94-1517 To Legislative Hearing Officer - 10-4-94 � Laid Over by Council on 9-14-94 to 10-12 94 0 R I G I N A :� - �m2,�� e ..����a�q� City of St. Paul C ILE " RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSE MENT � By ile No. J94 AAA Voting Assessment No: 9616 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefi , cost and expenses for 2 J9409AAA (9616) Summary batement (Property Clean—Up) from Apr 1 thru June 1994. At the f llowing location: 220 Winona St E. le ally described as Auditor's Subdivis on No. 22 St. Paul, NIN Lots9 and Lot 0. Preliminary Order -- approve�l '— FinalOrder -- approve� -- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and ha ng beerr considered finally satisfactory, therefore, by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment b and the same is hereby in all respects rati[ied. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said asse sment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in one }�) equal installments. as p Section 64.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ��-����`�q L � Yeas � Nays ✓B , ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary '� u}�'� ln � In avor By a- • I/H� ris � r/M gard d Ag 'nst tman Mayor hune � 10:23:25 09-16-94 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING LIST FOR PROJECT J9409AAA ASSMT # 9616 MANAGER CR PAGE 1 � OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE FACTOR UNITS FACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID -------- ------------ --------------------------------------------- JEROME J LARDANI JUOITH AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION SUMMARY ABATE. 1.000 136.5000 $136.50 08-28-22-34-0177 � LARDANI N0. 22 ST. PAUL, MINN. SERVICE CHARGE 15.000 1.0000 $15.00 00189 GEORGE ST W LOTS 9 AND LOT 10 RECHECK COM SER 25.000 1.0000 525.00 e �� �� ST PAUL MN 551072772 ** PIEASE NOTE: ______________ �� �-� *00220 WINONA ST E U.0.12029 $176.50 �� �� *PENDING AS OF: 06-10-94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N�;�---------------- TOTAL SUMMARY ABATE. 5136.50 `���' TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE $15.00 TOTAL RECHECK COM SER $25.00 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- PROJECT TOTAL 5176.50 1 PARCELS 0 EXEMPT PARCELS To Legislative Hearing Officer - 10-4-94 �.. �`.�a Laid Over by Council on 9-14-94 to 10--12 94 '~��, City of St. Paul �"� ILE � rr �.' �' Of�ce of The Director of Fina ce � ~' ; � ,; BY REPORT OF COMPLETION OF SSESSMENT � �ile No. 4 Votin � g Assessment No. 9616 Ward I the matter of the assessment of benefit , cost and expenses for 2 J9409AAA (9616) Sum�ary ate�ent (Prvperty C2ean—Up) f ro� Apr 1 ttn �u Jnne i 994. At the f lloving location: 220 i�fiaons St L. Ie allq described a� Auditor Subdivie on No. 22 St. Paul, MN Lots9 and Lot 0. Preliminary Order ""' approve�l Final Order � approve� " To the Council of the City of St. PauL• The Director of Finance hereby reports to e Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making f the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 136. 50 Engineering and Inspection ............. ................................ $ Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ P ..8echack.Chazg .-..Community.Sesvices........ $ �5 nn Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .@ . 1 �.. 00 , , . . , . _ . . . , . . $ 15 . 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 176. 50 ChargeTo ........................... ................................ $ ................................... ............................... $ ..... ......... .................. ................................ $ ................................... ............................... $ ............... .................. ............................... $ N et Assessment ...................... .,....,....... $ 176.50 Said Director further reports that he has as ssed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ upon each and ery lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel f land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto at ched, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessrnent as completed by 'm, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated Director of Finance fio T,egislative Hearing Officer - Octobe 4, 1994 /7 ���� Public flearing bate - October 12, 1994 RE 9-20-14 C7N Finance De artment/Real Estate � 9 16-94 � REEN SHEE _N � -3 � 3 � 2 � � 8 O DEPARTMENT DNtEC70R mA �� � CITY COUNCIL �����' Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � � CITYATTORNEY � CITYCI.ERK IL AOENDA (DATE) � � R � � BUDOET D�RECTOR . FlN. A MtaT. SERVICE8 DIR. no �on�darc D O i�� �,,�avoRtoRnssisr,�m � Council Researc TOTAL � OF SItiNATURE PAQiES 1 (CLIP L LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATURE� � ACTION REGUE8TE0: ! At Council's request on 9-14-94 