94-1537 Council File # "!`�i�,��� 0 R i G I N A L Green Sheet # 29516 ESOLUTION CITY OF S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA , 1 � Presented By d� i_�- Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #1 26) for a Malt On Sale (3.2 Beer) License applied for by Saigon Village Res urant & Bakery (Peter P. Nguyen, Owner) at 501 University Avenue West be nd the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Ye Navs Ab ent a e r � Office of License, Insnections and uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man un e - ,� By: Adopted by Council: Date y Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry Form Approved by City Attorney s . d'� y � By: Approved by � • Date �. p 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ' . _ By: � , A4 -I� � � ,����� ,� � � o �+� N_ 2 9 51 LIEP—Licensia G���� `7���T ,�cr a�+oroe '� oew�r�Nr aaE C�roR � � cm cow�ca. .. Christine Rozek/266-9I14 �cmn�ev �cmc��nc MU ON AQEIdDA BY ( � � BUD4ET DIRECTO � F�1. � MfiT. BERVICE9 DIR. For flearing : 1 O G� 9 D+�u►va+ coR nss�sr� (� TOTAL #t OF SK�INATIiRE PAGIES (C�IP L LOCJiTIONS FOR SKiMJ►TUR�) i ,�craN pEOU�sr�o: Application (I.D. #15$26) for a Malt Sale (3.2 Beer} License `�pp�°°� ��� °r R°�a �R� PB AL SBRYICE CONTRACTS Mtl8T AN!{iNER TNE FOLLOINMKi WlEBTiOI/s: _ PLANNMIO COI�AMi83iO�t _ C�v�l sERV�CE COMMI88� 1. as this penqMi►m ev�sr worked undar a cw�Mrsd tor ttds dsp�r6nsnt4 I _ CIB �MMITTEE _ YE8 �NO 2. thia pe►�onlflrm e�rer been a dty e�nployMe? � — �� —"- YES NO _ o�BTRiCT C�URT _ 3. tMc p�rsoMirm posssss a skiA nat nonnaNp Pp�d bY a�►Y �u�^sM c�Y enployss? j suFPOR'is wFtK�1 CWNCIL oeJECr�vE? YES NO ' KI Ex n NI ya �narr�n oa �sp�nN sMit and �oh to Onrn shwt i INmATIPK� PFiOBLEM. 189UE. CPPORTUNII'v (YVho, WIMt. whan. Whsn. NA+Y): Saigon Village Restaurant � Bakery (Pe r P. Nguyen, Owner) requests Councii approvai of i s application for a Malt On Sale (3.2 Be ) License at 501 University Aveaue West. All . applications and fees have been submit d. All required departments have reviewed and � approved this application_. � �owwr�oes � ��: ; R�� sFp _ F� ��C s � i �Y e� DISADVMlT/�OE81F APPROVED: C+011pC�� F�6�,�!'Cli �@(�I SEP � 6 1994 ; , 1 DISIWWUiTA0E81F NOT APPROYED: - ' . _ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REYENUE BUbOETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY N11MY@R FlNANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) t .. ; . . . . . . . . - ` � � NOTE: COMPIETE DIREGTIONS ARE INCLLiDED IN TH��I SHE�T INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVMLABLE IN 7Hf PURCNASING OFf�IC�'�PHO�IE NO. 298-4225). ' ROUTtNQ ORDER: ' r 80101N 8f9 OO�t'6Cl fOU�lt1g8 }Of thC NVA IlfOif h�Qll�M 1� O� QOqJ11'19fltS: , . � � � . � . � i CONTRAGTS (asBUmsS eutho�iZed budgst sxfs�) COUNCiL RESOlU1`ION (Amend Budp�tMM.apt. (�U'anb) 1. Outside AgenCy 1. Departit�ent direc�or + 2. Depertmsnt Director 2. Budqet Direcbor • 3. City Attorney 3. City Atbmey = 4. Mayor (for