94-1523 r � Council File # "�`t 0 R I G i N A L Green Sheet # 29398 RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT P L, INNESOTA I O Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Wine L' ense (I.D. #87720) currently held by M.R.S. Catering, Inc. dba Gran Cafe at 1659 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby renewed. Requested by Department of: Yea Nays ent a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man �^ �� un e • By: Adopted by Council: Date ,a � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre ry . � B . �'• -9 By: Approved �y Ma or: t Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council B y' I By: . a�- � "�� �, ��,�o N� � 9 3 �j a LIEP/License Admiaistration G� "�� �HE�� ` � � INI'PIAUDATE iNITIA � oe��er�r a� croa � cm cour�ew Christine Rozek/266-91i4 �����v �cnrc�nK MUST BE ON COUWCIL NE1A BY (DATE) � � BUD(iET DIRECTO � EMI. a MOT. SERVICES Diq. CONSENT ACENDA O "" A1fOR � "���""� 0 TOTAL # OF �IGiNATURE PAGE$ (CU AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SI4NATURE) , � ACTION REOUESTED: • t ` Renewal of an On Sale Wine License (I .#87720) � i ' i RECOM�TION8: Approw (A) w Ryea (R) pgpNAL S6RVICE CONTRACT� MUBT AN3W8R TFiE ROLWNIING CUES'flONS: � _ PLANN�NO COAMI�SSWN _ CML sfRVICE CoMMISSION t Has thia persoNfirm evsr worked undK a oolf�t fa thfa departmatt7 � _ CIB CAAAMITTEE _ YES NO ; Haa ihis pereonMirm svsr baen e dly smpbye�? ± ' — �'� �— YES NO � ! ��srn�r couRr _ �oas mis peroon�rm � a� na norma�M poaaseee ►y am a+�nt c�y em�+oy�s� f SUPPORTS WMKM1 t�UNCk OBJECTIVE9 YES NO ; phfn ell ya ansvwn on a�parat� sMN �nd N�aeh M�nN► �Awt , 1 3 [ IN�TIATMKj PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPmATUNITY (Mllw. VNhat. Whsn.11VINa. Why f M.R.S. Catering, Inc. dba Grand Cafe quests Council approval of the reaeval of the � On Sale Wine License at 1659 Grand Av ue. Phil Byrne aad Robert Kessler have reviewed tt�e application and have agreed that the EP Office may now forward it to the Saint Paul City� Council. The LIEP Office recommends proval. { � f � , �cv��es � �rPpoveo: � I I i � �� � j f ��� � � � � ,� DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: j : i �9 � t�0 � �e+�e�' ; �; OCT 4 7 1594 � ; � _. � DI8ADVANTAOES � NOT APPROVED: } t If Council approval is nat received, a plicant will be scheduled for a review before a � hearing officer. i E C 1 ► _ , , , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REYENUE sUDdETED (dRCLE OI�) rf8 NO f � ; � i FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANCIAL INFCNiMAT1pN: (EXPLAIN) � I i f NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE IFICLUDED iN THE QREEN SHEEtlNSTRUCTlONAL MANUAI. AVMIABIE tN THE PURCNASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. Z96-�225). ' FiOUTING ORDER: , _ Bslow ere carsCt routings fOr ths flve most iraqusnt types of doGUmants: CONTRACTS (esaumss authExized budgst exfsta) CaUNCtL RESOLI�ON (Art►e�d Budpets/Accept. Ci�ents) L Outside A�ency 1. Department Direc�or . 2. Depa�tmsnt Director 2. Budpet Director 3. Clty Attomey 3. Ciry At�mey 4. Mayor (for contracts over 545,000) 4. MayoriAssistant 5. Human Rights (tor contracEa over E50,000) 5. Cily Council 8. Finance and Management Servicea Diroctor 6. Chiet Accou�tau�t, Fin�ce and Mar►apement Servioes i. FinanGS Acc:ouniing AOMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (aN others, end Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Dapahment Director 2. Department Accourttant 2. Ciht Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Aasistant 4. Budget Directo� 4. Gly Coun�il 5. City Clerk 6. Chiet Accountartt, FMance and Management Services ADMiNISTRATiVE ORDERS {all others) 1. Depariment Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Menagement Ssrvices Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF StGNATUflE PAQES Indicate the #�of pages on which si�atures are required and papa�cllp or fl�y sach of thsse paqss. ACTION REQUESTED Desc�ibe what the project/request seeks to accompiish in either chronologi- cal oMer or order of importance, whichsver is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complate ssntences. Begin each item in you� list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete i( the issue in questbn has been presented betore arry body, public or p�ivate. .SUPPOR7S WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? indicate which CouncN objectiue(s) your projecVrequeat supporta by Ustfng � the key word(s) (HOUSINCi, RECREATION, NEIGHBOPHOODS, ECONOMIG OEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARA710N). (SEE COMPLFTE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL) t PERSONAI SERVICE C�ITflACTS: This iniormation witl be uaed to determine the dty'a Ifability for workers compsnsedon claima, taxes and proper civN s�rvk�e htrinp ►ules. INITIATIWt3 PROBLEM, IS$UE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or conditbns that created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED indicate whether this is simply an annuai budgM procedure required by iaw/ charter a whether thero ere specftic wsys ki which the Cfy of Saint Peul and its citizens will benstit trom this projecf/actlon. OISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What negative eHects or ma�or ohanges to exisdng or past processes migfit this projecvrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., trattic delays, naae, tax increasee or assessments)? To Whom? Whsn1 For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wiit be the negaGve conaequences if the prom}sed action is not approved? inability to deliver service4 C�Unued high treHic, noise, ` accident rate? Loas of revenue? " ' FINANCIAL IMPACT Aithough you must taitor the informadon you provide here to the issue you are,addressing, in general you must answe� Mro questbna: How much is it going to cost? Who fs going to pay?