propert located at 220 Winona St E. for Summary Abatement � ' (Property Clean-Up ) was laid over for urther discussion. `` File No. J9409AAA Assm't �To. 9616 REWMMENOATION8: App�ow (A) a Flyect (R) pE NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEl1 THE FOL�OWINO QUE�ONS; ' , _ PUWNIN(i COMMIBSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. es thia psrsoNfirm evsr worked under a CorNrect tor 1Ms dapubnsnt? � � _ � � YES NO � STAFF ,� Public Health 2 ' � p°�0"�rm ever been e dty emp�oyee,� YES NO _ D18TRICT COURT _ 3. this personlfirm poesess a ekNl not normaNY v�e� M�►v a� �r e�w�? � ��T �� �� ���? Ward 2 YES NO i • Fa� ain all yss answen on s�p�nb �hNt �1 �ch to prwn sM�t ' , Neighborhoods � � a�mnnNC� �w. �ssue. o�oRTUNrr,r cwi,c. w�ae. an,.�, wi,.re, wnrr• ! "See Oringinal Green Sheet �32004" ' � r i 1 ADVANUlOE81F APPRONED: COW1Ci�; F�'Cfi �' ; SEP 19 1994 : , r � . __ ___------_.r.._��_,..� � � DISAONANTAOE8IF IIPPRONED: ; � � i � 1 i t DISADVANTIU�ES IF PIO� APPROHED: j i � i � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 1 � 6. SO COST/REVENUL BUDdETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIliO SOURCE �Sessments �ill ACTIVITY NUMBER ; FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) 1 property owner as notified of the public hearing and charges. j � � � , . ; i NOTE: COMPLETE OIAECTIONS ARE iNCL�1DEb IN THE QR��i�f SHEET IASTRUCTIONAL � MANUAL AVA{tABLf fN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFIC�.(PFIONE NO. 2�8�25}. .,' ' � ROUTING ORDER: � ; � Bsiow ere correc! routin�s for the five most troquent ypes o� docun�eMs:� � � CON7RACTS (aasumss authorized budgst mxisis) GOUNCIL RESOLUTION (AmerM Budpsta/Aix.ept., Qnnts) � j .` 1. Outside Agency . 1. Deperdnent Directar � 2. Department Director 2. Budget Director 3. City llttorney 3. City Attomey " 4. Meyor (tor cont�eCts over E15.00Q) 4. Mayor/Asaistant G 5. Human Rights (tar contr�ts over t50,000) 5. City Counail 8. Flna�e and Msnagement Servic�es Diroctor 6. Chie( Accountant, �inanoe and _Manapement Servloas ! 7. Flnarfc:e Accoundnp . . ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpet Hevision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ell oN�s►s, u�d Ondinenos�) 1. Activiry Manager 1. Depertmsnt Director � � 2. Departmsnt Mxountant 2. City Attornsy 3. Deparim�nt Dkoctor 3. Mayo� Assistant � 4. Budget Oirector 4. Ci#y Council S. City Clerk 8. Chief Accountant, FMance and Managemsnt Services i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN others) 1. Oepartment Dkector 2. Cily Attorney 3. Flnance and Managemsnt Servk�s Director 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SILaNATURE PA(3ES Ind�ate the #�oi peges on which signaturos are roquired and pap�rcNp or Nap sach of thes� pa��s. ACTION RE�UESTED ' Dsscribe what the Pro�sct/reQuest seeks to acxomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or oMer of importancs, wl�hever is most appropriate for ths issue. Do not write complete ssntences. Be�in each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete it the lasue in question has bsen presented betore any body, pubiic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� Ind�ata which Council objective(s)you r pro�ect/requsst supports by IiatinQ the key w�d(s) (HOU31Nd, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE +COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Thia information will be used to determine the city'a liebitity tor workera compsnsatbn ciaims, taxes and propsr c�vN s�rvlcs hirinp rulsa. INITIATINd PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY Explain the situation or oonditions thet croated a rroed lor your project or requsst. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an an�ual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whsther there are speci8c ways in which the City of Saint Paul snd its citi:ens will benefit 1rom thia project/acdon. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative effecta or major changes W exiating or past processes might this project/request produce it k is passed (e.g., traHic delays, noise, : tax incrsases or asssssmeMa)? To Whom? When? For how long? DfSADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What wii{ be the negetive �nssquences it the promised actbn is not approved? Inability to deiiver service? Condnued high traNic, noise, accident �ateT Loss of revenue? . FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the inionriatbn you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questbns: How much is It • goiiig to cost� Who is going to pay? q� - isr�1 . LEGIS I TIVE HEARINGS ctober 4, 1994 Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer l. Resolution ratifying assessment of enefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements for the following: * Property Clean-Up for Mid une to August, 