Contracts over $15.000) 4. MayodAssistent " 5. Human Rights (for conlracts oaer t50,000) 5. Ciry Cour� 6. Fi�ancs and Managsnrent Servkxs Director 6. Chief Acoount�t, Fin�e ar�d ManapemeM Servioes ; 7. Financs ,Accountk�g . ;� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpet Revisbn) COUNCIL RE30LUTION (aU othsrs, lmd O�nu�css) � 3 1. Activity Manager i. Dapartment Director � 2. Departrne�t Accounta�t 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Depertment DirACWr 3. Meyor Assistant � 4. Budget OireCt� 4. City Council � 5. City Gierk 6. Chie( AcCOUntanf. Finance and Menapemsnt Services i 4 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) ! t. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney ' 3. FMance and Ma�ayement Services Directar t 4. City Clerk � � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIt�NATURE PAGES e Indicate' the #of pages on whiCh slgnatures are required and p�ellp or fl�q � ' „ch of tMw pay�s. ACTION RE�UESTED �� Describe what the proJec�/request sesks to accomplish in eithe� chronologi- � cal order or ordsr of importar�ce, whichever is most appropriate 1or the ; issue. Do not write complete sentencss. Begin each item in your Hst witt► � a verb. � � RECOMMENDATIONS � Complete Ii the issue in questien has been presented belqre any body, puWic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? - indicate whkh Council objective(s) your prvjecUfequsat supporta by listing � the key wo►d(s) (HOUSIN{3, RECREATIp1�, NEICaH80AHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATiOt+tj. (SEE GOMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAI. MANUAL.) ' � PERSONAL S�RVICE CONTRACT3: This intormatfon will bs used to determine ths cityb qeWlity to► workers compensatlon claims, taxes and propsr dvU ssrvk� hi�i�p rulss. ; j INITIATIN(i PR08�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explaln tt�e sftuat�n or conditiona that crosted a nsed for yau project �_ or roquest. � � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is aimply an ennuel budgst procedure required by law/ charter or whethsr there are speciflc ways in which the Gity of Saint Paul >p and its cidzsns wiN bene6t from thia projscVac�on. � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED '' :� What �egative etleds or major cl�anges to existing or past processes might � this projecthequest produce if it k passed (e.g.. tratffc dslays, noise. � tax increases or assassments)? To WFwm? When4 Fa how long? k DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wil� be the negative conaequences ii !he promisec4 action is not epproved? Inability to deNver aervic�? Contlnued high traft�, �c(se, accideht rate7 Loss of re�ronue? FINANCIAL IMPACT � Atfhough you muat taila the infomiatlon you provide here to the issue you � are,addressiny, In geraeral you must answer two questions: How much is ft going to cost? Who is �oing to pay7 �; � �. qy �i �3�I Greensheet # 29516 L.I.E.P. EVIEW HE KLIST �ate: �/22/94 � g s/2/94 In Trackei? