From: Tom Kuhfeld (10/4/94) �� �� To: Mike Eggum CC: � BCC: Priority• Normal Date sent: 10/4/94 4:12 PM SubjeCt: Time: 4:00 PM OFFICE MEMO Thompson Ave ward pate: 10/4/94 The bids for this project were higher han the "engineer's estimate" because of the lateness of the season and also beca e of the 20% targeted vendor requirement. They are much higher than the original esti ate because of the necessary addition of a signal system, and changes that have o be made to the 35E off ramp to Grand to make this work properly. If there are que ions, please call Thomas Kuhfeld at 266-6111. . ,