1994 (J9410A) * Property Clean-Up in th I Thomas/Dale area from March to June, 1994, (J9410C) * Demolition of Vacant Buil 'ngs for July, 1994 (J9410C) * To Collect Expenses Invol d for Towing Abandoned Vehicles from Properties from April to June, 1994 (J 410V) Legislative Hearing Officer re I ommends approval with the following exceptions: 682 Fuller, reduce the assess nt by $44 to $995 and spread the payments over ten �� years (J9410A) 1126 Margaret Street, reduce ssessment to $111 (J9410A) 862 Galtier, payments to be s read out over ten years (J9410A) 1669 Van Buren, payments to e spread out over two years (J9410A) 1'he following are to be delete : 1249 Bush Avenue, Vacant 1 t Otto & Stewart, 1946 Cottage Avenue East, 846 Charles, 1029 Sherburne Ave ue, 401 Van Buren Avenue (J9410� 2. R�solution ratifying assessment o benefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements for the following: �I * Property Clean-Up at 220 inona St. E. (J9409AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer r commends reducing the assessment to $80 3. Resolution ordering the owner t remove or repair the referenced building, located at 560 Burgess Street. If the owner ails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. On September 28 Council ap I roved a 180 day extension Hearing before Legislative Hearing 0 ficer - September 6, 1994 n' � Public Hearin Date - Se tember 14, 994 RE 7-8-94 `7`�`''��� DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE I ITIATED N� 3 2 0 0 4 Finance Department/Real Estate 7 6-94 G R E E N S H E E _. _ CONTACT PERSON d PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCII Roxanna Flink 266-8859 ASSIG � CITYATTORNEY � CITYCLERK '�UST 8E ON COUNCIL AGE D BY (DATE) - _ NUMB R FOR F POUTI G � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. llS� bE 111 Council Researc _0 }fi e ORDE MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n C01111C11 Research _�o ater than noon Monda ltt-3�+ � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: J9 9608; J9409C, 9610; i J9409TDBC, 9609 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abateme ts (Property Clean-Up) from April thru June 1994, Demolition of vacant bldgs. for June an July 1994, Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up) in the Thomas/Dale Area from March to J ne 1994 RECOMMENDAT�ONS: Approve (A) or Fieject (R) pE SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS Mt1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• as this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department7 _ CIB COMMIT7EE _ YES NO A A Pub1iC Health 2 • I 8s this person/firm ever been a city emptoyee? _ STAFF YES NO _ DiSTRtCTCOUR7 A Vacant Bld�s_ 3. oes this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employee9 SUPPORTS WHiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Ward 2 YES NO Neighborhoods Ex ain sli yes enswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINC3 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why); Property owners or renters create a hea th hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not k pt up. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �st recovery programs to recover expen es for Demolitions of vacant buildings, Summary Abatements• This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household tems such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includ s the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and cross walks. DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: If Council does not approve these charg s, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year.and collected with the property taxes if not paid. DISAOVANTAGES tF NOT APPROVED: • A'eighborhoods would be left to deterior te and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their propert , especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. JTAL AMOUMT OF TRANSACTION S 74 530 �6 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE Assessments OTII ACTiViTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 123 property owners will be notif'ed of the public hearing and charges. - - . ,��,��� �� ���i 1 ��t/�D��SO/� tnterdepartmental Mem randum CITY OF SAINT PAUL � To: Gerry Strathman I Council Research ffice 310 City Hall �� From: Roxanna Flink�� Assessments Super isor 140 City Hall Date: September 16, 199 Re: Laid Over SummarylAbatement File J9409AAA — S mmary Abatement (Property Clean—Up) from April thru J ne 1994. Attached is a copy of the ab ve Assessment File referred by Council to the Legislative Hearing n September 14, 1994. We understand the Legislati e Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 1994 at 10:00 A. . If you have any questions, lease call me at 266-8859. RF:kt Attach. Councii Research Center cc: Maynard Vinge SEP 19 1994 �. _ _. __ -- - ._. . { � � . g� --i