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 15826 Company Name: Peter P N u en DBA: Saigon Village Restaurant & Bakery Business Addresss: 501 University Avenue Business Phone: 224-5026 Contact Name/Address: Peter P N u en Home Phone: 645-7465 1276 Thomas Avenue Date to Council Research: � � � Public Hearing Date: � � 1 1 9 Labels Ordered: 362923230118 8/3/94 Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 07 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: O1 Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attomey � � � U � Environmental � � � Q l�_ � �-�- � '�`^�- `-' ` � � Health � � � 7�/3�93 a� C�/o Fire Q � �� e �- � �` � 1 ��{ � ���`�" License Site Plan Received: � 8 I c� `c1 �-k U� �.ease Rece��ed: �` Police .� �� �� $/3/�- Zonfng � � � O �- �e,L`1t�� � I I� � A�k --►�' . . csiY or .::�� ?.;u? , ;�I���so�a OttICE OF LIC��SE, ItiSP C::O�S �tiD E:�17I�Oti;:E:�TAL PROTECTi0�1 A?�'LIC,TIOV F0� ON ;L� Z?�TOXICATI:�G L?QliO� LICEtiSE Sli?��AY ON SALE Z�:^XICATI�G L?QL'�0� LICENSE Iti�CXiCAi '�G CLli3 L:QL'C� L7C=�S£ OFr' S:.L� Iti G=::C�?:�G LIQUO� LICENS£ OV SAL£ -_T �_�%-�.°.GE LZCLtiSE 0�1 ' � � uI�� LICE�SE .- Directions. ?HIS F0�.�1 !'."�ST �� fILLEJ ui `�IT:� TY?Li.:�iiL� 0� 3Y PRI\Ti�G IN I\:C BY TNE SOL3 Ot��=�, 3Y E?.C;i .:�tT'� �, �Y E:.C� �E�SGV 'wr.0 N�S Ii'T��=ST IN EXC�SS OF S� ::� T:,.. CC�?C�.=T:CV :_��/OR ,::�C7 :TIu�1 Iti r;i?CH i::.. N�.":� 0: �L� LIC��S WILL .,.. ISSL'�=�. - �-�S =L=C�� �0� I �'__'�CT �0 RE�'Ir'a 3Y T�s pL'�;L . M c,� �. .S' � ,oZ c°,.��' " cac:cn :or t a oi lice;:se) �'3 — 1 r7 li ( 'p > .� y � 2� T o���za �� c�LSi�=�s <<a_zss� � s� �. MN Si��=T. 'L-._�r �a- T}'pe �irection 3) 3usir.ess '�a-:e 1 � � COZ�OT2'�C:', ?er�i.ci5�1:?, O: 50�2 YTC7t?c� T5:�1� �i�_ TI t5L:51^£SS 15 I::CO:�-0ie�cd� �i'v2 c=t OI 1^COT ��� 5)' Doing 3usir.ess :.s S .� 3usiness ?hor.e = �-��:•_ �,zti�-z.� 6�_ :'�511 t0 .=.CGTc55 �?= C=IZcTcI'ii, i.i';d� ti J'_51+1255 cG�Tc55� � r $i�."�.:1: :�L`''b2r 1Ef.,@ � 1�'�2 171TECLlOi1 �, , ��_;,� � L J� ( 0 cicy sca�e zi? coda 7) Your :�a^e ar:d ii�'_e rVl .. _ � (: �:st) (`;iddle) (u _ac�) (L�sc) (i��j7�� 8) �:ore :.ccress �.2 � ri:or.e r �i`t'J'7�� ST�=�i. �c:.�er :�e, e Type �i:ecticZ S , ,� -�� � C:i.�' S �eL2 L? � COC:2 - 9) Date of 3ir�h � C Plsce of 3ir�h V I����+ ;;o�cn, Day, � Y r 1�� t�r@ �'OU 3 C1t1ZE71 O� i.}'i2 Li71i.2d S a�c5�'^` �_ �dL1V8 ��2tUT2 � If naturalized, ple�se subnit pro = cL naLUr�liz�tion or valid docL:�enta�ion oi resident al?en statLS. �(In �ccor �-ce with `�inr.•esota 5=atute 3�0.402A, \o On S�le or Off Sale Liquor Lice�sa ray be issu d co anyor.e uho is r.oc a United Sta�es citizen or resident alien.) � 11) H�rried? If �ns�er s"}'es", lisc na^e �nd �ddress of spouse. T G ,,,,,,,t, i t.,,,�; �� ,. �' , � , � . (� '1 c � i . � q� -i53�1 . . 12) Have you ever been convicted of an =_lor.y, crirr.e, or violation o= any city ord:nance - other =r�n tr�fiic? YES 0 �_ Date of �rrest � ? l.'here Charge Convictioz SenLencz • Date of arrest , 1? ��2T2 Charge c -, - -, Co;:victicZ ,:e�.