94-1526 � �' Council File # '7�" �J��O OR I G I N A L Green Sheet # 29395 ESOLUTION Cl`�Y F S T PAUL NNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application for the r newal of various Class III and Supporting Licenses (I.D. #19531-45891) by the following persons at the addresses stated per the attachment be and the same are hereby renewed. I i . , � I i Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs Abs t a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man un e B �, : 1 � Adopted by Council: Date � � y Adoption Certified by Council Secreta Form Approved by City Attorney sy: � a- �: �. �?-�z-9� , Approved by May r: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to �� '� `� ; Council BY= . By: � , 9�-�sac� 09-20-94 PAGE 1 GENERAL CLASS III RENEWS BUSINESS DBA/NAME .................. BUSINESS ADDRESS...I.. CLASS.III.IICENSE....................... LIC ID STAT RAN VIE1J POST #6210 698 STEWART AVE (O1) ON SALE MALT (3.2) 19531 AC DAYTONS PARKING RAMP ST PAUL 411 CEDAR ST (O1) PARKING LOT/RAMP 23629 AC MIDAS MUFFLER 1697 7TH ST W (01) GENERAL REPAIR GARAGE 27874 AC CARL S& MARY KAYE PEDRO 242 8TH ST E (01) PARKING LOT/RAMP 45891 AC 4 records listed. 4 values listed. � ' - - 1 T r ,V ���.�.: DEPA ENT/OFFICE/CWNCIL pqTE IN Ip7E0 1 v 2 9 3 9 S j LIEP/License A�ministration GREEN'`SH�E � CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � CITY COUNCiI ; Christine Rozek/266-9114 � �CITYATTORNEY aCITYCLERK ' MUST BE ON IL Ad ( j NlilllE FOR ❑ BUDCiET DIRECTOR � FIN. 6 MOT. SERViCE3 DIR. CONSENT AGENDA °�" ❑ AAAVOR ��'���""n ❑ TOTAL # OF 8KiNATURE PAQES (CUP A L LOCATIONS FOR 8lQNATtJRE) ACTION RECUESTED: . Renewal of various Class III and Suppor ing Licensea (see attached list) i (I.D. �19531-45891) , RECOMMENDATk�IS: Approve (A) a Rysct (R) RER ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NIU87` ANSWER TME FOt.�OWINO QltE8T10N8: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ GVIL 9ERVICE COMMI$810N 1. Mis psrBONfirm ever worlad unds� a�aCt for thls dipartmeM� � _ CIB COMMiTTEE _ YES NO � 2. this persOn/fi�m ever been a dty empl0yee? � _ STAFF — YES NO ` � _ DISTRICT COURr _ 3. diis peraoMirm poasess s skiH eot nam�NY P� bY •^Y �++� �Y s�� SUPPORT3 wH�H COUNCIL OB,IECnvE9 YES NO i Exp n a11 yes srtsw�n on a�r� �t �nd �u�ch te � ahs�t 4 . INITIATINO PROBLEM, 138UE. OPPORTUNIIY �Who. NrtM4 tMINn� WMre. WhY): + 1 . . - ' � � � . ! . Request for Council approval of the re wal of various Class III Licenses (eee attached � list).. All applications and fees have een submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved the applications. � � � ADVANTAOE8IF APPtiOVED: � � i � . � � � i � OISAOVANTACiES IF APPROVED: � � � � � i 1 , QCT a 7 1994 � � , ; DIBAOVANTN(�E6 IF NOT APPROVED: � i Any applicant not given Council approv 1 will be scheduled for a review before a i hearing officer. j � i '� � ; � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtQN = COST/REVENUE BUDtiETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES I� I i FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 1 i 1 t 4 � i � � f NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCUI�ED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL t � MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHOFtE NO. 298-4225). ' ROUTING ORDER: Below are corisect routlngs tor the tive most frequent types of documents: " E CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budgei ex{sts) COUNCIL fIESOLUTION (Amsnd BudpetslAccept. arants) � 1. Outaide Agency 1. Depertment Director 2. Department Dkectot 2. &�et Drcector 3. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attomey 4. Mayor (for contrecta over $15,000) 4. MayoNAssistant s 5. Human RlghEa (for cwnniracts over s50,000) 5. Ciry Ca��il � � 6. Fina�ce and Managsment Services Director 6. Chief Aa�mtant, Finenoe a�d AAanpement Servioes 7. Finance Accountlr►g �: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revisbn) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othen, and Ordinancesj ;# � 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Qirectot �" 2. Department Aceountant 2. Gy Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor AssfstaM � 4. Budget �irector 4. Gity Council ��. 5. City Clerk '�' 6. Chiei Accountant, Finance and Managemsnt Services �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ail others) i : t. Department Director ' ' 2. Ciy Attorney ' 3. Finance and Menageme�t Services Director 4. Cny Cle� � � TOTAL NUMBER OF SfGNATUflE PAGES .� Indicate ths #�of pages on which signatures ere required and pap�rclip or flap r qch of tMss pa�es. � � ACTION REOUESTED ' <: Osacribe what tiro projecUrequest seeks to acxomplish in either chronobgi- �` cal order or oMer o( importanos, whicherrer is rtwst ap{xoprtate for the � issue. Do not write comptete sentances. Begin each item in your list with " r a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS � Complete i( the issue in question has t�en presented betore any body, put�ic � w private. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE7 �' indicate whlch CounCli objective(a) Yair proJeCU�'equsst supporta by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIC�HBORHOODS, ECONOMIG DEVEtAPMENT, � BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST 1N INSfHUCTIONAL MANUAL.) i PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: � This information wiil be used to determine the city9s Nability tor workers compensetlon claims, taxea u�d propsr civtl s�rvice hirirp ruks. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY � Explain the situation or caiditions that created a need tor your project � or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED = Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ � charte� or whether there aro apecitiC ways in which the Ciy ot Saint Paul ; and its citizens wifl beneM from this project/actbn. � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ` What negative eNects or majw changes to existlng or past processes might � this p►oject/request produce if it is passed (e.g., t�atfic delays, noise, tax inueases or esseaaments)4 To Whom? When? For how long? � OiSADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED � What will be the negaUve conaequences ii the promised action is not � approved? InabiGry to dslhrer service? Contlnued high trstfic, nofse, f axident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT i Although you must taflor the information you provide here to the issue you � are addressi�g, in general you must answer two qwstlons: How much is R ,� going to cost4 Who is going to pay? � 1 i '�.., 1 ; i �