si� Interciepartmental Mem randum CITY OF SAINT PAUL � To: Maynard Vinge Division of Publi Health 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul, MN 55 O1 From: Roxanna Flink��j Assessment Superv sor 140 City Hall Date: September 16, 199 Re: Laid Over Summary Abatement File J9409AAA — S mmary Abatement (Property Clean—Up) from April thru J ne 1994. Attached is a copy of the ab ve Assessment File referred by Council to the Legislative Hearing n September 14, 1994. We understand the Legislati e Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 1994 at 10:00 A. . If you have any questions, lease call me at 266-8859. RF:kt Attach. cc: Gerry Strathman , To Legislative Hearing Officer - Octobe 4, 1994 n�- w� � �ublic Hearing Date - October 12, 1994 RE 9-20-94 ` ���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE 1 ITIATED N� 3 4 312 Finance Department/Real Estate 9 16-94 G R E E N S H E E __. __ C O N T A C T P E F S O N & P H O N E � DEPARTMENT DIRECTORNITIAUDATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE Roxanna Flink 266-8859 ASSIG �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMB R FOFi MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) 10 ROUTI G a BUDGET D�RECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. 110 S �S �er i �hanunoon �OIl l�E ORDE � MAYOR (ORASSISTAN'n � Council Research 1 — 4 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: At Council's request on 9-14-94 propert located at 220 Winona St E, for Summary Abatement (Property Clean-Up ) was laid over for urther discussion. File No. J9409AAA Assm't No. 9616 RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) PE SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC+ �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• as this person/firm ever worked under e contraCt for thiS department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO � S7AFF � Public Health 2• as this person/tirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTRiCT COURT _ � 3. oes this person/tirm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Ward 2 YES NO • Ex aln all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to yrsen sheet Neighborhoods INITIATINCi PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why): "See Oringinal Green Sheet ��32004"' - ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: - TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 � 6. SO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Assessments OIIZ ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL�NFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) 1 property owner w s notified of the public hearing and charges. . Hearing before Legislative Hearing ficer - September 6, 1994 �� y ,� �� Pub�ic Hearin Date - Se tember 14 994 RE 7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGII DATE ITIATED N� 3 2 0 0 4 Finance Department/Real Estate 7 6-94 G R E E N S H E E _. _ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCIL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 assi �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMB H FOR '"U5T BE ON COUNCIL AGE D 8Y (OATE) — — ROUT G � BUDGET D�RECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. llS be 111 Council Researc � f� 2 ORDE MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) Council Research _�o �ater than noon Monda -18-��+ ❑ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREOUESTED: J9 9608; J9409C, 9610; J9409TDBC, 9609 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abateme ts (Property Clean-Up) from April thru June 1994, Demolition of vacant bldgs. for June an July 1994, Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up) in the Thomas/Dale Area from March to J ne 1994. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PE SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMtSSION �• as this person/firm ever worked under a contraci for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF A Public Health 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ DiSTRiCTCOUR7 A Vacant Bld • 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET Ward 2 YES NO Neighborhoods Ex Isin all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, tSSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a hea th hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not k pt up. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �st recovery programs to recover expen es for Demolitions of vacant buildings, Summary Abatements• This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household tems such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includ s the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and cross ti�alks. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: If Council does not approve these charg s, General Fund would be required to pay the assessaent. Assessments payable over 1 year.and collected with the property taxes if not paid. DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED: - I�Teighborhoods would be left to deterior te and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their propert , especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. JTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 74 530 �6 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE Assessments �ril ACTIVITY NUMBER F�NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 123 property owners will be notif ed of the public hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Officer — 10-4-94 ���� Laid Over by Council on 9-14-94 to 10-12 94 City of St. Paul COUNGIL FILE NO. RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSE SMENT By File No. J9409AAA Voting Assessment No: 9616 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefi , cost and expenses for 2 J9409AAA (9616) Summary batement (Property Clean—Up) from Apr T thru June 1994. At the f llowing location: 220 Winona St E. le ally described as Auditor's Subdivis on No. 22 St. Paul, MN Lots9 and Lot 0. Preliminary Order -- approve�' —' FinalOrder approve� -- _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and ha ng been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment b and the same is hereby in all respects ratiiied. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said asse sment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in one l 1) equal installments. as pe Section 64.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Blakey Certified Passed by Council Secretary Grimm Guerin In avor By Harris Megard Ag nst Re t tman M ayor Thune � To Legislative Eeari.^.g Officer - 10-4-44 �i,/,�,IC-j� ' `�`f" V r / Laid OJer by Council on 9-14-94 to 1�1-12 94 City of St. Paul '� COUNCIL FILE N0. Office of The Director of Fina ce B REPORT OF COMPLETION OF SSESSMENT File No. J9409AAA Voting Assessment No. 5616 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefit , cost and expenses for 2 39469AAA (9616) Sumr�ary batemer.t (Prapertq Ciean—Up) fron Apr 1 th�ru June 1994. At the f llowing Zocation: 220 Winona St E. Ie ally described zs Auditor`s Subdivis on i�o. 22 St. Paul, :��h1 Lots9 ar.d Zot 0. Preliminary Order `— approve�l 'y FinalOrder ` approve� `— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports to I the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 136. 50 Engineering and Inspection ............ ................................. $ Valuation and Assessment Services . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . $ P ..Rechack.Char e.-..Community.Sarvices....... $ �5_nn Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .@ . � 5.• OQ , , , , . . . , , _ . . . $ 15 . 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 176. 50 Charge .......................... ................................. $ .................................. ................................ $ ..... ............................. ................................. $ .................................. ................................ $ ............... ................. ................................ $ Net Assessment .................... ................................ $ 176.50 Said Director further reports that he has a sessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of ]and deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parce of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto a tacl identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated Director of Finance � CIlY Or' SAI\'T PAL� DE?P3T:i\T Or' FIN?\CE A\� ;i�?IAGc�.i;�i SL�VICLS / ��r. rs�a�L Divis:cy a�t.a./ Cti� m�.l.V�� �2..� �',� " � ✓�. � 1 . � '�� ✓� Q/ �� • rile No.�.J •� �ssessnect ?�o. �p I � � City Cou^cil Distr3ct :�o. � D±strict Planniag Cccae*_1 ro. �roject Prepz:e3 3y 0 ECTIII;L R4inS: � vie:ed 19 Grzce � Pa:e -$ Per zssessable it. -=eli=i�ary G:cer ?�o. d?proved 19 5anitzry Se:er -$ _?er ?ssessable Pt. ?eariag :�ot?ces '.�siled 13_ � Wzter ?�a?a - $ ?er �sessable Ft. ?::31ic �ork Cc-=ittee :!eeting 19 L.O, to 19 =��� $ -$ Per Sqtz.-e Ft.-�es. 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JEROME J LARDANI JUDITH AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION SUMMARY ABATE. 1.000 136.5000 $136.50 08-28-22-34-0177 LARDANI N0. 22 ST. PAUL, MINN. SERVICE CHARGE 15.000 1.0000 515.00 00189 GEORGE ST W LOTS 9 AND LOT 10 RECHECK COM SER 25.000 1.0000 525.00 ST PAUL MN 551072772 ** PLEASE NOTE: ______________ *00220 WINONA ST E W.0.12029 5176.50 *PENDING AS OF: 06-10-94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SUMMARY ABATE. 5136.50 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE $15.00 TOTAL RECNECK COM SER $25.00 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- PROJECT TOTAL $176.50 1 PARCELS 0 EXEMPT PARCELS .