�e,.ce _ •; ; "'-tro .:rea oi �ood ,;.oral 13) Lis� t^e ^a-:=s ar.d resice^c�s o� h:e� �erso�s u_ch_n tr,e ..= s CheTcCi.c:� i:0i. Tc�2�cd �0 �i:2 c�� 1Cc'= OI Ili:cP.C?211y 1::t2T25�ca 1:1 �}:�-' �IEi:+25c5 O� busir.ess, •.:ho ,.,ay be re�erred �o s_� �ne applicar.�'s cnarac�er. .�. _v: ."-.�D�:$$ ,.. � T ,+� 1d, or ior-erl held, or ra h�ve �n in�eres� i�. 14 is� lice::ses �:h'c, .}'eu currentl he y Y -v � -Q �. ,� 15� ;;eyg g;:y O� ��2 1?Cci,5c5 1?S�Ed l y �J'.: 1:1 :�0. l�i EVEr } Jc2i1 revcred? �'cS :�O J\ �-��-- If ans::er is "Jes", ?�s� the dat I s �::d reaso�s 16� �T2 }01 �0?i:� �O O�c:c�2 �f7?5 �JL' li.c55 �2rSOi.211y� rV�If +^.Oi.� �±:0 al�l OY2T2L2 li.� — '1 �T�_ ;:0:' nCC:c55 I'Oi:2 17� -.TZ )'O'1 �O:P.r'� LO }:�ti'Z '� :+�ci?ej2T IT eeei5�y�;� :7 i.}l1S ti JU51i:c55� �'l/� Ii �ns-e~ is "yes, giy= na,e, he:e accress, ar.d cate cf birth. \ a r e I F10 " C : d d r e s s ��, �(� )1 bl •��'��/J /�.✓ F �'• I Gt�-�- � �_�� _ �c�bb Fnone �j��i��� �=:2 oz 3ircn 18) Ir.cludir.g �•our presen� cusiress r,:plo;••rer.�, �.�h�t business/err�plo; hava you follo-ed for the pas� iive year ? BusinesslE:.��� ovr:ent A.ddress � ' � �S � � �J�� 6 � — 1��� s� SS �'� . . . . � q� � t53� 19) List all other officers of the co pc_ation. NAME TITLE (Office Y,eld) I-v'1E ADDRESS HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHOhE #`� 20) It business i�s partnership list p r�-.er(s), address, hona and business phor.e nurnber. Nane /� / ♦ =ccress � :?or,.e Pcone �usz^ess ?hcr.e *�cII12 e=.C.C=255 ::ome Pho�e � 3�si�ess Pho,^.e 21) Liquor �ill be ser�ed in the foll •w:-� areas (rooms) P•Qij�,�,,c,,,� �C �() �• • 22) 5etween •what cross streets is bu ir._ss located? �,{,Lti�,.��,(1�,'ri�� IV�I�f�.c, S ' t��ich s?de oi s�reet? 23) �?re pre:�ises no•a occupied? fi ��at type of busir.ess? �J�3� � :-?ou lor.g? � I��a.a� . D � ; ,t't, 24) Closest 3.2 Place , �` I' C;:�rch �d School ���1 25) Closest intoxica�ing liGuor plac . C� Sa1e Off Sale _� 26) �'ou will be required to obtain a Re.ail Liquor Desiers Tax Stamp. (See �ttached) A�'Y FALSIFICATI I N G= ?:'�5::��5 GIViV 0� '�!�TERIAL SliB`!ITTED :.ILL RE Li IV DE�?�L Or THIS :.PPLICATION I heraby state under oath that I have all o= t'r.e above questions, and thst the inforTation contained hereia is true r.d correcc �o zhe bzs� or ry k�oaledge ar.d belie=, I hereby sts�e fur�her u;,der oa�h tha I::��'e received r.o ;.:oney or other considera�ion, by way o= losn, gift, contribution, or o he:•.:�_s�, o�:-:er than �lre�dy disclosed in �he applicstion �hich I herewith subnitte . State of Minnesota) � � I ? County of Ra;,�sey ) �� / � ` L/ix z.� � ---- Subscribed ard sworn to before r.!e th' - '� Signature o Applican`� '� /��D / � a , 19 � !` l� Not y Public County,IM� ■ ,��' 11L[ M. MCCIELLAN Rev 5/92 ::�� NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA ��-' RAMSEY �OUNTY � MY COMMlSS�ON E%iIRES /ANt/ART 31, 20M � �