94-1525 • ' Council File # `7'-F� � 5 ORIGINaL � Green Sheet # 29392 RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application for the renewal of various On Sale Wine and Supporting Licenses (I.D. #15898-75 25) by the following persons at the addresses stated per the attachment be an the same are hereby renewed. � Requested by Department of: Yea Nays ent a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerin Environmental Protection arris �` e a man =__� � une By: � Adopted by Council: Date `� y Ado tion Certified Form Approved by City Attorney p by Council Secre ary By: a- -A �. By � �l — /�s ��/ : A Approved y Mayor: �� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ', �~���� 1 '� Council � s By: By: q����5 �; . . � DEPo1 IOF Il E INITIATED N� � 7��� LIEP/Licease Administration G�E�� �HEET "1 � . PHON � �EPARTMENT DRiE a CITY COUNC�� INITI^vywTE Christine Rozek/266 � F � � CITYATTORNEY � CITY CIERK MU8T BE COUNCIL ENDA (DA'i'E) � BUD�ET DIREGTOR � FMI. & M(�T. SERVICEB DIR. �oNS� AGE�A a �►Y�, ���„�, . a " TOTAL #E OF 8KiNATURE PAGIES (C ALL LOCA'filON8 F�1$KiNATURE) - ACTION REGUE3TED: . � Renewal of various On Sale Wine and S pporting Li�enses (see attached Iist) { (I.D. �`15898-75025) , � RECOMMEPID�►TIONS: Approw (Al a Ry�ct (R) RSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRAC'fs MUiT M�(8WER TME FOLLOWiNQ �UESTIONB: _ PLANNIN(i WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COAAMlSSION Hes this pereonRirm ever worfad und� a�fttaCt fo► this dspertrnsM? � _ Ge COMMITTEE _ YES NO I Hea this pe►sonlflrm ever be�n a dty smployes4 � _ S7AFF — YES NO _ o18TRICT COURT _ Doea this psrsonlfirm poesees e eki� not nortnaNY P�� aY �Y Curront c�ty smplayee? l SUPPORTS wF11CN COUNCIL t)B,IECTIVE9 YES NO f fn ell y�a �nswen on �raN shNt a�d Nheh to On�n �Mst � INITIATINO PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPARTUNT' (Wlro. MVh�. Whsn. NAwn. Why Request for Council approval of the re ewal of various 0n Sale Wine and Supporting License�s (see attached list). Phil Byrne and bert Kessler have reviewed the following On Sale � t'� Wine applications and have agreed th&t the Office of LI�P may now forward them to the { � Saint Paul City Council. The LIEP Off ce �ecommends approval. i E' r ; � �, ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � � 4�� �� � � t DISADVANTIU�ES IF APPROVED: � � � � �CT � 7 1994 D18ADVANTAOEB IF f� APPROVED: '-- --- i i If Council approval is not received, ap licant will be scheduled for a review before s } hearing officer. ` i � , � , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BIIOGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) j I t �� w . NOTE: COMPLET� �IRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED.iN THE GR6EN $HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIMCi OFFIGE (PFFONE' NO. 296-4225). � ROUTINti ORDER: 8slow are oor�ec! routings tor the 8ve trwst frequsnt types ot da�msnts: CONTRACTS (aasumes auihorized budget exfats) COUNCi� RESOLUTiON (Anrond BudpstsMcxept. Ciru�ts) �. 1. OutaWe AgenCy 1. Deparbnent Direcdor � 2. Depanment Direclor 2. Budpet DirecEOr 3. City Attomsy 3. Ciy Atbmey 4. Mayor (for �ntracts over i15:0�) 4. MayodAssisfant 5. Human Rights (iw contracts over 550,000) 5. Cily Council 6. Flaance and Manaqement Services Diroctor 6. Chiet Account�t, F��oe and Management Servioe: � 7. Financs AccounUng � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (B�st Revisio�) COUNCII RESOLUTION (ail others, snd Ordinancss) 1. Activiy Ma�ager t: Depertment Dlrec�r 2. Depertment Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Diroctor 3. Mayor Asaistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chfef Accountant, FMance and Manegement 3ervices ADMlNISTRATIVE OADERS (all others) 1. Department Director , 2. City Attorney 3. Ff�anee and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES Udicate the �of pe�ges on which aignatures are roquired and pap�retip or tlap uch o! thsse psQes. ACTION RE�UESTED i Describe what ths projed/request seeks to accomptiah in either chronologi- i' cal orde� or order o( importa�cs, whichsver fs most appropriate for ths issue. Do not write comptete seMencea. Begin each item in your tist with , a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete Ft the iasue in quesNon has been prossnted betore any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Councii objective{s) your pro�ecthequest supports by Osting the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOODS, ECOWOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Thia in(ormatlon will be used to detennine the ciiy§ IiaWliry for workers compensatfon daims, taxsa a�d propsr civll ssrvk:s hirinp n�les. INtTiATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, QRPORTUNITY Explain the situation a c�nditions that crosted a need for your project j or request. ADVANTACaES IF APPROVEO i Indicate whether this is simply en annuaf budget procedure requked by law/ ' charte� or whethe� there are specific wsya in which the Gly pf 3ai�t Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projsct/�. DfSADVANTAt3ES IF APPROVED ' � What negative eH�ects a major changes lo existing w past proceases might this projecUrequest produce if it is pessed (e.g., tra(tic delays, noise, tax increases or asaesements)7 To Whom? VYhen? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wiil be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabitity to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss ot rsvenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailoc ihe inionnation you provide here io the issue you are,addressMg, in general you must anawer two questions: How much is it going to cost7 Who is goinp to pay? _ . i � � � � ' � t . J � `" . . , �,�, � ;` q�--i5�5 09-14-94 LIST OF RENEMI NINE LICENSE PRINTED BUSINESS DBA/NAME .................. BUSINESS ADDRE S..... WINE.LICENSE............................ LIC ID STAT CARBONE'S PIZZA 680 TTH ST E (01) WINE ON SALE 15898 AC THE ITALIAN OVEN TNC 1786 MINNEHAHA AVE E (01) 1JINE ON SALE 75025 AC . t 09-14-94 LIST OF WINE CLASS-III SUPPORTING L CENSE - RENEWS ...... BUSINESS ADDRE BUSINESS DBA/NAME............ S..... SUPPORTING.CLASS.III.LICENSE............ LIC ID STAT CARBONE'S PIZZA 680 7TH ST E (01) ON SALE MALT (STRONG BEER) 15898 AC THE ITALIAN OVEN INC 1786 MINNEHAHA AVE E (01) ON SALE MALT (3.2) 75025 AC . . 09-14-94 LIST OF CLASS-I SUPPORTING LICENSE - RENE4IS 1 BUSINESS OBA/NAME .................. BUSINESS ADDRE S..... GENERAL.LICENSE.................... LIC ID STAT CARBONE'S PIZZA 680 7TH ST E�I (O1) RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SE 15898 AC ATS One record listed. One value listed. • i